Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Republicans to Sandy Hook parents.......Stop exploiting the death of your child!
"Zamudio ran towards the shots, not away."

That is my favorite reason for armed citizens. I have been held at gunpoint 5 times by 7 different criminals. Everyone ran away!!! Also unarmed people who witness crimes are afraid to be witness to crimes.

You have been held at gunpoint 5 times?

Why is that hard to believe?

I've been held at gunpoint several times as well.

It ain't fun.

It is not indicative of the common American's experience. It is an unusual claim to hear. Don't you agree?
There is no NEED for a private citizen to own a gun. Certainly not a military grade one.

If you WANT to own a gun, the rest of us deserve reasonable assurances that you aren't going to do something crazy with it.

It's called, "Living in a civilized society".

None of the weapons used at the school were "military" grade.

And when you can guarantee me that no one will break into my home and endanger me or my wife then I'll scrap my guns.

Or we can just take your guns because you can't be trusted with them.

That kind of works for me. I'm tired of trying to reason with gun nuts.

But I can be trusted with them.

I have passed every check necessary. i have been shooting for over 40 years. I have never once pointed a gun at another person, I have never once fired a weapon accidentally.

The burden of proof is on you that i can't be trusted with a weapon. I have 40 years of proof saying I can.

But hey if you want to take my weapons can I hold you personally responsible when some psycho breaks into my house, rapes my wife and sets her on fire? After all you want to hold me responsible for all kinds of gun crimes I have never committed.

when you people start taking away the guns from the gang bangers instead of coming after LEGAL gun owners then you might be taken seriously. until then I will call you people chicken shits

gang bangers usually get their guns from legal gun owners. THat's kind of the problem.

Of course, most gun deaths are suicides and domestic arguments, not gang bangers going around radomnly shooting each other.

Gang bangers get their guns primarily from the same guy that sells them their pot. Street dealers. Some guns are stolen, but the majority come over the border right along with illegal aliens and drugs. That's why no one is talking about illegal guns that were smuggled in. To stop that, we'd have to have a secure border and no one in Washington wants a secure border.
Republicans to Sandy Hook parents.......Stop exploiting the death of your child!

then Democrats and Obama to Sandy hook parents..EXPLOIT your dead children to the max so we can cram legislation on the people
None of the weapons used at the school were "military" grade.

And when you can guarantee me that no one will break into my home and endanger me or my wife then I'll scrap my guns.

Or we can just take your guns because you can't be trusted with them.

That kind of works for me. I'm tired of trying to reason with gun nuts.

But I can be trusted with them.

I have passed every check necessary. i have been shooting for over 40 years. I have never once pointed a gun at another person, I have never once fired a weapon accidentally.

The burden of proof is on you that i can't be trusted with a weapon. I have 40 years of proof saying I can.

But hey if you want to take my weapons can I hold you personally responsible when some psycho breaks into my house, rapes my wife and sets her on fire? After all you want to hole me responsible for all kinds of gun crimes I have never committed.


Nobody wants to deprive you of the right to own guns to protect your family.
Or we can just take your guns because you can't be trusted with them.

That kind of works for me. I'm tired of trying to reason with gun nuts.

But I can be trusted with them.

I have passed every check necessary. i have been shooting for over 40 years. I have never once pointed a gun at another person, I have never once fired a weapon accidentally.

The burden of proof is on you that i can't be trusted with a weapon. I have 40 years of proof saying I can.

But hey if you want to take my weapons can I hold you personally responsible when some psycho breaks into my house, rapes my wife and sets her on fire? After all you want to hole me responsible for all kinds of gun crimes I have never committed.


Nobody wants to deprive you of the right to own guns to protect your family.

Joe wants to.

Try and keep up
"Zamudio ran towards the shots, not away."

That is my favorite reason for armed citizens. I have been held at gunpoint 5 times by 7 different criminals. Everyone ran away!!! Also unarmed people who witness crimes are afraid to be witness to crimes.

You have been held at gunpoint 5 times?

Why is that hard to believe?

I've been held at gunpoint several times as well.

It ain't fun.

No shit? Then you have my sympathy & respect. I was scared shit-less the first 2 times, it was very traumatic. What is even worse is that everyone ran away & so did the criminals. They were not caught & went on to terrorize more people. I have never had this happen again since CCW passed in my state. It is a huge relief to me knowing fellow citizens may be carrying.

Because of my experience I feel more for the helpless teachers at Sandy Hook than I do for the parents & children.
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You have been held at gunpoint 5 times?

Why is that hard to believe?

I've been held at gunpoint several times as well.

It ain't fun.

It is not indicative of the common American's experience. It is an unusual claim to hear. Don't you agree?

Yeah, it sounds like a stretch.

I've never had a gun pulled on me once in my life. I'm 51, lived in a city (Chicago) that is apparently a mecca of crime to hear conservatards tell it, and the number of times anyone has pulled a gun on me is... zero.
How come we don't have a televised debate between the Newtown families. Not all of them want the presidebt's gun control. Some want armed guards in the schools. Let's hear what ALL of them have to say.
But I can be trusted with them.

I have passed every check necessary. i have been shooting for over 40 years. I have never once pointed a gun at another person, I have never once fired a weapon accidentally.

The burden of proof is on you that i can't be trusted with a weapon. I have 40 years of proof saying I can.

But hey if you want to take my weapons can I hold you personally responsible when some psycho breaks into my house, rapes my wife and sets her on fire? After all you want to hole me responsible for all kinds of gun crimes I have never committed.


Nobody wants to deprive you of the right to own guns to protect your family.

Joe wants to.

Try and keep up

Lame. You know what I meant.
Republicans to Sandy Hook parents.......we could have taken action ten years ago but preferred to do nothing
You have been held at gunpoint 5 times?

Why is that hard to believe?

I've been held at gunpoint several times as well.

It ain't fun.

No shit? Then you have my sympathy & respect. I was scared shit-less the first 2 times, it was very traumatic. What is even worse is that everyone ran away & so did the criminals. They were not caught & went on to terrorize more people. I have never had this happen again since CCW passed in my state. It is a huge relief to me knowing fellow citizens may be carrying.

You sound very credible.
Incidence like this, using a grieving mother to push his agenda and people wonder why Obama is called a THUG...I call him a sick pos

I think the word your tiny mind is grasping for is "Incidents"...

I call it having a discussion.

I can say we had 11,000 gun homicides and 16,000 gun suicides last year, and that's a statistic and people shrug their shoulders and slice the numbers any old way and that's that.

You put a mother of a child who was killed because a psycho was able to get his hands on a miltiary grade weapon even though everyone in his life knew he was insane, that's putting a real human face on the discussion.
Why is that hard to believe?

I've been held at gunpoint several times as well.

It ain't fun.

No shit? Then you have my sympathy & respect. I was scared shit-less the first 2 times, it was very traumatic. What is even worse is that everyone ran away & so did the criminals. They were not caught & went on to terrorize more people. I have never had this happen again since CCW passed in my state. It is a huge relief to me knowing fellow citizens may be carrying.

You sound very credible.

You are no different than friends & family who said the same to me until some of them were with me the next time it happened. Gee wiz - I wonder why they all carry guns now & don't say that any more?
Republicans to Sandy Hook parents.......Stop exploiting the death of your child!

then Democrats and Obama to Sandy hook parents..EXPLOIT your dead children to the max so we can cram legislation on the people

You don't think that a parent who had a child riddled with bullets has a right to expect their government to do something about it?
You have been held at gunpoint 5 times?

Why is that hard to believe?

I've been held at gunpoint several times as well.

It ain't fun.

No shit? Then you have my sympathy & respect. I was scared shit-less the first 2 times, it was very traumatic. What is even worse is that everyone ran away & so did the criminals. They were not caught & went on to terrorize more people. I have never had this happen again since CCW passed in my state. It is a huge relief to me knowing fellow citizens may be carrying.

Because of my experience I feel more for the helpless teachers at Sandy Hook than I do for the parents & children.

I was held at gun point one time. As they tell me, I should never have fought with the guy over the car keys and just let him take the car. As a result of that incident, I found it necessary to point a gun at another human being two times. The second time I told the guy trying to break down my door that nothing would please me more than blowing his head off. That ended the attempted break ins.

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