Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

That WAS constructive.

So where are the BILLIONS given to the "Palestinians"?
Other than bomb factories.
The Jews stole that too, along with all the land and water.

Not bad, although that took a week to come up with.
Now tell me why Mrs. Arafat has all the money the Jews stole?
I'll give you a week to answer.
Why not a thread dealing with "Relative Degrees of Semitic Corruption"
'Think the Jews would come out any CLEANER than Arafat?
The Jews stole that too, along with all the land and water.

Not bad, although that took a week to come up with.
Now tell me why Mrs. Arafat has all the money the Jews stole?
I'll give you a week to answer.
Why not a thread dealing with "Relative Degrees of Semitic Corruption"
'Think the Jews would come out any CLEANER than Arafat?

You coming after us "Joooo" lovers when the fight starts?
I'd like to know about any other "vicious" regime that places a phone call and says "You guys might want to get out of the house, we're gonna blow it up " before they do it.

You have to remember that Clinton offered Arafat 97% of wanted and he then refused it. Helk, even got him a noble peace prize. Although Arafat was nothing more than a figure head, it still shows that negotiation is not possible.

Then again when the people that you are fighting hide behind civilians not sure what a "vicious" regime is..

According to Barak's offer, the proposed Palestinian areas would have been cut from East to West and from North to South, so that the Palestinian state would have consisted of a group of islands, each surrounded by Israeli settlers and soldiers. No sovereign nation would accept such an arrangement-that could hinder its strategic national security and interests, click here for a map illustration.

Why did Arafat reject Barak's 'generous' offer at Camp David? - Palestine Remembered

Another common talking point and of course wrong.
Arafat could not make peace with Israel. First he was not in control. Second, if he had he had the example of Anwar Sadat in front of him.
The Jews stole that too, along with all the land and water.

Not bad, although that took a week to come up with.
Now tell me why Mrs. Arafat has all the money the Jews stole?
I'll give you a week to answer.
Why not a thread dealing with "Relative Degrees of Semitic Corruption"
'Think the Jews would come out any CLEANER than Arafat?

I want a thread for "MOst Brain Dead Jew Hater On USMB" to see who gets to genocide first. I might have my money on you although Constipation shows flashes of--brilliance.
Not bad, although that took a week to come up with.
Now tell me why Mrs. Arafat has all the money the Jews stole?
I'll give you a week to answer.
Why not a thread dealing with "Relative Degrees of Semitic Corruption"
'Think the Jews would come out any CLEANER than Arafat?

I want a thread for "MOst Brain Dead Jew Hater On USMB" to see who gets to genocide first. I might have my money on you although Constipation shows flashes of--brilliance.
How about a "Jew First Fascist of the Year" thread.
You got my vote.
And this is yet another reason I have Contumacious on my ignore list. What idiot says that other people don't have the right to exist?


At the time you placed me on ignore , you stated, and I quote"

I hate the facts. My decisions are based on prejudice and innuendo".

Now here are some more facts :

I did not say that the ZIONUTS do not have a right to exist.

What I stated was that the Talmudist Entity known as Israel does not belong in Palestine.


But it's there and there isn't much you little Nazi's can do about it :)

Israel existed before the birth of Muhammed, Judea, and Judah also. TThe Palestinitions have "wild" deeds, not a claim to Tsrael; other Arab nations took most of the land the Palestinians lived on. The culture never formed a unified entity,
And this is yet another reason I have Contumacious on my ignore list. What idiot says that other people don't have the right to exist?


At the time you placed me on ignore , you stated, and I quote"

I hate the facts. My decisions are based on prejudice and innuendo".

Now here are some more facts :

I did not say that the ZIONUTS do not have a right to exist.

What I stated was that the Talmudist Entity known as Israel does not belong in Palestine.


But it's there and there isn't much you little Nazi's can do about it :)

One rustic atomic bomb from Iran dropped on TelAviv and Lord Balfour's Declaration will be annulled.

At the time you placed me on ignore , you stated, and I quote"

I hate the facts. My decisions are based on prejudice and innuendo".

Now here are some more facts :

I did not say that the ZIONUTS do not have a right to exist.

What I stated was that the Talmudist Entity known as Israel does not belong in Palestine.


But it's there and there isn't much you little Nazi's can do about it :)

Israel existed before the birth of Muhammed, Judea, and Judah also. TThe Palestinitions have "wild" deeds, not a claim to Tsrael; other Arab nations took most of the land the Palestinians lived on. The culture never formed a unified entity,

Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally? Well they are in the process of unifying.

They did a fine job bringing the nation to a standstill on 9/11/2001. And you have to admit that they are getting better in their search to find a way to retaliate for the Palestinian Holocaust.

So, how many innocent civilians does Israel have to kill before they call it even?

1/2 the population or until Iran detonates a rustic Atomic Bomb in TelAviv. Which ever comes

Unlike the dumbass Palestinians, the Iranians are far too intelligent to detonate a nuclear weapon over Israel.


They know that they've be repaid a hundred-fold, within an hour of such a detonation.

Enough to cook-down their entire country and destroy their civilization, their culture and their people.

Some of the warheads would come from Israel.

Some of the warheads would come from the United States.

Never gonna happen.
"JERUSALEM (AFP) - Benjamin Netanyahu, initially accused by Israel's most ardent hawks of dithering over Hamas rocket fire, appears to have found at least a temporary political balance with his punishing air campaign against Gaza.

"But rivals on the far-right are still snapping at him, some demanding that he strangle the densely populated and impoverished Palestinian enclave by cutting off electricity, fuel and food, and others insisting he send in troops and reoccupy it..."

"Rightwing nationalist foreign minister and Netanyahu coalition partner Avigdor Lieberman demanded that the premier invade Gaza and reoccupy it. Netanyahu baulked.

"So Lieberman pulled out of his parliamentary alliance with the premier's Likud party.

"Netanyahu has also been urged by Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, head of the rightwing religious party Jewish Home, to respond harshly.

"But while pledging to do 'whatever is necessary,' Netanyahu has called on his cabinet and, by extension, the populace, to keep a cool head and not give way to 'harsh words and impetuousness.'

"On Tuesday, Netanyahu unleashed Operation Protective Edge, a relentless air assault on Gaza in response to continuing rocket fire. So far, it has killed 103 Palestinians, including many women and children, and wounded hundreds.

"In reaction, says public commentator Hanan Cristal, everybody (in Israel) is now playing the national unity card.'"

Proving yet again the genius that Jews produce out of all proportion to their numbers only serves to amplify the self-destructive natures of their richest psychopaths; Jews will destroy themselves in Palestine without any help from their neighbors.

It's their greatest genius.

Netanyahu balancing on Gaza tightrope, for now | Maan News Agency
The Palestinians already destabilized the situation. All obama wants to do is convince Israel not to defend itself.
In the war between civilization and the savage, always choose civilization.
Both sides have their savages and the Jews have much bigger clubs:

"I like Naftali Bennett, the head of the far-right Jewish Home (Habayit Hayehudi) party and new face on the Israeli political scene. Why? Mostly because he is honest, straightforward, and finally says openly what many in the center-right ruling government, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, believe but simply will not say.

"No more 'painful compromises,' no more 'there is no partner for peace,' no more 'Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East,' no more flaccid proclamations of a 'two-state solution.' There will be no 'painful compromises.'

"There will be no compromises at all. And it is not because of the Palestinians. If Mahatma Gandhi returned and was democratically elected as president of the Palestinian Authority, it would not matter.

"If the Palestinian government became like Canada it would not matter. There will be no Palestinian state. There is no peace process, and the fault does not lie solely with Palestinian behavior. Why? Because, as Mr. Bennett says openly, 'The land is ours.' Period.

"There is no fervent messianism like that of the settler rabbis, no secular militarism like that of Zeev Jabotinsky. The land belongs to the Jews. Take a deep breath and repeat.

"What does Mr. Bennett envision in his calm and confident voice? A one-state solution where Palestinians will have limited regional autonomy in a Jewish state.

"They will not become citizens.

"They will not vote in national elections.

"They will be constantly monitored by the Israeli security forces. In other words, Bantusians. In other words, Apartheid. These words do not scare Bennett. If that is what others want to call it, so be it.

"To him, it is simply The Jewish State.

"What about democracy? It will be a new kind of democracy..."

Hitler knew its name.

Why I Like Naftali Bennett - The Daily Beast
Actually, he told Israel and the Palestinians not to further destabilize a bad situation and to keep working together to get the losers who killed the boys.

not that israel won't do what it intends to, anyway.

no surprises that you're a bit selective in your *ahem* reading.

so what should the president of the US say? go bomb bomb bomb gaza and let's start the apocalypse?

yeah...that's the ticket. :cuckoo:

I guess you think Israel is "starting the apocalypse" when Palestinians kill Jewish kids and launch rockets into Israel.
Then you are stupid enough to scold someone else for being selective.

The Palestinians need to get a clue from you though ... Whatever Israel does will be far more productive than rockets and rocks.
I don't really think either side gives a damn what President Obama has to say about it.

So, how many innocent civilians does Israel have to kill before they call it even?

Well here's a thought..... when the police are exchanging gun fire with an armed criminal gang, when do the police stop shooting?

Usually after the gang stops shooting, and yells out that they surrender.

Gaza is still shooting at Israel even now.... and you expect Israel to stop firing back? Would you?

You are being shot at, and have a gun... Do you:
A: Stop firing and hope those shooting at you get tired, and go home.
B: Fire back until those shooting at you are either dead or surrender.

I choose B. Most intelligent people would choose B.

And further... who exactly do you call 'innocent' here? Did these Palestine people not vote for Hamas, a well known terrorist organization?

Um... yeah. So how do you consider that 'innocent'?

Have you seen these videos? The pictures? The articles posted throughout this thread?


October 12, 2000, two Israelis got lost, and accidentally drove into Ramallah, Samaria. A Palestinian area, just north of Jerusalem.

These were not soldiers. Not armed. Civilians. In a plain car, and accidentally went down the wrong road.

The police grabbed them, and literally tossed out an upstairs window to a mob below chanting Allah akbar. They were striped, brutalized, and then executed. They were shot, and set on fire, and dragged through the streets by a rope around their feet.

In celebration of the lynching of the two innocent civilians who got lost in their car.....


They held up their hands, with the blood of their victims on it.

This became a popular celebration gesture, so that people painted their hands red, and held them up.


Including..... their children.

And you want to tell me now that these people are 'innocent'?

No sir.... these are not innocent people. They are murdering, blood thirsty dogs. DOGS. Mad dogs, that need put down.

I used to think as you do, but not anymore. The murdering of a couple of kids in the last few weeks, have completely changed my outlook on the Palestinians. They are not innocents. None of them are innocent. They are ALL blood thirsty dogs.
So, how many innocent civilians does Israel have to kill before they call it even?

Well here's a thought..... when the police are exchanging gun fire with an armed criminal gang, when do the police stop shooting?

Usually after the gang stops shooting, and yells out that they surrender.

Gaza is still shooting at Israel even now.... and you expect Israel to stop firing back? Would you?

You are being shot at, and have a gun... Do you:
A: Stop firing and hope those shooting at you get tired, and go home.
B: Fire back until those shooting at you are either dead or surrender.

I choose B. Most intelligent people would choose B.

And further... who exactly do you call 'innocent' here? Did these Palestine people not vote for Hamas, a well known terrorist organization?

Um... yeah. So how do you consider that 'innocent'?

Have you seen these videos? The pictures? The articles posted throughout this thread?


October 12, 2000, two Israelis got lost, and accidentally drove into Ramallah, Samaria. A Palestinian area, just north of Jerusalem.

These were not soldiers. Not armed. Civilians. In a plain car, and accidentally went down the wrong road.

The police grabbed them, and literally tossed out an upstairs window to a mob below chanting Allah akbar. They were striped, brutalized, and then executed. They were shot, and set on fire, and dragged through the streets by a rope around their feet.

In celebration of the lynching of the two innocent civilians who got lost in their car.....


They held up their hands, with the blood of their victims on it.

This became a popular celebration gesture, so that people painted their hands red, and held them up.


Including..... their children.

And you want to tell me now that these people are 'innocent'?

No sir.... these are not innocent people. They are murdering, blood thirsty dogs. DOGS. Mad dogs, that need put down.

I used to think as you do, but not anymore. The murdering of a couple of kids in the last few weeks, have completely changed my outlook on the Palestinians. They are not innocents. None of them are innocent. They are ALL blood thirsty dogs.
Jews are the source of the violence in Palestine.
That's how 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation on 1.3 million Arabs in 1948.
In 1967 Jews stole most of the rest of Palestine, and since that time they've filled the West Bank with over 500,000 illegal settlers.
If you actually once believed Palestinians are the victims in this struggle, you were right.

"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children

131 Israeli children and 1,540 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed
So, how many innocent civilians does Israel have to kill before they call it even?

Well here's a thought..... when the police are exchanging gun fire with an armed criminal gang, when do the police stop shooting?

Usually after the gang stops shooting, and yells out that they surrender.

Gaza is still shooting at Israel even now.... and you expect Israel to stop firing back? Would you?

You are being shot at, and have a gun... Do you:
A: Stop firing and hope those shooting at you get tired, and go home.
B: Fire back until those shooting at you are either dead or surrender.

I choose B. Most intelligent people would choose B.

And further... who exactly do you call 'innocent' here? Did these Palestine people not vote for Hamas, a well known terrorist organization?

Um... yeah. So how do you consider that 'innocent'?

Have you seen these videos? The pictures? The articles posted throughout this thread?


October 12, 2000, two Israelis got lost, and accidentally drove into Ramallah, Samaria. A Palestinian area, just north of Jerusalem.

These were not soldiers. Not armed. Civilians. In a plain car, and accidentally went down the wrong road.

The police grabbed them, and literally tossed out an upstairs window to a mob below chanting Allah akbar. They were striped, brutalized, and then executed. They were shot, and set on fire, and dragged through the streets by a rope around their feet.

In celebration of the lynching of the two innocent civilians who got lost in their car.....


They held up their hands, with the blood of their victims on it.

This became a popular celebration gesture, so that people painted their hands red, and held them up.


Including..... their children.

And you want to tell me now that these people are 'innocent'?

No sir.... these are not innocent people. They are murdering, blood thirsty dogs. DOGS. Mad dogs, that need put down.

I used to think as you do, but not anymore. The murdering of a couple of kids in the last few weeks, have completely changed my outlook on the Palestinians. They are not innocents. None of them are innocent. They are ALL blood thirsty dogs.
Jews are the source of the violence in Palestine.
That's how 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation on 1.3 million Arabs in 1948.
In 1967 Jews stole most of the rest of Palestine, and since that time they've filled the West Bank with over 500,000 illegal settlers.
If you actually once believed Palestinians are the victims in this struggle, you were right.

"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children

131 Israeli children and 1,540 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

Stole? Egypt lined up 210,000 troops along Israels boarder. Israel only had 50,000 troops, and the rest were reservists.

Egypt had 900 combat aircraft. Israel had 300.
The combined tanks of Egypt Syria and Jordan were over 2,000. Israel had 800.

Israel told Jordan to not attack, and Israel would not invade or attack Jordan.
Israel told Syria to not get involved, and Israel would not invade Syria.

Both Syria and Jordan, attacked Israel, and Israel not only defeated Egypt, but also Jordan and Syria, while fighting Egypt.

And you want to tell me they 'stole' the land?

If Mexico lines up twice as many troops along the boarder as we have regular army, and we told Canada to not attack, but they did anyway..... if we capture that land, is that our fault? Or their fault for starting the war?

It's their fault. Isarel showed no intention of 'stealing' land, until they were threatened by all sides. You'll notice they didn't take any land of Lebanon, did they? Why? Because Lebanon didn't attack them.

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