Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Republicans to Sandy Hook parents.......Stop exploiting the death of your child!

then Democrats and Obama to Sandy hook parents..EXPLOIT your dead children to the max so we can cram legislation on the people

You don't think that a parent who had a child riddled with bullets has a right to expect their government to do something about it?

their government?
and what about the rest of the people who don't want this person SPEAKING for them..why did we the people have to PAY FOR IT?
That is Obama for you...gives away our money to anyone and EVERYONE as long as you agree with him and he can USE THEM..
No shit? Then you have my sympathy & respect. I was scared shit-less the first 2 times, it was very traumatic. What is even worse is that everyone ran away & so did the criminals. They were not caught & went on to terrorize more people. I have never had this happen again since CCW passed in my state. It is a huge relief to me knowing fellow citizens may be carrying.

You sound very credible.

You are no different than friends & family who said the same to me until some of them were with me the next time it happened. Gee wiz - I wonder why they all carry guns now & don't say that any more?

I do not believe you.
Why is that hard to believe?

I've been held at gunpoint several times as well.

It ain't fun.

No shit? Then you have my sympathy & respect. I was scared shit-less the first 2 times, it was very traumatic. What is even worse is that everyone ran away & so did the criminals. They were not caught & went on to terrorize more people. I have never had this happen again since CCW passed in my state. It is a huge relief to me knowing fellow citizens may be carrying.

Because of my experience I feel more for the helpless teachers at Sandy Hook than I do for the parents & children.

I was held at gun point one time. As they tell me, I should never have fought with the guy over the car keys and just let him take the car. As a result of that incident, I found it necessary to point a gun at another human being two times. The second time I told the guy trying to break down my door that nothing would please me more than blowing his head off. That ended the attempted break ins.

I don't believe you, either.
Adam Lanza killed his mother to get her guns and then killed others.

Gee whiz he broke how many laws?

Make another law, but you cannot legislate fucking crazy you idiot.

His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

Why wansnt her son in an assylum getting shock therapy or something? Dumbfucks like you let them all out because that was mean.....yeah thanks now we get shot by these dumbasses......

Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future, when people like this should be in assylums and killed as soon as convicted so we can get rid of them and those families can MOVE on....until then they have to relive this over and over because of callous dumbass homos like you.

because Regean shut most of the mental hospitals down, you do know that right?
then Democrats and Obama to Sandy hook parents..EXPLOIT your dead children to the max so we can cram legislation on the people

You don't think that a parent who had a child riddled with bullets has a right to expect their government to do something about it?

their government?
and what about the rest of the people who don't want this person SPEAKING for them..why did we the people have to PAY FOR IT?
That is Obama for you...gives away our money to anyone and EVERYONE as long as you agree with him and he can USE THEM..

Everyone has a right to speak for themselves.......even you

For you to ridicule parents of a dead child killed under horrific circumstances is despicable
His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

Why wansnt her son in an assylum getting shock therapy or something? Dumbfucks like you let them all out because that was mean.....yeah thanks now we get shot by these dumbasses......

Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future, when people like this should be in assylums and killed as soon as convicted so we can get rid of them and those families can MOVE on....until then they have to relive this over and over because of callous dumbass homos like you.

because Regean shut most of the mental hospitals down, you do know that right?

NO, that was the bleeding hearts liberals with the help from the likes of the ACLU..
you all created the monster now want to blame Reagan...figures
You don't think that a parent who had a child riddled with bullets has a right to expect their government to do something about it?

their government?
and what about the rest of the people who don't want this person SPEAKING for them..why did we the people have to PAY FOR IT?
That is Obama for you...gives away our money to anyone and EVERYONE as long as you agree with him and he can USE THEM..

Everyone has a right to speak for themselves.......even you

For you to ridicule parents of a dead child killed under horrific circumstances is despicable

you are a joke, you and Obama are despicable using this woman for a human shield..
I'd ask if any of you had any shame, but that would be a waste time
Why wansnt her son in an assylum getting shock therapy or something? Dumbfucks like you let them all out because that was mean.....yeah thanks now we get shot by these dumbasses......

Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future, when people like this should be in assylums and killed as soon as convicted so we can get rid of them and those families can MOVE on....until then they have to relive this over and over because of callous dumbass homos like you.

because Regean shut most of the mental hospitals down, you do know that right?

NO, that was the bleeding hearts liberals with the help from the likes of the ACLU..
you all created the monster now want to blame Reagan...figures

Yeah Bear! You bleeding heart lib, you!
You sound very credible.

You are no different than friends & family who said the same to me until some of them were with me the next time it happened. Gee wiz - I wonder why they all carry guns now & don't say that any more?

I do not believe you.

I was at my uncles funeral a while back as his son was witnessing at the church. He was talking about all the times his dad told him things that he could not believe. He said they just seemed to far fetched at the time until he heard from witness to those events. Some of them involved picking up hitch-hikers & a couple of times they were armed & tried to car-jack him. His wife was with him one time. His son was talking about when he realized that those stories were true. It was very moving.
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You are no different than friends & family who said the same to me until some of them were with me the next time it happened. Gee wiz - I wonder why they all carry guns now & don't say that any more?

I do not believe you.

I was at my uncles funeral a while back as his son was witnessing at the church. He was talking about all the times his dad told him things that he could not believe. He said they just seemed to far fetched at the time until he heard from witness to those events. Some of them involved picking up hitch-hikers & a couple of times they were armed & tried to car-jack him. His wife was with him one time. His son was talking about when he realized that those stories were true. It was very moving.

Touching. Your cousin didn't trust his own father.

Not quite the same thing as me thinking that you are just a wee bit full of shit, is it?
And you can't see that a law will not stop that same thing from happening again?

Lanza's mother even with so called universal background checks would not have been denied the right to purchase a weapon.

As I have said over and over a double set of steel doors would have prevented the incident at the school. A new law won't.

This argument is getting old. It is defective, just like your brain. People speed, so why post speed limit signs? Minors drink, so why have a minimum drinking age? People drink and drive, so why have DWI laws?

Yep,and those laws always prevent kids from drinking and no one ever drives drunk either. We already have a ton of anti-gun laws that remain unenforced. Describe one measure being proposed by the gun grabbers that would have prevented Newton?

Is that the only criteria? We can only pass laws that would stop one particular shooting? And that is what you call common sense? There will be no assault weapons ban...not enough votes. Limit on magazine size...not going to happen either.

Where you right wing turds lost the argument with me was fighting against universal background checks. We should ALL agree that trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals is a no brainer. But that is where your 'slippery slope' paranoia is exposed.
I do not believe you.

I was at my uncles funeral a while back as his son was witnessing at the church. He was talking about all the times his dad told him things that he could not believe. He said they just seemed to far fetched at the time until he heard from witness to those events. Some of them involved picking up hitch-hikers & a couple of times they were armed & tried to car-jack him. His wife was with him one time. His son was talking about when he realized that those stories were true. It was very moving.

Touching. Your cousin didn't trust his own father.

Not quite the same thing as me thinking that you are just a wee bit full of shit, is it?

They mostly happened at large events in cities when law enforcement was spread thin & visitors are drunk with lots of money. There was the one outside the Hi-Fi Expo at the convention center when we walked out carrying new stereos. Then at an ATM near the Christmas Party down town. Then once I parked near an RV with drunks with guns at the 4th of July party in town. Another time was I witnessed a guy breaking into a row of cars & stealing stuff at an event I was working near. I followed him about a block behind as I dialed 911, but got no cell phone reception. It was way back when cell phones were new gadgets. I learned to be very careful if you ever follow a criminal. They do not work alone. I got ambushed.
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Im mixed on the subject. His use of them early on was disgusting but now? Enough time has passed that these victims can make rational rather than emotional decisions at this point. I have heard victims of this crime on both sides of the debate and I thinkbas victims they have a voice in it. Doesn't mean we have to listen or agree.
Im mixed on the subject. His use of them early on was disgusting but now? Enough time has passed that these victims can make rational rather than emotional decisions at this point. I have heard victims of this crime on both sides of the debate and I thinkbas victims they have a voice in it. Doesn't mean we have to listen or agree.

all of that is fine, but for obama to turn over his weekly address to one and of course he didn't give the Dad who is against his gun control a chance to speak..

Obama is a horrible person to use this woman this way..I'm sorry she let it happen
gang bangers usually get their guns from legal gun owners. THat's kind of the problem.

Of course, most gun deaths are suicides and domestic arguments, not gang bangers going around radomnly shooting each other.

omg...you really expect people to believe that crap

I actually expect people to look at the numbers.

Of course, you are incapable of rational analysis. You just regurgitate whatever you heard on Hate Radio and call it a day.

What numbers? The lies being told by the Left wing gun grabbers? The numbers that are left out of the reports compiled by FBI?

Lies of intention and lies of omission. That is all you guys are bringing to the table.
Actually, what would have happened- what should have happened, is that the minute she moved to have her son committed to a mental institution, the Sheriff should have come around to collect all her guns. Period.

To me, it is inconceivable that when you get someone who was so deranged his own mother wanted to lock him up, but they let guns remain in the household.

The only list that has a snowballs chance in hell of working at all is a publicly available "Registered Disarm List" just like the "Registered Sex Offenders List"? The list would contain domestic violence aggressors, violent criminals, anyone prescribed psychotropic drugs, unstable persons reported by doctors, nurses, & psychologist, etc.

Friends, Family, co-workers, employers, law enforcement & business could have checked this list on their smart phone & reported when they saw Adam Lanza with a gun or practicing shooting at the gun range. An employer would know who might go postal & shoot up employees at the workplace when fired. Citizens could check the list if they sell, lend or trade a gun to someone else.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to find out if a bad guy has a gun is publicize a list of potential bad guys so good guys can keep an eye on them.

Gun free zones are a magnet for crazy people with a gun. Limiting good people from conceal carry in any way puts everyone in danger.

There were plenty of concealed carry types at the Gabby Gifford's event.

None of them stopped Loughner. It took an unarmed woman to do that.

Care to supply the supportive evidence for that claim? Or is it just another Left Wing, Gun grabber lie?

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to find out if a bad guy has a gun is publicize a list of potential bad guys so good guys can keep an eye on them.



According the the FBI, of 11,000 firearm homicides in 2010, only 201 of them were 'justifiable"- a "good guy" killing a "bad guy".

All the rest were good guys killing good guys, bad guys killing bad guys.

And we won't even talk about the 16,000 gun suicides where good guys killed themselves.

There's no need for the public to own guns. But if we are, we really should have the threshold a little hire than "no standards at all."

There are a couple of instances where I think it's a good idea for a private citizen to own a gun.

One would be in the case of a small businessman who travels or sets up shop in a dodgy area. And the other would be for people in very rural areas.

Other then those instances? Nope.

Citizens should not have guns.

So you want a nation of walking victims, prey to those who refuse to follow the laws?

The strong preying on the weak....
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

Actually fucktard, the parents of the murdered children are using the deaths of their babies to motivate heartless Republicans into doing something that would actually help other Americans. You guys are so fucking dirty. Monsters. I don't believe it will work. The Republican leadership didn't see dead babies, they saw opportunity to arm more Americans.
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

Actually fucktard, the parents of the murdered children are using the deaths of their babies to motivate heartless Republicans into doing something that would actually help other Americans. You guys are so fucking dirty. Monsters. I don't believe it will work. The Republican leadership didn't see dead babies, they saw opportunity to arm more Americans.

shut up all of you fucking hypocrites...you all who are pro choice don't get to rail all high and mighty about how others don't care for dead babies..

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