Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

There are no civilians in Gaza in my book. Civilians do not celebrate the murder of children, the way they did when those three kids were killed.

Civilians do not celebrate when thousands were killed on 9/11.

Civilians, have to act with civility. They have to be 'civil' to be a civilian.

These are not civilians any more. They are dogs. Brutal dogs. They danced in the streets. The had parties. Now they suffer... and they earned it.

Israel should target combatant buildings, and they are ALL combatants. Drive them out. They brought this on themselves, and earned every bit of it.
Jews on a hill top outside Sderot dance and celebrate every bomb, rocket, and shell the IDF drops on Gaza. Are they civilians? Many Americans celebrate the heroic Jews killing of four Gazan teens on a beach last week; are they civilians? Zionism is the root cause for all the violence we're seeing in Palestine today, and it's not likely to diminish any time soon. There's nothing civil about ethnic cleansing.

Yes, I'm sure the citizens of S'Derot had a rockin' time being attacked for the last couple of years.
Not to mention the tunnels.
Yeah, George, what ABOUT those tunnels?
Oh, I know, tunnels are the Muslim version of an amusement park!
The tunnels wouldn't be there if not for the illegal Israeli occupation of Gaza, not unlike Hamas, BTW. How many citizens has Sderot lost to rocket attacks over the last two years? Where did the Jewish town of Sderot come from? The Arab village of Najd whose citizens were forcibly removed by Jews during their War of Independence.
See? The advocates for a Palestinian genocide are all over the place.

Slaughtering Hamas militants by the bushel-basketful isn't genocide.

It's a public service.

Akin to taking out the trash.

Or culling a herd of feral dogs.

And I am sure that Hamas and its allies feel the same way about Americans who are financing the genocide. Of course, the powers-that-be will claim that they hate us because of our highways or some other bullshit.


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See? The advocates for a Palestinian genocide are all over the place.

Slaughtering Hamas militants by the bushel-basketful isn't genocide.

It's a public service.

Akin to taking out the trash.

Or culling a herd of feral dogs.

And I am sure that Hamas and its allies feel the same way about Americans who are financing the genocide. Of course, the powers-that-be will claim that they hate us because of our highways or some other bullshit.


The United States does not allow outsiders to dictate to us whom we may befriend and ally with, and whom we may not.

Phukk 'em.
From 2010:

"The serious incidents that took place on 31 May between Israeli forces and activists on a flotilla heading for Gaza once again put the spotlight on the acute hardship faced by the population in the Gaza Strip.

As the ICRC has stressed repeatedly, the dire situation in Gaza cannot be resolved by providing humanitarian aid.

"The closure imposed on the Gaza Strip is about to enter its fourth year, choking off any real possibility of economic development. Gazans continue to suffer from unemployment, poverty and warfare, while the quality of Gaza's health care system has reached an all-time low.

"The whole of Gaza's civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel's obligations under international humanitarian law .

"'The closure is having a devastating impact on the 1.5 million people living in Gaza " , said Béatrice Mégevand-Roggo, the ICRC's head of operations for the Middle East. '

"That is why we are urging Israel to put an end to this closure and call upon all those who have an influence on the situation, including Hamas, to do their utmost to help Gaza's civilian population.

"Israel's right to deal with its legitimate security concerns must be balanced against the Palestinians'right to live normal, dignified lives. "

Gaza closure: not another year!
There are no civilians in Gaza in my book. Civilians do not celebrate the murder of children, the way they did when those three kids were killed.

Civilians do not celebrate when thousands were killed on 9/11.

Civilians, have to act with civility. They have to be 'civil' to be a civilian.

These are not civilians any more. They are dogs. Brutal dogs. They danced in the streets. The had parties. Now they suffer... and they earned it.

Israel should target combatant buildings, and they are ALL combatants. Drive them out. They brought this on themselves, and earned every bit of it.

See? The advocates for a Palestinian genocide are all over the place.

See? Apologists for child murdering are all over the place. Give us more of your excuses.

50% of the Palestinian casualties are women and children.

I'm beginning to believe the Israelis are reverting to their Biblical selves, carrying out the genocidal instructions of their God:

2 Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. 3 Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey." (1 Sam. 15:2-3).
There are no civilians in Gaza in my book. Civilians do not celebrate the murder of children, the way they did when those three kids were killed.

Civilians do not celebrate when thousands were killed on 9/11.

Civilians, have to act with civility. They have to be 'civil' to be a civilian.

These are not civilians any more. They are dogs. Brutal dogs. They danced in the streets. The had parties. Now they suffer... and they earned it.

Israel should target combatant buildings, and they are ALL combatants. Drive them out. They brought this on themselves, and earned every bit of it.

See? The advocates for a Palestinian genocide are all over the place.

See? Apologists for child murdering are all over the place. Give us more of your excuses.

We don't blow up neighborhoods in response to murders in this country do we? Are we wrong not to? Should we be punishing the families of murder suspects (before trial btw) like the Israelis do?

Do we have it wrong, or do they?
See? The advocates for a Palestinian genocide are all over the place.

See? Apologists for child murdering are all over the place. Give us more of your excuses.

We don't blow up neighborhoods in response to murders in this country do we? Are we wrong not to? Should we be punishing the families of murder suspects (before trial btw) like the Israelis do?

Do we have it wrong, or do they?

The Israelis aren't blowing up Gazan neighborhoods in response to a handful of murders.

The Israelis are utilizing the death of a handful of teens as the final straw in a long list of grievances, as an excuse to destroy Hamas' ability to wage war - and to slaughter as many Hamas lowlifes as may be practicable along the way, just for grins and giggles.

Economical, too... blown-up Hamas militants make great Purina Vulture Chow.
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See? Apologists for child murdering are all over the place. Give us more of your excuses.

We don't blow up neighborhoods in response to murders in this country do we? Are we wrong not to? Should we be punishing the families of murder suspects (before trial btw) like the Israelis do?

Do we have it wrong, or do they?

The Israelis aren't blowing up Gazan neighborhoods in response to a handful of murders.

The Israelis are utilizing the death of a handful of teens as the final straw in a long list of grievances, as an excuse to destroy Hamas' ability to wage war - and to slaughter as many Hamas lowlifes as may be practicable along the way, just for grins and giggles.

Economical, too... blown-up Hamas militants make great Purina Vulture Chow.
Jews are doing exactly what they've been doing since 1948.
Expunging as many Arabs from Greater Israel as possible.
Those who refuse to skedaddle are murdered in their sleep through the deliberate targeting of infrastructure as a means of inducting suffering among the civilian population
Jews have already lost more hired killers than during all of Cast Lead.
How long before the kosher home-front starts WHINING for a cease fire?
Not long.
We don't blow up neighborhoods in response to murders in this country do we? Are we wrong not to? Should we be punishing the families of murder suspects (before trial btw) like the Israelis do?

Do we have it wrong, or do they?

The Israelis aren't blowing up Gazan neighborhoods in response to a handful of murders.

The Israelis are utilizing the death of a handful of teens as the final straw in a long list of grievances, as an excuse to destroy Hamas' ability to wage war - and to slaughter as many Hamas lowlifes as may be practicable along the way, just for grins and giggles.

Economical, too... blown-up Hamas militants make great Purina Vulture Chow.
Jews are doing exactly what they've been doing since 1948. Expunging as many Arabs from Greater Israel as possible. Those who refuse to skedaddle are murdered in their sleep through the deliberate targeting of infrastructure as a means of inducting suffering among the civilian population Jews have already lost more hired killers than during all of Cast Lead. How long before the kosher home-front starts WHINING for a cease fire?
Not long.
The easiest way to deflect you persistent Palestinian Ankle-Biters is to give you everything you want.

You're absolutely right... that's exactly what's going on.

Now... what the phukk are you gonna do about it?

See how easy that is?
The Israelis aren't blowing up Gazan neighborhoods in response to a handful of murders.

The Israelis are utilizing the death of a handful of teens as the final straw in a long list of grievances, as an excuse to destroy Hamas' ability to wage war - and to slaughter as many Hamas lowlifes as may be practicable along the way, just for grins and giggles.

Economical, too... blown-up Hamas militants make great Purina Vulture Chow.
Jews are doing exactly what they've been doing since 1948. Expunging as many Arabs from Greater Israel as possible. Those who refuse to skedaddle are murdered in their sleep through the deliberate targeting of infrastructure as a means of inducting suffering among the civilian population Jews have already lost more hired killers than during all of Cast Lead. How long before the kosher home-front starts WHINING for a cease fire?
Not long.
The easiest way to deflect you persistent Palestinian Ankle-Biters is to give you everything you want.

You're absolutely right... that's exactly what's going on.

Now... what the phukk are you gonna do about it?

See how easy that is?
Does that mean Israel will be ending its blockade of Gaza?
One can only wonder why feckless Jew-Firsters never miss a chance to miss a chance at exchanging land for peace?
Maybe they're all phukked in the head?:lol:
Jews are doing exactly what they've been doing since 1948. Expunging as many Arabs from Greater Israel as possible. Those who refuse to skedaddle are murdered in their sleep through the deliberate targeting of infrastructure as a means of inducting suffering among the civilian population Jews have already lost more hired killers than during all of Cast Lead. How long before the kosher home-front starts WHINING for a cease fire?
Not long.
The easiest way to deflect you persistent Palestinian Ankle-Biters is to give you everything you want.

You're absolutely right... that's exactly what's going on.

Now... what the phukk are you gonna do about it?

See how easy that is?
Does that mean Israel will be ending its blockade of Gaza?
One can only wonder why feckless Jew-Firsters never miss a chance to miss a chance at exchanging land for peace?
Maybe they're all phukked in the head?:lol:

Yes, whatever you say.
Now it's time to carpet bomb the Jordanian fuckers out of existence.
Yes, I'm a racist...I'm in favor of the Human Race which it seems many Muslims don't want to join.
Jews are doing exactly what they've been doing since 1948. Expunging as many Arabs from Greater Israel as possible. Those who refuse to skedaddle are murdered in their sleep through the deliberate targeting of infrastructure as a means of inducting suffering among the civilian population Jews have already lost more hired killers than during all of Cast Lead. How long before the kosher home-front starts WHINING for a cease fire?
Not long.
The easiest way to deflect you persistent Palestinian Ankle-Biters is to give you everything you want.

You're absolutely right... that's exactly what's going on.

Now... what the phukk are you gonna do about it?

See how easy that is?
Does that mean Israel will be ending its blockade of Gaza? One can only wonder why feckless Jew-Firsters never miss a chance to miss a chance at exchanging land for peace? Maybe they're all phukked in the head?:lol:
No, that means that your points are conceded temporarily on this thread.

Yep... you got 'em dead to rights... that's exactly what's going on.

So what are you gonna do about it, to make 'em stop?
The easiest way to deflect you persistent Palestinian Ankle-Biters is to give you everything you want.

You're absolutely right... that's exactly what's going on.

Now... what the phukk are you gonna do about it?

See how easy that is?
Does that mean Israel will be ending its blockade of Gaza? One can only wonder why feckless Jew-Firsters never miss a chance to miss a chance at exchanging land for peace? Maybe they're all phukked in the head?:lol:
No, that means that your points are conceded temporarily on this thread.

Yep... you got 'em dead to rights... that's exactly what's going on.

So what are you gonna do about it, to make 'em stop?
Why would I want to stop the Zionists from self-destructing?

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