Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation


and i suppose you think you could pass one..
just look at your postings on this board...they would say lock him up and throw away the key

The Army trusted me with guns for 11 years... so no, probably not.

But that's okay, Staphinfection, you keep screaming at people. It's not like you ever add anything to a conversation.

lol, and you add what?
your nutty opinions and stupid name calling on how the rest of us should live
give us a break, K
So how would Mrs. Lanza been stopped from buying weapons?

She obviously passed all the background checks to get a pistol permit in CT. BTW those checks are very comprehensive. I know from experience.

No law proposed would have stopped her from buying weapons.

Hello? Is anybody home??

Answer the question.

Sandy Hook is history, it can never be changed. BUT, that doesn't mean that other killings can't be prevented by common sense gun laws. Our founding fathers didn't author the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a weapon to exterminate our citizens.

In the first week after the Newtown, Conn., massacre on Dec. 14, more than 100 people in the U.S. were killed by guns. In the first seven weeks, that number had risen to at least 1,285 gunshot killings and accidental deaths. A little more than three months after Newtown, there have been 2,244.

Mapping the Dead: Gun Deaths Since Sandy Hook

If you spend some time studying who our founding fathers were, how they thought, and most importantly, how our founders governed, there is no doubt in my mind they would have shut down any gun manufacturer who undermines the spirit of laws like the assault weapons ban in 1994.

Gun manufactures used tactics like "Shortening a gun's barrel by a few millimeters or "sporterizing" a rifle by removing its pistol grip and replacing it with a thumbhole in the stock, for example, was sufficient to transform a banned weapon into a legal substitute. Second, offenders could replace the banned guns with legal substitutes or other unbanned semiautomatic weapons to commit their crimes.

Immediately after the ban, criminals may find it difficult to purchase banned weapons if they remain in dealers' and speculators' storage facilities. Over the long term, however, the stockpiled weapons might begin flowing into criminals' hands, through straw purchases, thefts, or "off-the-books" sales that dealers or speculators falsely report to insurance companies and government officials as thefts.
- Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96

Something Francine Wheeler said in here heartfelt address stood out to me.

"They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do."

You gun advocates will not confront or admit there are people who DON'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. It is highly profitable to allow criminals to buy guns.

If you folks stand with gun manufacturers, lobbyists and the NRA which is merely a mouthpiece for gun manufacturers, you are the enemy of We, the People.
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Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

The GOP should use the grieving families of the fallen soldiers in Afghanistan and the grieving families of the dead ambassador in Libya as well.

But alas, they really approve of the exact foreign policy of Obama.

Death and destruction is OK just so long as it is not in the US.
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So you want the local cops to know every time you or someone in your family goes to the doctor as they can monitor your mental health so as to raid your home if they deem necessary?

Um, not that this would be necessary, but let's put the thing in perspective. Adam Lanza had been diagnosed with medical issues for years. His mental illness was well known before he hit puberty.

But despite that, his mother showed the incredible poor judgement of bringing more guns into the house and even showing him how to shoot them.
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

The GOP should use the grieving families of the fallen soldiers in Afghanistan and the grieving families of the dead ambassador in Libya as well.

But alas, they really approve of the exact foreign policy of Obama.

Death and destruction is OK just so long as it is not in the US.

Oh! Silly nutter! The GOP would never do something like that!
Hello? Is anybody home??

Answer the question.

Sandy Hook is history, it can never be changed. BUT, that doesn't mean that other killings can't be prevented by common sense gun laws. Our founding fathers didn't author the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a weapon to exterminate our citizens.

In the first week after the Newtown, Conn., massacre on Dec. 14, more than 100 people in the U.S. were killed by guns. In the first seven weeks, that number had risen to at least 1,285 gunshot killings and accidental deaths. A little more than three months after Newtown, there have been 2,244.

If you spend some time studying who our founding fathers were, how they thought, and most importantly, how our founders governed, there is no doubt in my mind they would have shut down any gun manufacturer who undermines the spirit of laws like the assault weapons ban in 1994.

Gun manufactures used tactics like "Shortening a gun's barrel by a few millimeters or "sporterizing" a rifle by removing its pistol grip and replacing it with a thumbhole in the stock, for example, was sufficient to transform a banned weapon into a legal substitute. Second, offenders could replace the banned guns with legal substitutes or other unbanned semiautomatic weapons to commit their crimes.

Immediately after the ban, criminals may find it difficult to purchase banned weapons if they remain in dealers' and speculators' storage facilities. Over the long term, however, the stockpiled weapons might begin flowing into criminals' hands, through straw purchases, thefts, or "off-the-books" sales that dealers or speculators falsely report to insurance companies and government officials as thefts.
- Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96

Something Francine Wheeler said in here heartfelt address stood out to me.

"They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do."

You gun advocates will not confront or admit there are people who DON'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. It is highly profitable to allow criminals to buy guns.

If you folks stand with gun manufacturers, lobbyists and the NRA which is merely a mouthpiece for gun manufacturers, you are the enemy of We, the People.

oooooooooooooooooooo, you hear that folks, now if you don't stand where these gun control freaks want, you are the ENEMY
Answer the question.

Sandy Hook is history, it can never be changed. BUT, that doesn't mean that other killings can't be prevented by common sense gun laws. Our founding fathers didn't author the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a weapon to exterminate our citizens.

In the first week after the Newtown, Conn., massacre on Dec. 14, more than 100 people in the U.S. were killed by guns. In the first seven weeks, that number had risen to at least 1,285 gunshot killings and accidental deaths. A little more than three months after Newtown, there have been 2,244.


If you spend some time studying who our founding fathers were, how they thought, and most importantly, how our founders governed, there is no doubt in my mind they would have shut down any gun manufacturer who undermines the spirit of laws like the assault weapons ban in 1994.

Gun manufactures used tactics like "Shortening a gun's barrel by a few millimeters or "sporterizing" a rifle by removing its pistol grip and replacing it with a thumbhole in the stock, for example, was sufficient to transform a banned weapon into a legal substitute. Second, offenders could replace the banned guns with legal substitutes or other unbanned semiautomatic weapons to commit their crimes.

Immediately after the ban, criminals may find it difficult to purchase banned weapons if they remain in dealers' and speculators' storage facilities. Over the long term, however, the stockpiled weapons might begin flowing into criminals' hands, through straw purchases, thefts, or "off-the-books" sales that dealers or speculators falsely report to insurance companies and government officials as thefts.
- Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96

Something Francine Wheeler said in here heartfelt address stood out to me.

"They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do."

You gun advocates will not confront or admit there are people who DON'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. It is highly profitable to allow criminals to buy guns.

If you folks stand with gun manufacturers, lobbyists and the NRA which is merely a mouthpiece for gun manufacturers, you are the enemy of We, the People.

oooooooooooooooooooo, you hear that folks, now if you don't stand where these gun control freaks want, you are the ENEMY

Hey Steph, what would YOU call someone who DIDN'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people?
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So you want the local cops to know every time you or someone in your family goes to the doctor as they can monitor your mental health so as to raid your home if they deem necessary?

Um, not that this would be necessary, but let's put the thing in perspective. Adam Lanza had been diagnosed with medical issues for years. His mental illness was well known before he hit puberty.

But despite that, his mother showed the incredible poor judgement of bringing more guns into the house and even showing him how to shoot them.

His mother was a doomsday prepper.
Sandy Hook is history, it can never be changed. BUT, that doesn't mean that other killings can't be prevented by common sense gun laws. Our founding fathers didn't author the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a weapon to exterminate our citizens.

In the first week after the Newtown, Conn., massacre on Dec. 14, more than 100 people in the U.S. were killed by guns. In the first seven weeks, that number had risen to at least 1,285 gunshot killings and accidental deaths. A little more than three months after Newtown, there have been 2,244.

Mapping the Dead: Gun Deaths Since Sandy Hook

If you spend some time studying who our founding fathers were, how they thought, and most importantly, how our founders governed, there is no doubt in my mind they would have shut down any gun manufacturer who undermines the spirit of laws like the assault weapons ban in 1994.

Gun manufactures used tactics like "Shortening a gun's barrel by a few millimeters or "sporterizing" a rifle by removing its pistol grip and replacing it with a thumbhole in the stock, for example, was sufficient to transform a banned weapon into a legal substitute. Second, offenders could replace the banned guns with legal substitutes or other unbanned semiautomatic weapons to commit their crimes.

Immediately after the ban, criminals may find it difficult to purchase banned weapons if they remain in dealers' and speculators' storage facilities. Over the long term, however, the stockpiled weapons might begin flowing into criminals' hands, through straw purchases, thefts, or "off-the-books" sales that dealers or speculators falsely report to insurance companies and government officials as thefts.
- Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96

Something Francine Wheeler said in here heartfelt address stood out to me.

"They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do."

You gun advocates will not confront or admit there are people who DON'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. It is highly profitable to allow criminals to buy guns.

If you folks stand with gun manufacturers, lobbyists and the NRA which is merely a mouthpiece for gun manufacturers, you are the enemy of We, the People.

oooooooooooooooooooo, you hear that folks, now if you don't stand where these gun control freaks want, you are the ENEMY

Hey Steph, what would YOU call someone who DIDN'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people?

I say that if the US government surrendered their guns to the citizens of their country that millions of lives would be saved around the globe. :clap2:
Sandy Hook is history, it can never be changed. BUT, that doesn't mean that other killings can't be prevented by common sense gun laws. Our founding fathers didn't author the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a weapon to exterminate our citizens.

In the first week after the Newtown, Conn., massacre on Dec. 14, more than 100 people in the U.S. were killed by guns. In the first seven weeks, that number had risen to at least 1,285 gunshot killings and accidental deaths. A little more than three months after Newtown, there have been 2,244.

Mapping the Dead: Gun Deaths Since Sandy Hook

If you spend some time studying who our founding fathers were, how they thought, and most importantly, how our founders governed, there is no doubt in my mind they would have shut down any gun manufacturer who undermines the spirit of laws like the assault weapons ban in 1994.

Gun manufactures used tactics like "Shortening a gun's barrel by a few millimeters or "sporterizing" a rifle by removing its pistol grip and replacing it with a thumbhole in the stock, for example, was sufficient to transform a banned weapon into a legal substitute. Second, offenders could replace the banned guns with legal substitutes or other unbanned semiautomatic weapons to commit their crimes.

Immediately after the ban, criminals may find it difficult to purchase banned weapons if they remain in dealers' and speculators' storage facilities. Over the long term, however, the stockpiled weapons might begin flowing into criminals' hands, through straw purchases, thefts, or "off-the-books" sales that dealers or speculators falsely report to insurance companies and government officials as thefts.
- Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96

Something Francine Wheeler said in here heartfelt address stood out to me.

"They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do."

You gun advocates will not confront or admit there are people who DON'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. It is highly profitable to allow criminals to buy guns.

If you folks stand with gun manufacturers, lobbyists and the NRA which is merely a mouthpiece for gun manufacturers, you are the enemy of We, the People.

oooooooooooooooooooo, you hear that folks, now if you don't stand where these gun control freaks want, you are the ENEMY

Hey Steph, what would YOU call someone who DIDN'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people?

when you people start taking away the guns from the gang bangers instead of coming after LEGAL gun owners then you might be taken seriously. until then I will call you people chicken shits
oooooooooooooooooooo, you hear that folks, now if you don't stand where these gun control freaks want, you are the ENEMY

Hey Steph, what would YOU call someone who DIDN'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people?

when you people start taking away the guns from the instead of coming after LEGAL gun owners then you might be taken seriously. until then I will call you people chicken shits

How do you identify LEGAL gun buyers Stephanie...by LOOKS...CLOTHING, the way they TALK???

when you people start taking away the guns from the gang bangers instead of coming after LEGAL gun owners then you might be taken seriously. until then I will call you people chicken shits

gang bangers usually get their guns from legal gun owners. THat's kind of the problem.

Of course, most gun deaths are suicides and domestic arguments, not gang bangers going around radomnly shooting each other.

when you people start taking away the guns from the gang bangers instead of coming after LEGAL gun owners then you might be taken seriously. until then I will call you people chicken shits

gang bangers usually get their guns from legal gun owners. THat's kind of the problem.

Of course, most gun deaths are suicides and domestic arguments, not gang bangers going around radomnly shooting each other.

omg...you really expect people to believe that crap
Oh so you mean registration, not background check.

Even if Mrs. Lanza had to register her guns, nothing would have stopped Adam Lanza from killing her and taking her guns.

Actually, what would have happened- what should have happened, is that the minute she moved to have her son committed to a mental institution, the Sheriff should have come around to collect all her guns. Period.

To me, it is inconceivable that when you get someone who was so deranged his own mother wanted to lock him up, but they let guns remain in the household.

The only list that has a snowballs chance in hell of working at all is a publicly available "Registered Disarm List" just like the "Registered Sex Offenders List"? The list would contain domestic violence aggressors, violent criminals, anyone prescribed psychotropic drugs, unstable persons reported by doctors, nurses, & psychologist, etc.

Friends, Family, co-workers, employers, law enforcement & business could have checked this list on their smart phone & reported when they saw Adam Lanza with a gun or practicing shooting at the gun range. An employer would know who might go postal & shoot up employees at the workplace when fired. Citizens could check the list if they sell, lend or trade a gun to someone else.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to find out if a bad guy has a gun is publicize a list of potential bad guys so good guys can keep an eye on them.

Gun free zones are a magnet for crazy people with a gun. Limiting good people from conceal carry in any way puts everyone in danger.
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

Obama is not using these people to promote gun control. It is most likely they want to be involved in this.

Over and over again we have seen people who themselves or their relatives have been the victims of a shooting become active in speaking out for gun control. James Brady for example. "Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband, Dennis McCarthy, was killed by Ferguson, and whose son, Kevin McCarthy, was severely injured, was subsequently elected to the United States Congress, on a platform of gun control." Wiki

Obama's using them he's piece of shit...
Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One

Family members of victims from the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut will fly back to Washington Monday night with President Obama.

According to the White House, 11 Newtown family members will fly to Washington on Air Force One so they can press for gun laws being debated this week by the Senate.

The White House said they arranged the flight plans so the Connecticut families could attend the president’s speech on guns Monday evening in Hartford.

Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One | WashingtonExaminer.com

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to find out if a bad guy has a gun is publicize a list of potential bad guys so good guys can keep an eye on them.



According the the FBI, of 11,000 firearm homicides in 2010, only 201 of them were 'justifiable"- a "good guy" killing a "bad guy".

All the rest were good guys killing good guys, bad guys killing bad guys.

And we won't even talk about the 16,000 gun suicides where good guys killed themselves.

There's no need for the public to own guns. But if we are, we really should have the threshold a little hire than "no standards at all."
With obama and Democrats it's NEVER let a good crisis or grieving person go to waste

use them as much as possible to pass their agenda on OTHERS in this country

sick pos
Obama's using them he's piece of shit...
Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One

Family members of victims from the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut will fly back to Washington Monday night with President Obama.

According to the White House, 11 Newtown family members will fly to Washington on Air Force One so they can press for gun laws being debated this week by the Senate.

The White House said they arranged the flight plans so the Connecticut families could attend the president’s speech on guns Monday evening in Hartford.

Newtown families joining Obama on Air Force One | WashingtonExaminer.com

Obama is trying to distract the public & news cycle from the fact that this is "TAX DAY"!

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