Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

Why do you ask? Are you gay? Don't worry. It doesn't matter to me.

But to answer your question, no! I live in Denver. But if I ever traveled to Kansas, it would be to go to KC to watch the Red Sox play. But I suppose I might be convinced to take a detour to Topeka to protest WBC if there was something going on around that time. I suppose you're probably the guy to keep the forum apprised of that.

Tell the muslims to leave Israel alone and live in peace.

Tell Israel to:

1. stop seizing private property,
2. stop bulldozing Palestinian residences,
3. stop building new settlements on disputed territory that everyone knows would eventually be part of a settlement agreement,
4. stop using Palestinian youths for target practice,
5. stop using isolated violence as a pretext for massive military assaults over a wide area with American weapons that Israel is only supposed to use for defensive purposesy.
6. start getting serious about signing a peace treaty, thereby proving many of the radicals wrong who say Israel will never agree to a Palestinian state so they can govern themselves.

Bull. Israel gave the pals Gaza and what happened? It's now a lunch pad for rockets. Save your propaganda for the naive college kids.
Tell the muslims to leave Israel alone and live in peace.

Tell Israel to:

1. stop seizing private property,
2. stop bulldozing Palestinian residences,
3. stop building new settlements on disputed territory that everyone knows would eventually be part of a settlement agreement,
4. stop using Palestinian youths for target practice,
5. stop using isolated violence as a pretext for massive military assaults over a wide area with American weapons that Israel is only supposed to use for defensive purposesy.
6. start getting serious about signing a peace treaty, thereby proving many of the radicals wrong who say Israel will never agree to a Palestinian state so they can govern themselves.

Bull. Israel gave the pals Gaza and what happened? It's now a lunch pad for rockets. Save your propaganda for the naive college kids.
Who gave Gaza to the Jews?

"At the outset of the 1948 war, the population of the Gaza region was approximately 60,000 to 80,000. By the end of the hostilities, at least 200,000 refugees had flooded what would become the Gaza Strip, whose rectangular shape roughly corresponded to (but was smaller by at least a third than) the area of the Gaza District during the mandate period.

"Israel built 17 settlements in
Gaza from 1970 to 2000 [Getty]

"The majority of the refugees came from the almost wholesale eviction or evacuation of Palestinian towns and villages from Jaffa southwards to Gaza City and the surrounding villages to the north and east that were depopulated during the war.

"These refugees were housed in the ensuing years in eight camps throughout the region, many of which were former British military bases. By 2000, the last year of the Oslo peace process, the number of refugees and their descendants had swollen to well over 400,000."

Tracing Gaza's chaos to 1948 - Arab Unity - Al Jazeera English
Tell the muslims to leave Israel alone and live in peace.

Tell Israel to:

1. stop seizing private property,
2. stop bulldozing Palestinian residences,
3. stop building new settlements on disputed territory that everyone knows would eventually be part of a settlement agreement,
4. stop using Palestinian youths for target practice,
5. stop using isolated violence as a pretext for massive military assaults over a wide area with American weapons that Israel is only supposed to use for defensive purposesy.
6. start getting serious about signing a peace treaty, thereby proving many of the radicals wrong who say Israel will never agree to a Palestinian state so they can govern themselves.

Bull. Israel gave the pals Gaza and what happened? It's now a lunch pad for rockets. Save your propaganda for the naive college kids.

That's kind of my position. You don't see Native Americans shooting rocks out of their reservations, which is why we don't have a low level civil war going on for decades on end.

If the Palestinians had accepted Gaza, and lived peaceably, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead they started firing rockets into Israel, and then whining when they get shot back at.

Good grief, if the Indians had been doing that to us, we would have wiped them out a long time ago, instead of having them live like kings running casinos, and selling smokes for cheap. (not implying all Indians live like kings, but if you've been to their casinos, you know some are).
Tell Israel to:

1. stop seizing private property,
2. stop bulldozing Palestinian residences,
3. stop building new settlements on disputed territory that everyone knows would eventually be part of a settlement agreement,
4. stop using Palestinian youths for target practice,
5. stop using isolated violence as a pretext for massive military assaults over a wide area with American weapons that Israel is only supposed to use for defensive purposesy.
6. start getting serious about signing a peace treaty, thereby proving many of the radicals wrong who say Israel will never agree to a Palestinian state so they can govern themselves.

Bull. Israel gave the pals Gaza and what happened? It's now a lunch pad for rockets. Save your propaganda for the naive college kids.
Who gave Gaza to the Jews?

"At the outset of the 1948 war, the population of the Gaza region was approximately 60,000 to 80,000. By the end of the hostilities, at least 200,000 refugees had flooded what would become the Gaza Strip, whose rectangular shape roughly corresponded to (but was smaller by at least a third than) the area of the Gaza District during the mandate period.

"Israel built 17 settlements in
Gaza from 1970 to 2000 [Getty]

"The majority of the refugees came from the almost wholesale eviction or evacuation of Palestinian towns and villages from Jaffa southwards to Gaza City and the surrounding villages to the north and east that were depopulated during the war.

"These refugees were housed in the ensuing years in eight camps throughout the region, many of which were former British military bases. By 2000, the last year of the Oslo peace process, the number of refugees and their descendants had swollen to well over 400,000."

Tracing Gaza's chaos to 1948 - Arab Unity - Al Jazeera English

I'm not sure Aljazeera is an unbiased source of information.

That said.... I find it often true, that when people say "Israel built 17 settlements", what they really mean is Israel recognized 17 settlements.

Last time I heard 'Israel built these 5 settlements', I went and looked up each settlement only to find they had existed long before Israel was even a nation.

The problem with the ignorance of Americas is, no one seems to grasp that Jews have been in the land known as Palestine, since before the Romans. They have ALWAYS been in Palestine. ALWAYS. There was never a time where Jews were not in that land.

So what happens is, these settlements have existed since the 1600s, but they were small..... but growing. Israel comes into existence in 1948, and they have a law, that a settlement has to have a population of X amount (can't remember what it is), before they can apply to become a recognized municipality.

Then in the 1970-2000, they reach that population requirement, and apply, and are recognized as an Israeli municipality.

Then the Palestinians scream "Israel built an illegal settlement!".

The image propaganda given, is that super secret in the dark of night, all these dozers and cranes, and cement trucks drive out into the desert, and by next morning POOF! There's an illegal Israeli settlement!

And by the way, I'm not trying to be insulting... I bought into this. I thought, those horrible evil Jews building illegal settlements!

Um... fail? No, these settlements have existed for centuries in many cases. There was no super secret building project. These people have lived in this land for literally thousands of years.
Has anyone heard the administration calling on Hamas not to escalate the situation? I haven't. And yet Hamas shooting rockets into Israel has done more to ramp up the situation than anything else.
When the Israeli teens were killed Obama urged restraint.
When the Palestinian teen was killed Obama condemned it as horrible.
No wonder the Israelis dont like Obama and dont trust him.
Has anyone heard the administration calling on Hamas not to escalate the situation? I haven't. And yet Hamas shooting rockets into Israel has done more to ramp up the situation than anything else. When the Israeli teens were killed Obama urged restraint. When the Palestinian teen was killed Obama condemned it as horrible. No wonder the Israelis dont like Obama and dont trust him.
The Israelis also know that Obumble is fast becoming a Lame Duck, and that they need merely wait him out, until January 20, 2017, at which time, nearly any other person assuming the Presidency, regardless of party affiliation, is likely to be far more solidly in Israel's corner.
That's kind of my position. You don't see Native Americans shooting rocks out of their reservations, which is why we don't have a low level civil war going on for decades on end.

If the Palestinians had accepted Gaza, and lived peaceably, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead they started firing rockets into Israel, and then whining when they get shot back at.

Good grief, if the Indians had been doing that to us, we would have wiped them out a long time ago, instead of having them live like kings running casinos, and selling smokes for cheap. (not implying all Indians live like kings, but if you've been to their casinos, you know some are).

Are you fucking kidding me?

Did you not read about the history of genocide against Native Americans that went on from the day Columbus landed until the end of the 19th century. "The only good Indian is a Dead Indian!"

The Palestinians are fighting for their land. It's the Zionists who are the invaders.
That's kind of my position. You don't see Native Americans shooting rocks out of their reservations, which is why we don't have a low level civil war going on for decades on end.

If the Palestinians had accepted Gaza, and lived peaceably, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead they started firing rockets into Israel, and then whining when they get shot back at.

Good grief, if the Indians had been doing that to us, we would have wiped them out a long time ago, instead of having them live like kings running casinos, and selling smokes for cheap. (not implying all Indians live like kings, but if you've been to their casinos, you know some are).

Are you fucking kidding me?

Did you not read about the history of genocide against Native Americans that went on from the day Columbus landed until the end of the 19th century. "The only good Indian is a Dead Indian!"

The Palestinians are fighting for their land. It's the Zionists who are the invaders.

Joe, showing he's firmly in the low information track.

Palestinians were offered their own land many times and refused. They would rather die than see Israel continue to exist.
That's kind of my position. You don't see Native Americans shooting rocks out of their reservations, which is why we don't have a low level civil war going on for decades on end.

If the Palestinians had accepted Gaza, and lived peaceably, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead they started firing rockets into Israel, and then whining when they get shot back at.

Good grief, if the Indians had been doing that to us, we would have wiped them out a long time ago, instead of having them live like kings running casinos, and selling smokes for cheap. (not implying all Indians live like kings, but if you've been to their casinos, you know some are).
Are you fucking kidding me? Did you not read about the history of genocide against Native Americans that went on from the day Columbus landed until the end of the 19th century. "The only good Indian is a Dead Indian!" ...
Yes and No. However, there came a time when even the Neolithic hunter-gatherer Indians (natives) regained a measure of sanity and came to the realization that there was no point in further resistance, and stopped shooting, and ran up the white flag.

The Palestinians have yet to achieve that level of reality, although it's coming, quickly.

...The Palestinians are fighting for their land...
Those mad dogs have been pissing into the wind for decades, that much is certain.

...It's the Zionists who are the invaders.
Yes and No. However, in this case, the Invaders have won. It's over. It's been over for decades. Time for them to stop butting their heads against a brick wall, and to call it quits.
That's kind of my position. You don't see Native Americans shooting rocks out of their reservations, which is why we don't have a low level civil war going on for decades on end.

If the Palestinians had accepted Gaza, and lived peaceably, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead they started firing rockets into Israel, and then whining when they get shot back at.

Good grief, if the Indians had been doing that to us, we would have wiped them out a long time ago, instead of having them live like kings running casinos, and selling smokes for cheap. (not implying all Indians live like kings, but if you've been to their casinos, you know some are).

Are you fucking kidding me?

Did you not read about the history of genocide against Native Americans that went on from the day Columbus landed until the end of the 19th century. "The only good Indian is a Dead Indian!"

The Palestinians are fighting for their land. It's the Zionists who are the invaders.

Joe, showing he's firmly in the low information track.

Palestinians were offered their own land many times and refused. They would rather die than see Israel continue to exist.

I come into your house, steal all you stuff, and then offer to give you half of it back if you don't complain.

I don't see you going for that deal somehow.
Are you fucking kidding me? Did you not read about the history of genocide against Native Americans that went on from the day Columbus landed until the end of the 19th century. "The only good Indian is a Dead Indian!" ...
Yes and No. However, there came a time when even the Neolithic hunter-gatherer Indians (natives) regained a measure of sanity and came to the realization that there was no point in further resistance, and stopped shooting, and ran up the white flag.

The Palestinians have yet to achieve that level of reality, although it's coming, quickly.

...The Palestinians are fighting for their land...
Those mad dogs have been pissing into the wind for decades, that much is certain.

...It's the Zionists who are the invaders.
Yes and No. However, in this case, the Invaders have won. It's over. It's been over for decades. Time for them to stop butting their heads against a brick wall, and to call it quits.

40% of Israelis said that they would emigrate if they could. The Israelis are using birth control, the Arabs are not. Demographics are not on the Zionists' side.

The Zionists have not won a war without getting the US to bail their sorry asses out since 1967. The only thing they've got to threaten people with are nukes, and they live in mortal terror of the day Iran or an Arab state gets them.

If someone has to worry about getting "genocided" , it's the Zionists. Except this time, no one is going to feel sorry for them. Israel has pretty much offended most of the world except for the US, and the US is starting to catch on that we've been played.
Are you fucking kidding me? Did you not read about the history of genocide against Native Americans that went on from the day Columbus landed until the end of the 19th century. "The only good Indian is a Dead Indian!" ...
Yes and No. However, there came a time when even the Neolithic hunter-gatherer Indians (natives) regained a measure of sanity and came to the realization that there was no point in further resistance, and stopped shooting, and ran up the white flag.

The Palestinians have yet to achieve that level of reality, although it's coming, quickly.

Those mad dogs have been pissing into the wind for decades, that much is certain.

...It's the Zionists who are the invaders.
Yes and No. However, in this case, the Invaders have won. It's over. It's been over for decades. Time for them to stop butting their heads against a brick wall, and to call it quits.

40% of Israelis said that they would emigrate if they could. The Israelis are using birth control, the Arabs are not. Demographics are not on the Zionists' side...
You don't seriously believe that the Israelis are going to allow the breed-like-rabbits Palestinians to get the upper hand, do you? Before that happens, the Israelis will force them across the borders into Jordan and Lebanon. Instant resolution.

...The Zionists have not won a war without getting the US to bail their sorry asses out since 1967...
I wonder whether this is actually true. 1973 comes to mind, for starters.

...The only thing they've got to threaten people with are nukes, and they live in mortal terror of the day Iran or an Arab state gets them...
Oh, I think you're taking the IDF just a wee bit too lightly. Always a mistake.

...If someone has to worry about getting 'genocided', it's the Zionists...
It's already happened to them, to the tune of 6,000,000 innocent men, women and children. That's why Israel exists, and that's why The West is looking the other way while they complete their Reconquista of the Holy Land.

...Except this time, no one is going to feel sorry for them...
Neither you nor I, nor our grandchildren, nor their grandchildren, are going to live to see that day. By then, what's left of the so-called Palestinians will have been dispersed into the surrounding region for so long, and built new lives for themselves and their families, that so-called 'Palestine' will be nothing more than a footnote in the history books, and a vague, fading collective memory.

...Israel has pretty much offended most of the world except for the US...
That's OK. Most of the rest of the world has offended Israel, at one time or another, in the way that they've historically treated the Jews; a state of affairs that the Jews are accustomed to dealing with. Besides, much of the rest of the world would piss its pants, in contemplating a rumble with the Israelis.

...and the US is starting to catch on that we've been played.
Thus, explaining American public support for Israel presently at an all-time high.

Barack Hussein Obama is fast becoming a lame-duck President.

Israel need only wait him out, until January 20, 2017, before it has a friend (of either party) in the White House again.

Whatever miniscule progress that anti-Israeli / pro-Palestinian lobbyists and activists have made in the past five years are already beginning to evaporate, and will disappear overnight on the next Inauguration Day.

It's over... the Palestinians are toast.
I'm not going to waste a lot of time on your pro-Zionist propaganda, but...

I wonder whether this is actually true. 1973 comes to mind, for starters.

You mean the war where the Zionists were getting their asses kicked until Nixon bailed them out after Golda Meir threatened to nuke her neighbors?

It's already happened to them, to the tune of 6,000,000 innocent men, women and children. That's why Israel exists, and that's why The West is looking the other way while they complete their Reconquista of the Holy Land.

Except for the US most of the West couldn't give a fuck about the "holy land". Europe is progressing past the Abrahamic Religions, and a good thing.

And frankly, the "Hitler did a nasty to us" is wearing a little thin when the Zionists are doing the same thing to the Palestinians.

[Neither you nor I, nor our grandchildren, nor their grandchildren, are going to live to see that day. By then, what's left of the so-called Palestinians will have been dispersed into the surrounding region for so long, and built new lives for themselves and their families, that so-called 'Palestine' will be nothing more than a footnote in the history books, and a vague, fading collective memory.

This is more wishful thinking on your part. Fact is, a lot of Young Israelis are looking to emigrate to the US or Europe or someplace where they don't strap bombs onto their kids trying to kill you.

That's OK. Most of the rest of the world has offended Israel, at one time or another, in the way that they've historically treated the Jews; a state of affairs that the Jews are accustomed to dealing with. Besides, much of the rest of the world would piss its pants, in contemplating a rumble with the Israelis.

Most of the world despises Israel. The only thing that keeps it afloat is American subsidies. Oh, yeah, and we're broke.

Whatever miniscule progress that anti-Israeli / pro-Palestinian lobbyists and activists have made in the past five years are already beginning to evaporate, and will disappear overnight on the next Inauguration Day.

It's over... the Palestinians are toast.

Um, actually, Hillary will probably get elected, and she'll be just as insistant that the Zionists start acting decently.
That's kind of my position. You don't see Native Americans shooting rocks out of their reservations, which is why we don't have a low level civil war going on for decades on end.

If the Palestinians had accepted Gaza, and lived peaceably, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead they started firing rockets into Israel, and then whining when they get shot back at.

Good grief, if the Indians had been doing that to us, we would have wiped them out a long time ago, instead of having them live like kings running casinos, and selling smokes for cheap. (not implying all Indians live like kings, but if you've been to their casinos, you know some are).

Are you fucking kidding me?

Did you not read about the history of genocide against Native Americans that went on from the day Columbus landed until the end of the 19th century. "The only good Indian is a Dead Indian!"

The Palestinians are fighting for their land. It's the Zionists who are the invaders.

Joe, showing he's firmly in the low information track.

Palestinians were offered their own land many times and refused. They would rather die than see Israel continue to exist.

Some, yes.
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Are you fucking kidding me?

Did you not read about the history of genocide against Native Americans that went on from the day Columbus landed until the end of the 19th century. "The only good Indian is a Dead Indian!"

The Palestinians are fighting for their land. It's the Zionists who are the invaders.

Joe, showing he's firmly in the low information track.

Palestinians were offered their own land many times and refused. They would rather die than see Israel continue to exist.

I come into your house, steal all you stuff, and then offer to give you half of it back if you don't complain.

I don't see you going for that deal somehow.

That's true. It's also irrelevant because that's not what happened.
It's more like a landlord agreed to rent both of us a house with two bedrooms and now you want to push me out of mine after I've pained and carpeted it while your looks like a shithole.
Are you fucking kidding me?

Did you not read about the history of genocide against Native Americans that went on from the day Columbus landed until the end of the 19th century. "The only good Indian is a Dead Indian!"

The Palestinians are fighting for their land. It's the Zionists who are the invaders.

Joe, showing he's firmly in the low information track.

Palestinians were offered their own land many times and refused. They would rather die than see Israel continue to exist.

Send some Germans there, and the US can wipe both scourges off the face of the earth.

What do you haev against Germans? I happen to like them.
Joe, showing he's firmly in the low information track.

Palestinians were offered their own land many times and refused. They would rather die than see Israel continue to exist.

Send some Germans there, and the US can wipe both scourges off the face of the earth.

What do you haev against Germans? I happen to like them.

Only Neo Nazi Germans, as I have posted; Obama on Hamas, TODAY:

July 9, 2014
The murder of three Israeli teenagers by Hamas terrorists and the subsequent bombardment of Israel by missile fire from Hamas held Gaza has had the effect of bringing together the Obama administration and the Israeli government, according to a Tuesday story in the Washington Times. The Obama administration has signaled that it supports Israel’s efforts to defend itself against Hamas attacks, which have included air strikes against targets in Gaza and a possible ground invasion by 40,000 troops now massing on the border with the terrorist held territory.
For the board Anti-Semites who swarm like flies on stank- we've all heard it.. The USS Liberty, blah blah blah so do your little pointy hatted heads a favor and go make your own thread with a racist title- Hell you can even include some kind of Nazi theme song if you like.. This thread is about the real discussion of Israel's right to defend herself without that JACKASS bastard in the WH sticking his fat nose in it.

Goddamn you are fucking angry this week. Are you having cramps this week?

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For the board Anti-Semites who swarm like flies on stank- we've all heard it.. The USS Liberty, blah blah blah so do your little pointy hatted heads a favor and go make your own thread with a racist title- Hell you can even include some kind of Nazi theme song if you like.. This thread is about the real discussion of Israel's right to defend herself without that JACKASS bastard in the WH sticking his fat nose in it.

Goddamn you are fucking angry this week. Are you having cramps this week?

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Hamas is attacking Israel, many are angry, and Obama urged both Israel and the Arabs to show restraint actually; today, the US supports Israel in the struggle to defend their nation against horrific attacks.

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