Obama Troubled Over Execution!!

Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

Yeah...who should be worried about a botched execution.

We need to stop calling it "a botched execution".
The guys dead right?
I'd say the only one who botched an execution was the dip shit they just killed.
What'd he do,run out of bullets and he was to lazy to strangle the poor girl before he buried her?
Excellent point. I can nary imagine a more torturous death than to be buried alive.
The population of the US is 72.5 percent white. And most everything is directed to please you, yet you get pushed out of shape if the President mentions minority issues. You are so disgusting.

Obama is an ethnic joke
That idiot occupying the White House probably can't be bothered to check into what this killer actually did. No, all that idiot Obama knows is that it's a hot button issue and he's going to push it.

This killer kidnapped a 19 year old, forced her friend to dig her grave, shot the 19 year old twice and the buried her alive. This guy doesn't deserve to live and is lucky I'm not the one meting out punishment. He's such a lie life scumbag I place him lower than Obama.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

everyone should be "troubled" by torturing someone to death.

now tell us again how much more moral you are than people on the left.

Who was tortured?
I mean besides the victim of the scumbag?
The population of the US is 72.5 percent white. And most everything is directed to please you, yet you get pushed out of shape if the President mentions minority issues. You are so disgusting.

Where did you get that stat from? ThinkProgress?

We get tired of this guy claiming to be non-racial just to get elected, claiming not to be a socialist just to get elected, making all sorts of false claims designed to endear him with a voter base that only cares about what color of skin you have.

Obama had a brainfart and rushed to judgement once again simply because these two murderers where black. For all he knows they were put to death by a black man. He assumes that the people running death row are all white.

That's racism.

The truth is liberals have taken over the companies that used to provide the best drugs available needed to do these executions and now they're having to experiment using less than ideal chemicals.

You can put a cat or a dog down in seconds but you can't do it to a murderer. There is something wrong with liberals that think this is right. There's something wrong with liberals that think that causing a murderer, a total oxygen waster, is more important than some unborn baby you are about to federally fund sucking the brains out of.

Good post.

In any event ... the heartless, bloodthirsty, rapist/murderer STILL got a more humane death than his helpless victim.
The president has a problem with opening his mouth and inserting his foot.. But he is not the only president to do so...Let the bombing of Russia begin..all presidents are still human and err, to forgive is divine...

Now if you can only get your friends to notice and get them to stop defending him NO MATTER WHAT. Hell ... they'd probably defend him if HE was the murderer. They seem to think he's some sort of a god. It's asinine.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.
Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

everyone should be "troubled" by torturing someone to death.

now tell us again how much more moral you are than people on the left.

A) The young lady did nothing to deserve her punishment.
B) The animal put to the death for the sadistic crime DID deserve his punishment.

Is that moral enough for you?
The population of the US is 72.5 percent white. And most everything is directed to please you, yet you get pushed out of shape if the President mentions minority issues. You are so disgusting.

Where did you get that stat from? ThinkProgress?

We get tired of this guy claiming to be non-racial just to get elected, claiming not to be a socialist just to get elected, making all sorts of false claims designed to endear him with a voter base that only cares about what color of skin you have.

Obama had a brainfart and rushed to judgement once again simply because these two murderers where black. For all he knows they were put to death by a black man. He assumes that the people running death row are all white.

That's racism.

The truth is liberals have taken over the companies that used to provide the best drugs available needed to do these executions and now they're having to experiment using less than ideal chemicals.

You can put a cat or a dog down in seconds but you can't do it to a murderer. There is something wrong with liberals that think this is right. There's something wrong with liberals that think that causing a murderer, a total oxygen waster, is more important than some unborn baby you are about to federally fund sucking the brains out of.

I was thinking along the same lines. They can put you out for surgery,and if you died on the table it's not like you'd know about it.
Gas em and smack em in the dome with a sledge hammer....done.
Can the Libs claim a wrongful death suit here...
File a malpractice lawsuit...

Bad shit happened to a really despicable piece of shit...
No pity.
Then you got lefties excited that Don Sterling has cancer and will die a painful death.

Then you got this guy who has raped, tortured and killed a girl and are upset that he was in pain for 15 minutes.

Not sure of the logic.
This is the same President who has had US citizens summarily executed without trial, right? His hypocrisy knows no bounds.
This is the same President who has had US citizens summarily executed without trial, right? His hypocrisy knows no bounds.

US citizens don't get any US trial overseas unless they are our own US Military.

US rights do not pertain on foreign soil. You have to be actually at a US Embassy or US Consulate to exercise US rights.

Cannot believe you are still weeping for that POS Anwar al-Awlaki.

Regards from Rosie
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

Bozo the Prez screaming "racism"? What else is new.

$100 says he'll have Holder "looking into this issue" next week.
That idiot occupying the White House probably can't be bothered to check into what this killer actually did. No, all that idiot Obama knows is that it's a hot button issue and he's going to push it.

Checking out what the guy did would mean Bozo the Prez would have to do actual work. And we know by now that "Obama" and "work" don't go together.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.
Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news
The convicted killer being executed was black? Obama is starting to be Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton combined on his best day. :eusa_hand:

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