Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens


What would it take for Hamas to stop its participation in the criminal rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians?

Israel offering to lift the siege it has imposed on Gaza since 2007.

"Although Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman raised the possibility not only of continued air strikes and a ground operation but full reoccupation of the Gaza Strip, a reversal of Ariel Sharon’s 2005 withdrawal is dismissed by most diplomats.

“'Netanyahu has painted himself into a corner already and he knows from his advisors, both political and military, that the cost of a ground operation is very high. I don’t think he will reoccupy,' said one Western diplomat in Cairo.

"If diplomats agree Lieberman’s threats are hollow, they also concur that short of reoccupation there is no guarantee to delivering what Netanyahu wants — dismantling Hamas’s capacity to launch rockets.

"And even that might not work.

"Quartet envoy Tony Blair has been advising Israel that neither reoccupation nor an extensive ground operation will secure Netanyahu’s goals.

"Both Blair and US Secretary of State John Kerry have told Netanyahu that the only way forward is a truce that leads to easing the sufferings of the 1.5 million Palestinians who live in Gaza under the Israeli siege first imposed in 2007 following the Hamas take over and the elimination of the PA.

"Blair has been discussing a package to help improve economic conditions in Gaza once a truce is in place with several concerned capitals."

Gaza--all-options-open - Al-Ahram Weekly
In a few weeks, Hamas will probably be a castrated shell of its former shelf, and not in any position to demand anything.

Meanwhile, like the pussies they are, Hamas continues to hide behind the skirts of its women and children, and the women and children continue to suffer because of Hamas.

Speaking of chicken-shit baby killers and their pathic apologists:

"When the first missile hit the retaining wall of the small Gaza Harbor, shortly after 4 P.M this afternoon, Peter Beaumont was just finishing an analysis piece before filing to his newspaper, The Guardian in London. Beaumont, the Guardian's Jerusalem correspondent was sitting on the beach-facing terrace al-Deira Hotel.

"The internet works better there than in the..."

"Following the explosion, 'on the retaining wall there were puffs of smoke and we saw four people running along it.

"'They ran all along until they reached the beach and jumped down. They were turning and running towards us and through the smoke you can see they were children.'

"The second explosion came about forty seconds after the first and around thirty meters away."

Jews with big guns, Wot?

An eyewitness account of the attack that killed four children on Gaza beach - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Real Fucking big guns s0n!!!!:coffee::rofl::rofl:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuniKsBxZ10]Bunker Buster Bomb in action. - YouTube[/ame]

Look at the size of that hole!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek: Fucking A!!!
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Of course, the "pics" of so-called innocent civilians doesn't show that piece of shit was shooting at the IDF then got blasted.

Liberal scum would claim he was just playing his Xbox in his home and the IDF came looking for him out of the blue....
It's par for the course when Obama tells Israel to quit defending themselves and quit killing terrorists.....it's just so unfair for the Jews to be hurting his fellow muslims.
What did you think of the heroic Jews murdering four Palestinian children playing on a Gaza beach last Wednesday?

Which is worse... someone else killing your kids, or you yourself strapping bombs to them?

Israel will likely find the criminals and take care of them. When are you going to stop strapping bombs to them? You deal with your crap first. Then complain about others.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
Of course, the "pics" of so-called innocent civilians doesn't show that piece of shit was shooting at the IDF then got blasted.

Liberal scum would claim he was just playing his Xbox in his home and the IDF came looking for him out of the blue....
Not even close, this time.
Four kids were playing at the end of a seawall when an IDF gunboat fired two shells, thirty seconds apart.
The first shell killed one child and sent the others running down the beach.
The second shell fired thirty seconds later targeted the runners, killing three more kids.
Maybe you're unaware of the concrete walls, electrified fences, and sniper towers that ring Gaza? Or the drones that criss-cross Gaza night and day. Many of the young Jews that occupy those sniper towers understand they can kill any Gazan of any age at any time and there will be no consequences. And they do; on average, two children a week are murdered by Jews in Gaza and that's gone on for years.
It's par for the course when Obama tells Israel to quit defending themselves and quit killing terrorists.....it's just so unfair for the Jews to be hurting his fellow muslims.
What did you think of the heroic Jews murdering four Palestinian children playing on a Gaza beach last Wednesday?

Which is worse... someone else killing your kids, or you yourself strapping bombs to them?

Israel will likely find the criminals and take care of them. When are you going to stop strapping bombs to them? You deal with your crap first. Then complain about others.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
IDF naval forces killed those four children last Wednesday.
The IDF controls Gaza's airspace, coastal waters, and (surface) land borders.
Israel could lift its belligerent occupation/boycott of Gaza, allowing the Gazan economy to function again, and it's quite likely the rockets from Gaza would stop. If they didn't, then the UN could clean house and 90% of Gazans and Jews would support them. Especially if UNSC regulations were rewritten to allow permanent member of the SC to participate as Peacekeepers; the US and China come to mind with both countries subcontracting part of their responsibility to their respective Korean proxies.
What did you think of the heroic Jews murdering four Palestinian children playing on a Gaza beach last Wednesday?

Which is worse... someone else killing your kids, or you yourself strapping bombs to them?

Israel will likely find the criminals and take care of them. When are you going to stop strapping bombs to them? You deal with your crap first. Then complain about others.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
IDF naval forces killed those four children last Wednesday.
The IDF controls Gaza's airspace, coastal waters, and (surface) land borders.
Israel could lift its belligerent occupation/boycott of Gaza, allowing the Gazan economy to function again, and it's quite likely the rockets from Gaza would stop. If they didn't, then the UN could clean house and 90% of Gazans and Jews would support them. Especially if UNSC regulations were rewritten to allow permanent member of the SC to participate as Peacekeepers; the US and China come to mind with both countries subcontracting part of their responsibility to their respective Korean proxies.

That's entirely not true, because rockets were flying before the blockade.

Again, if you want to complain about your kids being killed, care enough to stop strapping bombs on them. Why should we care about the lives of those children when you don't?
What did you think of the heroic Jews murdering four Palestinian children playing on a Gaza beach last Wednesday?

Which is worse... someone else killing your kids, or you yourself strapping bombs to them?

Israel will likely find the criminals and take care of them. When are you going to stop strapping bombs to them? You deal with your crap first. Then complain about others.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
IDF naval forces killed those four children last Wednesday.
The IDF controls Gaza's airspace, coastal waters, and (surface) land borders.
Israel could lift its belligerent occupation/boycott of Gaza, allowing the Gazan economy to function again, and it's quite likely the rockets from Gaza would stop. If they didn't, then the UN could clean house and 90% of Gazans and Jews would support them. Especially if UNSC regulations were rewritten to allow permanent member of the SC to participate as Peacekeepers; the US and China come to mind with both countries subcontracting part of their responsibility to their respective Korean proxies.

There wouldn't be a blockade if Hamas wasn't bringing in Rockets and munitions.....................How did these rockets get to Gaza in the first place.................

Egypt sealed the border because they were tired of their BS as well................

Hamas needs to die............and the IDF is fighting the real culprits right now.
Of course, the "pics" of so-called innocent civilians doesn't show that piece of shit was shooting at the IDF then got blasted.

Liberal scum would claim he was just playing his Xbox in his home and the IDF came looking for him out of the blue....
Not even close, this time. Four kids were playing at the end of a seawall when an IDF gunboat fired two shells, thirty seconds apart. The first shell killed one child and sent the others running down the beach. The second shell fired thirty seconds later targeted the runners, killing three more kids. Maybe you're unaware of the concrete walls, electrified fences, and sniper towers that ring Gaza? Or the drones that criss-cross Gaza night and day. Many of the young Jews that occupy those sniper towers understand they can kill any Gazan of any age at any time and there will be no consequences. And they do; on average, two children a week are murdered by Jews in Gaza and that's gone on for years.
Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Emmy Lou... sounds like they'd better pack-up and move...
Speaking of chicken-shit baby killers and their pathic apologist:...

...Jews with big guns, Wot?

An eyewitness account of the attack that killed four children on Gaza beach - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
From your own article...

...The initial reports coming from journalists on the scene attributed the explosions to gunfire from Israeli Navy boats that have been firing at targets on the coast in recent days. Beaumont who has covered many wars including Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia, says that after he and colleagues began getting a clearer picture, he reached the conclusion that it was most likely an air strike. "Usually when we hear the naval gunfire we hear after the explosion also the sound of the guns, from a few kilometers out to sea. After everything settled down, I realized we didn't hear any firing out to sea."

The IDF Spokesperson unit had difficulty coming up with an explanation for the explosions which killed the four children and wounded others and it took a few hours for them to begin to respond. Toward 8 P.M they began briefing reporters that the first explosion was most likely caused by an attack on a "legitimate" Hamas target and the second the result of misidentification of the fleeing children as Hamas fighters. The incident is still under investigation, said IDF Spokesperson Brigadier General Moti Almoz. He said on Channel One that "we understand there was a target which was hit after suspects were identified...


You can't even get your cause-and-effect right, on the macro level, never mind the subtleties.

Another 'Epic Fail', George, to add to your long and growing list of such.
Which is worse... someone else killing your kids, or you yourself strapping bombs to them?

Israel will likely find the criminals and take care of them. When are you going to stop strapping bombs to them? You deal with your crap first. Then complain about others.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
IDF naval forces killed those four children last Wednesday.
The IDF controls Gaza's airspace, coastal waters, and (surface) land borders.
Israel could lift its belligerent occupation/boycott of Gaza, allowing the Gazan economy to function again, and it's quite likely the rockets from Gaza would stop. If they didn't, then the UN could clean house and 90% of Gazans and Jews would support them. Especially if UNSC regulations were rewritten to allow permanent member of the SC to participate as Peacekeepers; the US and China come to mind with both countries subcontracting part of their responsibility to their respective Korean proxies.

That's entirely not true, because rockets were flying before the blockade.

Again, if you want to complain about your kids being killed, care enough to stop strapping bombs on them. Why should we care about the lives of those children when you don't?
The four kids murdered by Jews last Wednesday weren't wearing suicide vests.
The overwhelming majority of Palestinian kids never murder an Jew.
Unlike the majority of Jews who are compelled to serve in the IDF.
Rockets fly from Gaza because greedy Jews want all land between the River and the Sea.
As the Father of Modern Israel pointed out. David Ben-Gurion was asked why Palestinians continue resisting: "They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their county. Why would they accept that?"
Would you?
...The four kids murdered by Jews last Wednesday weren't wearing suicide vests...
We have only your word as to whether they were murdered, and, frankly, your word is nowhere near good enough for such purposes.

...The overwhelming majority of Palestinian kids never murder an Jew...
True. They're used as human shields when their Hamas masters place war-assets in close proxmity to the places where they go to school, and pray, and live... like chickenshits, Hamas hides behinds the skirts of its women and children.

...Unlike the majority of Jews who are compelled to serve in the IDF...
They're also free to leave, and most choose to stay. Close enough for government work.

...Rockets fly from Gaza because greedy Jews want all land between the River and the Sea...
No. Rockets fly from Gaza because Hamas et al are too stupid to know when to run up a white flag.

...As the Father of Modern Israel pointed out. David Ben-Gurion was asked why Palestinians continue resisting: 'They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their county. Why would they accept that?'...
Great observation. Not what IS, but what the Palestinians PERCEIVE. Or, rather, the way things WERE, before the window of opportunity for true compromise closed in 1967.

...Would you?

But once I'd had my ass kicked a few times, I would pack up my family and leave.

There's no excuse for sitting in a refugee-camp or refugee-town shit-hole for 66 years.


Talk about under-performers!

Veterans of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948 AND willing to stagnate for 66 years!!! ... not exactly a flattering picture of these lame mouth-breathers.
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Which is worse... someone else killing your kids, or you yourself strapping bombs to them?

Israel will likely find the criminals and take care of them. When are you going to stop strapping bombs to them? You deal with your crap first. Then complain about others.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
IDF naval forces killed those four children last Wednesday.
The IDF controls Gaza's airspace, coastal waters, and (surface) land borders.
Israel could lift its belligerent occupation/boycott of Gaza, allowing the Gazan economy to function again, and it's quite likely the rockets from Gaza would stop. If they didn't, then the UN could clean house and 90% of Gazans and Jews would support them. Especially if UNSC regulations were rewritten to allow permanent member of the SC to participate as Peacekeepers; the US and China come to mind with both countries subcontracting part of their responsibility to their respective Korean proxies.

There wouldn't be a blockade if Hamas wasn't bringing in Rockets and munitions.....................How did these rockets get to Gaza in the first place.................

Egypt sealed the border because they were tired of their BS as well................

Hamas needs to die............and the IDF is fighting the real culprits right now.
The IDF is killing civilians and strangling the Gazan economy, exactly as they have since 2007:

"In September 2005 Israel completed its unilateral disengagement plan and announced an end to Israeli martial law in the Gaza Strip. However, Israel retained control of Gaza’s sea and air space, the crossings between Gaza and Israel, and Gaza’s registry of population.

"In June 2007 after Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip, Israel imposed a siege on Gaza, prohibiting both Palestinian travel to or from Gaza as well as the import and export of goods.

"In 2010, Israel eased the closure, permitting imports – with the exception of a small number of items – into Gaza. Most restrictions on exports remain in place. The three-year siege has caused a severe economic crisis in Gaza."

Jews make it clear every day how the non-Jews living in Gaza have only three choices:

Submit to an illegal occupation.

Ask Israel for permission to leave.


Gaza Strip | B'Tselem
Jews make it clear every day how the non-Jews living in Gaza have only three choices:

Submit to an illegal occupation.

Ask Israel for permission to leave.

Should have come to terms with the Israelis at any of a dozen or more milestones in the past 66 years, while various forms of viable offer were still on the table.

It's beginning to look now like you've waited too long, and tried going to that well once too often.


Oh, well, even a long, sustained ass-kicking must come to an end sometime.

Ready to run-up a white bedsheet and take that Sucker's Walk yet?
...The four kids murdered by Jews last Wednesday weren't wearing suicide vests...
We have only your word as to whether they were murdered, and, frankly, your word is nowhere near good enough for such purposes.

...The overwhelming majority of Palestinian kids never murder an Jew...
True. They're used as human shields when their Hamas masters place war-assets in close proxmity to the places where they go to school, and pray, and live... like chickenshits, Hamas hides behinds the skirts of its women and children.

They're also free to leave, and most choose to stay. Close enough for government work.

No. Rockets fly from Gaza because Hamas et al are too stupid to know when to run up a white flag.

...As the Father of Modern Israel pointed out. David Ben-Gurion was asked why Palestinians continue resisting: 'They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their county. Why would they accept that?'...
Great observation. Not what IS, but what the Palestinians PERCEIVE. Or, rather, the way things WERE, before the window of opportunity for true compromise closed in 1967.

...Would you?

But once I'd had my ass kicked a few times, I would pack up my family and leave.

There's no excuse for sitting in a refugee-camp or refugee-town shit-hole for 66 years.


Talk about under-performers!

Veterans of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948 AND willing to stagnate for 66 years!!! ... not exactly a flattering picture of these lame mouth-breathers.
"But once I'd had my ass kicked a few times, I would pack up my family and leave."

That's because you're a spineless bitch with low self-esteem.:lol:
Jews make it clear every day how the non-Jews living in Gaza have only three choices:

Submit to an illegal occupation.

Ask Israel for permission to leave.

Should have come to terms with the Israelis at any of a dozen or more milestones in the past 66 years, while various forms of viable offer were still on the table.

It's beginning to look now like you've waited too long, and tried going to that well once too often.


Oh, well, even a long, sustained ass-kicking must come to an end sometime.

Ready to run-up a white bedsheet and take that Sucker's Walk yet?
So what you say to David Ben-Gurion's response to the question of why haven't Palestinians stopped resisting the heroic Jew: "They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that."

Why would you, Yeppers?

'Afraid you might stay alive just long enough to watch your family die?:D
..."But once I'd had my ass kicked a few times, I would pack up my family and leave."
That's because you're a spineless bitch with low self-esteem.
I'll stack my Honorable Discharge over your (phony back problem after 10 days) Medical Discharge any day of the week, little Arab Butt Buddy.

How does any of this help us to discuss the latest Israel-Gazan War?
You're full of shit. :eusa_whistle:

Of course, the "pics" of so-called innocent civilians doesn't show that piece of shit was shooting at the IDF then got blasted.

Liberal scum would claim he was just playing his Xbox in his home and the IDF came looking for him out of the blue....
Not even close, this time.
Four kids were playing at the end of a seawall when an IDF gunboat fired two shells, thirty seconds apart.
The first shell killed one child and sent the others running down the beach.
The second shell fired thirty seconds later targeted the runners, killing three more kids.
Maybe you're unaware of the concrete walls, electrified fences, and sniper towers that ring Gaza? Or the drones that criss-cross Gaza night and day. Many of the young Jews that occupy those sniper towers understand they can kill any Gazan of any age at any time and there will be no consequences. And they do; on average, two children a week are murdered by Jews in Gaza and that's gone on for years.
Israel destabilized the situation by starting this war in the first place. Then again, they destabilized the whole region by existing in the first place.
Jews make it clear every day how the non-Jews living in Gaza have only three choices:

Submit to an illegal occupation.

Ask Israel for permission to leave.

Should have come to terms with the Israelis at any of a dozen or more milestones in the past 66 years, while various forms of viable offer were still on the table.

It's beginning to look now like you've waited too long, and tried going to that well once too often.


Oh, well, even a long, sustained ass-kicking must come to an end sometime.

Ready to run-up a white bedsheet and take that Sucker's Walk yet?
So what you say to David Ben-Gurion's response to the question of why haven't Palestinians stopped resisting the heroic Jew: "They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that."

Why would you, Yeppers?

'Afraid you might stay alive just long enough to watch your family die?:D
You're not even coherent at this point, George - you're wandering all over the place... put down the bong, old-timer, your heart can't take it anymore. Neither can what's left of your mind.

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