Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Those grieving parents are not speaking out 'to score political points'. They are not speaking out for the President of the United States. They are speaking out for their beloved child that was brutally murdered. They are speaking out with the hope that their child's brief life can have some long term meaning. They are speaking out with the hope that their voice can lead to common sense laws so other parents never have to experience the grief they are burdened with.

You folks have ZERO compassion, ZERO understanding of human nature, and ZERO intelligence.

oh sure..only you have all those..:rolleyes:

I'm not the only one. But you're not one of them.

really? I just don't go around pretending I ride a high horse all the time, like you and some others here
my sympathy stops for a person when they take their hurt and use it to try and have laws forced on the rest of us
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oh sure..only you have all those..:rolleyes:

I'm not the only one. But you're not one of them.

really? I just don't go around pretending I ride a high horse all the time, like you and some others here
my sympathy stops for a person when they take their hurt and use it to try and have laws forced on the rest of us

Yea, how dare those parents believe their loss can lead to something that will help others. They should speak out for the NRA and gun manufacturer's rights to make money off of death and destruction. They should help the NRA protect criminals from having to buy guns illegally. They are so UN American.
I'm not the only one. But you're not one of them.

really? I just don't go around pretending I ride a high horse all the time, like you and some others here
my sympathy stops for a person when they take their hurt and use it to try and have laws forced on the rest of us

Yea, how dare those parents believe their loss can lead to something that will help others. They should speak out for the NRA and gun manufacturer's rights to make money off of death and destruction. They should help the NRA protect criminals from having to buy guns illegally. They are so UN American.

for crying out loud...THEY can speak out all they want, just not on OUR DIME in a Presidential radio address to slam us and push for new laws be put on us..

why didn't obama let the Dad speak who asked him to stop his trying to pass control off his son?

get off your high horse..Obama used this woman and that is a fact..you don't care, oh well
really? I just don't go around pretending I ride a high horse all the time, like you and some others here
my sympathy stops for a person when they take their hurt and use it to try and have laws forced on the rest of us

Yea, how dare those parents believe their loss can lead to something that will help others. They should speak out for the NRA and gun manufacturer's rights to make money off of death and destruction. They should help the NRA protect criminals from having to buy guns illegally. They are so UN American.

for crying out loud...THEY can speak out all they want, just not on OUR DIME in a Presidential radio address to slam us and push for new laws be put on us..

why didn't obama let the Dad speak who asked him to stop his trying to pass control off his son?

get off your high horse..Obama used this woman and that is a fact..you don't care, oh well

Would this be the Dad who claimed to be a Sandy Hook Dad.. and then we found out he didn't have a kid at Sandy Hook OR even lived in Newtown?
really? I just don't go around pretending I ride a high horse all the time, like you and some others here
my sympathy stops for a person when they take their hurt and use it to try and have laws forced on the rest of us

Yea, how dare those parents believe their loss can lead to something that will help others. They should speak out for the NRA and gun manufacturer's rights to make money off of death and destruction. They should help the NRA protect criminals from having to buy guns illegally. They are so UN American.

for crying out loud...THEY can speak out all they want, just not on OUR DIME in a Presidential radio address to slam us and push for new laws be put on us..

why didn't obama let the Dad speak who asked him to stop his trying to pass control off his son?

get off your high horse..Obama used this woman and that is a fact..you don't care, oh well

You're quite right of course.
Far fairer that politicians speak out on the lobbyists' dime against the overwhelming opinion of the American public.
If the little people have no money to go out and buy their own politicians they should just shut up.
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I'm not the only one. But you're not one of them.

really? I just don't go around pretending I ride a high horse all the time, like you and some others here
my sympathy stops for a person when they take their hurt and use it to try and have laws forced on the rest of us

Yea, how dare those parents believe their loss can lead to something that will help others. They should speak out for the NRA and gun manufacturer's rights to make money off of death and destruction. They should help the NRA protect criminals from having to buy guns illegally. They are so UN American.

and you're an idiot the only people who don't prosecute criminals is Eric Holder's and his justice dept. they don't even enforce the laws we already have and they sends guns to Mexico which have been used to kill 100s of people where's the outrage from you left wing hacks ...These people are being used by that pathetic piece of shit Obama
Quinnipiac University National Poll: April 4, 2013

21. Do you support or oppose - stricter gun control laws in the United States?

Support 53%
Oppose 42%
DK/NA 04%

22. Do you support or oppose - a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons?

Support 59%
Oppose 36%
DK/NA 04%

23. Do you support or oppose - a nationwide ban on the sale of high-capacity ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 bullets?

Support 58%
Oppose 38%
DK/NA 04%

24. Do you support or oppose - requiring background checks for all gun buyers?

Support 91%
Oppose 08%
DK/NA 01%

National (US) Poll - April 4, 2013 - Background Checks Could Lead T | Quinnipiac University Connecticut
Given that the President has the support of the majority oF Americans behind him, just who do you suppose is giving the Republicans in Congress their "marching orders" to obstruct gun legislation?

Majority rules does not trump the Constitution idiot.
Quinnipiac University National Poll: April 4, 2013

21. Do you support or oppose - stricter gun control laws in the United States?

Support 53%
Oppose 42%
DK/NA 04%

22. Do you support or oppose - a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons?

Support 59%
Oppose 36%
DK/NA 04%

23. Do you support or oppose - a nationwide ban on the sale of high-capacity ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 bullets?

Support 58%
Oppose 38%
DK/NA 04%

24. Do you support or oppose - requiring background checks for all gun buyers?

Support 91%
Oppose 08%
DK/NA 01%

National (US) Poll - April 4, 2013 - Background Checks Could Lead T | Quinnipiac University Connecticut
Given that the President has the support of the majority oF Americans behind him, just who do you suppose is giving the Republicans in Congress their "marching orders" to obstruct gun legislation?

Majority rules does not trump the Constitution idiot.

SO, the Constitution says felons, murderers, wife beaters and the mentally ill have a right to own lethal weapon?
really? I just don't go around pretending I ride a high horse all the time, like you and some others here
my sympathy stops for a person when they take their hurt and use it to try and have laws forced on the rest of us

Yea, how dare those parents believe their loss can lead to something that will help others. They should speak out for the NRA and gun manufacturer's rights to make money off of death and destruction. They should help the NRA protect criminals from having to buy guns illegally. They are so UN American.

and you're an idiot the only people who don't prosecute criminals is Eric Holder's and his justice dept. they don't even enforce the laws we already have and they sends guns to Mexico which have been used to kill 100s of people where's the outrage from you left wing hacks ...These people are being used by that pathetic piece of shit Obama

Don't let the facts dent your right wing parrot squawk...

Investigation finds no evidence AG Eric Holder knew of 'Fast and Furious' gun-running sting

A long-awaited report on the U.S. government’s controversial gun-trafficking operation known as “Fast and Furious” released Wednesday found no evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder knew of the botched effort to trace the flow of guns to Mexico’s drug cartels prior to its public unraveling in January 2011.

The report by the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz said there is "no evidence that ... Holder was informed about Operation Fast and Furious, or learned about the tactics employed by ATF in the investigation" before Congress began pressing him for information about it in early 2011.
I am way late in this thread...but...yes, this was as pathetic as it was obvious.
These people lost children, and to take that crushing grief and use it to score political points in egregious.
But, it isn't like this is something we have never seen before. Politicians are politicians...and Obama is not any different than any other one you could draw from a hat.

Those grieving parents are not speaking out 'to score political points'. They are not speaking out for the President of the United States. They are speaking out for their beloved child that was brutally murdered. They are speaking out with the hope that their child's brief life can have some long term meaning. They are speaking out with the hope that their voice can lead to common sense laws so other parents never have to experience the grief they are burdened with.

You folks have ZERO compassion, ZERO understanding of human nature, and ZERO intelligence.

They have the right to make their demands, but their demands don't stand up in face of the Constitution. This would be the same as the parent of child who was killed by a drunk driver demanding cars and alcohol be banned.
Yea, how dare those parents believe their loss can lead to something that will help others. They should speak out for the NRA and gun manufacturer's rights to make money off of death and destruction. They should help the NRA protect criminals from having to buy guns illegally. They are so UN American.

and you're an idiot the only people who don't prosecute criminals is Eric Holder's and his justice dept. they don't even enforce the laws we already have and they sends guns to Mexico which have been used to kill 100s of people where's the outrage from you left wing hacks ...These people are being used by that pathetic piece of shit Obama

Don't let the facts dent your right wing parrot squawk...

Investigation finds no evidence AG Eric Holder knew of 'Fast and Furious' gun-running sting

A long-awaited report on the U.S. government’s controversial gun-trafficking operation known as “Fast and Furious” released Wednesday found no evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder knew of the botched effort to trace the flow of guns to Mexico’s drug cartels prior to its public unraveling in January 2011.

The report by the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz said there is "no evidence that ... Holder was informed about Operation Fast and Furious, or learned about the tactics employed by ATF in the investigation" before Congress began pressing him for information about it in early 2011.

Yeah right the DOJ, of which Holder is the Head, cleared Holder of knowing about the programs his people had in place.

Do you really believe that?
I am way late in this thread...but...yes, this was as pathetic as it was obvious.
These people lost children, and to take that crushing grief and use it to score political points in egregious.
But, it isn't like this is something we have never seen before. Politicians are politicians...and Obama is not any different than any other one you could draw from a hat.

Those grieving parents are not speaking out 'to score political points'. They are not speaking out for the President of the United States. They are speaking out for their beloved child that was brutally murdered. They are speaking out with the hope that their child's brief life can have some long term meaning. They are speaking out with the hope that their voice can lead to common sense laws so other parents never have to experience the grief they are burdened with.

You folks have ZERO compassion, ZERO understanding of human nature, and ZERO intelligence.

They have the right to make their demands, but their demands don't stand up in face of the Constitution. This would be the same as the parent of child who was killed by a drunk driver demanding cars and alcohol be banned.

None of their demands are UN-Constitutional. No one is calling for a ban on all guns.

And YES, the parents of children killed by drunk drivers DID change the laws.

No one forced Candice Lightner to speak out in 1980 after her 13-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. Or Beckie Brown whose son Marcus Daniel Brown, died at age 18 on December 9, 1979, from injuries suffered in a traffic crash involving a 19-year old drunk driver. Or Cindy Lamb whose daughter, Laura, became the nation’s youngest quadriplegic at the hands of a drunk driver...but their voices made a difference...

Given that the President has the support of the majority oF Americans behind him, just who do you suppose is giving the Republicans in Congress their "marching orders" to obstruct gun legislation?

Majority rules does not trump the Constitution idiot.

SO, the Constitution says felons, murderers, wife beaters and the mentally ill have a right to own lethal weapon?

And going after law abiding citizen's guns fixes that how exactly?
The Obama, and His useful idiot supporters, care about these kids only as far as they can be used to promote His anti-gun agenda.
Sorry if this has already been pointed out. I didn't read every post.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7e7fXblck8&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Sandy Hook Actor Francine Lobis-Wheeler - A Preformance - YouTube[/ame]

Here is Francine wheebler an actor. And Obama's new crusader for tougher gun laws and parent of 6 year old Ben, a sandy hook victim.

Here are Richard and Jennifer Sexton who are also actors playing the part of *parents Nick and Laura Phelps, whose children attend sandy hook.


Was everyone in Sandy Hook an actor?

Now I'll be the first one to admit I'm a lunatic but this seems to be quite a coincidence.
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I am way late in this thread...but...yes, this was as pathetic as it was obvious.
These people lost children, and to take that crushing grief and use it to score political points in egregious.
But, it isn't like this is something we have never seen before. Politicians are politicians...and Obama is not any different than any other one you could draw from a hat.

I beg to differ, obama has taken political sleaze to a whole new level. As sleazy politicians go, obama is to your garden-variety politician as Michelangelo is to a kindergartnerer with a crayon.
The Newtown families came to Washington because they expected Congress to finally do something.........suckers

While I am sorry for their losses, they don't have any more right to demand my guns than they would demanding alcohol and cars being banned if their kids had been killed by a drunk driver.

Quick question sportcheck..................ever heard of MADD? (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers)......................

That's Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, not Mothers Against Cars Driven by Drunk Drivers, or Mothers Against Places that serve or sell Alcohol to Drivers.
Apples and oranges, again.

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