Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Or we can just take your guns because you can't be trusted with them.

That kind of works for me. I'm tired of trying to reason with gun nuts.

But I can be trusted with them.

I have passed every check necessary. i have been shooting for over 40 years. I have never once pointed a gun at another person, I have never once fired a weapon accidentally.

The burden of proof is on you that i can't be trusted with a weapon. I have 40 years of proof saying I can.

But hey if you want to take my weapons can I hold you personally responsible when some psycho breaks into my house, rapes my wife and sets her on fire? After all you want to hole me responsible for all kinds of gun crimes I have never committed.


Nobody wants to deprive you of the right to own guns to protect your family.

Then you have no problem with me carrying my semi-automatic with me whereever I go, right?

That is what I need to properly protect my family.
Republicans to Sandy Hook parents.......Stop exploiting the death of your child!

then Democrats and Obama to Sandy hook parents..EXPLOIT your dead children to the max so we can cram legislation on the people

You don't think that a parent who had a child riddled with bullets has a right to expect their government to do something about it?

They have as much to demand that the Government take my guns as the parent of child killed by a drunk driver demand they take your alcohol and cars.
People, people, people! Everyone is just a photo-op prop for The Won!

Obama uses victims as examples to prevent this thing from happening again.

Because with the OP's logic, fuck who you are and what you have to endure. *MY* extremely lax gun rights are at stake! I will have to deal with REGULATION!

Loonies and Psychos should be given guns and nobody should do anything about it.

Adam Lanza killed his mother to get her guns and then killed others.

Gee whiz he broke how many laws?

Make another law, but you cannot legislate fucking crazy you idiot.

His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

No, it is because of the actions of a single individual.

It had nothing to do with me. It had nothing to do with the perpetrator's mother.

Why should innocent people pay for this person's crime with their personal liberty?

Your reasoning is faulty.
His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

Why wansnt her son in an assylum getting shock therapy or something? Dumbfucks like you let them all out because that was mean.....yeah thanks now we get shot by these dumbasses......

Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future, when people like this should be in assylums and killed as soon as convicted so we can get rid of them and those families can MOVE on....until then they have to relive this over and over because of callous dumbass homos like you.

because Regean shut most of the mental hospitals down, you do know that right?

Only after the ACLU sued to get the patients released and won.
You don't think that a parent who had a child riddled with bullets has a right to expect their government to do something about it?

their government?
and what about the rest of the people who don't want this person SPEAKING for them..why did we the people have to PAY FOR IT?
That is Obama for you...gives away our money to anyone and EVERYONE as long as you agree with him and he can USE THEM..

Everyone has a right to speak for themselves.......even you

For you to ridicule parents of a dead child killed under horrific circumstances is despicable

No one is ridiculing the parents of a dead child.

We are telling her that she has no right to expect the Government to take our guns just as she would not have the right to demand that the Government to ban alchohol or cars if her child had been killed by a drunk driver.
the only thing Obama cares about this woman who is griving..is to parade her in front of a camera or a microphone to PUSH HIS AGENDA.

He and all of you who agree with this are the real dirty people
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

This woman is in a state of depression because a crazy person was able to get a military grade weapon, storm her child school, and kill him, 19 other preschoolers and six teachers.

Fuck, that depresses me, and I didn't even lose anyone.

The question is, why do you think Adam Lanza should have a gun?

Military grade weapon? Really? You don't pay attention, do you? How many have to explain the difference to you, how often? Oh, that's right, never, ever let facts get in the way of the narrative.
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

This woman is in a state of depression because a crazy person was able to get a military grade weapon, storm her child school, and kill him, 19 other preschoolers and six teachers.

Fuck, that depresses me, and I didn't even lose anyone.

The question is, why do you think Adam Lanza should have a gun?

Military grade weapon? Really? You don't pay attention, do you? How many have to explain the difference to you, how often? Oh, that's right, never, ever let facts get in the way of the narrative.

These gun grabbers are so uneducated on firearms that they don't even know what the difference is between a military weapon and a civilian one. They think that if it looks ugly and scarey, it's military grade.
Grieving Parents ask Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Which is closer to the truth? :eusa_whistle: Why would some people act like scum in order to attack the grieving parents through a surrogate, Obama? :eusa_shhh:


Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address
Grieving Parents ask Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Which is closer to the truth? :eusa_whistle: Why would some people act like scum in order to attack the grieving parents through a surrogate, Obama? :eusa_shhh:


Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

who cares...you are all scum using this woman as a human shield..
it's not something you all haven't done before...where is Cindy Sheehan today? you people used her too and then threw her on the trash heap like you will this lady after your are done with her
Grieving Parents ask Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Which is closer to the truth? :eusa_whistle: Why would some people act like scum in order to attack the grieving parents through a surrogate, Obama? :eusa_shhh:


Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

who cares...you are all scum using this woman as a human shield..
it's not something you all haven't done before...where is Cindy Sheehan today? you people used her too and then threw her on the trash heap like you will this lady after your are done with her

The poor helpless woman is being used? :rofl: :rofl:
That stereotype is why the Right Wingers in the GOP will keep costing the GOP elections

I'd like to see you say that to her face. :evil:
Republicans to Sandy Hook parents.......we could have taken action ten years ago but preferred to do nothing

Taken action that would not have prevented any shootings but at at least they could feel good about doing something right?
Grieving Parents ask Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Which is closer to the truth? :eusa_whistle: Why would some people act like scum in order to attack the grieving parents through a surrogate, Obama? :eusa_shhh:


who cares...you are all scum using this woman as a human shield..
it's not something you all haven't done before...where is Cindy Sheehan today? you people used her too and then threw her on the trash heap like you will this lady after your are done with her

The poor helpless woman is being used? :rofl: :rofl:
That stereotype is why the Right Wingers in the GOP will keep costing the GOP elections

I'd like to see you say that to her face. :evil:

wtf does this have to do with the GOP?
you people have went over the cliff along with your Dear leader
like I said, you people are famous for using people as HUMAN SHEILDS.. nobody is allowed to criticize them or you are accused of stupid stuff like you post

man you are wigged out..go move to another country you are so worried about the nuts in this one

Again, the idea is to fix this country. You gun nuts and bible nuts find another country that will take you. We won the election.

I hear Somalia is nice. You can own all the guns you want there.

This country wasn't broken until the f**cknut libruls started with their feel-good social engineering bullshit.

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