Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

You're a Good Nazi.

We get it.

Got anything constructive to offer??

Maybe you could share your opinion of Israel's educational system's promotion of militarization that portrays Arabs as sub-humans, thereby cultivating Jews as good killers as opposed to good citizens.

Don't hurt yourself.
More pretended cleverness, Georgie?

Sure, I have plenty of constructive material to serve-up...

Beginning with the slitting of every Hamas throat that the IDF can get its hands on during this next round of Hamas herd-culling...

After all... the only good Hamas is a dead Hamas...

A butcher's end, for the bloody, butchering, chickenshit lowlifes of Hamas...

Another public service, courtesy of the IDF...

Hey... mebbe we can sell tickets?
Maybe you could plant your punk ass in one of the Jew sniper towers that ring Gaza?
Or take a good long piss on the electrified fences that surround the occupied strip?
If you're a real Good German you could offer to help Dov Weissglass determine exactly how many calories each Gazan should be allowed to consume each day to ensure the collective punishment of mass starvation doesn't result in mass murder.
More likely you'll stay safely behind your kosher keyboard providing all of us with your only useful contribution: comic relief.:eek:
Now, now, sugar-britches...

Any fruitfly who weasels out of the Air Force after only 10 days over phony claims about a bad back has zero.. and I do mean zero... room to talk about being a REMF...

Don't take it so hard, though...

We have no plans to send you over there to help, so you can stop peeing your pants with fright...

But, back to the storyline...

Who cares about your lame-ass Palestinians?

Hell, even their neighbors... the Egyptians and Jordanians... keep them walled-off, like the mad dogs they are...

But, most importantly, and more to the point of this thread, who cares about your lowlife Hamas butt-buddies?

Time to find 'em, and cook 'em down with a little Willie-Pete and some Shake-and-Nape...

Oh, some expended uranium rounds from high-end chain-guns would be lovely, too, don't you think?

Ought to be a laugh-riot, watching hundreds of Hamas fighters getting shoveled into the earth...

Your Hamas pussies seek martyrdom...

The Israelis, being the helpful neighbors that they are, can help them to fulfill that goal...

All part of the friendly service...
STFU Obama.. you are NO friend to Israel in fact quite the opposite. You allow murdering thugs to torture and kill Americans in Benghazi ; You are weak and a laughing stock around the world. Israel knows her security lies in strength, not cowardice.. Israel has the absolute right to seek justice so butt the hell out.

Israel has NO right to exist in Palestine . NONE.

But Obama is owned by AIPAC and Bibi.

So quit bullshitting.

Obama vs. The Lobby

Poor Obama. No matter how much he tries to placate the Israel lobby, they just won’t take yes for an answer. The Lobby has been after him for months, trying to dig up "evidence" that someone with the middle name of "Hussein" is necessarily an enemy of Israel. The best they could come up with so far were the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s jeremiads, which didn’t have much of an effect at the polls, as the North Carolina and Indiana primary results – and subsequent national polls – attest.

Like every country they had the right and they exercised it. The 25 or so countries that do not recognize them have yet to strip them of that right either.

International Recognition of Israel | Jewish Virtual Library
Israel has NO right to exist in Palestine . NONE.

But Obama is owned by AIPAC and Bibi.

So quit bullshitting.

Obama vs. The Lobby

Poor Obama. No matter how much he tries to placate the Israel lobby, they just won’t take yes for an answer. The Lobby has been after him for months, trying to dig up "evidence" that someone with the middle name of "Hussein" is necessarily an enemy of Israel. The best they could come up with so far were the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s jeremiads, which didn’t have much of an effect at the polls, as the North Carolina and Indiana primary results – and subsequent national polls – attest.

The Jews have more money than the Muslim Oil Kings?

The Muslim Oil Kings are not a powerhouse in US domestic politics.
Or is it that the Muslim Oil Kings really don't give a shit about the "Palestinians"?

Saddam Hussein used to help the Palestinians . That made him dangerous and subject to a lynching.

A straight answer would be appreciated, but I won't hold my breath.



Saddam's support for the Palestinians is overblown. Mostly, he contributed to the fund that pays death benefits for Palestinians killed in the conflict. That fund does not discriminate against families of Suicide bombers. Although those families represent a small % of those receiving the funds, they get all the press........imagine that.
Go cram a hamster up your ass Queenie.. This is about your boy King thinking he can influence a tiny FREE nation to sit it out .. and we all know why.. His love for Hamas and other terror organizations is obvious.

Why shouldn't he have influence over Israel? Do you know how much aid we give to them? It's insane.

we also give aid to china, do we have influence over them ?

Look at Iraq! Their government would last 5 minutes without the money we pour in there.

And Obama couldn't even influence them to agree to a simple Status of Forces Agreement.

Obama is either the most ineffectual president of modern times...or a close second to Jimmy.
Why shouldn't he have influence over Israel? Do you know how much aid we give to them? It's insane.

we also give aid to china, do we have influence over them ?

Look at Iraq! Their government would last 5 minutes without the money we pour in there.

And Obama couldn't even influence them to agree to a simple Status of Forces Agreement.

Obama is either the most ineffectual president of modern times...or a close second to Jimmy.

The Iraqis wanted us out. They wouldn't agree to give our soldiers immunity from Local laws. They didn't care who the President was. First they went to the UNSC to stop them from supporting the US occupation of their country. Then when an agreement had to be made and the end of 2008, they wouldn't give in on the immunity issue. No US President would keep our troop in a hostile country under those conditions. Neither one should have either.
And this is yet another reason I have Contumacious on my ignore list. What idiot says that other people don't have the right to exist?


At the time you placed me on ignore , you stated, and I quote"

I hate the facts. My decisions are based on prejudice and innuendo".

Now here are some more facts :

I did not say that the ZIONUTS do not have a right to exist.

What I stated was that the Talmudist Entity known as Israel does not belong in Palestine.

The Jews have more money than the Muslim Oil Kings?

The Muslim Oil Kings are not a powerhouse in US domestic politics.

Saddam Hussein used to help the Palestinians . That made him dangerous and subject to a lynching.

A straight answer would be appreciated, but I won't hold my breath.



Saddam's support for the Palestinians is overblown. Mostly, he contributed to the fund that pays death benefits for Palestinians killed in the conflict. That fund does not discriminate against families of Suicide bombers. Although those families represent a small % of those receiving the funds, they get all the press........imagine that.

It appears that the powers-that-be wanted Saddam out the way in order to protect Israel's security.

More pretended cleverness, Georgie?

Sure, I have plenty of constructive material to serve-up...

Beginning with the slitting of every Hamas throat that the IDF can get its hands on during this next round of Hamas herd-culling...

After all... the only good Hamas is a dead Hamas...

A butcher's end, for the bloody, butchering, chickenshit lowlifes of Hamas...

Another public service, courtesy of the IDF...

Hey... mebbe we can sell tickets?
Maybe you could plant your punk ass in one of the Jew sniper towers that ring Gaza?
Or take a good long piss on the electrified fences that surround the occupied strip?
If you're a real Good German you could offer to help Dov Weissglass determine exactly how many calories each Gazan should be allowed to consume each day to ensure the collective punishment of mass starvation doesn't result in mass murder.
More likely you'll stay safely behind your kosher keyboard providing all of us with your only useful contribution: comic relief.:eek:
Now, now, sugar-britches...

Any fruitfly who weasels out of the Air Force after only 10 days over phony claims about a bad back has zero.. and I do mean zero... room to talk about being a REMF...

Don't take it so hard, though...

We have no plans to send you over there to help, so you can stop peeing your pants with fright...

But, back to the storyline...

Who cares about your lame-ass Palestinians?

Hell, even their neighbors... the Egyptians and Jordanians... keep them walled-off, like the mad dogs they are...

But, most importantly, and more to the point of this thread, who cares about your lowlife Hamas butt-buddies?

Time to find 'em, and cook 'em down with a little Willie-Pete and some Shake-and-Nape...

Oh, some expended uranium rounds from high-end chain-guns would be lovely, too, don't you think?

Ought to be a laugh-riot, watching hundreds of Hamas fighters getting shoveled into the earth...

Your Hamas pussies seek martyrdom...

The Israelis, being the helpful neighbors that they are, can help them to fulfill that goal...

All part of the friendly service...
Which sounds like you're too chicken shit to plant your bitch ass in one of the friendly Jews sniper towers?

Is that right, Sissy?

Not ready for that long piss on an electrified fence the heroic Jews encircle Gaza with?

Maybe you should buy a bigger keyboard?

Shit like you make the Jews who murder their neighbors for land and water look heroic, but don't take my word for it. Just look closely at the slave in the mirror next time you touch up you make-up.

You and yours, Nazi.
So tell us how many Jews are currently rotting in Palestinian jails?

"Administrative detention is implemented solely on the basis of an administrative order, without either indictment or trial. Under certain circumstances, this type of detention may be lawful.

"However, due to the substantial injury to due process inherent in this measure, international law stipulates that it may be exercised only in very exceptional cases – and then only as a last possible resort, when there are no other means available to prevent the danger.

"Nevertheless, Israeli authorities routinely employ administrative detention.

"Over the years, thousands of Palestinians have been held in Israeli custody as administrative detainees for extended periods of time."

Administrative detention | B'Tselem

STFU and go fight with the Palestinians dumb ass
And miss the Big Rumble coming here?
Not a Hope or a Chance, Sissy:D

(smile) You don't want any part of us little boy.
"...the Talmudist Entity known as Israel does not belong in Palestine." .
Time changes things.

An argument for this might have been made in 1948.

It is decades past the point-of-no-return for that idea, however, and it is no longer operative.

The past 66 years, and Israeli victory on the battlefield, have changed all that.

Today, is is more like the Arabs of Rump Palestine no longer have a place in the land now known as Eretz Yisrael.

And, unlike their adversaries, the Israelis have the muscle and intelligence and position of advantage, to make their viewpoint stick - to become and to remain operative in the Real World.

The Palestinians have lost their bid for a Palestinian State.

Most of the rest of the world really doesn't care that much, and turns a blind eye.

Far too much fuss and feathers over this already... enough.

It's over.

Time for the Palestinians to snap back to Reality, and to pack up and leave for greener pastures.
Last edited:
And this is yet another reason I have Contumacious on my ignore list. What idiot says that other people don't have the right to exist?


At the time you placed me on ignore , you stated, and I quote"

I hate the facts. My decisions are based on prejudice and innuendo".

Now here are some more facts :

I did not say that the ZIONUTS do not have a right to exist.

What I stated was that the Talmudist Entity known as Israel does not belong in Palestine.


But it's there and there isn't much you little Nazi's can do about it :)
I'd like to know about any other "vicious" regime that places a phone call and says "You guys might want to get out of the house, we're gonna blow it up " before they do it.
I'd like to know about any other "vicious" regime that places a phone call and says "You guys might want to get out of the house, we're gonna blow it up " before they do it.

They even warned the British they were going to blow up the King David Hotel before they did it too. (That's where the Brits had their headquarter, but more importantly the evidence of crimes committed by Jewish militias such as the Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah).

Reminds me of a 60's radical groups the Echo-Chamber is always whining about, you know the ones that always called in warnings of where their bombs were. Headed by the now Professor something, in Chicago.........
I'd like to know about any other "vicious" regime that places a phone call and says "You guys might want to get out of the house, we're gonna blow it up " before they do it.

You have to remember that Clinton offered Arafat 97% of wanted and he then refused it. Helk, even got him a noble peace prize. Although Arafat was nothing more than a figure head, it still shows that negotiation is not possible.

Then again when the people that you are fighting hide behind civilians not sure what a "vicious" regime is..
I'd like to know about any other "vicious" regime that places a phone call and says "You guys might want to get out of the house, we're gonna blow it up " before they do it.

You have to remember that Clinton offered Arafat 97% of wanted and he then refused it. Helk, even got him a noble peace prize. Although Arafat was nothing more than a figure head, it still shows that negotiation is not possible.

Then again when the people that you are fighting hide behind civilians not sure what a "vicious" regime is..
Bingo... which is why the Israelis gave up on seriously talking to those silly bastards, years ago.
I'd like to know about any other "vicious" regime that places a phone call and says "You guys might want to get out of the house, we're gonna blow it up " before they do it.

You have to remember that Clinton offered Arafat 97% of wanted and he then refused it. Helk, even got him a noble peace prize. Although Arafat was nothing more than a figure head, it still shows that negotiation is not possible.

Then again when the people that you are fighting hide behind civilians not sure what a "vicious" regime is..

According to Barak's offer, the proposed Palestinian areas would have been cut from East to West and from North to South, so that the Palestinian state would have consisted of a group of islands, each surrounded by Israeli settlers and soldiers. No sovereign nation would accept such an arrangement-that could hinder its strategic national security and interests, click here for a map illustration.

Why did Arafat reject Barak's 'generous' offer at Camp David? - Palestine Remembered

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