Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

One of those three teens killed was an American but its easier to justify his death if he's just another Israeli.

Israel needs to crush Palestine. Not stop and leave the roots. Cut hamas out and burn it.
Why do you ask? Are you gay? Don't worry. It doesn't matter to me.

But to answer your question, no! I live in Denver. But if I ever traveled to Kansas, it would be to go to KC to watch the Red Sox play. But I suppose I might be convinced to take a detour to Topeka to protest WBC if there was something going on around that time. I suppose you're probably the guy to keep the forum apprised of that.

Tell the muslims to leave Israel alone and live in peace.

Tell Israel to:

1. stop seizing private property,
2. stop bulldozing Palestinian residences,
3. stop building new settlements on disputed territory that everyone knows would eventually be part of a settlement agreement,
4. stop using Palestinian youths for target practice,
5. stop using isolated violence as a pretext for massive military assaults over a wide area with American weapons that Israel is only supposed to use for defensive purposesy.
6. start getting serious about signing a peace treaty, thereby proving many of the radicals wrong who say Israel will never agree to a Palestinian state so they can govern themselves.
Tell Israel to abandon Zionism and its Iron Wall.
Early Zionists were far more honest about their intentions in Palestine:

"Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940), born in the Ukraine-USSR, was a member of the World Zionist Organisation and later founded the Zionist-Revisionist movement, which was the central ideological component of the Likud (now Ariel Sharon’s Kadima party), always believed that the creation of a Jewish state meant imposing the will of Zionism on the Palestinian population. He stated:

“…colonisation can continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population – an iron wall which the native population cannot break through…this is our policy towards the Arabs and to formulate it in any other way would be hypocrisy…

"The Jewish question can be solved either completely or it cannot be solved at all.

"We are in need of a territory where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority…and one must not be afraid of the word ‘segregation’ ”.

The Zionist Project - 1948

Jabotinsky saw clearly how a Jewish state in the Middle East couldn't exist without segregation and ethnic cleansing. Zionists created the Gazan enclave in 1948 by driving 200,000 indigenous Palestinians out of their homes, off their farms, and into a wretched camp on the border of Egypt.

Today's Zionists are planning the finish the transfer, apparently.
Joe, showing he's firmly in the low information track.

Palestinians were offered their own land many times and refused. They would rather die than see Israel continue to exist.

Send some Germans there, and the US can wipe both scourges off the face of the earth.

What do you haev against Germans? I happen to like them.

I edited the post, it was wrong to post as I did.
One of those three teens killed was an American but its easier to justify his death if he's just another Israeli.

Israel needs to crush Palestine. Not stop and leave the roots. Cut hamas out and burn it.
Now you sound like Hamas, and Hezbollah, and some Germans of the past. Congrats, on being an honest, for once, Zionist...
Tell the muslims to leave Israel alone and live in peace.

Tell Israel to:

1. stop seizing private property,
2. stop bulldozing Palestinian residences,
3. stop building new settlements on disputed territory that everyone knows would eventually be part of a settlement agreement,
4. stop using Palestinian youths for target practice,
5. stop using isolated violence as a pretext for massive military assaults over a wide area with American weapons that Israel is only supposed to use for defensive purposesy.
6. start getting serious about signing a peace treaty, thereby proving many of the radicals wrong who say Israel will never agree to a Palestinian state so they can govern themselves.
Tell Israel to abandon Zionism and its Iron Wall.
Early Zionists were far more honest about their intentions in Palestine:

"Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940), born in the Ukraine-USSR, was a member of the World Zionist Organisation and later founded the Zionist-Revisionist movement, which was the central ideological component of the Likud (now Ariel Sharon’s Kadima party), always believed that the creation of a Jewish state meant imposing the will of Zionism on the Palestinian population. He stated:

“…colonisation can continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population – an iron wall which the native population cannot break through…this is our policy towards the Arabs and to formulate it in any other way would be hypocrisy…

"The Jewish question can be solved either completely or it cannot be solved at all.

"We are in need of a territory where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority…and one must not be afraid of the word ‘segregation’ ”.

The Zionist Project - 1948

Jabotinsky saw clearly how a Jewish state in the Middle East couldn't exist without segregation and ethnic cleansing. Zionists created the Gazan enclave in 1948 by driving 200,000 indigenous Palestinians out of their homes, off their farms, and into a wretched camp on the border of Egypt.

Today's Zionists are planning the finish the transfer, apparently.

Israel gave up Gaza, and then your pals started firing rockets from their land. You lie.
The Truth about the Palestinian People
One of those three teens killed was an American but its easier to justify his death if he's just another Israeli.

Israel needs to crush Palestine. Not stop and leave the roots. Cut hamas out and burn it.

Overreacting with large scale force to small scale violence is the very kind of thing that helps to keep the Palestinian people radicalized. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if that's the intention of the original acts of violence in the first place. So, the question is this: how smart is it to play into the hands of people who are intentionally trying to manipulate you into overreacting?

Do people learn NOTHING from history? I ask because this very tactic has been used for centuries.
One of those three teens killed was an American but its easier to justify his death if he's just another Israeli.

Israel needs to crush Palestine. Not stop and leave the roots. Cut hamas out and burn it.
Now you sound like Hamas, and Hezbollah, and some Germans of the past. Congrats, on being an honest, for once, Zionist...

Israel gave up Gaza two years ago and what did the muslims use it for?
Detroit doesn't have to defend itself against Canadians launching rocket barrages from Windsor, nor does it face mortally-hostile neighbors...

Besides, Detroit is a shit-hole, long-since written off as nothing more than a cosmic black hole that already sucks up far too much taxpayer money via routine Federal programming, whereas we actually get something back for our $3 billion to Israel...

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Tell Israel to:

1. stop seizing private property,
2. stop bulldozing Palestinian residences,
3. stop building new settlements on disputed territory that everyone knows would eventually be part of a settlement agreement,
4. stop using Palestinian youths for target practice,
5. stop using isolated violence as a pretext for massive military assaults over a wide area with American weapons that Israel is only supposed to use for defensive purposesy.
6. start getting serious about signing a peace treaty, thereby proving many of the radicals wrong who say Israel will never agree to a Palestinian state so they can govern themselves.
Tell Israel to abandon Zionism and its Iron Wall.
Early Zionists were far more honest about their intentions in Palestine:

"Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940), born in the Ukraine-USSR, was a member of the World Zionist Organisation and later founded the Zionist-Revisionist movement, which was the central ideological component of the Likud (now Ariel Sharon’s Kadima party), always believed that the creation of a Jewish state meant imposing the will of Zionism on the Palestinian population. He stated:

“…colonisation can continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population – an iron wall which the native population cannot break through…this is our policy towards the Arabs and to formulate it in any other way would be hypocrisy…

"The Jewish question can be solved either completely or it cannot be solved at all.

"We are in need of a territory where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority…and one must not be afraid of the word ‘segregation’ ”.

The Zionist Project - 1948

Jabotinsky saw clearly how a Jewish state in the Middle East couldn't exist without segregation and ethnic cleansing. Zionists created the Gazan enclave in 1948 by driving 200,000 indigenous Palestinians out of their homes, off their farms, and into a wretched camp on the border of Egypt.

Today's Zionists are planning the finish the transfer, apparently.

Israel gave up Gaza, and then your pals started firing rockets from their land. You lie.
The Truth about the Palestinian People
How did Israel acquire Gaza?

"Israel implemented its Disengagement Plan in August–September 2005, withdrawing its civilian and military presence from the Gaza Strip, and retaining control over the Gaza airspace, maritime access and borders even with Egypt according to the 2005 agreement with Palestinian authority.

"While Qassam rockets were fired regularly even prior to the Israeli disengagement, the frequency of Qassam attacks increased after the Disengagement from Gaza.

"Since there are no Israeli targets inside the Gaza Strip, Palestinian militants have targeted military bases and civilian towns located on the borders or outside of the Gaza Strip.[19]

"The Qassam rocket attacks by Hamas against Israel started in the year 2000 in response to the Israeli occupation in Gaza and West bank and have continued since then.

"Thirteen Israelis have been killed and hundreds injured as a result of Qassam rocket fire at Israeli targets.

"Additionally, Qassam rocket attacks have resulted in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in both children and adults, with 33% of children living in Sderot suffering from PTSD."

Gaza?Israel conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where did Sderot come from?

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza."

Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Detroit doesn't have to defend itself against Canadians launching rocket barrages from Windsor, nor does it face mortally-hostile neighbors...

Besides, Detroit is a shit-hole, long-since written off as nothing more than a cosmic black hole that already sucks up far too much taxpayer money via routine Federal programming, whereas we actually get something back for our $3 billion to Israel...

Detroit hasn't been stealing Canadian land and water for the last hundred years.
Besides, our support for Detroit didn't lead to 3000 dead Americans on 911 or the Long War and its holy residue since that time.
If you're so impressed with the sewer of Zionism, maybe you should dive in?
Detroit hasn't been stealing Canadian land and water for the last hundred years. Besides, our support for Detroit didn't lead to 3000 dead Americans on 911 or the Long War and its holy residue since that time. If you're so impressed with the sewer of Zionism, maybe you should dive in?
We did, indeed, lose 3,000 of our own people on 9-11, due, in part, to our support of Israel.

We also lost 3,000 of our own people on 9-11, due, in large part, to the presence of US trops on Saudi soil - the mothership of Islam.

And the latter was articulated by Shithead bin Laden as the primary reason for the strike.

We then used 9-11 as an excuse to teach a bitter lesson to Islamic Extremists...

1. you do not dictate to the United States, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not

2. wound us, and we will kill you

3. knock over two of our buildings, and we will knock over two of your countries

4. kill 3,000 of ours, and we will kill 300,000 of yours

5. we're not the doormats of post-WWII Europe.

6. if there IS a next time, our vengeance will be far worse than last time

7. fuck with us again at your very great peril

Most of those hide-behind-their-women-and-children Islamic Militant pussies understand that now...
Last edited:
Detroit hasn't been stealing Canadian land and water for the last hundred years. Besides, our support for Detroit didn't lead to 3000 dead Americans on 911 or the Long War and its holy residue since that time. If you're so impressed with the sewer of Zionism, maybe you should dive in?
We did, indeed, lose 3,000 of our own people on 9-11, due, in part, to our support of Israel.

We also lost 3,000 of our own people on 9-11, due, in large part, to the presence of US trops on Saudi soil - the mothership of Islam.

And the latter was articulated by Shithead bin Laden as the primary reason for the strike.

We then used 9-11 as an excuse to teach a bitter lesson to Islamic Extremists...

1. you do not dictate to the United States, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not

2. wound us, and we will kill you

3. knock over two of our buildings, and we will knock over two of your countries

4. kill 3,000 of ours, and we will kill 300,000 of yours

5. we're not the doormats of post-WWII Europe.

6. if there IS a next time, our vengeance will be far worse than last time

7. fuck with us again at your very great peril

Most of those hide-behind-their-women-and-children Islamic Militant pussies understand that now...
Many more Muslims understand our deliberate murder, maiming, and displacement of MILLIONS of innocent Arab civilians is the result of half-baked wienies throwing hissy fits while safely behind their keyboards.

Remember what they say about PAYBACK?
Tell Israel to abandon Zionism and its Iron Wall.
Early Zionists were far more honest about their intentions in Palestine:

"Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940), born in the Ukraine-USSR, was a member of the World Zionist Organisation and later founded the Zionist-Revisionist movement, which was the central ideological component of the Likud (now Ariel Sharon’s Kadima party), always believed that the creation of a Jewish state meant imposing the will of Zionism on the Palestinian population. He stated:

“…colonisation can continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population – an iron wall which the native population cannot break through…this is our policy towards the Arabs and to formulate it in any other way would be hypocrisy…

"The Jewish question can be solved either completely or it cannot be solved at all.

"We are in need of a territory where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority…and one must not be afraid of the word ‘segregation’ ”.

The Zionist Project - 1948

Jabotinsky saw clearly how a Jewish state in the Middle East couldn't exist without segregation and ethnic cleansing. Zionists created the Gazan enclave in 1948 by driving 200,000 indigenous Palestinians out of their homes, off their farms, and into a wretched camp on the border of Egypt.

Today's Zionists are planning the finish the transfer, apparently.

Israel gave up Gaza, and then your pals started firing rockets from their land. You lie.
The Truth about the Palestinian People
How did Israel acquire Gaza?

"Israel implemented its Disengagement Plan in August–September 2005, withdrawing its civilian and military presence from the Gaza Strip, and retaining control over the Gaza airspace, maritime access and borders even with Egypt according to the 2005 agreement with Palestinian authority.

"While Qassam rockets were fired regularly even prior to the Israeli disengagement, the frequency of Qassam attacks increased after the Disengagement from Gaza.

"Since there are no Israeli targets inside the Gaza Strip, Palestinian militants have targeted military bases and civilian towns located on the borders or outside of the Gaza Strip.[19]

"The Qassam rocket attacks by Hamas against Israel started in the year 2000 in response to the Israeli occupation in Gaza and West bank and have continued since then.

"Thirteen Israelis have been killed and hundreds injured as a result of Qassam rocket fire at Israeli targets.

"Additionally, Qassam rocket attacks have resulted in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in both children and adults, with 33% of children living in Sderot suffering from PTSD."

Gaza?Israel conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where did Sderot come from?

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza."

Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Propaganda spewers love Wikipedia because it's not a secure site and can be edited. The Muslims created this mess. Period.
Has anyone heard the administration calling on Hamas not to escalate the situation? I haven't. And yet Hamas shooting rockets into Israel has done more to ramp up the situation than anything else.
When the Israeli teens were killed Obama urged restraint.
When the Palestinian teen was killed Obama condemned it as horrible.
No wonder the Israelis dont like Obama and dont trust him.

WASHINGTON--President Barack Obama said Monday that the U.S. condemns the killing of three Israeli teens, calling their deaths "senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

Obama Calls Deaths of Israeli Teens 'Senseless Act of Terror' - WSJ

You guys live in a fantasy world.
Yeah, like those genocidal kikes in that so-called "state" of Israel give a shit! Those land-stealing murderous pig fuckers don't care what Obama says. they OWN his ****** ass.
Detroit hasn't been stealing Canadian land and water for the last hundred years. Besides, our support for Detroit didn't lead to 3000 dead Americans on 911 or the Long War and its holy residue since that time. If you're so impressed with the sewer of Zionism, maybe you should dive in?
We did, indeed, lose 3,000 of our own people on 9-11, due, in part, to our support of Israel.

We also lost 3,000 of our own people on 9-11, due, in large part, to the presence of US trops on Saudi soil - the mothership of Islam.

And the latter was articulated by Shithead bin Laden as the primary reason for the strike.

We then used 9-11 as an excuse to teach a bitter lesson to Islamic Extremists...

1. you do not dictate to the United States, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not

2. wound us, and we will kill you

3. knock over two of our buildings, and we will knock over two of your countries

4. kill 3,000 of ours, and we will kill 300,000 of yours

5. we're not the doormats of post-WWII Europe.

6. if there IS a next time, our vengeance will be far worse than last time

7. fuck with us again at your very great peril

Most of those hide-behind-their-women-and-children Islamic Militant pussies understand that now...
Many more Muslims understand our deliberate murder, maiming, and displacement of MILLIONS of innocent Arab civilians is the result of half-baked wienies throwing hissy fits while safely behind their keyboards.

Remember what they say about PAYBACK?
Oooooooohhhh... stop it... yer scarin' the kiddies...

A nation of Men refuse to kowtow to foreign militants...

A nation of Pussies will manifest as Surrender Monkeys and cave-in to foreign demands...

As to 'half-baked wienes' hiding behind keyboards, well...

At least I showed-up to the party, during wartime, and served my country...

You, on the other hand, spent 10 days as an Air Force recruit, then weaseled out of further service by falsely claiming back problems...

My Honorable Discharge trumps your fraudulently-obtained Medical Discharge, any day of the week, and twice on Sunday...

I'll keep my own counsel about which of us is the bigger 'wienie'...
Last edited:
We did, indeed, lose 3,000 of our own people on 9-11, due, in part, to our support of Israel.

We also lost 3,000 of our own people on 9-11, due, in large part, to the presence of US trops on Saudi soil - the mothership of Islam.

And the latter was articulated by Shithead bin Laden as the primary reason for the strike.

We then used 9-11 as an excuse to teach a bitter lesson to Islamic Extremists...

1. you do not dictate to the United States, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not

2. wound us, and we will kill you

3. knock over two of our buildings, and we will knock over two of your countries

4. kill 3,000 of ours, and we will kill 300,000 of yours

5. we're not the doormats of post-WWII Europe.

6. if there IS a next time, our vengeance will be far worse than last time

7. fuck with us again at your very great peril

Most of those hide-behind-their-women-and-children Islamic Militant pussies understand that now...
Many more Muslims understand our deliberate murder, maiming, and displacement of MILLIONS of innocent Arab civilians is the result of half-baked wienies throwing hissy fits while safely behind their keyboards.

Remember what they say about PAYBACK?
Oooooooohhhh... stop it... yer scarin' the kiddies...

A nation of Men refuse to kowtow to foreign militants...

A nation of Pussies will manifest as Surrender Monkeys and cave-in to foreign demands...

As to 'half-baked wienes' hiding behind keyboards, well...

At least I showed-up to the party, during wartime, and served my country...

You, on the other hand, spent 10 days as an Air Force recruit, then weaseled out of further service by falsely claiming back problems...

My Honorable Discharge trumps your fraudulently-obtained Medical Discharge, any day of the week, and twice on Sunday...

I'll keep my own counsel about which of us is the bigger 'wienie'...
There was nothing false about my scoliosis, unlike your hairy-chested bitch thumping over killing millions of innocents in Asia. You're proud of your contribution? Fuck you and yours.:badgrin:

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