Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

With obama and Democrats it's NEVER let a good crisis or grieving person go to waste

use them as much as possible to pass their agenda on OTHERS in this country

sick pos

How is someone supposed to respond to a crisis? Ignore it?

when you people start taking away the guns from the gang bangers instead of coming after LEGAL gun owners then you might be taken seriously. until then I will call you people chicken shits

gang bangers usually get their guns from legal gun owners. THat's kind of the problem.

Of course, most gun deaths are suicides and domestic arguments, not gang bangers going around radomnly shooting each other.

omg...you really expect people to believe that crap

I actually expect people to look at the numbers.

Of course, you are incapable of rational analysis. You just regurgitate whatever you heard on Hate Radio and call it a day.
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

Obama is not using these people to promote gun control. It is most likely they want to be involved in this.

Over and over again we have seen people who themselves or their relatives have been the victims of a shooting become active in speaking out for gun control. James Brady for example. "Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband, Dennis McCarthy, was killed by Ferguson, and whose son, Kevin McCarthy, was severely injured, was subsequently elected to the United States Congress, on a platform of gun control." Wiki

Obama's using them he's piece of shit...
Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One

Family members of victims from the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut will fly back to Washington Monday night with President Obama.

According to the White House, 11 Newtown family members will fly to Washington on Air Force One so they can press for gun laws being debated this week by the Senate.

The White House said they arranged the flight plans so the Connecticut families could attend the president’s speech on guns Monday evening in Hartford.

Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One | WashingtonExaminer.com

No one is forcing these courageous families to speak. YOU are the piece of shit.
Even if Mrs. Lanza had to register her guns, nothing would have stopped Adam Lanza from killing her and taking her guns.

Actually, what would have happened- what should have happened, is that the minute she moved to have her son committed to a mental institution, the Sheriff should have come around to collect all her guns. Period.

To me, it is inconceivable that when you get someone who was so deranged his own mother wanted to lock him up, but they let guns remain in the household.

The only list that has a snowballs chance in hell of working at all is a publicly available "Registered Disarm List" just like the "Registered Sex Offenders List"? The list would contain domestic violence aggressors, violent criminals, anyone prescribed psychotropic drugs, unstable persons reported by doctors, nurses, & psychologist, etc.

Friends, Family, co-workers, employers, law enforcement & business could have checked this list on their smart phone & reported when they saw Adam Lanza with a gun or practicing shooting at the gun range. An employer would know who might go postal & shoot up employees at the workplace when fired. Citizens could check the list if they sell, lend or trade a gun to someone else.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to find out if a bad guy has a gun is publicize a list of potential bad guys so good guys can keep an eye on them.

Gun free zones are a magnet for crazy people with a gun. Limiting good people from conceal carry in any way puts everyone in danger.

There were plenty of concealed carry types at the Gabby Gifford's event.

None of them stopped Loughner. It took an unarmed woman to do that.

According the the FBI, of 11,000 firearm homicides in 2010, only 201 of them were 'justifiable"- a "good guy" killing a "bad guy".

All the rest were good guys killing good guys, bad guys killing bad guys.

And we won't even talk about the 16,000 gun suicides where good guys killed themselves.

There's no need for the public to own guns. But if we are, we really should have the threshold a little hire than "no standards at all."

Were any of these unjustified firearm homicides in heavily restricted gun cities & states? :eek:

Do you have a problem with suicide but not with abortion. Is society better off with more suicidal people in it?
Obama is not using these people to promote gun control. It is most likely they want to be involved in this.

Over and over again we have seen people who themselves or their relatives have been the victims of a shooting become active in speaking out for gun control. James Brady for example. "Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband, Dennis McCarthy, was killed by Ferguson, and whose son, Kevin McCarthy, was severely injured, was subsequently elected to the United States Congress, on a platform of gun control." Wiki

Obama's using them he's piece of shit...
Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One

Family members of victims from the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut will fly back to Washington Monday night with President Obama.

According to the White House, 11 Newtown family members will fly to Washington on Air Force One so they can press for gun laws being debated this week by the Senate.

The White House said they arranged the flight plans so the Connecticut families could attend the president’s speech on guns Monday evening in Hartford.

Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One | WashingtonExaminer.com

No one is forcing these courageous families to speak. YOU are the piece of shit.

no, you and people like them are..
we've all had tragedies in our lives but don't expect to use THE PEOPLES monies by speaking in a radio address to dump on others and push for what THEY WANT
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Obama is not using these people to promote gun control. It is most likely they want to be involved in this.

Over and over again we have seen people who themselves or their relatives have been the victims of a shooting become active in speaking out for gun control. James Brady for example. "Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband, Dennis McCarthy, was killed by Ferguson, and whose son, Kevin McCarthy, was severely injured, was subsequently elected to the United States Congress, on a platform of gun control." Wiki

Obama's using them he's piece of shit...
Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One

Family members of victims from the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut will fly back to Washington Monday night with President Obama.

According to the White House, 11 Newtown family members will fly to Washington on Air Force One so they can press for gun laws being debated this week by the Senate.

The White House said they arranged the flight plans so the Connecticut families could attend the president’s speech on guns Monday evening in Hartford.

Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One | WashingtonExaminer.com

No one is forcing these courageous families to speak. YOU are the piece of shit.

Obama is taking advantage of their grief...those people want to do something and Obama is using them to promote something that would not even have made a difference in stopping what happened to their children.....He's pathetic:evil:

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to find out if a bad guy has a gun is publicize a list of potential bad guys so good guys can keep an eye on them.



According the the FBI, of 11,000 firearm homicides in 2010, only 201 of them were 'justifiable"- a "good guy" killing a "bad guy".

All the rest were good guys killing good guys, bad guys killing bad guys.

And we won't even talk about the 16,000 gun suicides where good guys killed themselves.

There's no need for the public to own guns. But if we are, we really should have the threshold a little hire than "no standards at all."

There are a couple of instances where I think it's a good idea for a private citizen to own a gun.

One would be in the case of a small businessman who travels or sets up shop in a dodgy area. And the other would be for people in very rural areas.

Other then those instances? Nope.

Citizens should not have guns.

No one is forcing these courageous families to speak. YOU are the piece of shit.

Obama is taking advantage of their grief...those people want to do something and Obama is using them to promote something that would not even have made a difference in stopping what happened to their children.....He's pathetic:evil:

So you think its a good idea for the mentally ill to have access to military style assault weapons?

Well, we simply disagree.

I don't want nuts to have the ability to massacre kids..and you do.

I don't see why..but it's your right to feel that way, I guess.
There were plenty of concealed carry types at the Gabby Gifford's event.

None of them stopped Loughner. It took an unarmed woman to do that.

"A concealed carry permit holder was one of those brave citizens that tackled the lone whack job that shot Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed and wounded many others. Joe Zamudio was leaving a Walgreen’s pharmacy when he heard gunshots… and ran toward them to see if he could help." Concealed Carry Permit holder helped subdue Giffords’ shooter
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The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to find out if a bad guy has a gun is publicize a list of potential bad guys so good guys can keep an eye on them.



According the the FBI, of 11,000 firearm homicides in 2010, only 201 of them were 'justifiable"- a "good guy" killing a "bad guy".

All the rest were good guys killing good guys, bad guys killing bad guys.

And we won't even talk about the 16,000 gun suicides where good guys killed themselves.

There's no need for the public to own guns. But if we are, we really should have the threshold a little hire than "no standards at all."

There are a couple of instances where I think it's a good idea for a private citizen to own a gun.

One would be in the case of a small businessman who travels or sets up shop in a dodgy area. And the other would be for people in very rural areas.

Other then those instances? Nope.

Citizens should not have guns.

Citizens should not have guns.

They should be forced to wear a sign that says come and get me.
I'm easy prey.A wounded dumb ass sheep just ready to be picked off....

Yup no one should be allowed to have a gun for protection because the Libs don't
feel it's necessary. Good grief.

Were any of these unjustified firearm homicides in heavily restricted gun cities & states? :eek:

Do you have a problem with suicide but not with abortion. Is society better off with more suicidal people in it?

I have a problem with suicide in that it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

As should most sane people.

I would like to see less abortions happen. I just don't think you get there by screaming at people and waving pictures of bloody fetuses in their faces.
There were plenty of concealed carry types at the Gabby Gifford's event.

None of them stopped Loughner. It took an unarmed woman to do that.

"A concealed carry permit holder was one of those brave citizens that tackled the lone whack job that shot Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed and wounded many others. Joe Zamudio was leaving a Walgreen’s pharmacy when he heard gunshots… and ran toward them to see if he could help." Concealed Carry Permit holder helped subdue Giffords’ shooter

Actually, that's not the whole story.

Myth of the Hero Gunslinger - NYTimes.com

... On the day of the shooting, a young man named Joseph Zamudio was leaving a drugstore when he saw the chaos at the Safeway parking lot. Zamudio was armed, carrying his 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol. Heroically, he rushed to the scene, fingering his weapon, ready to fire.

Now, in the view of the more-guns proponents, Zamudio might have been able to prevent any carnage, or maybe even gotten off a shot before someone was killed.


In fact, several people were armed. So, what actually happened? As Zamudio said in numerous interviews, he never got a shot off at the gunman, but he nearly harmed the wrong person — one of those trying to control Loughner.

He saw people wrestling, including one man with the gun. “I kind of assumed he was the shooter,” said Zamudio in an interview with MSNBC. Then, “everyone said, ‘no, no — it’s this guy,’” said Zamudio.

To his credit, he ultimately helped subdue Loughner. But suppose, in those few seconds of confusion, he had fired at the wrong man and killed a hero? “I was very lucky,” Zamudio said.

No one is forcing these courageous families to speak. YOU are the piece of shit.

Obama is taking advantage of their grief...those people want to do something and Obama is using them to promote something that would not even have made a difference in stopping what happened to their children.....He's pathetic:evil:

What is really pathetic is you are hiding behind the President to really attack these parents whose beloved children were brutally murdered, because you don't want to hear what they have to say.
Actually, what would have happened- what should have happened, is that the minute she moved to have her son committed to a mental institution, the Sheriff should have come around to collect all her guns. Period.

To me, it is inconceivable that when you get someone who was so deranged his own mother wanted to lock him up, but they let guns remain in the household.

The only list that has a snowballs chance in hell of working at all is a publicly available "Registered Disarm List" just like the "Registered Sex Offenders List"? The list would contain domestic violence aggressors, violent criminals, anyone prescribed psychotropic drugs, unstable persons reported by doctors, nurses, & psychologist, etc.

Friends, Family, co-workers, employers, law enforcement & business could have checked this list on their smart phone & reported when they saw Adam Lanza with a gun or practicing shooting at the gun range. An employer would know who might go postal & shoot up employees at the workplace when fired. Citizens could check the list if they sell, lend or trade a gun to someone else.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to find out if a bad guy has a gun is publicize a list of potential bad guys so good guys can keep an eye on them.

Gun free zones are a magnet for crazy people with a gun. Limiting good people from conceal carry in any way puts everyone in danger.

There were plenty of concealed carry types at the Gabby Gifford's event.

None of them stopped Loughner. It took an unarmed woman to do that.

I suppose you have proof of this right?
Hello? Is anybody home??

Answer the question.

Sandy Hook is history, it can never be changed. BUT, that doesn't mean that other killings can't be prevented by common sense gun laws. Our founding fathers didn't author the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a weapon to exterminate our citizens.

In the first week after the Newtown, Conn., massacre on Dec. 14, more than 100 people in the U.S. were killed by guns. In the first seven weeks, that number had risen to at least 1,285 gunshot killings and accidental deaths. A little more than three months after Newtown, there have been 2,244.

Mapping the Dead: Gun Deaths Since Sandy Hook

If you spend some time studying who our founding fathers were, how they thought, and most importantly, how our founders governed, there is no doubt in my mind they would have shut down any gun manufacturer who undermines the spirit of laws like the assault weapons ban in 1994.

Gun manufactures used tactics like "Shortening a gun's barrel by a few millimeters or "sporterizing" a rifle by removing its pistol grip and replacing it with a thumbhole in the stock, for example, was sufficient to transform a banned weapon into a legal substitute. Second, offenders could replace the banned guns with legal substitutes or other unbanned semiautomatic weapons to commit their crimes.

Immediately after the ban, criminals may find it difficult to purchase banned weapons if they remain in dealers' and speculators' storage facilities. Over the long term, however, the stockpiled weapons might begin flowing into criminals' hands, through straw purchases, thefts, or "off-the-books" sales that dealers or speculators falsely report to insurance companies and government officials as thefts.
- Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96

Something Francine Wheeler said in here heartfelt address stood out to me.

"They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do."

You gun advocates will not confront or admit there are people who DON'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. It is highly profitable to allow criminals to buy guns.

If you folks stand with gun manufacturers, lobbyists and the NRA which is merely a mouthpiece for gun manufacturers, you are the enemy of We, the People.

Answer the question.

How would any laws being proposed have stopped Adam Lanza from killing his mother, taking her guns and killing those kids ?
No one is forcing these courageous families to speak. YOU are the piece of shit.

Obama is taking advantage of their grief...those people want to do something and Obama is using them to promote something that would not even have made a difference in stopping what happened to their children.....He's pathetic:evil:

What is really pathetic is you are hiding behind the President to really attack these parents whose beloved children were brutally murdered, because you don't want to hear what they have to say.

this LADY put herself in the spot light by using OUR money and time to wail at us, she is FAIR GAME...too bad for her and you
There were plenty of concealed carry types at the Gabby Gifford's event.

None of them stopped Loughner. It took an unarmed woman to do that.

"A concealed carry permit holder was one of those brave citizens that tackled the lone whack job that shot Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed and wounded many others. Joe Zamudio was leaving a Walgreen’s pharmacy when he heard gunshots… and ran toward them to see if he could help." Concealed Carry Permit holder helped subdue Giffords’ shooter

Actually, that's not the whole story.

Myth of the Hero Gunslinger - NYTimes.com

... On the day of the shooting, a young man named Joseph Zamudio was leaving a drugstore when he saw the chaos at the Safeway parking lot. Zamudio was armed, carrying his 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol. Heroically, he rushed to the scene, fingering his weapon, ready to fire.

Now, in the view of the more-guns proponents, Zamudio might have been able to prevent any carnage, or maybe even gotten off a shot before someone was killed....

In fact, several people were armed. So, what actually happened? As Zamudio said in numerous interviews, he never got a shot off at the gunman, but he nearly harmed the wrong person — one of those trying to control Loughner.

He saw people wrestling, including one man with the gun. “I kind of assumed he was the shooter,” said Zamudio in an interview with MSNBC. Then, “everyone said, ‘no, no — it’s this guy,’” said Zamudio.

To his credit, he ultimately helped subdue Loughner. But suppose, in those few seconds of confusion, he had fired at the wrong man and killed a hero? “I was very lucky,” Zamudio said.

That is nothing different than when police arrive on the scene & see someone with a gun. Police shoot innocent people 550% of the time more than armed citizens do even though armed citizens shoot 250% more criminals than police. The fact is Zamudio did not shoot the hero & ran towards the shots, not away.
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"Compassion" for the mentally ill got a boat load of kids shot in the face.

My "compassion" for the mentally ill stops at arming them with military assault weapons.

It wasn't a military weapon so please stop the hyperbole.

What kind of weapon is it?

This is one if the things that really puzzles me. The desire by nutters to dive into the minutiae of weapons classifications. You can deny that it is a military weapon until the cows come home....but you cannot pretend that it is not designed to fire a lots of lethal projectiles really fast. The only reason it exists is to kill many people ( or in fantasy land, animals ) in a short amount of time. Killing a lot of people in a short mount of time is what is done in military combat....and should not be done under any other circumstances.

Lets be realistic.

How many times do you ignorant idiots have to be shown this?

This rifle, a Ruger Mini 14 is a semiautomatic rifle that shoots a .223 round


It is not classified as an "assault" rifle.

This Ar15


Is functionally no different from the mini 14. It shoots the same .223 round at the same rate of fire and yet you think it's a military "assault" rifle.

The only difference between the two rifles is cosmetics.

The whole idea of banning one and not the other is stupid.
There were plenty of concealed carry types at the Gabby Gifford's event.

None of them stopped Loughner. It took an unarmed woman to do that.

"A concealed carry permit holder was one of those brave citizens that tackled the lone whack job that shot Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed and wounded many others. Joe Zamudio was leaving a Walgreen’s pharmacy when he heard gunshots… and ran toward them to see if he could help." Concealed Carry Permit holder helped subdue Giffords’ shooter

Actually, that's not the whole story.

Myth of the Hero Gunslinger - NYTimes.com

... On the day of the shooting, a young man named Joseph Zamudio was leaving a drugstore when he saw the chaos at the Safeway parking lot. Zamudio was armed, carrying his 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol. Heroically, he rushed to the scene, fingering his weapon, ready to fire.

Now, in the view of the more-guns proponents, Zamudio might have been able to prevent any carnage, or maybe even gotten off a shot before someone was killed.


In fact, several people were armed. So, what actually happened? As Zamudio said in numerous interviews, he never got a shot off at the gunman, but he nearly harmed the wrong person — one of those trying to control Loughner.

He saw people wrestling, including one man with the gun. “I kind of assumed he was the shooter,” said Zamudio in an interview with MSNBC. Then, “everyone said, ‘no, no — it’s this guy,’” said Zamudio.

To his credit, he ultimately helped subdue Loughner. But suppose, in those few seconds of confusion, he had fired at the wrong man and killed a hero? “I was very lucky,” Zamudio said.

EXACTLY...I was looking for the link to post this. An armed citizen almost shot an innocent hero.

You know, I wonder if these 'good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun' folks have ever tried to put themselves in the shoes of a police officer who shows up on the scene where everyone has a gun? Maybe they think it is like laser tag or paint ball were each 'team' wears a different colored vest.

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