Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

One: There is no proof Hamas did this even if they did applaud it.

Two: He is right. Get a grip.
One: There is no proof Hamas did this even if they did applaud it.

Two: He is right. Get a grip.

Not for me to grip anything, Princess, but those hapless Gazans will be gripping for the foreseeable future and I blame bleeding heart whiners like ... you. :D
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Should Israel go for it, into the sea they go, which is why they haven't,
And just whom do you think is going to push the Jews into the sea?


600 million Arabs, and 75 million Persians, if we do the right thing and let Israel go this time instead of saving her yet again.

Not a chance...

Half the Muslim world will protest and do nothing...

Half the Muslim world will want to do something but cannot...

Lebanon is a train-wreck and in no position to assault Israel...

Syria is a train-wreck and in no position to assault Israel...

Iraq is a train-wreck and in no position to assault Israel...

Saudi Arabia is an itty-bitty thing and only fights by proxy and would piss its pants if it had to take-on Israel...

The rest of that riff-raff in there (Yemem, etc.) are of no account...

Jordan is at-peace with Israel and even helps Israel to contain and monitor the mad-dog Palestinians, and is too small to be effective on its own, even if it changed its mind...

Egypt is at-peace with Israel and even helps Israel to wall-off and blockade the mad-dog Palestinians, and is too shaky to be effective on its own, even if it changed its mind...

Libya is a train-wreck and in no position to assault Israel...

Tunisia and Morocco and the rest of the riff-raff in there are of no account...

Turkey is a friend of Israel and largely secular in nature and wants to stay on good terms with both the United States and Europe, and, of course, NATO...

Pakistan is a shit-hole which cannot even control its own northwestern provinces and they would shit their pants if they had to go toe-to-toe with Israel - they'd also worried about the Indians at their back door, if they were foolish enough to jump on Israel...

Iran's military is a joke, and they're a long way from Israel, and they're too busy in Iraq now as it is, and will not give the United States an excuse to bomb them back into the Stone Age.

Afghanistan is of no account in this context...

Indonesia is on the other side of the world and would pee its pants if it found itself at war with Israel...

And, on the macro-level, Islam has resumed its multi-generational fun pastime of Sunnis and Shia slaughtering each other...

The Muslims have been pouring blood and treasure into trying to prop-up these idiot mad-dog Palestinians for the past 66 years or more, with no success, and they're probably pretty tired of it by now...

The Ummah is going to come to the rescue?

Don't make me laugh.

And that's all without the United States or NATO lifting a finger.

Which, I assure you, they will.

But it's an amusing, charming thought you've got there.
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Should Israel go for it, into the sea they go, which is why they haven't,
And just whom do you think is going to push the Jews into the sea?


600 million Arabs, and 75 million Persians, if we do the right thing and let Israel go this time instead of saving her yet again.

As always you've got the deal bass-ackwards. With most of Israel's antagonists busy sorting out the ISIS mess or gearing up for a major Sunni-Shia war, nobody will come to save the hapless Pals. Abbas is no fool and will offer only lip-service regarding what is about to happen to Gaza. You will do plenty of squealin' but like most pigs you'll just be wallowing in your own shit. :lol:
I come into your house, steal all you stuff, and then offer to give you half of it back if you don't complain.

I don't see you going for that deal somehow.

That's true. It's also irrelevant because that's not what happened.
It's more like a landlord agreed to rent both of us a house with two bedrooms and now you want to push me out of mine after I've pained and carpeted it while your looks like a shithole.

Really, Who is the "Landlord" in that analogy?

Here's the thing. The Arabs had the whole house. The Zionists took over half of it, and then took over the other half and treat the other tenant like a second class citizen in his own home.

England. But it was like they promised to give the house to two different groups.
Detroit doesn't have to defend itself against Canadians launching rocket barrages from Windsor, nor does it face mortally-hostile neighbors...

Besides, Detroit is a shit-hole, long-since written off as nothing more than a cosmic black hole that already sucks up far too much taxpayer money via routine Federal programming, whereas we actually get something back for our $3 billion to Israel...


Yes, we do get something back for our 3 billion paid to the Zionist Entity.

We get involvement in fighting wars against people they can't beat.

How many conflicts have we gotten dragged into in that part of the world because the Zionists really want to pretend their Sky Pixies still love them. You'd think the Holocaust would have disabused them of that notion.

How many fine American Young Men came home in body bags, came home without limbs, came home with PTSD for the rest of their lives, because of the Zionist delusion that God promised them THAT particular strip of desert?

Of course Israel is required to spend most of that money with US firms. So it's a gift to the Arms Industry.
Doesn't matter.

The Jews have won.

The Palestinians have lost.

Sucker's Walk...
You're living proof:

"On Tuesday, the Kaware family from Khan Yunis, a member of which is a Hamas operative, received such a warning by phone, eighty minutes before a small rocket hit the boiler on their roof.

"Family members that fled the house decided to gather around it, and after the rocket hit, decided to go up to the roof along with neighbors, believing the IDF wouldn’t dare to attack the house.

"They were wrong. At 3:00 P.M. an F16 fired at the home, killing eight, including six children. Another 28 were wounded.

"According to a B’Tselem press release, attacking the homes of militant organization operatives is a violation of international humanitarian law, which stipulates that only elements that directly contribute to military efforts are legitimate targets.

"The IDF’s reading of this law, by which it is allowed to knowingly harm civilians as well, is illegal, according to the human rights group, which stated that the IDF has apparently changed its rules of engagement."

In Gaza, 1.7 million Palestinians feel like human targets for IDF bombs - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
Doesn't matter.

The Jews have won.

The Palestinians have lost.

Sucker's Walk...
You're living proof:

"On Tuesday, the Kaware family from Khan Yunis, a member of which is a Hamas operative, received such a warning by phone, eighty minutes before a small rocket hit the boiler on their roof.

"Family members that fled the house decided to gather around it, and after the rocket hit, decided to go up to the roof along with neighbors, believing the IDF wouldn’t dare to attack the house.

"They were wrong. At 3:00 P.M. an F16 fired at the home, killing eight, including six children. Another 28 were wounded.

"According to a B’Tselem press release, attacking the homes of militant organization operatives is a violation of international humanitarian law, which stipulates that only elements that directly contribute to military efforts are legitimate targets.

"The IDF’s reading of this law, by which it is allowed to knowingly harm civilians as well, is illegal, according to the human rights group, which stated that the IDF has apparently changed its rules of engagement."

In Gaza, 1.7 million Palestinians feel like human targets for IDF bombs - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Some people make wrong choices and it's very costly for them. Perhaps the Pals should reject terror.
Doesn't matter.

The Jews have won.

The Palestinians have lost.

Sucker's Walk...
You're living proof:

"On Tuesday, the Kaware family from Khan Yunis, a member of which is a Hamas operative, received such a warning by phone, eighty minutes before a small rocket hit the boiler on their roof.

"Family members that fled the house decided to gather around it, and after the rocket hit, decided to go up to the roof along with neighbors, believing the IDF wouldn’t dare to attack the house.

"They were wrong. At 3:00 P.M. an F16 fired at the home, killing eight, including six children. Another 28 were wounded.

"According to a B’Tselem press release, attacking the homes of militant organization operatives is a violation of international humanitarian law, which stipulates that only elements that directly contribute to military efforts are legitimate targets.

"The IDF’s reading of this law, by which it is allowed to knowingly harm civilians as well, is illegal, according to the human rights group, which stated that the IDF has apparently changed its rules of engagement."

In Gaza, 1.7 million Palestinians feel like human targets for IDF bombs - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Some people make wrong choices and it's very costly for them. Perhaps the Pals should reject terror.
How many Jews have Palestinians arrested, incinerated, or killed lately?
How many Jews have had their homes bulldozed by Palestinians?
How many Jewish hospitals have Palestinians shelled?
Why would you blame the victims of Zionist terrorism that's been going on for over a century, or do you believe Palestinians have no right to resist their occupiers?
You're living proof:

"On Tuesday, the Kaware family from Khan Yunis, a member of which is a Hamas operative, received such a warning by phone, eighty minutes before a small rocket hit the boiler on their roof.

"Family members that fled the house decided to gather around it, and after the rocket hit, decided to go up to the roof along with neighbors, believing the IDF wouldn’t dare to attack the house.

"They were wrong. At 3:00 P.M. an F16 fired at the home, killing eight, including six children. Another 28 were wounded.

"According to a B’Tselem press release, attacking the homes of militant organization operatives is a violation of international humanitarian law, which stipulates that only elements that directly contribute to military efforts are legitimate targets.

"The IDF’s reading of this law, by which it is allowed to knowingly harm civilians as well, is illegal, according to the human rights group, which stated that the IDF has apparently changed its rules of engagement."

In Gaza, 1.7 million Palestinians feel like human targets for IDF bombs - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Some people make wrong choices and it's very costly for them. Perhaps the Pals should reject terror.
How many Jews have Palestinians arrested, incinerated, or killed lately?
How many Jews have had their homes bulldozed by Palestinians?
How many Jewish hospitals have Palestinians shelled?
Why would you blame the victims of Zionist terrorism that's been going on for over a century, or do you believe Palestinians have no right to resist their occupiers?

They don't arrest... they simply capture, murder, and ditch. And the answer is MANY.

Further the Palestinians have shelled everything thing they can. That's the whole reason Israelis move in and bulldoze, is because if they don't they get shelled.

And honestly, if some group in the US was firing rockets in any state, and G-d forbid Texas, we would wipe them. If it was Texas, the people of Texas would wipe them out before the Feds even showed up.

To be perfectly honest, Israel has been far more patient and forgiving of the Palestinians than nearly anyone else would have been.

Can you imagine what the Russians would have done by now? They would gassed and or incarcerated half the population by this point. They rolled dozens of barrels of patrol fuel and burned out the natives by setting entire mountain ranges on fire in Afghanistan. Can you imagine what they would have done to the Palestinians by now?

But Israel has been very soft handed given what they have put up with for the past 40 years.
Hamas shoots rockets into Israel every day and kidnaps innocent Israelis when given the chance, but of course once Israel respond scumbag liberals and losertarians blame Israel and tell them to stop defending themselves.
Some people make wrong choices and it's very costly for them. Perhaps the Pals should reject terror.
How many Jews have Palestinians arrested, incinerated, or killed lately?
How many Jews have had their homes bulldozed by Palestinians?
How many Jewish hospitals have Palestinians shelled?
Why would you blame the victims of Zionist terrorism that's been going on for over a century, or do you believe Palestinians have no right to resist their occupiers?

They don't arrest... they simply capture, murder, and ditch. And the answer is MANY.

Further the Palestinians have shelled everything thing they can. That's the whole reason Israelis move in and bulldoze, is because if they don't they get shelled.

And honestly, if some group in the US was firing rockets in any state, and G-d forbid Texas, we would wipe them. If it was Texas, the people of Texas would wipe them out before the Feds even showed up.

To be perfectly honest, Israel has been far more patient and forgiving of the Palestinians than nearly anyone else would have been.

Can you imagine what the Russians would have done by now? They would gassed and or incarcerated half the population by this point. They rolled dozens of barrels of patrol fuel and burned out the natives by setting entire mountain ranges on fire in Afghanistan. Can you imagine what they would have done to the Palestinians by now?

But Israel has been very soft handed given what they have put up with for the past 40 years.
Tell us how many Jews Palestinians have maimed, murdered, displaced, or incarcerated since 1948. The figures since 2000 convey a much different image than what you're posting:

"Israelis and Palestinians Killed
in the Current Violence

At least 1,110 Israelis and 6,878 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000

"For the past hundred years Jews have perfected the technique of creeping annexation and stolen the homes, businesses, and bank accounts of hundreds of thousands of indigenous Palestinians.

When Palestinians resist they are labelled terrorists by those who've spoon fed western propaganda for their entire lives.

In 1948 Jews took it to the next level when 650,000 of them inflicted a racist ethnocracy on 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine by ethnically cleansing over 700,000 Arabs from lands some of their families had lived on for generations.

Today, there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and every Jew of legal age has a vote to determine who writes the laws they live under while less than half of non-Jews have the same right.

That's were the rockets from Gaza come from.
Hamas shoots rockets into Israel every day and kidnaps innocent Israelis when given the chance, but of course once Israel respond scumbag liberals and losertarians blame Israel and tell them to stop defending themselves.
So tell us how many Jews are currently rotting in Palestinian jails?

"Administrative detention is implemented solely on the basis of an administrative order, without either indictment or trial. Under certain circumstances, this type of detention may be lawful.

"However, due to the substantial injury to due process inherent in this measure, international law stipulates that it may be exercised only in very exceptional cases – and then only as a last possible resort, when there are no other means available to prevent the danger.

"Nevertheless, Israeli authorities routinely employ administrative detention.

"Over the years, thousands of Palestinians have been held in Israeli custody as administrative detainees for extended periods of time."

Administrative detention | B'Tselem
Hamas shoots rockets into Israel every day and kidnaps innocent Israelis when given the chance, but of course once Israel respond scumbag liberals and losertarians blame Israel and tell them to stop defending themselves.
So tell us how many Jews are currently rotting in Palestinian jails?

"Administrative detention is implemented solely on the basis of an administrative order, without either indictment or trial. Under certain circumstances, this type of detention may be lawful.

"However, due to the substantial injury to due process inherent in this measure, international law stipulates that it may be exercised only in very exceptional cases – and then only as a last possible resort, when there are no other means available to prevent the danger.

"Nevertheless, Israeli authorities routinely employ administrative detention.

"Over the years, thousands of Palestinians have been held in Israeli custody as administrative detainees for extended periods of time."

Administrative detention | B'Tselem

STFU and go fight with the Palestinians dumb ass
Hamas shoots rockets into Israel every day and kidnaps innocent Israelis when given the chance, but of course once Israel respond scumbag liberals and losertarians blame Israel and tell them to stop defending themselves.
So tell us how many Jews are currently rotting in Palestinian jails?...

Doesn't matter.

The Palestinians don't have the power or support to enforce their will upon the Israelis.

The Israelis, on the other hand, toy with the Palestinians like a tree-cat pawing at a mouse.

With respect to Hamas, perhaps it's time for the Mercy Stroke, to get this over with...

Nuthin' wrong with Gaza that a few thousand rotting Hamas corpses can't fix...
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Hamas shoots rockets into Israel every day and kidnaps innocent Israelis when given the chance, but of course once Israel respond scumbag liberals and losertarians blame Israel and tell them to stop defending themselves.
So tell us how many Jews are currently rotting in Palestinian jails?...

Doesn't matter.

The Palestinians don't have the power or support to enforce their will upon the Israelis.

The Israelis, on the other hand, toy with the Palestinians like a tree-cat pawing at a mouse.

With respect to Hamas, perhaps it's time for the Mercy Stroke, to get this over with...

Nuthin' wrong with Gaza that a few thousand rotting Hamas corpses can't fix...
You're a Good Nazi.

We get it.

Got anything constructive to offer??

Maybe you could share your opinion of Israel's educational system's promotion of militarization that portrays Arabs as sub-humans, thereby cultivating Jews as good killers as opposed to good citizens.

Don't hurt yourself.
Hamas shoots rockets into Israel every day and kidnaps innocent Israelis when given the chance, but of course once Israel respond scumbag liberals and losertarians blame Israel and tell them to stop defending themselves.
So tell us how many Jews are currently rotting in Palestinian jails?

"Administrative detention is implemented solely on the basis of an administrative order, without either indictment or trial. Under certain circumstances, this type of detention may be lawful.

"However, due to the substantial injury to due process inherent in this measure, international law stipulates that it may be exercised only in very exceptional cases – and then only as a last possible resort, when there are no other means available to prevent the danger.

"Nevertheless, Israeli authorities routinely employ administrative detention.

"Over the years, thousands of Palestinians have been held in Israeli custody as administrative detainees for extended periods of time."

Administrative detention | B'Tselem

STFU and go fight with the Palestinians dumb ass
And miss the Big Rumble coming here?
Not a Hope or a Chance, Sissy:D
So tell us how many Jews are currently rotting in Palestinian jails?...

Doesn't matter.

The Palestinians don't have the power or support to enforce their will upon the Israelis.

The Israelis, on the other hand, toy with the Palestinians like a tree-cat pawing at a mouse.

With respect to Hamas, perhaps it's time for the Mercy Stroke, to get this over with...

Nuthin' wrong with Gaza that a few thousand rotting Hamas corpses can't fix...
You're a Good Nazi.

We get it.

Got anything constructive to offer??

Maybe you could share your opinion of Israel's educational system's promotion of militarization that portrays Arabs as sub-humans, thereby cultivating Jews as good killers as opposed to good citizens.

Don't hurt yourself.
More pretended cleverness, Georgie?

Sure, I have plenty of constructive material to serve-up...

Beginning with the slitting of every Hamas throat that the IDF can get its hands on during this next round of Hamas herd-culling...

After all... the only good Hamas is a dead Hamas...

A butcher's end, for the bloody, butchering, chickenshit lowlifes of Hamas...

Another public service, courtesy of the IDF...

Hey... mebbe we can sell tickets?
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So tell us how many Jews are currently rotting in Palestinian jails?...

Doesn't matter.

The Palestinians don't have the power or support to enforce their will upon the Israelis.

The Israelis, on the other hand, toy with the Palestinians like a tree-cat pawing at a mouse.

With respect to Hamas, perhaps it's time for the Mercy Stroke, to get this over with...

Nuthin' wrong with Gaza that a few thousand rotting Hamas corpses can't fix...

Got anything constructive to offer??

That WAS constructive.

So where are the BILLIONS given to the "Palestinians"?
Other than bomb factories.

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