Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

China attacks US companies every day via cyber, this has been going on for years.....Holder just admitted it.

China's main focus is the US GOV and US defense contractors so they can steal technology to build their military.....we are not helping them build their military like you claim.

The US is selling technology to China??? :badgrin:

China is stealing our technology via cyber crimes.

Not when they're developing our fighter jet engines.
Heck, even Fox reported that shit a few years ago.

I would presume that they are checking out their primacy in some technologies vs ours.
They are also trying to access financial information that is being managed by starving Indians who don't mind giving up some data for a few dollars.
Shitbag.....strange that the CIA is unaware of your James Bond work. :cuckoo:

Israel gets the money and does the R&D and Production.
Then the US gets the technology.
Then the US sells the technology to India and China.

If the Jews own the US, chalk it up to the world's highest literacy rate and actual scientific achievements.
By the way, shut off your computer as at least a 3rd of the components were developed the Zs.

Can you please be more specific?
And please do feel free to explicitly correct what I posted.

A shit bag usually means a bag which contains shit. What he is saying is that you are akin to a bag full of shit. Now, it is quite possible that you are akin to a bag whose opening is not tied, which means, you are akin to a smelly shit bag - indeed, not a very flattering comparison.
Shitbag.....strange that the CIA is unaware of your James Bond work. :cuckoo:

Can you please be more specific?
And please do feel free to explicitly correct what I posted.

A shit bag usually means a bag which contains shit. What he is saying is that you are akin to a bag full of shit. Now, it is quite possible that you are akin to a bag whose opening is not tied, which means, you are akin to a smelly shit bag - indeed, not a very flattering comparison.

And oddly enough, I don't care about ad hominems.
"'Disappearing’ the Arabs lay at the heart of the Zionist dream, and was also a necessary condition of its existence…. With few exceptions, none of the Zionists disputed the desirability of forced transfer – or its morality.'

"The key was to get the timing right.

"Ben-Gurion, reflecting on the expulsion option in the late 1930s, wrote: 'What is inconceivable in normal times is possible in revolutionary times; and if at this time the opportunity is missed and what is possible in such great hours is not carried out – a whole world is lost.'”

Timing is Everything.:evil:

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict « USC Students for Justice in Palestine
This is how Israel conducts a murder investigation:


Why does the kid look YOUNGER in the "post-beating" image?
Because the images are taken out of context?

Is there a good context for the second picture? You're insinuating that the second picture is just the way the kid happens to look normally?

Jeezus, you just beat out the last retard I had to respond to.
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This is how Israel conducts a murder investigation:


Why does the kid look YOUNGER in the "post-beating" image?
Because the images are taken out of context?

The kid in the post beating image looks pretty much like the kid who was beaten by the Florida father who discovered his son getting raped! Except for the swollen eye, it could be the same person.
"'Disappearing’ the Arabs lay at the heart of the Zionist dream, and was also a necessary condition of its existence…. With few exceptions, none of the Zionists disputed the desirability of forced transfer – or its morality.'

"The key was to get the timing right.

"Ben-Gurion, reflecting on the expulsion option in the late 1930s, wrote: 'What is inconceivable in normal times is possible in revolutionary times; and if at this time the opportunity is missed and what is possible in such great hours is not carried out – a whole world is lost.'”

Timing is Everything.:evil:

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict « USC Students for Justice in Palestine

Here's a current member of the Israeli parliament calling for the genocide of the Palestinians:

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada

Naturally the Jew's apologists will blame the victim for the belligerent occupation of Gaza

Jews are the "chosen people", aren't they

"I want my father!”

"He was carried in by a paramedic and immediately rushed to the intensive care unit, which is right next to the ER. He clung to the paramedic, crying, 'I want my father, bring me my father!' until he had to be forced to let go.

"As I stood by, alert for orders, a group of four medical personnel immediately started to treat the boy.

"But he kept kicking and screaming and calling for his father.

"His injuries were serious: a wound to the left side of his head which could indicate a skull fracture and a large piece of shrapnel in his neck. Another piece of shrapnel had penetrated his chest and a third had entered his abdomen. There were many smaller wounds all over his body."

The boy who clung to the paramedic: the story behind the photo | The Electronic Intifada

Sieg Heil, Jew Firsters
Meantime, in the real world:

And why is that?

The US Taxpayers have given Israhell over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars

The US taxpayers have given the Talmudist Entity the lattest military hardware

the Zionuts own the US media

and so it goes.


Israel gets the money and does the R&D and Production.
Then the US gets the technology.
Then the US sells the technology to India and China.

If the Jews own the US, chalk it up to the world's highest literacy rate and actual scientific achievements.
By the way, shut off your computer as at least a 3rd of the components were developed the Zs.

Yo fucktard, it is very difficult for the Palestinians to to R&D and Production when they receive not federal aid, no military support and while they live under Apartheid.

"'Disappearing’ the Arabs lay at the heart of the Zionist dream, and was also a necessary condition of its existence…. With few exceptions, none of the Zionists disputed the desirability of forced transfer – or its morality.'

"The key was to get the timing right.

"Ben-Gurion, reflecting on the expulsion option in the late 1930s, wrote: 'What is inconceivable in normal times is possible in revolutionary times; and if at this time the opportunity is missed and what is possible in such great hours is not carried out – a whole world is lost.'”

Timing is Everything.:evil:

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict « USC Students for Justice in Palestine

Here's a current member of the Israeli parliament calling for the genocide of the Palestinians:

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada
Like many of the younger Jews in Israel the member of parliament you mentioned has been raised on a steady diet of hatred toward Arabs and ignorance of how the State of Israel came into existence:

"This is an article by the late Uri Elitzur, which was written 12 years ago, but remained unpublished. It is as relevant today as it was at the time.

The Palestinian people has declared war on us, and we must respond with war. Not an operation, not a slow-moving one, not low-intensity, not controlled escalation, no destruction of terror infrastructure, no targeted killings.

"Enough with the oblique references. This is a war. Words have meanings. This is a war. It is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority.

"These too are forms of avoiding reality. This is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people. Why? Ask them, they started."

Apparently the Jews are about to self-destruct Never Again?:eek:

Israeli lawmaker's call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes | The Electronic Intifada
If Hamas would stop hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like pussies, we would not be seeing these unfortunate civilian collateral-casualties in such numbers...

War produces casualties.

The slaughter of Hamas in large numbers is a worthwhile casus belli, all by itself.

For every Hamas scumbag shoveled under the earth, we should give the IDF shooter a gift certificate for a free steak and seafood dinner for two.

Just to make it interesting.

Back to my popcorn, watching the fine show that the IDF is putting-on, in hunting-down and killing Hamas scum...
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If Hamas would stop hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like pussies, we would not be seeing these unfortunate civilian collateral-casualties in such numbers...

War produces casualties.

The slaughter of Hamas in large numbers is a worthwhile casus belli, all by itself.

For every Hamas scumbag shoveled under the earth, we should give the IDF shooter a gift certificate for a free steak and seafood dinner for two.

Just to make it interesting.

Back to my popcorn, watching the fine show that the IDF is putting-on, in hunting-down and killing Hamas scum...
Read up on General Gadi Eizenkot and his contribution to killing women and children:

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure, as a means of inducing suffering for the civilian population, thereby establishing deterrence.[1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.

"Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Then imagine how the Dahiya doctrine plays out in Gaza

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If Hamas would stop hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like pussies, we would not be seeing these unfortunate civilian collateral-casualties in such numbers...

War produces casualties.

The slaughter of Hamas in large numbers is a worthwhile casus belli, all by itself.

For every Hamas scumbag shoveled under the earth, we should give the IDF shooter a gift certificate for a free steak and seafood dinner for two.

Just to make it interesting.

Back to my popcorn, watching the fine show that the IDF is putting-on, in hunting-down and killing Hamas scum...
Read up on General Gadi Eizenkot and his contribution to killing women and children:

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure, as a means of inducing suffering for the civilian population, thereby establishing deterrence.[1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.

"Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Then imagine how the Dahiya doctrine plays out in Gaza

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are no civilians in Gaza in my book. Civilians do not celebrate the murder of children, the way they did when those three kids were killed.

Civilians do not celebrate when thousands were killed on 9/11.

Civilians, have to act with civility. They have to be 'civil' to be a civilian.

These are not civilians any more. They are dogs. Brutal dogs. They danced in the streets. The had parties. Now they suffer... and they earned it.

Israel should target combatant buildings, and they are ALL combatants. Drive them out. They brought this on themselves, and earned every bit of it.
If Hamas would stop hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like pussies, we would not be seeing these unfortunate civilian collateral-casualties in such numbers...

War produces casualties.

The slaughter of Hamas in large numbers is a worthwhile casus belli, all by itself.

For every Hamas scumbag shoveled under the earth, we should give the IDF shooter a gift certificate for a free steak and seafood dinner for two.

Just to make it interesting.

Back to my popcorn, watching the fine show that the IDF is putting-on, in hunting-down and killing Hamas scum...
Read up on General Gadi Eizenkot and his contribution to killing women and children:

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure, as a means of inducing suffering for the civilian population, thereby establishing deterrence.[1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.

"Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Then imagine how the Dahiya doctrine plays out in Gaza

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are no civilians in Gaza in my book. Civilians do not celebrate the murder of children, the way they did when those three kids were killed.

Civilians do not celebrate when thousands were killed on 9/11.

Civilians, have to act with civility. They have to be 'civil' to be a civilian.

These are not civilians any more. They are dogs. Brutal dogs. They danced in the streets. The had parties. Now they suffer... and they earned it.

Israel should target combatant buildings, and they are ALL combatants. Drive them out. They brought this on themselves, and earned every bit of it.

See? The advocates for a Palestinian genocide are all over the place.
Read up on General Gadi Eizenkot and his contribution to killing women and children:

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure, as a means of inducing suffering for the civilian population, thereby establishing deterrence.[1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.

"Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Then imagine how the Dahiya doctrine plays out in Gaza

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are no civilians in Gaza in my book. Civilians do not celebrate the murder of children, the way they did when those three kids were killed.

Civilians do not celebrate when thousands were killed on 9/11.

Civilians, have to act with civility. They have to be 'civil' to be a civilian.

These are not civilians any more. They are dogs. Brutal dogs. They danced in the streets. The had parties. Now they suffer... and they earned it.

Israel should target combatant buildings, and they are ALL combatants. Drive them out. They brought this on themselves, and earned every bit of it.

See? The advocates for a Palestinian genocide are all over the place.

See? Apologists for child murdering are all over the place. Give us more of your excuses.
Just for the record,

two jihadist Palestinian groups claimed responsibility for the killing of the Israeli teens, not Hamas.
Jihadist Palestinian groups, operating out of Hamas-controlled territory?

That makes Hamas ultimately responsible, still.

Next slide, please.

According to Palestinian sources, Palestinian security forces had already reported to Israel that these two suspects had disappeared from Hebron within 24 hours of the abduction. That was the first clue in the investigation and the reason why Israel pointed an accusatory finger at the Hamas infrastructure in Hebron. But while Israel continues to accuse the Hamas movement and its leadership of being responsible for the abduction, Palestinian security forces attribute the abduction to the Qawasmeh clan of Hebron specifically. Though the clan is known for identifying with Hamas, it also has a well-earned reputation as troublemakers. Not only does it tend to ignore the movement’s leaders. It even acts counter to the policies being advocated by the movement.

Read more: Accused kidnappers are rogue Hamas branch - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
See? The advocates for a Palestinian genocide are all over the place.

Slaughtering Hamas militants by the bushel-basketful isn't genocide.

It's a public service.

Akin to taking out the trash.

Or culling a herd of feral dogs.
If Hamas would stop hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like pussies, we would not be seeing these unfortunate civilian collateral-casualties in such numbers...

War produces casualties.

The slaughter of Hamas in large numbers is a worthwhile casus belli, all by itself.

For every Hamas scumbag shoveled under the earth, we should give the IDF shooter a gift certificate for a free steak and seafood dinner for two.

Just to make it interesting.

Back to my popcorn, watching the fine show that the IDF is putting-on, in hunting-down and killing Hamas scum...
Read up on General Gadi Eizenkot and his contribution to killing women and children:

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure, as a means of inducing suffering for the civilian population, thereby establishing deterrence.[1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.

"Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Then imagine how the Dahiya doctrine plays out in Gaza

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are no civilians in Gaza in my book. Civilians do not celebrate the murder of children, the way they did when those three kids were killed.

Civilians do not celebrate when thousands were killed on 9/11.

Civilians, have to act with civility. They have to be 'civil' to be a civilian.

These are not civilians any more. They are dogs. Brutal dogs. They danced in the streets. The had parties. Now they suffer... and they earned it.

Israel should target combatant buildings, and they are ALL combatants. Drive them out. They brought this on themselves, and earned every bit of it.
Jews on a hill top outside Sderot dance and celebrate every bomb, rocket, and shell the IDF drops on Gaza. Are they civilians? Many Americans celebrate the heroic Jews killing of four Gazan teens on a beach last week; are they civilians? Zionism is the root cause for all the violence we're seeing in Palestine today, and it's not likely to diminish any time soon. There's nothing civil about ethnic cleansing.
Read up on General Gadi Eizenkot and his contribution to killing women and children:

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure, as a means of inducing suffering for the civilian population, thereby establishing deterrence.[1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.

"Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Then imagine how the Dahiya doctrine plays out in Gaza

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are no civilians in Gaza in my book. Civilians do not celebrate the murder of children, the way they did when those three kids were killed.

Civilians do not celebrate when thousands were killed on 9/11.

Civilians, have to act with civility. They have to be 'civil' to be a civilian.

These are not civilians any more. They are dogs. Brutal dogs. They danced in the streets. The had parties. Now they suffer... and they earned it.

Israel should target combatant buildings, and they are ALL combatants. Drive them out. They brought this on themselves, and earned every bit of it.
Jews on a hill top outside Sderot dance and celebrate every bomb, rocket, and shell the IDF drops on Gaza. Are they civilians? Many Americans celebrate the heroic Jews killing of four Gazan teens on a beach last week; are they civilians? Zionism is the root cause for all the violence we're seeing in Palestine today, and it's not likely to diminish any time soon. There's nothing civil about ethnic cleansing.

Yes, I'm sure the citizens of S'Derot had a rockin' time being attacked for the last couple of years.
Not to mention the tunnels.
Yeah, George, what ABOUT those tunnels?
Oh, I know, tunnels are the Muslim version of an amusement park!
Just for the record,

two jihadist Palestinian groups claimed responsibility for the killing of the Israeli teens, not Hamas.
Jihadist Palestinian groups, operating out of Hamas-controlled territory?

That makes Hamas ultimately responsible, still.

Next slide, please.

According to Palestinian sources, Palestinian security forces had already reported to Israel that these two suspects had disappeared from Hebron within 24 hours of the abduction. That was the first clue in the investigation and the reason why Israel pointed an accusatory finger at the Hamas infrastructure in Hebron. But while Israel continues to accuse the Hamas movement and its leadership of being responsible for the abduction, Palestinian security forces attribute the abduction to the Qawasmeh clan of Hebron specifically. Though the clan is known for identifying with Hamas, it also has a well-earned reputation as troublemakers. Not only does it tend to ignore the movement’s leaders. It even acts counter to the policies being advocated by the movement.

Read more: Accused kidnappers are rogue Hamas branch - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Your link:

"Marwan Qawasmeh, the man behind the abduction, emerged as a dominant figure in the clan after Israel arrested Imad Qawasmeh and sentenced him to life in prison.

"Each time Hamas had reached an understanding with Israel about a cease-fire or tahadiyeh (period of calm), at least one member of the family has been responsible for planning or initiating a suicide attack, and any understandings with Israel, achieved after considerable effort, were suddenly laid waste.

"If there is a single family throughout the PA territories whose actions can be blamed for Israel’s assassination of the political leadership of Hamas, it is the Qawasmeh family of Hebron.

Accused kidnappers are rogue Hamas branch - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

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