Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation


And the control freak rears his ugly head yet again.

There is no NEED for a private citizen to own a gun. Certainly not a military grade one.

If you WANT to own a gun, the rest of us deserve reasonable assurances that you aren't going to do something crazy with it.

It's called, "Living in a civilized society".

None of the weapons used at the school were "military" grade.

And when you can guarantee me that no one will break into my home and endanger me or my wife then I'll scrap my guns.
Obama is taking advantage of their grief...those people want to do something and Obama is using them to promote something that would not even have made a difference in stopping what happened to their children.....He's pathetic:evil:

What is really pathetic is you are hiding behind the President to really attack these parents whose beloved children were brutally murdered, because you don't want to hear what they have to say.

this LADY put herself in the spot light by using OUR money and time to wail at us, she is FAIR GAME...too bad for her and you

Oh.... PLEASE let the right wing attack this woman personally.

It would be a gift from fuckin' heaven.
Obviously obama is using these poor people in their profound grief. The left does that. Look at what they did to Cindy Sheehan. The left made her a national joke, then kicked her to the curb when they were done.

You won't hear from families whose kids were killed by drug addicts about getting drugs off the streets. No way. That doesn't fit the agenda. You will absolutely not hear a single word from parents whose children were brutally murdered by illegal aliens. Did Mrs. Bologna get a trip on Air Force One when her family was gunned down by an illegal? How about the parents of Jamile Shaw? They are told to shut up.

The Newtown parents that the left is massaging right now aren't the only Newtown parents who lost children. What about hearing from the parents who also lost children but are against the loss of our Constitutional rights? The left doesn't want to hear what they have to say so they don't get rides on Air Force One.

The presidebt has made this tragedy a disgusting display. Simply atrocious.

And the control freak rears his ugly head yet again.

There is no NEED for a private citizen to own a gun. Certainly not a military grade one.

If you WANT to own a gun, the rest of us deserve reasonable assurances that you aren't going to do something crazy with it.

It's called, "Living in a civilized society".

None of the weapons used at the school were "military" grade.

And when you can guarantee me that no one will break into my home and endanger me or my wife then I'll scrap my guns.

Or we can just take your guns because you can't be trusted with them.

That kind of works for me. I'm tired of trying to reason with gun nuts.
It wasn't a military weapon so please stop the hyperbole.

What kind of weapon is it?

This is one if the things that really puzzles me. The desire by nutters to dive into the minutiae of weapons classifications. You can deny that it is a military weapon until the cows come home....but you cannot pretend that it is not designed to fire a lots of lethal projectiles really fast. The only reason it exists is to kill many people ( or in fantasy land, animals ) in a short amount of time. Killing a lot of people in a short mount of time is what is done in military combat....and should not be done under any other circumstances.

Lets be realistic.

How many times do you ignorant idiots have to be shown this?

This rifle, a Ruger Mini 14 is a semiautomatic rifle that shoots a .223 round


It is not classified as an "assault" rifle.

This Ar15


Is functionally no different from the mini 14. It shoots the same .223 round at the same rate of fire and yet you think it's a military "assault" rifle.

The only difference between the two rifles is cosmetics.

The whole idea of banning one and not the other is stupid.

You are not stupid. Why must you pretend to be stupid?

They are BOTH assault weapons. I don't give a fuck about your definition. They both have one purpose. They shoot lots of bullets really fast. I don't care what they look like. They both should be banned. As should semi-automatic pistols.

Handgun, standard shotgun, standard hunting rifle......no problem. Do you see how they are different. Do you understand?

His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

Yep, "all because of one gun owner's neglect", libs feel that all other gun owners should be summarily stripped of their Constitutional rights.

Pretty much like gun advocates pointing to one mass shooting to prove that laws don't work (see Columbine reference above)?

Columbine reference above?

According the the FBI, of 11,000 firearm homicides in 2010, only 201 of them were 'justifiable"- a "good guy" killing a "bad guy".

All the rest were good guys killing good guys, bad guys killing bad guys.

And we won't even talk about the 16,000 gun suicides where good guys killed themselves.

There's no need for the public to own guns. But if we are, we really should have the threshold a little hire than "no standards at all."

There are a couple of instances where I think it's a good idea for a private citizen to own a gun.

One would be in the case of a small businessman who travels or sets up shop in a dodgy area. And the other would be for people in very rural areas.

Other then those instances? Nope.

Citizens should not have guns.

Citizens should not have guns.

They should be forced to wear a sign that says come and get me.
I'm easy prey.A wounded dumb ass sheep just ready to be picked off....

Yup no one should be allowed to have a gun for protection because the Libs don't
feel it's necessary. Good grief.

Yes, because that's reality right?

There's no such thing as law enforcement..America is like the old west..right?

No cops.





Everyone needs to strap a shootin' iron to their hip to get to the grocery store..because their are plenty of banditos on the way just laying in wait..

Obama makes me sick...

Obama Exploits Grieving Sandy Hook Mother in Weekly Address

by Ben Shapiro13 Apr 2013473post a comment View Discussion

On Saturday, President Obama handed over the camera and teleprompter to the mother of a victim of Sandy Hook Elementary shooter Adam Lanza. Explaining his exploitative choice via email to his entire WhiteHouse.gov email list, Obama explained:

SNIP: from the article
It is Wheeler’s choice to appear on camera. But it is President Obama’s choice to exploit her tragedy, perversely hiding behind her grief rather than making actual arguments as to why gun control would lower the rate of incidents like those in Sandy Hook. Nothing Obama is pushing will make any child in America safer; calling on shooting victims’ family members to avoid making a rational case for legislation is the hallmark of a political bully.
To label gun rights advocates opponents of child safety is malicious propagandizing. President Obama, though, is a vicious and manipulative propagandizer. And if he has to use the tears of a grieving mother to ram through bad legislation, he has no problem doing so.

all of it here
Obama Exploits Grieving Sandy Hook Mother in Weekly Address
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Obama has no shame and will use anything available to promote his socialist agenda
The only list that has a snowballs chance in hell of working at all is a publicly available "Registered Disarm List" just like the "Registered Sex Offenders List"? The list would contain domestic violence aggressors, violent criminals, anyone prescribed psychotropic drugs, unstable persons reported by doctors, nurses, & psychologist, etc.

Friends, Family, co-workers, employers, law enforcement & business could have checked this list on their smart phone & reported when they saw Adam Lanza with a gun or practicing shooting at the gun range. An employer would know who might go postal & shoot up employees at the workplace when fired. Citizens could check the list if they sell, lend or trade a gun to someone else.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to find out if a bad guy has a gun is publicize a list of potential bad guys so good guys can keep an eye on them.

Gun free zones are a magnet for crazy people with a gun. Limiting good people from conceal carry in any way puts everyone in danger.

There were plenty of concealed carry types at the Gabby Gifford's event.

None of them stopped Loughner. It took an unarmed woman to do that.

I suppose you have proof of this right?

Of course I do..

Tucson Shooting: Patricia Maisch Describes Stopping Gunman Jared Loughner From Reloading - ABC News
That is nothing different than when police arrive on the scene & see someone with a gun. Police shoot innocent people 550% of the time more than armed citizens do even though armed citizens shoot 250% more criminals than police. The fact is Zamudio did not shoot the hero & ran towards the shots, not away.

"Zamudio ran towards the shots, not away."

That is my favorite reason for armed citizens. I have been held at gunpoint 5 times by 7 different criminals. Everyone ran away!!! Also unarmed people who witness crimes are afraid to be witness to crimes.
Sandy Hook is history, it can never be changed. BUT, that doesn't mean that other killings can't be prevented by common sense gun laws.

Common sense gun laws? Fine.

But stop passing these laws that ban guns outright and voting on them based on nothing but pure emotion.

The New York gun law was passed and signed faster then Obamacare and now it's being criticized every week because people are finding new errors or potential constitutional violations in it.

The Colorado gun law debate was rife with retards from the Left, insulting victims of sexual assault and lawmakers who have no idea how a gun works.

Now Missouri is joining the party by banning Assault Weapons, including those purchased before the ban is put into effect, basically making their owners criminals.

To make common sense gun laws, there has to be common sense present in those proposing them. I'm not see that.
That is nothing different than when police arrive on the scene & see someone with a gun. Police shoot innocent people 550% of the time more than armed citizens do even though armed citizens shoot 250% more criminals than police. The fact is Zamudio did not shoot the hero & ran towards the shots, not away.

"Zamudio ran towards the shots, not away."

That is my favorite reason for armed citizens. I have been held at gunpoint 5 times by 7 different criminals. Everyone ran away!!! Also unarmed people who witness crimes are afraid to be witness to crimes.

You have been held at gunpoint 5 times?
Incidence like this, using a grieving mother to push his agenda and people wonder why Obama is called a THUG...I call him a sick pos
I stand with Francine Wheeler, a courageous mother whose pain will never go away. Here is what she said:

Weekly Address: Sandy Hook Victim’s Mother Calls for Commonsense Gun Responsibility Reforms

Remarks of Francine Wheeler
The President’s Weekly Address​

Hi. As you’ve probably noticed, I’m not the President. I’m just a citizen. And as a citizen, I’m here at the White House today because I want to make a difference and I hope you will join me.

My name is Francine Wheeler. My husband David is with me. We live in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

David and I have two sons. Our older son Nate, soon to be 10 years old, is a fourth grader at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Our younger son, Ben, age six, was murdered in his first-grade classroom on December 14th, exactly 4 months ago this weekend.

David and I lost our beloved son, but Nate lost his best friend. On what turned out to be the last morning of his life, Ben told me, quite out of the blue, “ I still want to be an architect, Mama, but I also want to be a paleontologist, because that’s what Nate is going to be and I want to do everything Nate does.”

Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. He couldn’t wait to get to school every morning. He sang with perfect pitch and had just played at his third piano recital. Irrepressibly bright and spirited, Ben experienced life at full tilt.

Until that morning. 20 of our children, and 6 of our educators – gone. Out of the blue.

I’ve heard people say that the tidal wave of anguish our country felt on 12/14 has receded. But not for us. To us, it feels as if it happened just yesterday. And in the four months since we lost our loved ones, thousands of other Americans have died at the end of a gun. Thousands of other families across the United States are also drowning in our grief.

Please help us do something before our tragedy becomes your tragedy.

Sometimes, I close my eyes and all I can remember is that awful day waiting at the Sandy Hook Volunteer Firehouse for the boy who would never come home – the same firehouse that was home to Ben’s Tiger Scout Den 6. But other times, I feel Ben’s presence filling me with courage for what I have to do – for him and all the others taken from us so violently and too soon.

We have to convince the Senate to come together and pass commonsense gun responsibility reforms that will make our communities safer and prevent more tragedies like the one we never thought would happen to us.

When I packed for Washington on Monday, it looked like the Senate might not act at all. Then, after the President spoke in Hartford, and a dozen of us met with Senators to share our stories, more than two-thirds of the Senate voted to move forward.

But that’s only the start. They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do.

Now is the time to act. Please join us. You can talk to your Senator, too. Or visit WhiteHouse.gov to find out how you can join the President and get involved.

Help this be the moment when real change begins. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Weekly Address: Sandy Hook Victim's Mother Calls for Commonsense Gun Responsibility Reforms | The White House

My heart goes out to this woman and her neighbors for their tremendous losses. I agree that we should do something to protect our children from the depredations of deranged madmen lik Lanza. But there her opinion about what is suitable protection and mine part ways.
While she begs for serfdom and the dubious protection of an omnipresent and all-powerful patriarchal government, I will fight to my last breath and the waning strength of my body to preserve my right and responsibility to protect my children and grandchildren. Despite her loss, despite her pain and inability to understand that evil preys on every one of us, I will never willing grant her the wish to drag me and mine into the government enslavement she is advocating.
I stand with Francine Wheeler, a courageous mother whose pain will never go away. Here is what she said:

Weekly Address: Sandy Hook Victim’s Mother Calls for Commonsense Gun Responsibility Reforms

Remarks of Francine Wheeler
The President’s Weekly Address​

Hi. As you’ve probably noticed, I’m not the President. I’m just a citizen. And as a citizen, I’m here at the White House today because I want to make a difference and I hope you will join me.

My name is Francine Wheeler. My husband David is with me. We live in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

David and I have two sons. Our older son Nate, soon to be 10 years old, is a fourth grader at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Our younger son, Ben, age six, was murdered in his first-grade classroom on December 14th, exactly 4 months ago this weekend.

David and I lost our beloved son, but Nate lost his best friend. On what turned out to be the last morning of his life, Ben told me, quite out of the blue, “ I still want to be an architect, Mama, but I also want to be a paleontologist, because that’s what Nate is going to be and I want to do everything Nate does.”

Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. He couldn’t wait to get to school every morning. He sang with perfect pitch and had just played at his third piano recital. Irrepressibly bright and spirited, Ben experienced life at full tilt.

Until that morning. 20 of our children, and 6 of our educators – gone. Out of the blue.

I’ve heard people say that the tidal wave of anguish our country felt on 12/14 has receded. But not for us. To us, it feels as if it happened just yesterday. And in the four months since we lost our loved ones, thousands of other Americans have died at the end of a gun. Thousands of other families across the United States are also drowning in our grief.

Please help us do something before our tragedy becomes your tragedy.

Sometimes, I close my eyes and all I can remember is that awful day waiting at the Sandy Hook Volunteer Firehouse for the boy who would never come home – the same firehouse that was home to Ben’s Tiger Scout Den 6. But other times, I feel Ben’s presence filling me with courage for what I have to do – for him and all the others taken from us so violently and too soon.

We have to convince the Senate to come together and pass commonsense gun responsibility reforms that will make our communities safer and prevent more tragedies like the one we never thought would happen to us.

When I packed for Washington on Monday, it looked like the Senate might not act at all. Then, after the President spoke in Hartford, and a dozen of us met with Senators to share our stories, more than two-thirds of the Senate voted to move forward.

But that’s only the start. They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do.

Now is the time to act. Please join us. You can talk to your Senator, too. Or visit WhiteHouse.gov to find out how you can join the President and get involved.

Help this be the moment when real change begins. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Weekly Address: Sandy Hook Victim's Mother Calls for Commonsense Gun Responsibility Reforms | The White House

My heart goes out to this woman and her neighbors for their tremendous losses. I agree that we should do something to protect our children from the depredations of deranged madmen lik Lanza. But there her opinion about what is suitable protection and mine part ways.
While she begs for serfdom and the dubious protection of an omnipresent and all-powerful patriarchal government, I will fight to my last breath and the waning strength of my body to preserve my right and responsibility to protect my children and grandchildren. Despite her loss, despite her pain and inability to understand that evil preys on every one of us, I will never willing grant her the wish to drag me and mine into the government enslavement she is advocating.

There is the government oppression argument again. Next breath will be protecting your family argument. Then the right to shoot semi-automatics recreationally argument.

You nutters need some focus.
That is nothing different than when police arrive on the scene & see someone with a gun. Police shoot innocent people 550% of the time more than armed citizens do even though armed citizens shoot 250% more criminals than police. The fact is Zamudio did not shoot the hero & ran towards the shots, not away.

"Zamudio ran towards the shots, not away."

That is my favorite reason for armed citizens. I have been held at gunpoint 5 times by 7 different criminals. Everyone ran away!!! Also unarmed people who witness crimes are afraid to be witness to crimes.

You have been held at gunpoint 5 times?

Why is that hard to believe?

I've been held at gunpoint several times as well.

It ain't fun.
His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

And you can't see that a law will not stop that same thing from happening again?

Lanza's mother even with so called universal background checks would not have been denied the right to purchase a weapon.

As I have said over and over a double set of steel doors would have prevented the incident at the school. A new law won't.

This argument is getting old. It is defective, just like your brain. People speed, so why post speed limit signs? Minors drink, so why have a minimum drinking age? People drink and drive, so why have DWI laws?

Yep,and those laws always prevent kids from drinking and no one ever drives drunk either. We already have a ton of anti-gun laws that remain unenforced. Describe one measure being proposed by the gun grabbers that would have prevented Newton?
By the way, I don't see any part of this passing through congress in it's current configuration.

But this will effectively sink the Republican party in 2014. Especially if something similar to this massacre happens again, which is pretty likely.

So you are but one massacre away from what you can't pass now after 20 dead 1st graders ?

Fingers crossed right ?

Whatever gets the party goals pushed through. Evil is relative for liberals.

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