Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

Jews are the source of the violence in Palestine.
That's how 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation on 1.3 million Arabs in 1948.
In 1967 Jews stole most of the rest of Palestine, and since that time they've filled the West Bank with over 500,000 illegal settlers.
If you actually once believed Palestinians are the victims in this struggle, you were right.

"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children

131 Israeli children and 1,540 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

Palestinians fire rockets into Israel on a regular basis.
Israel fires back and kills more people (and children) in response.

If Palestinians want Palestinian children to stop dying at more than ten times the rate ... I would suggest they stop shooting rockets into Israel.

Jews are the source of the violence in Palestine.
That's how 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation on 1.3 million Arabs in 1948.
In 1967 Jews stole most of the rest of Palestine, and since that time they've filled the West Bank with over 500,000 illegal settlers.
If you actually once believed Palestinians are the victims in this struggle, you were right.

"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children

131 Israeli children and 1,540 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

Palestinians fire rockets into Israel on a regular basis.
Israel fires back and kills more people (and children) in response.

If Palestinians want Palestinian children to stop dying at more than ten times the rate ... I would suggest they stop shooting rockets into Israel.

You should suggest to the Jews they stop stealing land and water from Palestinians and using Arab children for target practice. Jews control all of Gaza's borders. Jews control Gazan airspace and coastal waters. Jews determine how many calories each resident of Gaza receives on a daily basis. Jews laugh about the Gazan diet and then cry "self-defense" when Gazans retaliate with primitive rockets. Jews are the problem in Gaza just as they are on the West Bank.
Palestinians fire rockets into Israel on a regular basis.
Israel fires back and kills more people (and children) in response.

If Palestinians want Palestinian children to stop dying at more than ten times the rate ... I would suggest they stop shooting rockets into Israel.

You should suggest to the Jews they stop stealing land and water from Palestinians and using Arab children for target practice. Jews control all of Gaza's borders. Jews control Gazan airspace and coastal waters. Jews determine how many calories each resident of Gaza receives on a daily basis. Jews laugh about the Gazan diet and then cry "self-defense" when Gazans retaliate with primitive rockets. Jews are the problem in Gaza just as they are on the West Bank.

The Palestinians would have to have water and land before the Israelis could steal it.
Otherwise ... The Palestinians have the Gaza Strip ... And Israelis provide more resouces to the people their than the Palestinian Authoruity.

Palestinians fire rockets into Israel on a regular basis.
Israel fires back and kills more people (and children) in response.

If Palestinians want Palestinian children to stop dying at more than ten times the rate ... I would suggest they stop shooting rockets into Israel.

You should suggest to the Jews they stop stealing land and water from Palestinians and using Arab children for target practice. Jews control all of Gaza's borders. Jews control Gazan airspace and coastal waters. Jews determine how many calories each resident of Gaza receives on a daily basis. Jews laugh about the Gazan diet and then cry "self-defense" when Gazans retaliate with primitive rockets. Jews are the problem in Gaza just as they are on the West Bank.

The Palestinians would have to have water and land before the Israelis could steal it.
Otherwise ... The Palestinians have the Gaza Strip ... And Israelis provide more resouces to the people their than the Palestinian Authoruity.

When the Jews inflicted their nation upon Palestine in 1948, Gaza had a population of about 60,000 residents. Zionists drove 200,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts and into tent cities in Gaza. Jews from around the ME and Europe took the property of displaced Arabs. Arab villages were razed and given Hebrew names: Najd became Sderot:

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza. In 1956, Sderot was recognized as a local council."

Jews are wearing out their welcome in Palestine faster than they did in Germany.
Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You should suggest to the Jews they stop stealing land and water from Palestinians and using Arab children for target practice. Jews control all of Gaza's borders. Jews control Gazan airspace and coastal waters. Jews determine how many calories each resident of Gaza receives on a daily basis. Jews laugh about the Gazan diet and then cry "self-defense" when Gazans retaliate with primitive rockets. Jews are the problem in Gaza just as they are on the West Bank.

The Palestinians would have to have water and land before the Israelis could steal it.
Otherwise ... The Palestinians have the Gaza Strip ... And Israelis provide more resouces to the people their than the Palestinian Authoruity.

When the Jews inflicted their nation upon Palestine in 1948, Gaza had a population of about 60,000 residents. Zionists drove 200,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts and into tent cities in Gaza. Jews from around the ME and Europe took the property of displaced Arabs. Arab villages were razed and given Hebrew names: Najd became Sderot:

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza. In 1956, Sderot was recognized as a local council."

Jews are wearing out their welcome in Palestine faster than they did in Germany.
Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not true. Several of the claims in this post are false, but everyone who cares, knows this already, and you wouldn't admit the truth no matter how much evidence we provide.

So instead, I'm just going to say that I support Israel and hope they claim all the land of Palestine in the current ground offensive. Best outcome, they drive all the people out, and take over the entire west bank, and Gaza.
The Palestinians would have to have water and land before the Israelis could steal it.
Otherwise ... The Palestinians have the Gaza Strip ... And Israelis provide more resouces to the people their than the Palestinian Authoruity.

When the Jews inflicted their nation upon Palestine in 1948, Gaza had a population of about 60,000 residents. Zionists drove 200,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts and into tent cities in Gaza. Jews from around the ME and Europe took the property of displaced Arabs. Arab villages were razed and given Hebrew names: Najd became Sderot:

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza. In 1956, Sderot was recognized as a local council."

Jews are wearing out their welcome in Palestine faster than they did in Germany.
Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not true. Several of the claims in this post are false, but everyone who cares, knows this already, and you wouldn't admit the truth no matter how much evidence we provide.

So instead, I'm just going to say that I support Israel and hope they claim all the land of Palestine in the current ground offensive. Best outcome, they drive all the people out, and take over the entire west bank, and Gaza.
In 1948 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine.
Over 700,000 indigenous Palestinians were driven from their farms and homes into surrounding states like Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.
200,000 Arabs from villages like Najd were driven into camps in Gaza.
Today there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea.
Jews couldn't expel millions of Arabs from Palestine without becoming even more of a pariah state then they currently are.
If you have evidence to the contrary, please post it.
When the Jews inflicted their nation upon Palestine in 1948, Gaza had a population of about 60,000 residents. Zionists drove 200,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts and into tent cities in Gaza. Jews from around the ME and Europe took the property of displaced Arabs. Arab villages were razed and given Hebrew names: Najd became Sderot:

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza. In 1956, Sderot was recognized as a local council."

Jews are wearing out their welcome in Palestine faster than they did in Germany.
Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not true. Several of the claims in this post are false, but everyone who cares, knows this already, and you wouldn't admit the truth no matter how much evidence we provide.

So instead, I'm just going to say that I support Israel and hope they claim all the land of Palestine in the current ground offensive. Best outcome, they drive all the people out, and take over the entire west bank, and Gaza.
In 1948 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine.
Over 700,000 indigenous Palestinians were driven from their farms and homes into surrounding states like Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.
200,000 Arabs from villages like Najd were driven into camps in Gaza.
Today there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea.
Jews couldn't expel millions of Arabs from Palestine without becoming even more of a pariah state then they currently are.
If you have evidence to the contrary, please post it.

Nifty. So... I'm just going to say that I support Israel and hope they claim all the land of Palestine in the current ground offensive. Best outcome, they drive all the people out, and take over the entire west bank, and Gaza.
"In the United States’ capital, Washington, DC, demonstrators gathered to re-enact Gazan deaths, putting on a performance pretending to be dead as they lay on the pavement outside the White House.

'Dozens of activists, wearing keffiyeh scarves and shirts blotted with fake blood attended the spectacle.

“'Authentic Rabbis always opposed Zionism,' one Jewish banner read, as a segment of the faith gathered in solidarity.

"Yisroel Dovid Weiss of the organization Jews United against Zionism told RT that 'this ideology Zionism is transformation purely from religion to nationalism… it has no basis in the Torah. The Torah in fact clearly states that we are forbidden since the destruction of the temple 2,000 years ago to create our own sovereignty.'

"One activist of Palestinian origin said that during her last conversation with her family back home, she could hear bombs falling in the background over the phone."

And, on the more lighthearted side, we have cheerleaders, to clap for every dead Hamas scumbag that the IDF shovels into the dirt, as they push Hamas back, tactical zone by zone...

"Push 'em back... push 'em back... wwwaaaaaaaaayyyy back! Go Team Israel !!! Yyyaaaaaaayyy !!! "


"In the United States’ capital, Washington, DC, demonstrators gathered to re-enact Gazan deaths, putting on a performance pretending to be dead as they lay on the pavement outside the White House.

'Dozens of activists, wearing keffiyeh scarves and shirts blotted with fake blood attended the spectacle.

“'Authentic Rabbis always opposed Zionism,' one Jewish banner read, as a segment of the faith gathered in solidarity.

"Yisroel Dovid Weiss of the organization Jews United against Zionism told RT that 'this ideology Zionism is transformation purely from religion to nationalism… it has no basis in the Torah. The Torah in fact clearly states that we are forbidden since the destruction of the temple 2,000 years ago to create our own sovereignty.'

"One activist of Palestinian origin said that during her last conversation with her family back home, she could hear bombs falling in the background over the phone."

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And, on the more lighthearted side, we have cheerleaders, to clap for every dead Hamas scumbag that the IDF shovels into the dirt, as they push Hamas back, tactical zone by zone...

"Push 'em back... push 'em back... wwwaaaaaaaaayyyy back! Go Team Israel !!! Yyyaaaaaaayyy !!! "


"In the United States’ capital, Washington, DC, demonstrators gathered to re-enact Gazan deaths, putting on a performance pretending to be dead as they lay on the pavement outside the White House.

'Dozens of activists, wearing keffiyeh scarves and shirts blotted with fake blood attended the spectacle.

“'Authentic Rabbis always opposed Zionism,' one Jewish banner read, as a segment of the faith gathered in solidarity.

"Yisroel Dovid Weiss of the organization Jews United against Zionism told RT that 'this ideology Zionism is transformation purely from religion to nationalism… it has no basis in the Torah. The Torah in fact clearly states that we are forbidden since the destruction of the temple 2,000 years ago to create our own sovereignty.'

"One activist of Palestinian origin said that during her last conversation with her family back home, she could hear bombs falling in the background over the phone."


I congratulate Hamas warriors and their spirit of resistance.

Hang in their dudes.

It won't be long before someone provides you guys with nuclear material. Then there will be thirteen lost tribes of Israel.

I congratulate Hamas warriors and their spirit of resistance. Hang in their dudes. It won't be long before someone provides you guys with nuclear material. Then there will be thirteen lost tribes of Israel..:D
Sounds like a poster-child for a US Dept of Homeland Security review to me...
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I congratulate Hamas warriors and their spirit of resistance. Hang in their dudes. It won't be long before someone provides you guys with nuclear material. Then there will be thirteen lost tribes of Israel..:D
Sounds like a poster-child for a US Dept of Homeland Security review to me...

Yes, indeed.

Their mission is to defend, protect and take bullets for the zionuts.

I congratulate Hamas warriors and their spirit of resistance. Hang in their dudes. It won't be long before someone provides you guys with nuclear material. Then there will be thirteen lost tribes of Israel..:D
Sounds like a poster-child for a US Dept of Homeland Security review to me...

Yes, indeed.

Their mission is to defend, protect and take bullets for the zionuts..
No, their mission is to defend against terrorist, like Hamas, and their supporters.

What would it take for Hamas to stop its participation in the criminal rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians?

Israel offering to lift the siege it has imposed on Gaza since 2007.

"Although Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman raised the possibility not only of continued air strikes and a ground operation but full reoccupation of the Gaza Strip, a reversal of Ariel Sharon’s 2005 withdrawal is dismissed by most diplomats.

“'Netanyahu has painted himself into a corner already and he knows from his advisors, both political and military, that the cost of a ground operation is very high. I don’t think he will reoccupy,' said one Western diplomat in Cairo.

"If diplomats agree Lieberman’s threats are hollow, they also concur that short of reoccupation there is no guarantee to delivering what Netanyahu wants — dismantling Hamas’s capacity to launch rockets.

"And even that might not work.

"Quartet envoy Tony Blair has been advising Israel that neither reoccupation nor an extensive ground operation will secure Netanyahu’s goals.

"Both Blair and US Secretary of State John Kerry have told Netanyahu that the only way forward is a truce that leads to easing the sufferings of the 1.5 million Palestinians who live in Gaza under the Israeli siege first imposed in 2007 following the Hamas take over and the elimination of the PA.

"Blair has been discussing a package to help improve economic conditions in Gaza once a truce is in place with several concerned capitals."

Gaza--all-options-open - Al-Ahram Weekly

What would it take for Hamas to stop its participation in the criminal rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians?

Israel offering to lift the siege it has imposed on Gaza since 2007.

"Although Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman raised the possibility not only of continued air strikes and a ground operation but full reoccupation of the Gaza Strip, a reversal of Ariel Sharon’s 2005 withdrawal is dismissed by most diplomats.

“'Netanyahu has painted himself into a corner already and he knows from his advisors, both political and military, that the cost of a ground operation is very high. I don’t think he will reoccupy,' said one Western diplomat in Cairo.

"If diplomats agree Lieberman’s threats are hollow, they also concur that short of reoccupation there is no guarantee to delivering what Netanyahu wants — dismantling Hamas’s capacity to launch rockets.

"And even that might not work.

"Quartet envoy Tony Blair has been advising Israel that neither reoccupation nor an extensive ground operation will secure Netanyahu’s goals.

"Both Blair and US Secretary of State John Kerry have told Netanyahu that the only way forward is a truce that leads to easing the sufferings of the 1.5 million Palestinians who live in Gaza under the Israeli siege first imposed in 2007 following the Hamas take over and the elimination of the PA.

"Blair has been discussing a package to help improve economic conditions in Gaza once a truce is in place with several concerned capitals."

Gaza--all-options-open - Al-Ahram Weekly
In a few weeks, Hamas will probably be a castrated shell of its former shelf, and not in any position to demand anything.

Meanwhile, like the pussies they are, Hamas continues to hide behind the skirts of its women and children, and the women and children continue to suffer because of Hamas.
It's par for the course when Obama tells Israel to quit defending themselves and quit killing terrorists.....it's just so unfair for the Jews to be hurting his fellow muslims.
Asswipe....Israel only harms innocents that are put in harm's way by your fellow terrorists.

Hamas on the otherhand targets innocent civilians on purpose.

You're just mad that your fellow terrorists are dying and failing at killing the Jews thanks to Iron Dome. :eusa_whistle:

It pays to be a winner....

It's par for the course when Obama tells Israel to quit defending themselves and quit killing terrorists.....it's just so unfair for the Jews to be hurting his fellow muslims.
What did you think of the heroic Jews murdering four Palestinian children playing on a Gaza beach last Wednesday?

What would it take for Hamas to stop its participation in the criminal rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians?

Israel offering to lift the siege it has imposed on Gaza since 2007.

"Although Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman raised the possibility not only of continued air strikes and a ground operation but full reoccupation of the Gaza Strip, a reversal of Ariel Sharon’s 2005 withdrawal is dismissed by most diplomats.

“'Netanyahu has painted himself into a corner already and he knows from his advisors, both political and military, that the cost of a ground operation is very high. I don’t think he will reoccupy,' said one Western diplomat in Cairo.

"If diplomats agree Lieberman’s threats are hollow, they also concur that short of reoccupation there is no guarantee to delivering what Netanyahu wants — dismantling Hamas’s capacity to launch rockets.

"And even that might not work.

"Quartet envoy Tony Blair has been advising Israel that neither reoccupation nor an extensive ground operation will secure Netanyahu’s goals.

"Both Blair and US Secretary of State John Kerry have told Netanyahu that the only way forward is a truce that leads to easing the sufferings of the 1.5 million Palestinians who live in Gaza under the Israeli siege first imposed in 2007 following the Hamas take over and the elimination of the PA.

"Blair has been discussing a package to help improve economic conditions in Gaza once a truce is in place with several concerned capitals."

Gaza--all-options-open - Al-Ahram Weekly
In a few weeks, Hamas will probably be a castrated shell of its former shelf, and not in any position to demand anything.

Meanwhile, like the pussies they are, Hamas continues to hide behind the skirts of its women and children, and the women and children continue to suffer because of Hamas.

Speaking of chicken-shit baby killers and their pathic apologists:

"When the first missile hit the retaining wall of the small Gaza Harbor, shortly after 4 P.M this afternoon, Peter Beaumont was just finishing an analysis piece before filing to his newspaper, The Guardian in London. Beaumont, the Guardian's Jerusalem correspondent was sitting on the beach-facing terrace al-Deira Hotel.

"The internet works better there than in the..."

"Following the explosion, 'on the retaining wall there were puffs of smoke and we saw four people running along it.

"'They ran all along until they reached the beach and jumped down. They were turning and running towards us and through the smoke you can see they were children.'

"The second explosion came about forty seconds after the first and around thirty meters away."

Jews with big guns, Wot?

An eyewitness account of the attack that killed four children on Gaza beach - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

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