Obama Vows To Pursue Gun Control 'With Or Without Congress'...

80% of the violence is gang related, according to the FBI. But, in the SOTU address, Obama only named movie theaters, schools and shopping malls. No mention to poor inner cities.

I remember certain newspapers saying that the Aurora tragedy happens twice a day in America. Facts and propaganda always take different paths:
Study: Despite drop in gun crime, 56% think it's worse
Most Americans Believe Crime in U.S. Is Worsening

Murders in 1980 (population: 225 million): 23,000
Murders in 2012 (population: 315 million): 14,800

Where'd ya disappear to, Pogo?

What sort of violence is most commonly associated with these places, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]
But your Obamessiah wasn't talking about GUNS, was he
80% of the violence is gang related, according to the FBI. But, in the SOTU address, Obama only named movie theaters, schools and shopping malls. No mention to poor inner cities.

I remember certain newspapers saying that the Aurora tragedy happens twice a day in America. Facts and propaganda always take different paths:
Study: Despite drop in gun crime, 56% think it's worse
Most Americans Believe Crime in U.S. Is Worsening

Murders in 1980 (population: 225 million): 23,000
Murders in 2012 (population: 315 million): 14,800

Where'd ya disappear to, Pogo?

New York. And it was a helluva drive.

What sort of violence is most commonly associated with these places, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]


I like this pop quiz. Quick and easy. :thup:

But your Obamessiah wasn't talking about GUNS, was he

Nope. "Gun" is the adjective that modifies the noun "violence", the object in that subordinate clause. Which is in passive voice and vague politician-speak.

Where do you get this "Obamessiah" shit? You been drinking with Quantum Wankbag?

That quiz wuz easy. I think I nailed it.
Yet another topic which helps to prove the premise than anti-gun loons can only argue from emtoion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Well of course. They can only use emotion because they have 'fuzzy' data that gets discredited on a routine basis.



In the second half of 2011, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research conducted an extensive survey research project that took a deep look at American attitudes towards guns, gun violence, and advocacy around gun violence prevention.

The research drew a vivid portrait of the attitudes and opinions of a number of key audiences and offered clear messaging guidance for those advocating more vigorous efforts to build public support for critical gun violence prevention measures.

This messaging guide builds on that research. It has been prepared by a team of communicators who have brought to the table decades of experience advising organizations on message development and strategic communications.

read the rest here: http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/748675/gun-violencemessaging-guide-pdf-1.pdf
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Obama has become a megalomaniac Dictator. He's drunk on power. Hopefully even some brave Democrats see this, and will begin to check his power. No more Party before Country. It's their Patriotic Duty to check his power.
in NY we kept hearing the sky is falling argument from the libs. then one day we woke up with the safe act and realized, the sky had fallen.
in NY we kept hearing the sky is falling argument from the libs. then one day we woke up with the safe act and realized, the sky had fallen.

Oh yeah. The Communist Globalists are winning right now, but i'm still optimistic about future change. The People will eventually have enough of em. Let's just hope & pray the damage they do, isn't permanent. I think it can be reversed. But i try to be an optimist.
in NY we kept hearing the sky is falling argument from the libs. then one day we woke up with the safe act and realized, the sky had fallen.

Oh yeah. The Communist Globalists are winning right now, but i'm still optimistic about future change. The People will eventually have enough of em. Let's just hope & pray the damage they do, isn't permanent. I think it can be reversed. But i try to be an optimist.

successful recalls, vote a few out of office. they will start to get the message
Obama has become a megalomaniac Dictator. He's drunk on power. Hopefully even some brave Democrats see this, and will begin to check his power. No more Party before Country. It's their Patriotic Duty to check his power.

Or to just read the actual words in the speech instead of inventing your own out of unhinged hair-on-fire paranoia.

Seems like your way is a lot more work... :dunno:
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Obama has become a megalomaniac Dictator. He's drunk on power. Hopefully even some brave Democrats see this, and will begin to check his power. No more Party before Country. It's their Patriotic Duty to check his power.

Or to just read the actual words in the speech instead of inventing your own out of unhinged hair-on-fire paranoia.

Seems like your way is a lot more work... :dunno:

Yeah, but i'm pretty sure you would defend anything he does. I mean anything. Time for a reboot Obamabot.
Obama has become a megalomaniac Dictator. He's drunk on power. Hopefully even some brave Democrats see this, and will begin to check his power. No more Party before Country. It's their Patriotic Duty to check his power.

Or to just read the actual words in the speech instead of inventing your own out of unhinged hair-on-fire paranoia.

Seems like your way is a lot more work... :dunno:

Yeah, but i'm pretty sure you would defend anything he does. I mean anything. Time for a reboot Obamabot.

Holding the words on a page to what the words on the page are isn't "defending" anything except reality.

For those like you who like to live in fantasy comic books, reality isn't all that real. Again, show me where there's anything in the speech that serves as a basis for this bullshit thread. You can't do it because it does not exist. So here you are basing a thread on something that does not exist.

So you tell me who needs a "reboot", illiterate dumb shit.
President Obama vowed on Tuesday night to pursue gun control “with or without Congress.”

Those were his exact words - "pursue gun control"?

Or are you a liar attempting to misinform and gin up fear.

Pretty sure he said something about gun safety, enforcing laws on the books.

How about we free up the ATF to do their job by repealing laws that block them for sharing trace data?
President Obama vowed on Tuesday night to pursue gun control “with or without Congress.”

Those were his exact words - "pursue gun control"?

Actually he didn't even use the word "vow". Actually it wasn't even in the first person. Actually it wasn't even in the active voice.

When you live in fantasy comic books you just make shit up.
President Obama vowed on Tuesday night to pursue gun control “with or without Congress.”

Those were his exact words - "pursue gun control"?

Or are you a liar attempting to misinform and gin up fear.

Pretty sure he said something about gun safety, enforcing laws on the books.

How about we free up the ATF to do their job by repealing laws that block them for sharing trace data?

There are NOT supposed to be gun laws in the "books".

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President Obama vowed on Tuesday night to pursue gun control “with or without Congress.”

Those were his exact words - "pursue gun control"?

Or are you a liar attempting to misinform and gin up fear.

Pretty sure he said something about gun safety, enforcing laws on the books.

How about we free up the ATF to do their job by repealing laws that block them for sharing trace data?

There are NOT supposed to be gun laws in the "books".

Actually the speech never mentions any laws either. That's more of the OP's made-up contrived fabricated imaginary fantasy Bolshoi.
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