Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Grieving Parents ask Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Which is closer to the truth? :eusa_whistle: Why would some people act like scum in order to attack the grieving parents through a surrogate, Obama? :eusa_shhh:


Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

who cares...you are all scum using this woman as a human shield..
it's not something you all haven't done before...where is Cindy Sheehan today? you people used her too and then threw her on the trash heap like you will this lady after your are done with her

No one threw Sheehan on the trash heap. You right wing warmongers hammered her mercilessly. Just like the Dixie Chicks and even Pat Tilman's mother after she had the nerve to criticize your despot war criminal Bush.
who cares...you are all scum using this woman as a human shield..
it's not something you all haven't done before...where is Cindy Sheehan today? you people used her too and then threw her on the trash heap like you will this lady after your are done with her

The poor helpless woman is being used? :rofl: :rofl:
That stereotype is why the Right Wingers in the GOP will keep costing the GOP elections

I'd like to see you say that to her face. :evil:

wtf does this have to do with the GOP?

you people have went over the cliff along with your Dear leader
like I said, you people are famous for using people as HUMAN SHEILDS.. nobody is allowed to criticize them or you are accused of stupid stuff like you post

People like you are active in primaries and keep the GOP from acting sanely. You all lose them elections

Cliff? Dear Leader? :cuckoo: see?

Terry Schiavlo - Elian Gonzalez - many others thrown under the bus

Stupid = Stephanie
The poor helpless woman is being used? :rofl: :rofl:
That stereotype is why the Right Wingers in the GOP will keep costing the GOP elections

I'd like to see you say that to her face. :evil:

wtf does this have to do with the GOP?

you people have went over the cliff along with your Dear leader
like I said, you people are famous for using people as HUMAN SHEILDS.. nobody is allowed to criticize them or you are accused of stupid stuff like you post

People like you are active in primaries and keep the GOP from acting sanely. You all lose them elections

Cliff? Dear Leader? :cuckoo: see?

Terry Schiavlo - Elian Gonzalez - many others thrown under the bus

Stupid = Stephanie

ooooooooooo, people LIKE ME
man oh man..I'd swear a Republican held the Presidency just a little over five years ago
You run the address. The address pops "Crazy Person in Home!"

No it doesn't unless you want to add confidential medical files to the check.

Yes, actually, I do.

I think the minute you decide you want to own a killing device, we have a right to make sure you aren't crazy before we give it to you.

You will find it reasonable to include knives, bats, sticks, bricks, stones, and automobiles in your "reasonable" registry, of course.
Hello? Is anybody home??

Answer the question.

Sandy Hook is history, it can never be changed. BUT, that doesn't mean that other killings can't be prevented by common sense gun laws. Our founding fathers didn't author the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a weapon to exterminate our citizens.

In the first week after the Newtown, Conn., massacre on Dec. 14, more than 100 people in the U.S. were killed by guns. In the first seven weeks, that number had risen to at least 1,285 gunshot killings and accidental deaths. A little more than three months after Newtown, there have been 2,244.

Mapping the Dead: Gun Deaths Since Sandy Hook

If you spend some time studying who our founding fathers were, how they thought, and most importantly, how our founders governed, there is no doubt in my mind they would have shut down any gun manufacturer who undermines the spirit of laws like the assault weapons ban in 1994.

Gun manufactures used tactics like "Shortening a gun's barrel by a few millimeters or "sporterizing" a rifle by removing its pistol grip and replacing it with a thumbhole in the stock, for example, was sufficient to transform a banned weapon into a legal substitute. Second, offenders could replace the banned guns with legal substitutes or other unbanned semiautomatic weapons to commit their crimes.

Immediately after the ban, criminals may find it difficult to purchase banned weapons if they remain in dealers' and speculators' storage facilities. Over the long term, however, the stockpiled weapons might begin flowing into criminals' hands, through straw purchases, thefts, or "off-the-books" sales that dealers or speculators falsely report to insurance companies and government officials as thefts.
- Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96

Something Francine Wheeler said in here heartfelt address stood out to me.

"They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do."

You gun advocates will not confront or admit there are people who DON'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. It is highly profitable to allow criminals to buy guns.

If you folks stand with gun manufacturers, lobbyists and the NRA which is merely a mouthpiece for gun manufacturers, you are the enemy of We, the People.

Point missing here: when our Constitution was written, every household had at least one firearm. Every member of each household knew how to use them. People were responsible for using them for the tools they were designed to be. Families were responsible to ensure the incompetent and incapable lacked access to tools that might cause harm. Seems to me that reasonable gun laws would mandate that every household have firearms available and that all competent family members be skilled in their use.

According the the FBI, of 11,000 firearm homicides in 2010, only 201 of them were 'justifiable"- a "good guy" killing a "bad guy".

All the rest were good guys killing good guys, bad guys killing bad guys.

And we won't even talk about the 16,000 gun suicides where good guys killed themselves.

There's no need for the public to own guns. But if we are, we really should have the threshold a little hire than "no standards at all."

There are a couple of instances where I think it's a good idea for a private citizen to own a gun.

One would be in the case of a small businessman who travels or sets up shop in a dodgy area. And the other would be for people in very rural areas.

Other then those instances? Nope.

Citizens should not have guns.

So you want a nation of walking victims, prey to those who refuse to follow the laws?

The strong preying on the weak....

That's the goal. Did you think otherwise?
Answer the question.

Sandy Hook is history, it can never be changed. BUT, that doesn't mean that other killings can't be prevented by common sense gun laws. Our founding fathers didn't author the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a weapon to exterminate our citizens.

In the first week after the Newtown, Conn., massacre on Dec. 14, more than 100 people in the U.S. were killed by guns. In the first seven weeks, that number had risen to at least 1,285 gunshot killings and accidental deaths. A little more than three months after Newtown, there have been 2,244.

If you spend some time studying who our founding fathers were, how they thought, and most importantly, how our founders governed, there is no doubt in my mind they would have shut down any gun manufacturer who undermines the spirit of laws like the assault weapons ban in 1994.

Gun manufactures used tactics like "Shortening a gun's barrel by a few millimeters or "sporterizing" a rifle by removing its pistol grip and replacing it with a thumbhole in the stock, for example, was sufficient to transform a banned weapon into a legal substitute. Second, offenders could replace the banned guns with legal substitutes or other unbanned semiautomatic weapons to commit their crimes.

Immediately after the ban, criminals may find it difficult to purchase banned weapons if they remain in dealers' and speculators' storage facilities. Over the long term, however, the stockpiled weapons might begin flowing into criminals' hands, through straw purchases, thefts, or "off-the-books" sales that dealers or speculators falsely report to insurance companies and government officials as thefts.
- Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 1994-96

Something Francine Wheeler said in here heartfelt address stood out to me.

"They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do."

You gun advocates will not confront or admit there are people who DON'T want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. It is highly profitable to allow criminals to buy guns.

If you folks stand with gun manufacturers, lobbyists and the NRA which is merely a mouthpiece for gun manufacturers, you are the enemy of We, the People.

oooooooooooooooooooo, you hear that folks, now if you don't stand where these gun control freaks want, you are the ENEMY

Duly noted.
Grieving Parents ask Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Which is closer to the truth? :eusa_whistle: Why would some people act like scum in order to attack the grieving parents through a surrogate, Obama? :eusa_shhh:


who cares...you are all scum using this woman as a human shield..
it's not something you all haven't done before...where is Cindy Sheehan today? you people used her too and then threw her on the trash heap like you will this lady after your are done with her

No one threw Sheehan on the trash heap. You right wing warmongers hammered her mercilessly. Just like the Dixie Chicks and even Pat Tilman's mother after she had the nerve to criticize your despot war criminal Bush.

I never did, I felt the left was using them for political game. Dixie Chicks I disagreed with.

The parents should not be used as a political tool. There are so many emotions and complexities at work. Speaking from experience, it is wrong, morally. There is time later but it is way to soon.

Just based on my past experience.
their government?
and what about the rest of the people who don't want this person SPEAKING for them..why did we the people have to PAY FOR IT?
That is Obama for you...gives away our money to anyone and EVERYONE as long as you agree with him and he can USE THEM..

Everyone has a right to speak for themselves.......even you

For you to ridicule parents of a dead child killed under horrific circumstances is despicable

No one is ridiculing the parents of a dead child.

We are telling her that she has no right to expect the Government to take our guns just as she would not have the right to demand that the Government to ban alchohol or cars if her child had been killed by a drunk driver.

Where has anyone advocated taking your guns? You making shit up?
The parents are still demanding Congress and Obama do something

It doesn't matter what that something is or even whether that something will actually work as long as they all feel good about it.

Yeah that's the best reason ever.
Grieving Parents ask Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Which is closer to the truth? :eusa_whistle: Why would some people act like scum in order to attack the grieving parents through a surrogate, Obama? :eusa_shhh:


who cares...you are all scum using this woman as a human shield..
it's not something you all haven't done before...where is Cindy Sheehan today? you people used her too and then threw her on the trash heap like you will this lady after your are done with her

The poor helpless woman is being used? :rofl: :rofl:
That stereotype is why the Right Wingers in the GOP will keep costing the GOP elections

I'd like to see you say that to her face. :evil:

I would tell her and any other parent that is being used as the "face of gun victim" the same thing.

As sorry as I am that her child was killed, she has no more right to demand my guns than she would demanding the banning of alcohol or cars if her child had been killed by a drunk driver.
Republicans to Sandy Hook parents.......we could have taken action ten years ago but preferred to do nothing

Taken action that would not have prevented any shootings but at at least they could feel good about doing something right?

30-50 round magazines should have been banned years ago

That would not have prevented anything.

As anyone with a little common sense knows, with a little practice a magazine can be changed out in about 2 seconds. 3 ten round, a ten and a twenty, or any combination thereof would have dealt the same damage in virtually the same time.

Feel good legislation won't do anything.
Grieving Parents ask Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Which is closer to the truth? :eusa_whistle: Why would some people act like scum in order to attack the grieving parents through a surrogate, Obama? :eusa_shhh:


Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

No one is attacking the woman. Everyone feels sorry for her loss.

That doesn't excuse the Democrats taking advantage of her grief to push a political agenda that they have had for 30 years.
Feel good legislation is just the way our elected officials yell "squirrel" to distract low info voters from the real issues.
who cares...you are all scum using this woman as a human shield..
it's not something you all haven't done before...where is Cindy Sheehan today? you people used her too and then threw her on the trash heap like you will this lady after your are done with her

No one threw Sheehan on the trash heap. You right wing warmongers hammered her mercilessly. Just like the Dixie Chicks and even Pat Tilman's mother after she had the nerve to criticize your despot war criminal Bush.

I never did, I felt the left was using them for political game. Dixie Chicks I disagreed with.

The parents should not be used as a political tool. There are so many emotions and complexities at work. Speaking from experience, it is wrong, morally. There is time later but it is way to soon.

Just based on my past experience.

Hey man...aren't these parents allowed to speak? No one is forcing them to speak are they?? So you folks on the right believe the 2nd amendment is an absolute right...the 1st amendment, not so much, unless you say what you want to hear.

No one forced Candice Lightner to speak out in 1980 after her 13-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. Or Beckie Brown whose son Marcus Daniel Brown, died at age 18 on December 9, 1979, from injuries suffered in a traffic crash involving a 19-year old drunk driver. Or Cindy Lamb whose daughter, Laura, became the nation’s youngest quadriplegic at the hands of a drunk driver...but their voices made a difference...

Everyone has a right to speak for themselves.......even you

For you to ridicule parents of a dead child killed under horrific circumstances is despicable

No one is ridiculing the parents of a dead child.

We are telling her that she has no right to expect the Government to take our guns just as she would not have the right to demand that the Government to ban alchohol or cars if her child had been killed by a drunk driver.

Where has anyone advocated taking your guns? You making shit up?

I'm not making anything up.

You are ignoring History.

Feinstein had been working on that bill of hers for over two years. She admitted that. She was simply waiting for a shooting that would give her a chance to ban over 1,000 different weapons and restrict thousands more.

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