Obama Wants A Manditory 30% Plus Tax For The Rich But He Only Paid 18.4% Himself. WTF


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid $112,214 in federal income taxes in 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, an effective rate of 18.4%, the White House said Friday.

The first family's income declined from the $789,674 in adjusted gross income they reported in 2011. That year they paid total federal taxes of $162,074, an effective rate of 20.5%. Their 2012 income continues a steep decline from 2010 when they reported $1.7 million in adjusted gross income, the bulk of which was royalties from sales from books written by Mr. Obama.

Obamas' Tax Return Shows Lower Earnings - WSJ.com

The way the Obama's avoided paying a higher percentage was by using loopholes he claims we need to take away from the rich. Charitable contributions.

I was looking at his 2012 tax return and I also saw a couple of million dollars in T Bills they cashed in but used a loophole to avoid paying any Capital Gains on. Zero, zip, nada. Nothing.

Seems he has issues with the 1%ers keeping some of their own hard earned money but it's not beneath him to take advantage of the same loopholes he demonizes the rich over.

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What is this "mandatory 30% plus tax" that you're claiming Obama wants?

No one in this country pays anything close to a 30% effective income tax rate.


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid $112,214 in federal income taxes in 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, an effective rate of 18.4%, the White House said Friday.

The first family's income declined from the $789,674 in adjusted gross income they reported in 2011. That year they paid total federal taxes of $162,074, an effective rate of 20.5%. Their 2012 income continues a steep decline from 2010 when they reported $1.7 million in adjusted gross income, the bulk of which was royalties from sales from books written by Mr. Obama.

Obamas' Tax Return Shows Lower Earnings - WSJ.com

The way the Obama's avoided paying a higher percentage was by using loopholes he claims we need to take away from the rich. Charitable contributions.

I was looking at his 2012 tax return and I also saw a couple of million dollars in T Bills they cashed in but used a loophole to avoid paying any Capital Gains on. Zero, zip, nada. Nothing.

Seems he has issues with the 1%ers keeping some of their own hard earned money but it's not beneath him to take advantage of the same loopholes he demonizes the rich over.


obama pays less in taxes than I do. What a piece of shit he is.


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid $112,214 in federal income taxes in 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, an effective rate of 18.4%, the White House said Friday.

The first family's income declined from the $789,674 in adjusted gross income they reported in 2011. That year they paid total federal taxes of $162,074, an effective rate of 20.5%. Their 2012 income continues a steep decline from 2010 when they reported $1.7 million in adjusted gross income, the bulk of which was royalties from sales from books written by Mr. Obama.

Obamas' Tax Return Shows Lower Earnings - WSJ.com

The way the Obama's avoided paying a higher percentage was by using loopholes he claims we need to take away from the rich. Charitable contributions.

I was looking at his 2012 tax return and I also saw a couple of million dollars in T Bills they cashed in but used a loophole to avoid paying any Capital Gains on. Zero, zip, nada. Nothing.

Seems he has issues with the 1%ers keeping some of their own hard earned money but it's not beneath him to take advantage of the same loopholes he demonizes the rich over.


obama pays less in taxes than I do. What a piece of shit he is.


Are you really claiming to pay an effective tax rate of more than 18.4%?


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid $112,214 in federal income taxes in 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, an effective rate of 18.4%, the White House said Friday.

The first family's income declined from the $789,674 in adjusted gross income they reported in 2011. That year they paid total federal taxes of $162,074, an effective rate of 20.5%. Their 2012 income continues a steep decline from 2010 when they reported $1.7 million in adjusted gross income, the bulk of which was royalties from sales from books written by Mr. Obama.

Obamas' Tax Return Shows Lower Earnings - WSJ.com

The way the Obama's avoided paying a higher percentage was by using loopholes he claims we need to take away from the rich. Charitable contributions.

I was looking at his 2012 tax return and I also saw a couple of million dollars in T Bills they cashed in but used a loophole to avoid paying any Capital Gains on. Zero, zip, nada. Nothing.

Seems he has issues with the 1%ers keeping some of their own hard earned money but it's not beneath him to take advantage of the same loopholes he demonizes the rich over.


obama pays less in taxes than I do. What a piece of shit he is.


Are you really claiming to pay an effective tax rate of more than 18.4%?

I'm saying obama pays less than I do.
Some things are inevitable. Death, taxes and nutters lying about taxes.

To the OP....Obama is advocating for laws that would have him paying more. Those laws are not in place. Do you understand?


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid $112,214 in federal income taxes in 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, an effective rate of 18.4%, the White House said Friday.

The first family's income declined from the $789,674 in adjusted gross income they reported in 2011. That year they paid total federal taxes of $162,074, an effective rate of 20.5%. Their 2012 income continues a steep decline from 2010 when they reported $1.7 million in adjusted gross income, the bulk of which was royalties from sales from books written by Mr. Obama.

Obamas' Tax Return Shows Lower Earnings - WSJ.com

The way the Obama's avoided paying a higher percentage was by using loopholes he claims we need to take away from the rich. Charitable contributions.

I was looking at his 2012 tax return and I also saw a couple of million dollars in T Bills they cashed in but used a loophole to avoid paying any Capital Gains on. Zero, zip, nada. Nothing.

Seems he has issues with the 1%ers keeping some of their own hard earned money but it's not beneath him to take advantage of the same loopholes he demonizes the rich over.


obama pays less in taxes than I do. What a piece of shit he is.

No, Big Rabble, he pays less of a % than you do. As does Romney and every other wealthy person in this nation. All quite legally.

But I am glad to see you advocating for a tax rate for the very wealthy that is the same percentage as the tax rate that you pay.
obama pays less in taxes than I do. What a piece of shit he is.


Are you really claiming to pay an effective tax rate of more than 18.4%?

I'm saying obama pays less than I do.

Well now, if that is a fact, and you pay a lessor amount than does the President, that means that you make considerably more than the President, and we need to raise your taxes.

However, why the hell are you living in that single wide, still?
What is this "mandatory 30% plus tax" that you're claiming Obama wants?

No one in this country pays anything close to a 30% effective income tax rate.

Okay......for the reading deficient.......Obama ran on this issue against Romney. He doesn't think it's fair for Romney to pay 15% when his secretary is paying more.

Well for one Romney doesn't have any payroll taxes because all of his income comes from Capital Gains which is currently 15%, mainly because it was money that was already taxed when it was originally earned. Obama wants to raise Capital Gains tax to 32% or even 40% yet he himself paid zero %.

This is a case of the president not practicing what he preaches.

So, just because nobody pays 30% in federal taxes yet, doesn't mean Obama can get away with demanding they do and not paying it himself. He thinks that he can dodge this issue by claiming he donated $150k to charity yet for some crazy reason he's been telling everyone that he wants to get rid of charitable contributions for the rich. Go figure. Last year he was able to get under a million in taxable income by donating thousands of dollars to his daughters. He put over $20,000 in a tax shelter that is tabbed for his daughters. So what is the difference in this and well to do folks sheltering their money in IRAs and off-shore accounts? None.

Seems to me if you're going to demonize "the Rich" for something you should at least make an effort not to act like them.
Some things are inevitable. Death, taxes and nutters lying about taxes.

To the OP....Obama is advocating for laws that would have him paying more. Those laws are not in place. Do you understand?

So you feel it's okay for someone to go around winning elections by demonizing someone for crimes you yourself are guilty of?

Let me put it in terms even a liberal can understand. I know this is a daunting task.

Obama says people who own private jets are wasteful and produce more than their share of Greenhouse gases, yet he flies around the world constantly in the world's most expensive private jet pumping out tons of Greenhouse gases on every useless trip.

Obama feels that any CEO that makes more than $500k has made too much, yet since he has been president he's made much more than that himself and takes advantage of the same loopholes he demonizes them for using.

Obama feels that nobody has the right or can be trusted to own a gun yet an army of armed guards surround him everywhere he goes.

Obama feels that it's okay for Oprah to be worth $1.3 billion but Mitt Romney is an evil rich guy because he's worth $250 million.

Are you beginning to get what I'm getting at? Practice what you preach before you being preaching. If you feel that everyone needs to cut back try cutting back yourself. Play a few less rounds of golf and stop throwing parties before you shut down White House tours for the public. These things aren't too difficult to understand.

I know.....this is a lot to take in and comprehend.
As the leader of the free world I think a slightly lower tax rate is the least of the perks he should expect.
He should be able to eat his breakfast off the belly of a different virgin every morning and announce DEFCON1 just to scare the employees.
Otherwise, where's the fun in the job?


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid $112,214 in federal income taxes in 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, an effective rate of 18.4%, the White House said Friday.

The first family's income declined from the $789,674 in adjusted gross income they reported in 2011. That year they paid total federal taxes of $162,074, an effective rate of 20.5%. Their 2012 income continues a steep decline from 2010 when they reported $1.7 million in adjusted gross income, the bulk of which was royalties from sales from books written by Mr. Obama.

How much do you think they have in an offshore account for the sale of those 7 alaskan islands to the Russians? Any idea on that one?​
Some things are inevitable. Death, taxes and nutters lying about taxes.

To the OP....Obama is advocating for laws that would have him paying more. Those laws are not in place. Do you understand?

So you feel it's okay for someone to go around winning elections by demonizing someone for crimes you yourself are guilty of?

Let me put it in terms even a liberal can understand. I know this is a daunting task.

Obama says people who own private jets are wasteful and produce more than their share of Greenhouse gases, yet he flies around the world constantly in the world's most expensive private jet pumping out tons of Greenhouse gases on every useless trip.

Obama feels that any CEO that makes more than $500k has made too much, yet since he has been president he's made much more than that himself and takes advantage of the same loopholes he demonizes them for using.

Obama feels that nobody has the right or can be trusted to own a gun yet an army of armed guards surround him everywhere he goes.

Obama feels that it's okay for Oprah to be worth $1.3 billion but Mitt Romney is an evil rich guy because he's worth $250 million.

Are you beginning to get what I'm getting at? Practice what you preach before you being preaching. If you feel that everyone needs to cut back try cutting back yourself. Play a few less rounds of golf and stop throwing parties before you shut down White House tours for the public. These things aren't too difficult to understand.

I know.....this is a lot to take in and comprehend.

You are, as we know, not one who understands complex issues. I bother with you only in so much as I enjoy seeing you suffer through your odd twists of logic.

Romney proposed a tax plan that would have REDUCED his own liability. Obama proposes a tax plan that will increase his liability. Do you grasp the difference.

Oprah has not proposed any tax plan. Romney demonized himself. He is weird, out of touch rich guy. Oprah has tons of money....but people like her. Do you get the difference. People like Obama too. Whining about it won't help.

Guns are another topic....but that does not prevent you from adding them to your parade of stupid.

Got anything else?


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid $112,214 in federal income taxes in 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, an effective rate of 18.4%, the White House said Friday.

The first family's income declined from the $789,674 in adjusted gross income they reported in 2011. That year they paid total federal taxes of $162,074, an effective rate of 20.5%. Their 2012 income continues a steep decline from 2010 when they reported $1.7 million in adjusted gross income, the bulk of which was royalties from sales from books written by Mr. Obama.

How much do you think they have in an offshore account for the sale of those 7 alaskan islands to the Russians? Any idea on that one?​

That last comment is the sort of thing that verifies for others that you are a looney-tunes conspiracy guy. How about that!​

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