Obama voted in favor of infanticide so get off your moral horses libs

"Main Entry: in·fan·ti·cide
Pronunciation: \in-ˈfant-ə-ˌsīd\
Function: noun
1 : the killing of an infant after a botched abortion

Obama, as a senator voted in favor of infanticide.

Obama didn't vote FOR infanticide.

He voted against the "Born Alive" bill in IL because a similar law was already on the books from the early '70's requiring a doctor to administer medical care to an infant born alive during an abortion.

He opposed it because it was an attempt to give "personhood" status to the infant beyond what the current law already said and didn't distinguish between a viable or non-viable born alive infant.

According to Politifact (and Factcheck bears this out also):

We researched Obama’s position on "born alive" legislation extensively during the presidential campaign. Obama favors abortion rights generally, and he opposed the state version of Illinois’ "born alive" measure as a state senator. But he never said that premature children, The federal legislation (the law Santorum sponsored in the Senate) became law in 2002. The federal legislation included a so-called "neutrality clause," which said the law would not change the legal status or legal rights of anyone prior to being "born alive." Abortion rights advocates said the clause was necessary to make sure the bill would not affect current abortion laws.

Obama said as far back as 2004 that he would have supported the federal bill and that he would have supported the Illinois versions if they had included a similar neutrality clause. The laws the full Illinois Senate voted on in 2001 and 2002 did not have such a clause, but 2003 is a different story even those who survived an abortion, could be killed.

...Obama never said that "any child prior to nine months of gestation would be able to be killed" or that "any child born prematurely … can be killed," as Santorum said.


Our ruling

To reiterate what’s not in dispute: Obama opposed "born alive" legislation in Illinois and gave several reasons for opposing the proposals. But at no time did he make the argument that infants who survived botched abortions should be killed.
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Obama didn't vote FOR infanticide.

He voted against the "Born Alive" bill in IL because a similar law was already on the books from the early '70's requiring a doctor to administer medical care to an infant born alive during an abortion.

He opposed it because it was an attempt to give "personhood" status to the infant beyond what the current law already said and didn't distinguish between a viable or non-viable born alive infant.

According to Politifact (and Factcheck bears this out also):

We researched Obama’s position on "born alive" legislation extensively during the presidential campaign. Obama favors abortion rights generally, and he opposed the state version of Illinois’ "born alive" measure as a state senator. But he never said that premature children, The federal legislation (the law Santorum sponsored in the Senate) became law in 2002. The federal legislation included a so-called "neutrality clause," which said the law would not change the legal status or legal rights of anyone prior to being "born alive." Abortion rights advocates said the clause was necessary to make sure the bill would not affect current abortion laws.

Obama said as far back as 2004 that he would have supported the federal bill and that he would have supported the Illinois versions if they had included a similar neutrality clause. The laws the full Illinois Senate voted on in 2001 and 2002 did not have such a clause, but 2003 is a different story even those who survived an abortion, could be killed.

...Obama never said that "any child prior to nine months of gestation would be able to be killed" or that "any child born prematurely … can be killed," as Santorum said.


Our ruling

To reiterate what’s not in dispute: Obama opposed "born alive" legislation in Illinois and gave several reasons for opposing the proposals. But at no time did he make the argument that infants who survived botched abortions should be killed.

1. Now, lest anyone believe that there is a nuanced explanation that would be acceptable to normal people....consider the fact that President Obama appointed Professor Peter Singer as his heathcare advisor.
Peter Singer Joins Obama's Health Care Administrators : I Am Not a Fan of Peter Singer Story & Experience

a. "Singer once wrote, "because people are human does not mean that their lives are more valuable than animals." He not only advocates abortion but also killing disabled babies up to 28 days after they are born. In his book "Practical Ethics," he wrote, "When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is killed.... Killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Often, it is not wrong at all."
Peter Singer, "Practical Ethics," Cambridge University Press, 1979, p. 191.

2. So...did Obama have a cavalier attitude about killing infants?
Would you appoint anyone who advises killing infants?....Obama did.
Was Gingrich correct?
Seems indisputable.

3. Links to Barack Obama’s votes on Illinois’ Born Alive Infant Protection Act
Links to Barack Obama's votes on Illinois' Born Alive Infant Protection Act | Jill Stanek

4. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPZCXcTwZPY]CNN: Barack Obama's opposition to Born Alive Act - YouTube[/ame]
We humans sure love to KILL. I'm sitting here wondering if we can't value our own children, then there's really no point.

Obama didn't vote FOR infanticide.

He voted against the "Born Alive" bill in IL because a similar law was already on the books from the early '70's requiring a doctor to administer medical care to an infant born alive during an abortion.

What is wrong with the law from the '70's?
What happened to the Hippocratic oath?

Spin the words any way you want to.

Leaving the 'victim', in this case a BABY, in a hall closet to die after a botched abortion is called what.......?

Obama didn't vote FOR infanticide.

He voted against the "Born Alive" bill in IL because a similar law was already on the books from the early '70's requiring a doctor to administer medical care to an infant born alive during an abortion.

What is wrong with the law from the '70's?
What happened to the Hippocratic oath?

Spin the words any way you want to.

Leaving the 'victim', in this case a BABY, in a hall closet to die after a botched abortion is called what.......?

not real?
Forget you opposition to the messenger, just listen to the message.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkAsLPrnJGc]Ron Paul Ad - Life - YouTube[/ame]
True story that is ignored.

You lie! This bullshit has been thoroughly debunked - and you know it.

Just because you 'think' you debunked it does not make it so.

Please don't spam the thread with pics and links.
I believe posters may actually want a discussion here.

If you don't want to discuss (links/pics don't count) then you can decide not to participate and make your own thread. mmmkkkay?

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