Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

Israel destabilized the situation by starting this war in the first place. Then again, they destabilized the whole region by existing in the first place.

Fun, isn't it?

Especially when they slaughter large numbers of Hamas.

Pass the popcorn...

You say this and wonder why Israel doesn't get broad international support? It's for dehumanizing and vulgar comments like this. Only a sick person could enjoy hundreds of palestinian children getting slaughtered.
..."But once I'd had my ass kicked a few times, I would pack up my family and leave."
That's because you're a spineless bitch with low self-esteem.
I'll stack my Honorable Discharge over your (phony back problem after 10 days) Medical Discharge any day of the week, little Arab Butt Buddy.

How does any of this help us to discuss the latest Israel-Gazan War?
In the same way your childish prattle about the Great Skedaddle does.
How many times have you been shot at?
Should have come to terms with the Israelis at any of a dozen or more milestones in the past 66 years, while various forms of viable offer were still on the table.

It's beginning to look now like you've waited too long, and tried going to that well once too often.


Oh, well, even a long, sustained ass-kicking must come to an end sometime.

Ready to run-up a white bedsheet and take that Sucker's Walk yet?
So what you say to David Ben-Gurion's response to the question of why haven't Palestinians stopped resisting the heroic Jew: "They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that."

Why would you, Yeppers?

'Afraid you might stay alive just long enough to watch your family die?:D
You're not even coherent at this point, George - you're wandering all over the place... put down the bong, old-timer, your heart can't take it anymore. Neither can what's left of your mind.
Can't find the mental resources to answer a simple question?
How would you answer the father of modern Israel's question: why would Palestinians, some of whom came from families who had lived on or farmed the same land for generations, accept European migrants stealing their land and killing their children?
Fun, isn't it? Especially when they slaughter large numbers of Hamas. Pass the popcorn...
You say this and wonder why Israel doesn't get broad international support?...
Don't look now, but nobody's demanding that Israel stop this time, and backing that up with threats. We have a new ballgame on our hands. The world has had enough of Hamas.

...It's for dehumanizing and vulgar comments like this...
I was not aware that any Israeli in a position of authority had made a celebratory and sarcastic remark along those lines in connection with the July 2014 Gaza Mini-War that would cause international support for Israel to wane.

...Only a sick person could enjoy hundreds of palestinian children getting slaughtered.
Damned right.

We're 100% on the same page.

Fortunately, in my case, my own celebratory and sarcastic comments are limited to the slaughter of Hamas militants.

My own commentaries on the tragedy of child-casualties are scattered-about several threads in this forum, there for all to see, some of them made this very day.

And there'd be a damned-sight fewer women and children harmed if Hamas did not hide behind the skirts of their women and children, like the pussies they are, by intentionally placing war-assets in such close proximity to places sheltering such innocents, in the hopes that their enemy will refrain-from or delay the destruction of such assets, because of the human shields (women and children) which surround them.

Another sensible and righteous reason to slit the throats of every Hamas miscreant that the IDF can get its hands on.

But thank you for your interest on the subject, and, of course, your feedback.

Now, excuse me while I get back to my snack, and the evening show, featuring doomed Hamas scumbags, lining-up for their 72 virgins...

The human shield myth has been debunked. Its funny, for a so called "anti-terrorist" operation, they kill very few "terrorists". 77% civies to militants, its funny, with there highly advanced missile tech, its almost as though they are deliberately targeting civies, you know an eye for an eye thing for those three boys(no evidence has been proven Hamas or the people of Gaza had anything to do with it).

...Can't find the mental resources to answer a simple question?...
Don't try being clever, George. Nobody believes it. Waste of time.

...How would you answer the father of modern Israel's question: why would Palestinians, some of whom came from families who had lived on or farmed the same land for generations, accept European migrants stealing their land and killing their children?
1. I never said I would answer such a question.

2. I am under no obligation to answer such a question.

3. But I will answer such a question, just for shits and giggles...

My answer is...

Palestinians should not accept such an arrangement.

Unless they had been defeated, repeatedly, and cornered, with no realistic prospects for future success.

Beating one's head against a thick stone wall is absolutely pointless; an attribute for which the Palestinians (and Hamas in particular) have long-since become (in)famous.

Which is precisely the metaphorical analogy at work here, in connection with the Palestinians.

Far better to walk away, once you've failed, with no realistic prospect of future success, so that your children and grandchildren can live and grow in peace, in a place where they are welcome, far from the trials and tribulations of the Old Country.

Victors squawk, losers walk.
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The human shield myth has been debunked. Its funny, for a so called "anti-terrorist" operation, they kill very few "terrorists". 77% civies to militants, its funny, with there highly advanced missile tech, its almost as though they are deliberately targeting civies...

Even the UN and Human Rights Watch bitch-slapped Hamas, repeatedly, for human-shield -like operations and behaviors during the 2008 tangle.

It's public domain knowledge. Go look, if you need to refresh your memory.

...you know an eye for an eye thing for those three boys(no evidence has been proven Hamas or the people of Gaza had anything to do with it)...
An eye-for-an-eye?

Man-oh-man, are you out of touch, in this context.

This isn't eye-for-eye.

This is using a plausible casus belli to take the opportunity to flatten Hamas' war-making capability and to slaughter as many hundreds (or thousands) of Hamas militants as they can possibly get their hands on.

An eye-for-an-eye?


More like a glorious 100-to-1 kill-ratio, as an object lesson.
The human shield myth has been debunked. Its funny, for a so called "anti-terrorist" operation, they kill very few "terrorists". 77% civies to militants, its funny, with there highly advanced missile tech, its almost as though they are deliberately targeting civies...

Even the UN and Human Rights Watch bitch-slapped Hamas, repeatedly, for human-shield -like operations and behaviors during the 2008 tangle.

More like a glorious 100-to-1 kill-ratio, as an object lesson.

Not according to the finalized Human Rights Council Report(Goldstone Report) I linked to. But of course you just ignored that.

Exactly, your last sentence categorizes what this is, a massacre driven by hatred and supremacism that is fueled by dehumanizing the Palestinians.
...Can't find the mental resources to answer a simple question?...
Don't try being clever, George. Nobody believes it. Waste of time.

...How would you answer the father of modern Israel's question: why would Palestinians, some of whom came from families who had lived on or farmed the same land for generations, accept European migrants stealing their land and killing their children?
1. I never said I would answer such a question.

2. I am under no obligation to answer such a question.

3. But I will answer such a question, just for shits and giggles...

My answer is...

Palestinians should not accept such an arrangement.

Unless they had been defeated, repeatedly, and cornered, with no realistic prospects for future success.

Beating one's head against a thick stone wall is absolutely pointless; an attribute for which the Palestinians (and Hamas in particular) have long-since become (in)famous.

Which is precisely the metaphorical analogy at work here, in connection with the Palestinians.

Far better to walk away, once you've failed, with no realistic prospect of future success, so that your children and grandchildren can live and grow in peace, in a place where they are welcome, far from the trials and tribulations of the Old Country.

Victors squawk, losers walk.
Your ignorance of Palestine is unlimited.

Sumud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...Can't find the mental resources to answer a simple question?...
Don't try being clever, George. Nobody believes it. Waste of time.

...How would you answer the father of modern Israel's question: why would Palestinians, some of whom came from families who had lived on or farmed the same land for generations, accept European migrants stealing their land and killing their children?
1. I never said I would answer such a question.

2. I am under no obligation to answer such a question.

3. But I will answer such a question, just for shits and giggles...

My answer is...

Palestinians should not accept such an arrangement.

Unless they had been defeated, repeatedly, and cornered, with no realistic prospects for future success.

Beating one's head against a thick stone wall is absolutely pointless; an attribute for which the Palestinians (and Hamas in particular) have long-since become (in)famous.

Which is precisely the metaphorical analogy at work here, in connection with the Palestinians.

Far better to walk away, once you've failed, with no realistic prospect of future success, so that your children and grandchildren can live and grow in peace, in a place where they are welcome, far from the trials and tribulations of the Old Country.

Victors squawk, losers walk.
Your ignorance of Palestine is unlimited.

Sumud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...Your ignorance of Palestine is unlimited...
Oh, agreed, absolutely.

I also know that recently institutionalized collective stubbornness and intransigence on the part of the Palestinians is a shallow and fragile and short-lived thing that will not withstand the test of time.

Victors squawk, losers walk.
The human shield myth has been debunked. Its funny, for a so called "anti-terrorist" operation, they kill very few "terrorists". 77% civies to militants, its funny, with there highly advanced missile tech, its almost as though they are deliberately targeting civies...

Even the UN and Human Rights Watch bitch-slapped Hamas, repeatedly, for human-shield -like operations and behaviors during the 2008 tangle.

More like a glorious 100-to-1 kill-ratio, as an object lesson.

Not according to the finalized Human Rights Council Report(Goldstone Report) I linked to. But of course you just ignored that...
Hell, I didn't know there WAS a preliminary versus final edition of the report, voicing differing opinions on the subject, nor did I know that that finding was effectively contested...

United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...

...Exactly, your last sentence categorizes what this is, a massacre driven by hatred and supremacism that is fueled by dehumanizing the Palestinians.
This will indeed be a massacre, of Hamas leadership and rank-and-file militias.

The more civilians Hamas allows to leave endangered and pre-cautioned zones, the fewer the civilian casualties - their choice.

This 100-to-1 (-ish) kill-ratio bit is pretty good, though, eh?

There's plenty of hatred on the Israeli side, to partially compensate for the far broader-ranging and more profound hatred on the Palestinian side, so, that's all evened-out.

There is little or no 'supremacism' going on here, that I have seen evidence of, anyway.

As to 'dehumanizing' the Palestinians, well...

This is war, now...

Each side calls the other side some really interesting names, once war is underway...

I'm sure the Israelis will demonize the Palestinians, far less than the Palestinians demonize the Israelis...

One merely needs to compare Children's TV programming for the two sides, to realize the profound truth of that observation...

As to ME demonizing the Palestinians, well... phukk 'em... they're the enemy.

Not so much innocent civilians, but, fer shure, Hamas, most of whom couldn't find their ass in a well-lit rooom surrounded by mirrors...
You are such an idiot. Your own link confirmed my point

The Mission, however, found no evidence of Palestinian armed groups placing civilians in areas where attacks were being launched; of engaging in combat in civilian dress; or of using a mosque for military purposes or to shield military activities.[84]

The rest of your post, just more salivating over the kill ratio of Palestinian Civilians Vs. Israelis.

Normal people aren't proud of this, but then again, Zionists are sick people.

You should seek medical help.
good grief, can you imagine getting advice for this man after what he's carrying out right now IN OUR COUNTRY with OUR BORDERS?

a frikken hoot if he wasn't so dangerous to US
...Your ignorance of Palestine is unlimited...
Oh, agreed, absolutely.

I also know that recently institutionalized collective stubbornness and intransigence on the part of the Palestinians is a shallow and fragile and short-lived thing that will not withstand the test of time.

Victors squawk, losers walk.
Do you know why Killer Jews uproot Palestinians Olive trees?

"With the passing of the years since 1967, Palestinians have distinguished between two main forms of sumud. The first, static sumud, is more passive and is defined by Ibrahim Dhahak as the 'maintenance of Palestinians on their land.'

"The second, resistance sumud (in Arabic, sumud muqawim) is a more dynamic ideology whose aim is to seek ways of building alternative institutions so as to resist and undermine the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.[2]

"The ultimate symbol associated with the concept of sumud and the Palestinian sense of rootedness in the land is the olive tree, ubiquitous throughout Palestine.[3]

"Another icon of sumud that has often been portrayed in Palestinian artwork is that of the mother, and more specifically, a peasant woman depicted as when with child."

The same reason they murder Palestinian women and children.:eusa_pray:

Sumud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The human shield myth has been debunked. Its funny, for a so called "anti-terrorist" operation, they kill very few "terrorists". 77% civies to militants, its funny, with there highly advanced missile tech, its almost as though they are deliberately targeting civies...

Even the UN and Human Rights Watch bitch-slapped Hamas, repeatedly, for human-shield -like operations and behaviors during the 2008 tangle.

It's public domain knowledge. Go look, if you need to refresh your memory.

...you know an eye for an eye thing for those three boys(no evidence has been proven Hamas or the people of Gaza had anything to do with it)...
An eye-for-an-eye?

Man-oh-man, are you out of touch, in this context.

This isn't eye-for-eye.

This is using a plausible casus belli to take the opportunity to flatten Hamas' war-making capability and to slaughter as many hundreds (or thousands) of Hamas militants as they can possibly get their hands on.

An eye-for-an-eye?


More like a glorious 100-to-1 kill-ratio, as an object lesson.

Killing civilians at a 100 to 1 ratio or the like, for retaliation against resistance, was standard practice for the German Army in the World Wars,

in case you're wondering where Israel may have gotten the model.

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