Obama- wants Lockerbie bomber back as price for sppt. -bravo


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
I asked what would happen to Megrahi last week as I was curious since there might be a real chance of Gadaffi going down.

I wonder what Britain thinks of this? is there anything left to know about the release, would Megrahi embarrass them further?

In either event, hats off to Obama for thinking of this and putting down a marker.

Barack Obama will *demand the Lockerbie bomber as the price of supporting a new government in Libya.

The US President says the *deportation of freed Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi is a condition of him backing the rebels if they win power.

Mr Obama wants *Megrahi to be tried in the States for putting a bomb on the New York-bound jet that blew up over Lockerbie, *Scotland, in 1988, a crime for which he was convicted by a Scottish court

Cancer-stricken Megrahi has disappeared in Libya where he has been living after being released from jail because he supposedly had only months to live....,

more at-
Read more: Barack Obama orders Lockerbie bomber al-Megrahi be seized - mirror.co.uk
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Good move....this guy will live another 20 years
if they sent some seals in there to snuff him, well, I'd be down with that.
I asked what would happen to Megrahi last week as I was curious since there might be a real chance of Gadaffi going down.

I wonder what Britain thinks of this? is there anything left to know about the release, would Megrahi embarrass them further?

In either event, hats off to Obama for thinking of this and putting down a marker.

Barack Obama will *demand the Lockerbie bomber as the price of supporting a new government in Libya.

The US President says the *deportation of freed Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi is a condition of him backing the rebels if they win power.

Mr Obama wants *Megrahi to be tried in the States for putting a bomb on the New York-bound jet that blew up over Lockerbie, *Scotland, in 1988, a crime for which he was convicted by a Scottish court

Cancer-stricken Megrahi has disappeared in Libya where he has been living after being released from jail because he supposedly had only months to live....,

more at-
Read more: Barack Obama orders Lockerbie bomber al-Megrahi be seized - mirror.co.uk

I can get behind that.

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