Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

So...it is not to repel a fascist government who have usurped your rights? It is to protect your home. Cool. you are afraid. I get it. Lots of people live in fear. I am sorry for you.

What kind of weapon did this homeowner have?

Do you have a fire extinquisher in your house? Smoke alarms? Security chains? Door locks? Is 911 set on speed dial on your phones? Do you have insurance on your property?


Are you afraid of something? You must be living in fear.

I have a gun too. In a safe......with a fast 4 digit combination. It has 6 bullets in it That is enough..........if the alarm, locks and chains are compromised. Not fear. Adequately prepared. I need no more. maybe a shotgun for effect. But you don't need a semiauto or automatic rifle for home defense. You lose.

I corrected your post for you. I changed it from "You need no more" to "I need no more" being as you are speaking for yourself and not for me.l

That is your opinion, and if you believe that what you have is sufficient for you and your familiy, more power to you.

I won't try to force you to adjust your plan because I think it is wrong. Personally, I believe that you are way under protected. But that is my opinion.

Please don't try to force your plan on my just as I won't try to force you to purchase a Glock 19 and keep it within arms reach at all times.
Do you have a fire extinquisher in your house? Smoke alarms? Security chains? Door locks? Is 911 set on speed dial on your phones? Do you have insurance on your property?


Are you afraid of something? You must be living in fear.

I have a gun too. In a safe......with a fast 4 digit combination. It has 6 bullets in it That is enough..........if the alarm, locks and chains are compromised. Not fear. Adequately prepared. I need no more. maybe a shotgun for effect. But you don't need a semiauto or automatic rifle for home defense. You lose.

I corrected your post for you. I changed it from "You need no more" to "I need no more" being as you are speaking for yourself and not for me.l

That is your opinion, and if you believe that what you have is sufficient for you and your familiy, more power to you.

I won't try to force you to adjust your plan because I think it is wrong. Personally, I believe that you are way under protected. But that is my opinion.

Please don't try to force your plan on my just as I won't try to force you to purchase a Glock 19 and keep it within arms reach at all times.

You need it at all times? That is your problem. You are afraid to exist without that high capacity weapon.

If you told me that you needed that weapon for protection in your home or on your property......and that you would accept responsibility for it ( insure it, be liable for it's misuse )....I would gladly fight for your right to keep it. Even though I think it is overkill for home defense.

But I do not want YOU to get afraid someday and start shooting at a real or perceived threat in a place where my daughter could get killed by your bullet. And I don't want your mentally unstable cousin grabbing it and doing the same.

Reasonable gun ownership. I am all for it. If all you want is home defense.....why not register it?
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Yes people are. Not any Congress person who wants to keep their seat, but others have. A political agenda?

What political agenda does the Democratic party have here? Lay it out

The total banning of private ownership of guns.

DIFi has admitted it several times. As has Schumer.

The total banning of private ownership of guns? Jesus Christ what a bunch of bs taken out of context. Please refrain from reading right wing propaganda in the future as I worry for you if you posses firearms.

Reading their quotes and listening to them speak is not right wing propaganda.
Where has anyone advocated taking your guns? You making shit up?

I'm not making anything up.

You are ignoring History.

Feinstein had been working on that bill of hers for over two years. She admitted that. She was simply waiting for a shooting that would give her a chance to ban over 1,000 different weapons and restrict thousands more.

They ban new purchases, where do they take your guns?

You didn't read Feinstein's bill did you?
I am telling you that those devices have primary uses that do not involve killing.

You have been told this before. But you pretend that it doesn't make a difference. That is stupidity. On full display. You are seemingly proud of your stupidity.

You even phrase your stupidity in a stupid question. Stupid wrapped in more stupid.

My guns have never killed anyone... And they have been shot thousands of times. Seems that your so-called logic is deeply flawed.

Why have they been shot thousands of times?

Because I believe in being proficient with my firearms. If you are not at the firing range at least monthly with your firearm and shooting at least 500 rounds each month, you should just go ahead and turn it in. You are dangerous with it.
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I have a gun too. In a safe......with a fast 4 digit combination. It has 6 bullets in it That is enough..........if the alarm, locks and chains are compromised. Not fear. Adequately prepared. I need no more. maybe a shotgun for effect. But you don't need a semiauto or automatic rifle for home defense. You lose.

I corrected your post for you. I changed it from "You need no more" to "I need no more" being as you are speaking for yourself and not for me.l

That is your opinion, and if you believe that what you have is sufficient for you and your familiy, more power to you.

I won't try to force you to adjust your plan because I think it is wrong. Personally, I believe that you are way under protected. But that is my opinion.

Please don't try to force your plan on my just as I won't try to force you to purchase a Glock 19 and keep it within arms reach at all times.

You need it at all times? That is your problem. You are afraid to exist without that high capacity weapon.

If you told me that you needed that weapon for protection in your home or on your property......and that you would accept responsibility for it ( insure it, be liable for it's misuse )....I would gladly fight for your right to keep it. Even though I think it is overkill for home defense.

But I do not want YOU to get afraid someday and start shooting at a real or perceived threat in a place where my daughter could get killed by your bullet. And I don't want your mentally unstable cousin grabbing it and doing the same.

Reasonable gun ownership. I am all for it. If all you want is home defense.....why not register it?

People are attacked in places besides their homes. That is why I carry a firearm with me at all times. I do my best to avoid places where I can not carry one. I refuse to do business with people who refuse to allow me to carry in their business.
I corrected your post for you. I changed it from "You need no more" to "I need no more" being as you are speaking for yourself and not for me.l

That is your opinion, and if you believe that what you have is sufficient for you and your familiy, more power to you.

I won't try to force you to adjust your plan because I think it is wrong. Personally, I believe that you are way under protected. But that is my opinion.

Please don't try to force your plan on my just as I won't try to force you to purchase a Glock 19 and keep it within arms reach at all times.

You need it at all times? That is your problem. You are afraid to exist without that high capacity weapon.

If you told me that you needed that weapon for protection in your home or on your property......and that you would accept responsibility for it ( insure it, be liable for it's misuse )....I would gladly fight for your right to keep it. Even though I think it is overkill for home defense.

But I do not want YOU to get afraid someday and start shooting at a real or perceived threat in a place where my daughter could get killed by your bullet. And I don't want your mentally unstable cousin grabbing it and doing the same.

Reasonable gun ownership. I am all for it. If all you want is home defense.....why not register it?

People are attacked in places besides their homes. That is why I carry a firearm with me at all times. I do my best to avoid places where I can not carry one. I refuse to do business with people who refuse to allow me to carry in their business.

WOW, then their garbage must really be piling up...

I need my 100 round magazine for my AR15 for home protection. Being blind, I will need to lay down a wide firing zone in order to protect myself. While it may be true that innocents may also be hit, especially since I can not tell the difference between a man and a tree at more than 15 yards, collateral damage is often the price we must pay to protect our freedom and liberty. I am truely sorry about the incident last month involving the FedX delivery guy, but he had an even greater chance of being killed in an accident with his truck. God bless Colt!
My guns have never killed anyone... And they have been shot thousands of times. Seems that your so-called logic is deeply flawed.

Why have they been shot thousands of times?

Because I believe in being proficient with my firearms. If you are not at the firing range at least monthly with your firearm and shooting at least 500 rounds each month, you should just go ahead and turn it in. You are dangerous with it.

Blah...blah...blah......you are learning how to kill better. Your argument fails.
Why have they been shot thousands of times?

Because I believe in being proficient with my firearms. If you are not at the firing range at least monthly with your firearm and shooting at least 500 rounds each month, you should just go ahead and turn it in. You are dangerous with it.

Blah...blah...blah......you are learning how to kill better. Your argument fails.

If you don't practice, how do you expect to proficient?
What is really pathetic is you are hiding behind the President to really attack these parents whose beloved children were brutally murdered, because you don't want to hear what they have to say.

this LADY put herself in the spot light by using OUR money and time to wail at us, she is FAIR GAME...too bad for her and you

Oh.... PLEASE let the right wing attack this woman personally.

It would be a gift from fuckin' heaven.

you people are a joke, like I said you people and your use of HUMAN SHEILDS
You find it funny obama cares so much for these grieving parents, he didn't give time to the Dad who lost a child in this and said he wanted Obama to stop trying to force gun control on us over it

don't be fooled people..Obama only cares that he can USE THIS WOMAN for his AGENDA..
There are a couple of instances where I think it's a good idea for a private citizen to own a gun.

One would be in the case of a small businessman who travels or sets up shop in a dodgy area. And the other would be for people in very rural areas.

Other then those instances? Nope.

Citizens should not have guns.

Citizens should not have guns.

They should be forced to wear a sign that says come and get me.
I'm easy prey.A wounded dumb ass sheep just ready to be picked off....

Yup no one should be allowed to have a gun for protection because the Libs don't
feel it's necessary. Good grief.

Yes, because that's reality right?

There's no such thing as law enforcement..America is like the old west..right?

No cops.





Everyone needs to strap a shootin' iron to their hip to get to the grocery store..because their are plenty of banditos on the way just laying in wait..


Why don't you try living in Detroit?..The police don't responded for hours, they are undermanned, they won’t even respond to burglar alarms anymore unless you have video surveillance to confirm someone is breaking into your house
I stand with Francine Wheeler, a courageous mother whose pain will never go away. Here is what she said:

Weekly Address: Sandy Hook Victim’s Mother Calls for Commonsense Gun Responsibility Reforms

Remarks of Francine Wheeler
The President’s Weekly Address​

Hi. As you’ve probably noticed, I’m not the President. I’m just a citizen. And as a citizen, I’m here at the White House today because I want to make a difference and I hope you will join me.

My name is Francine Wheeler. My husband David is with me. We live in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

David and I have two sons. Our older son Nate, soon to be 10 years old, is a fourth grader at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Our younger son, Ben, age six, was murdered in his first-grade classroom on December 14th, exactly 4 months ago this weekend.

David and I lost our beloved son, but Nate lost his best friend. On what turned out to be the last morning of his life, Ben told me, quite out of the blue, “ I still want to be an architect, Mama, but I also want to be a paleontologist, because that’s what Nate is going to be and I want to do everything Nate does.”

Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. He couldn’t wait to get to school every morning. He sang with perfect pitch and had just played at his third piano recital. Irrepressibly bright and spirited, Ben experienced life at full tilt.

Until that morning. 20 of our children, and 6 of our educators – gone. Out of the blue.

I’ve heard people say that the tidal wave of anguish our country felt on 12/14 has receded. But not for us. To us, it feels as if it happened just yesterday. And in the four months since we lost our loved ones, thousands of other Americans have died at the end of a gun. Thousands of other families across the United States are also drowning in our grief.

Please help us do something before our tragedy becomes your tragedy.

Sometimes, I close my eyes and all I can remember is that awful day waiting at the Sandy Hook Volunteer Firehouse for the boy who would never come home – the same firehouse that was home to Ben’s Tiger Scout Den 6. But other times, I feel Ben’s presence filling me with courage for what I have to do – for him and all the others taken from us so violently and too soon.

We have to convince the Senate to come together and pass commonsense gun responsibility reforms that will make our communities safer and prevent more tragedies like the one we never thought would happen to us.

When I packed for Washington on Monday, it looked like the Senate might not act at all. Then, after the President spoke in Hartford, and a dozen of us met with Senators to share our stories, more than two-thirds of the Senate voted to move forward.

But that’s only the start. They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do.

Now is the time to act. Please join us. You can talk to your Senator, too. Or visit WhiteHouse.gov to find out how you can join the President and get involved.

Help this be the moment when real change begins. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Weekly Address: Sandy Hook Victim's Mother Calls for Commonsense Gun Responsibility Reforms | The White House

My heart goes out to this woman and her neighbors for their tremendous losses. I agree that we should do something to protect our children from the depredations of deranged madmen lik Lanza. But there her opinion about what is suitable protection and mine part ways.
While she begs for serfdom and the dubious protection of an omnipresent and all-powerful patriarchal government, I will fight to my last breath and the waning strength of my body to preserve my right and responsibility to protect my children and grandchildren. Despite her loss, despite her pain and inability to understand that evil preys on every one of us, I will never willing grant her the wish to drag me and mine into the government enslavement she is advocating.

There is the government oppression argument again. Next breath will be protecting your family argument. Then the right to shoot semi-automatics recreationally argument.

You nutters need some focus.

I venture to say that we "nutters" have a far clearer idea and sharper focus on exactly what is driving this regime to push as hard as they are to remove our means of self-defense and to criminalize normal, decent, law-abiding citizens. There is no low to which the regime will not stoop in order to achieve their goals, this use of an grieving mother's tears is just another example. He's building his regime on the bodies of slaughtered children. Kind of makes you wonder why, suddenly, so many incidents like this are happening.
My heart goes out to this woman and her neighbors for their tremendous losses. I agree that we should do something to protect our children from the depredations of deranged madmen lik Lanza. But there her opinion about what is suitable protection and mine part ways.
While she begs for serfdom and the dubious protection of an omnipresent and all-powerful patriarchal government, I will fight to my last breath and the waning strength of my body to preserve my right and responsibility to protect my children and grandchildren. Despite her loss, despite her pain and inability to understand that evil preys on every one of us, I will never willing grant her the wish to drag me and mine into the government enslavement she is advocating.

There is the government oppression argument again. Next breath will be protecting your family argument. Then the right to shoot semi-automatics recreationally argument.

You nutters need some focus.

I venture to say that we "nutters" have a far clearer idea and sharper focus on exactly what is driving this regime to push as hard as they are to remove our means of self-defense and to criminalize normal, decent, law-abiding citizens. There is no low to which the regime will not stoop in order to achieve their goals, this use of an grieving mother's tears is just another example. He's building his regime on the bodies of slaughtered children. Kind of makes you wonder why, suddenly, so many incidents like this are happening.

No one is forcing these courageous families to speak. YOU are the piece of shit.

Obama is taking advantage of their grief...those people want to do something and Obama is using them to promote something that would not even have made a difference in stopping what happened to their children.....He's pathetic:evil:

What is really pathetic is you are hiding behind the President to really attack these parents whose beloved children were brutally murdered, because you don't want to hear what they have to say.

For a week after the Sandy Hook Shootings the President & the loony left used the victims still warm dead bodies as a soap box to ban guns & bully the right & the NRA. The NRA remained silent & respectful until the funerals were over. The left screamed about how horrible the NRA was to remained silent on the issue. CNN: After Newtown, the NRA goes silent - "The NRA broke its recent silence Tuesday afternoon with a statement saying the group was "shocked, saddened and heartbroken" by the Newtown shootings and is prepared "to help make sure this never happens again." The gun lobby has scheduled a news conference for Friday. Despite an escalating nationwide debate on gun control in the wake of Friday's mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school, the National Rifle Association has remained conspicuously silent. As of Monday evening the largest and most powerful gun-rights lobbying group in the U.S. had not posted anything to its website since Friday morning, when a gunman entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton and killed 26 people, 20 of them children."

I have now heard what the parents, president & the left have to say & I respectfully disagree with most of it.
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I am way late in this thread...but...yes, this was as pathetic as it was obvious.
These people lost children, and to take that crushing grief and use it to score political points in egregious.
But, it isn't like this is something we have never seen before. Politicians are politicians...and Obama is not any different than any other one you could draw from a hat.

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