Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

Israel gave up Gaza, and then your pals started firing rockets from their land. You lie.
The Truth about the Palestinian People
How did Israel acquire Gaza?

"Israel implemented its Disengagement Plan in August–September 2005, withdrawing its civilian and military presence from the Gaza Strip, and retaining control over the Gaza airspace, maritime access and borders even with Egypt according to the 2005 agreement with Palestinian authority.

"While Qassam rockets were fired regularly even prior to the Israeli disengagement, the frequency of Qassam attacks increased after the Disengagement from Gaza.

"Since there are no Israeli targets inside the Gaza Strip, Palestinian militants have targeted military bases and civilian towns located on the borders or outside of the Gaza Strip.[19]

"The Qassam rocket attacks by Hamas against Israel started in the year 2000 in response to the Israeli occupation in Gaza and West bank and have continued since then.

"Thirteen Israelis have been killed and hundreds injured as a result of Qassam rocket fire at Israeli targets.

"Additionally, Qassam rocket attacks have resulted in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in both children and adults, with 33% of children living in Sderot suffering from PTSD."

Gaza?Israel conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where did Sderot come from?

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza."

Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Propaganda spewers love Wikipedia because it's not a secure site and can be edited. The Muslims created this mess. Period.
So tell us where Sderot came from?
It came from the Zionist colonization of Palestine:

"The Iron Wall" | Jewish Virtual Library

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future.

"I say this with such conviction, not because I want to hurt the moderate Zionists.

"I do not believe that they will be hurt.

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."
How did Israel acquire Gaza?

"Israel implemented its Disengagement Plan in August–September 2005, withdrawing its civilian and military presence from the Gaza Strip, and retaining control over the Gaza airspace, maritime access and borders even with Egypt according to the 2005 agreement with Palestinian authority.

"While Qassam rockets were fired regularly even prior to the Israeli disengagement, the frequency of Qassam attacks increased after the Disengagement from Gaza.

"Since there are no Israeli targets inside the Gaza Strip, Palestinian militants have targeted military bases and civilian towns located on the borders or outside of the Gaza Strip.[19]

"The Qassam rocket attacks by Hamas against Israel started in the year 2000 in response to the Israeli occupation in Gaza and West bank and have continued since then.

"Thirteen Israelis have been killed and hundreds injured as a result of Qassam rocket fire at Israeli targets.

"Additionally, Qassam rocket attacks have resulted in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in both children and adults, with 33% of children living in Sderot suffering from PTSD."

Gaza?Israel conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where did Sderot come from?

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza."

Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Propaganda spewers love Wikipedia because it's not a secure site and can be edited. The Muslims created this mess. Period.
So tell us where Sderot came from?
It came from the Zionist colonization of Palestine:

"The Iron Wall" | Jewish Virtual Library

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future.

"I say this with such conviction, not because I want to hurt the moderate Zionists.

"I do not believe that they will be hurt.

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

The IRON WALL phrase is for Israel's intention from the start to act from a position of strength. Israel must, the area is filled with enemies, some savage & inhuman; see the post above yours.
I come into your house, steal all you stuff, and then offer to give you half of it back if you don't complain.

I don't see you going for that deal somehow.

That's true. It's also irrelevant because that's not what happened.
It's more like a landlord agreed to rent both of us a house with two bedrooms and now you want to push me out of mine after I've pained and carpeted it while your looks like a shithole.

Really, Who is the "Landlord" in that analogy?

Here's the thing. The Arabs had the whole house. The Zionists took over half of it, and then took over the other half and treat the other tenant like a second class citizen in his own home.
Detroit doesn't have to defend itself against Canadians launching rocket barrages from Windsor, nor does it face mortally-hostile neighbors...

Besides, Detroit is a shit-hole, long-since written off as nothing more than a cosmic black hole that already sucks up far too much taxpayer money via routine Federal programming, whereas we actually get something back for our $3 billion to Israel...


Yes, we do get something back for our 3 billion paid to the Zionist Entity.

We get involvement in fighting wars against people they can't beat.

How many conflicts have we gotten dragged into in that part of the world because the Zionists really want to pretend their Sky Pixies still love them. You'd think the Holocaust would have disabused them of that notion.

How many fine American Young Men came home in body bags, came home without limbs, came home with PTSD for the rest of their lives, because of the Zionist delusion that God promised them THAT particular strip of desert?
For the board Anti-Semites who swarm like flies on stank- we've all heard it.. The USS Liberty, blah blah blah so do your little pointy hatted heads a favor and go make your own thread with a racist title- Hell you can even include some kind of Nazi theme song if you like.. This thread is about the real discussion of Israel's right to defend herself without that JACKASS bastard in the WH sticking his fat nose in it.
Defend herself from whom, the people whose land she stole and refuses to make peace with? And is Israel going to hunt down the kidnappers or punish their government instead using the the teens deaths as an excuse? We know what the Jewish Nazis of the Middle East will do, that squatter nation has never done anything else. And since they can't make peace, the Zionists won't allow it, what we have is a situation that can't be resolved until one of them pushes the other off those lands, period.

Israel should never have been reestablish, but no one wanted the Jews. Until we fix that mistake, the slow and miserable slaughter will continue...

Fuck, did you really just say that? That is not funny, even if it is a troll. Israel is a legal state. They have a population - if I recall correctly - of about ten million. They are surrounded by about 100 million Arabs and other Muslims, MANY of whom refuse to recognize Israel as a state and wish its destruction.

What would you have them do? Just sit back and take it each time one of their citizens is brutally murdered in an anti-Israeli political act if terrorism? If the Palestinians want these kind of Israeli military actions to stop, then they need to police themselves and get terrorist acts out of their local politics.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Propaganda spewers love Wikipedia because it's not a secure site and can be edited. The Muslims created this mess. Period.
So tell us where Sderot came from?
It came from the Zionist colonization of Palestine:

"The Iron Wall" | Jewish Virtual Library

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future.

"I say this with such conviction, not because I want to hurt the moderate Zionists.

"I do not believe that they will be hurt.

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

The IRON WALL phrase is for Israel's intention from the start to act from a position of strength. Israel must, the area is filled with enemies, some savage & inhuman; see the post above yours.
Zionists never doubted their inability to conquer Palestine without an imperial sponsor, and early Zionists freely admitted as much. Jews have their state in Palestine today because they sheltered behind English bayonets for a generation:

"The Iron Wall

"We cannot offer any adequate compensation to the Palestinian Arabs in return for Palestine. And therefore, there is no likelihood of any voluntary agreement being reached. So that all those who regard such an agreement as a condition sine qua non for Zionism may as well say 'non' and withdraw from Zionism.

"Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else pive population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach.

"The Iron Wall" | Jewish Virtual Library
So tell us where Sderot came from?
It came from the Zionist colonization of Palestine:

"The Iron Wall" | Jewish Virtual Library

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future.

"I say this with such conviction, not because I want to hurt the moderate Zionists.

"I do not believe that they will be hurt.

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

The IRON WALL phrase is for Israel's intention from the start to act from a position of strength. Israel must, the area is filled with enemies, some savage & inhuman; see the post above yours.
Zionists never doubted their inability to conquer Palestine without an imperial sponsor, and early Zionists freely admitted as much. Jews have their state in Palestine today because they sheltered behind English bayonets for a generation:

"The Iron Wall

"We cannot offer any adequate compensation to the Palestinian Arabs in return for Palestine. And therefore, there is no likelihood of any voluntary agreement being reached. So that all those who regard such an agreement as a condition sine qua non for Zionism may as well say 'non' and withdraw from Zionism.

"Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else pive population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach.

"The Iron Wall" | Jewish Virtual Library

once again, a total and complete lack of historical reality from the piece of garbage anti-Semite

no one helped israel beat the pals. the grand mufti of jerusalem said "leave... we'll have the jews in the sea in three days". as usual your boys lost... even with the soviet arms... while the jews got nothing from the US.

now piss off.

For the board Anti-Semites who swarm like flies on stank- we've all heard it.. The USS Liberty, blah blah blah so do your little pointy hatted heads a favor and go make your own thread with a racist title- Hell you can even include some kind of Nazi theme song if you like.. This thread is about the real discussion of Israel's right to defend herself without that JACKASS bastard in the WH sticking his fat nose in it.
Defend herself from whom, the people whose land she stole and refuses to make peace with? And is Israel going to hunt down the kidnappers or punish their government instead using the the teens deaths as an excuse? We know what the Jewish Nazis of the Middle East will do, that squatter nation has never done anything else. And since they can't make peace, the Zionists won't allow it, what we have is a situation that can't be resolved until one of them pushes the other off those lands, period.

Israel should never have been reestablish, but no one wanted the Jews. Until we fix that mistake, the slow and miserable slaughter will continue...

Fuck, did you really just say that? That is not funny, even if it is a troll. Israel is a legal state. They have a population - if I recall correctly - of about ten million. They are surrounded by about 100 million Arabs and other Muslims, MANY of whom refuse to recognize Israel as a state and wish its destruction.

What would you have them do? Just sit back and take it each time one of their citizens is brutally murdered in an anti-Israeli political act if terrorism? If the Palestinians want these kind of Israeli military actions to stop, then they need to police themselves and get terrorist acts out of their local politics.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Nor did Israel "take half" of anything; a small portion of land was allocated for Israel, the Arab "brothers" fought over the rest.
The IRON WALL phrase is for Israel's intention from the start to act from a position of strength. Israel must, the area is filled with enemies, some savage & inhuman; see the post above yours.
Zionists never doubted their inability to conquer Palestine without an imperial sponsor, and early Zionists freely admitted as much. Jews have their state in Palestine today because they sheltered behind English bayonets for a generation:

"The Iron Wall

"We cannot offer any adequate compensation to the Palestinian Arabs in return for Palestine. And therefore, there is no likelihood of any voluntary agreement being reached. So that all those who regard such an agreement as a condition sine qua non for Zionism may as well say 'non' and withdraw from Zionism.

"Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else pive population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach.

"The Iron Wall" | Jewish Virtual Library

once again, a total and complete lack of historical reality from the piece of garbage anti-Semite

no one helped israel beat the pals. the grand mufti of jerusalem said "leave... we'll have the jews in the sea in three days". as usual your boys lost... even with the soviet arms... while the jews got nothing from the US.

now piss off.

Jews like Avraham Stern wouldn't have lived long enough to offer an alliance with Hitler if British bayonets hadn't protected him from the indigenous population of Palestine.

When are you leaving?
Doesn't matter.

The Jews have won.

The Palestinians have lost.

Sucker's Walk...
Doesn't matter.

The Jews have won.

The Palestinians have lost.

Sucker's Walk...

I really don't see how.

The Palestinians will still be in Gaza and the West Bank, and they are going to hate the Zionists just a little more than they did last month.

If the goal is to get a point where the Israelis and Palestinians live together in peace, kind of like the Afrikaners live in peace with their Zulu and Xhosa neighbors in South Africa, I'm not sure how anything that happened in the last few weeks gets them there.
Doesn't matter.

The Jews have won.

The Palestinians have lost.

Sucker's Walk...

I really don't see how.

The Palestinians will still be in Gaza and the West Bank, and they are going to hate the Zionists just a little more than they did last month.

If the goal is to get a point where the Israelis and Palestinians live together in peace, kind of like the Afrikaners live in peace with their Zulu and Xhosa neighbors in South Africa, I'm not sure how anything that happened in the last few weeks gets them there.

The Palestinians are standing five-high on each others shoulders, on a handful of scraps of land, no bigger than a postage stamp...

That's not winning, and that's not even fighting-to-a-stalemate...

The only reason why the Palestinians haven't already been evicted and dispersed is concern over World Opinion...

But that constraint is quite probably and very quickly losing its appeal and concern, in Israeli eyes...

The Palestinians lost, for all intents and purposes, as far back as 1948...

That loss was confirmed, and cut in stone, as far back as 1967...

After 1967, the Jews abandoned their willingness to compromise substantively...

Intifada I and II provided a 'refresher course' in the futility of negotiating with Palestinians...

Having abandoned Reconciliation...

What's left is Reconquista...

Which continues apace... and is much closer to completion than it was even ten years ago.

I expect we're going to see the Israelis take steps to cut this 66-year-old Gordian Knot sometime soon after January 20, 2017.
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The Palestinians lost, for all intents and purposes, as far back as 1948...

That loss was confirmed, and cut in stone, as far back as 1967...

After 1967, the Jews abandoned their willingness to compromise substantively...

Intifada I and II provided a 'refresher course' in the futility of negotiating with Palestinians...

Having abandoned Reconciliation...

What's left is Reconquista...

Well, that would be fine if 1) You had enough people to do that, and 2) you are willing to indiscriminately slaughter the people who are already there to make room for them.

Israel has neither right now, as people want to immigrate out and very few Jews from America or Europe want to immigrate in.
The Palestinians lost, for all intents and purposes, as far back as 1948...

That loss was confirmed, and cut in stone, as far back as 1967...

After 1967, the Jews abandoned their willingness to compromise substantively...

Intifada I and II provided a 'refresher course' in the futility of negotiating with Palestinians...

Having abandoned Reconciliation...

What's left is Reconquista...

Well, that would be fine if 1) You had enough people to do that, and 2) you are willing to indiscriminately slaughter the people who are already there to make room for them.

Israel has neither right now, as people want to immigrate out and very few Jews from America or Europe want to immigrate in.


Israel is building luxury apartments and communities like crazy.
Apparently, you don't need 20 million highly educated, literate Jews to stamp out 1.2 billion Arabs; 4 million highly educated, literate Jews are doing just fine.
The majority of Jews moving from the US to Israel are young and Orhtodox and don't give a shit about world opinion.
They also don't take joy in having to blow up Arab homes.
The Palestinians lost, for all intents and purposes, as far back as 1948...

That loss was confirmed, and cut in stone, as far back as 1967...

After 1967, the Jews abandoned their willingness to compromise substantively...

Intifada I and II provided a 'refresher course' in the futility of negotiating with Palestinians...

Having abandoned Reconciliation...

What's left is Reconquista...

Well, that would be fine if 1) You had enough people to do that, and 2) you are willing to indiscriminately slaughter the people who are already there to make room for them.

Israel has neither right now, as people want to immigrate out and very few Jews from America or Europe want to immigrate in.
The Jews don't need numbers.

They merely need technology... which they have in copious amounts... much of it home-grown.

Let me give you a preview of how a Final Campaign is going to go...

1. Palestinians attack, one time too many.

2. Israel attacks Gaza as a whole; leaving behind a covering force to deal with the West Bank.

3. Israel sweeps down Gaza top-to-bottom... north to south... with covering-forces east of Gaza, to prevent large-scale formations from escaping, and the Navy covering and supporting off-shore to the West.

4. Israel kills Hamas fighters by the scores of thousands; simply bombing areas to oblivion after issuing a warning, rather than relying upon ground forces, which are only used this time for sponging-up what's left in any area already leveled.

5. Gazans surrender in their hundreds of thousands, once the fighters are gone.

Heck, 90-95% of Gazans would survive the assault, taking into account both combat and collateral casualties.

After that, the Israelis can either reconcile on their own terms or (far more likely) begin the eviction and deportation process, en masse - disposing of the surrendered Palestinians as seems best to them.

The Israelis don't need numbers.

They only need technology (armor, artillery, airpower, munitions) - which they have.

And the resolve to use them without restraint or mercy or pity or regard for world opinion, to cut the collective throat of Hamas.

It is my belief that the Israelis are fast approaching that point, driven there by foolhardy Palestinian aggression.
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The Palestinians lost, for all intents and purposes, as far back as 1948...

That loss was confirmed, and cut in stone, as far back as 1967...

After 1967, the Jews abandoned their willingness to compromise substantively...

Intifada I and II provided a 'refresher course' in the futility of negotiating with Palestinians...

Having abandoned Reconciliation...

What's left is Reconquista...

Well, that would be fine if 1) You had enough people to do that, and 2) you are willing to indiscriminately slaughter the people who are already there to make room for them.

Israel has neither right now, as people want to immigrate out and very few Jews from America or Europe want to immigrate in.
The Jews don't need numbers.

They merely need technology... which they have in copious amounts... much of it home-grown.

Let me give you a preview of how a Final Campaign is going to go...

1. Palestinians attack, one time too many.

2. Israel attacks Gaza as a whole; leaving behind a covering force to deal with the West Bank.

3. Israel sweeps down Gaza top-to-bottom... north to south... with covering-forces east of Gaza, to prevent large-scale formations from escaping.

4. Israel kills Hamas fighters by the scores of thousands.

5. Gazans surrender in their hundreds of thousands, once the fighters are gone.

Heck, 90-95% of Gazans would survive the assault, taking into account both combat and collateral casualties.

After that, the Israelis can either reconcile on their own terms or (far more likely) begin the eviction and deportation process, en masse - disposing of the surrendered Palestinians as seems best to them.

The Israelis don't need numbers.

They only need technology (armor, artillery, airpower, munitions) - which they have.

And the resolve to use them without restraint or mercy or pity or regard for world opinion, to cut the collective throat of Hamas.

It is my belief that the Israelis are fast approaching that point, driven there by foolhardy Palestinian aggression.
Should Israel go for it, into the sea they go, which is why they haven't.

The Muslims would love an excuse to remove that squatter nation from this earth...
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The Palestinians lost, for all intents and purposes, as far back as 1948...

That loss was confirmed, and cut in stone, as far back as 1967...

After 1967, the Jews abandoned their willingness to compromise substantively...

Intifada I and II provided a 'refresher course' in the futility of negotiating with Palestinians...

Having abandoned Reconciliation...

What's left is Reconquista...

Well, that would be fine if 1) You had enough people to do that, and 2) you are willing to indiscriminately slaughter the people who are already there to make room for them.

Israel has neither right now, as people want to immigrate out and very few Jews from America or Europe want to immigrate in.
The Jews don't need numbers.

They merely need technology... which they have in copious amounts... much of it home-grown.

Let me give you a preview of how a Final Campaign is going to go...

1. Palestinians attack, one time too many.

2. Israel attacks Gaza as a whole; leaving behind a covering force to deal with the West Bank.

3. Israel sweeps down Gaza top-to-bottom... north to south... with covering-forces east of Gaza, to prevent large-scale formations from escaping.

4. Israel kills Hamas fighters by the scores of thousands.

5. Gazans surrender in their hundreds of thousands, once the fighters are gone.

Heck, 90-95% of Gazans would survive the assault, taking into account both combat and collateral casualties.

After that, the Israelis can either reconcile on their own terms or (far more likely) begin the eviction and deportation process, en masse - disposing of the surrendered Palestinians as seems best to them.

The Israelis don't need numbers.

They only need technology (armor, artillery, airpower, munitions) - which they have.

And the resolve to use them without restraint or mercy or pity or regard for world opinion, to cut the collective throat of Hamas.

It is my belief that the Israelis are fast approaching that point, driven there by foolhardy Palestinian aggression.

Much of which has been driven by the exhortations of perhaps well-intentioned peeps like Joey who would sacrifice every Palestinian rather than compromise his sense of "justice."
So in response to the OP, has our fearless leader warned the Palestinians not to destabilize the situation over the death of one teen as he did to Israel over the death of three?
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