Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

Thanks for proving my point. There is no correlation between minimum wage and UE.

I didn't so no correlation. I said it depends. Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn't.

It's immoral to pay people crap wages for their labor. That's the only truth that really matters.

That is simply, factually false. What is immoral is to hold someone else responsible for providing for your neccessities, which is essentially what you are saying. What is immoral is paying to people who do the same job different salaries, which is what would result from your position.

So an American working an assembly line here should make the same as a Chinese worker in a comparable job?

A doctor in the US should make the same as doctor in India?

A sergeant in the US military should make the same as a sergeant in the Russian military?
Oh, so your position is that everyone in low paying jobs is there voluntarily because they prefer to be poor?

lol, you're retarded.

why would they be there "voluntarily" if they have the chops to get a better job....?

That's your position not mine.

Conservatives want a country filled with haves and have-nots and no one in between. We get it.

No you dont get it. You aren't interested in "gettin it"

You have a lazy gimmie attitude. You think a persons value is determined through dollar values and social ladders. You dont judge their character you judge their bank account.
The state of Washington has a minimum wage of $9.19 and an unemployment rate of 7.6%, below the national average.

According to some of the arguments in this thread, WA should have the highest UE in the country.

Obviously those arguments are without merit.

Obviously the people in Washington who can't find work go someplace else.

By the way, if it actually worked the way you think, all those high paying jobs would stimulate the economy and no one would be unemployed.

Just a thought.
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all the studies show small raises in the minimum wage to not adversely effect unemployment

No they do not.

Raising the Minimum Wage Leads to Higher Unemployment: Amity Shlaes | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

lol. I love it when some nut posts a link with a title that says one thing, and then,

when you actually read the link, you get something like this:

"In terms of government “mandating” some of that corporate cash be spent on paying workers a higher minimum wage, the modern research on how that impacts employment is mixed."

Did you read the post I responded to? The fucking claim was that all studies show that raising the minimum wage has no impact on unemployment. That means that the portion you just quoted to prove me wrong actually proves me right.

Thanks, by the ay.
Well I guess the fries at McDonald's will be $7.00 if the minimum wage increases
Not necessarily. The better alternative is McDonald's stock will fall a point or two.

There are too many super-rich in America and all of them are much too rich. And that is the problem with our economy.

Most all McDonalds are franchises where families have saved their hard earned cash and bought a franchise.
All the parent company does is sell to the individual franchises.
They have nothing to do with employee payroll.
Something about most of this country knowing nothing about business, especially small business which is what all fast food restaurants are.
Labor is getting less and less a portion of what it produces in this country. More and more going to corporate profit.


That's as clear a representation of the redistribution of wealth in this country as you'll ever see.

To be clear sliding a product across a pricing scanner or dunking fries in grease are not really labor in my eyes as much as they are menial tasks that even a mildly retarded person could do.

The jobs pay what they are worth. Most minimum wage jobs do. If you're in your mid 20's and flipping burgers you got much bivger problems than minimum wage.

Scanning barcodes is so menial that many stores are getting rid of cashiers as much as possible. Pretty soon you will just fill up your cart and push it out the door and everything will be done via RFID.
Thanks for proving my point. There is no correlation between minimum wage and UE.

I didn't so no correlation. I said it depends. Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn't.

It's immoral to pay people crap wages for their labor. That's the only truth that really matters.

That is simply, factually false. What is immoral is to hold someone else responsible for providing for your neccessities, which is essentially what you are saying. What is immoral is paying to people who do the same job different salaries, which is what would result from your position.

So an American working an assembly line here should make the same as a Chinese worker in a comparable job?

A doctor in the US should make the same as doctor in India?

A sergeant in the US military should make the same as a sergeant in the Russian military?

I am sure you would want a factory worker performing brain surgery on you.
That is probably what has already happened.
Medical care is a skilled job that you do not make it and ship it worldwide.
Military pay does not reflect market forces. Never has and never will. Benefits are what most join for, not pay.
Labor is getting less and less a portion of what it produces in this country. More and more going to corporate profit.


That's as clear a representation of the redistribution of wealth in this country as you'll ever see.

To be clear sliding a product across a pricing scanner or dunking fries in grease are not really labor in my eyes as much as they are menial tasks that even a mildly retarded person could do.

The jobs pay what they are worth. Most minimum wage jobs do. If you're in your mid 20's and flipping burgers you got much bivger problems than minimum wage.

So what's fair price for assembling I-phones, or the related mfg jobs? The Chinese get less than a dollar an hour.

Is that what a job like that is worth? Shouldn't, therefore, any American doing comparable work also be paid $.50 an hour?

If you don't like what Apple pays their workers stop buying their products. If everyone would do that it put all those workers out of work, but you can feel good about the fact that you are not contributing to thee low wages.
"I can't speak for everyone, I can only speak for me.

Paying pittance is lots of fun, even if its still slavery. "

A job pays what the market demands.
My neighbor's son is 21 and graduated with an IT degree. He started at 48K a year.
Something about not majoring in Greek mythology which is not in demand in the business place.
Friend of my oldest son went to HVAC vocational school for 18 months and got his certificate. His first year he made $12 a hour for the first 6 months and then $15 a hour.
After he was there for 18 months they put him as a trainee for service calls at $16 a hour. Within 6 months they had him making the service calls. His pay?
1/2, ONE HALF of what he billed out in labor. Most days he makes $200+
24 year old kid making 60K a year doing HVAC.
Ditto for plumbers, auto mechanics and the hundreds of thousands of other skilled jobs that are unfilled in America.
Because Americans are fucking lazy and want a "living wage" for saying "do you want fries with that" 8 hours a day.

the key to both boys success is that they worked on their education and skills....and they got jobs that pay well because there is a DEMAND in the market for those skills....

today there are tons of people with the simple skills to ask "do you want fries with that?".....so employers need to pay less in order to keep their prices down to be competitive in that market....

stupid liberals would be smart to stop listening to BO and the Dimwits who are not helping them by allowing all those illegal unskilled workers to cross our borders......unskilled illegals flood the unskilled market jobs......closing the borders would mean there would be less competition and thus more DEMAND for unskilled jobs and so their wages would increase.....

Agree with all of that but closing the borders is almost impossible.
Illegal unskilled workers work harder and have fewer problems than unskilled American workers.
Most all of the illegals are strong family people that have a real work ethic, show up on time, work hard and do not have an addiction problem.
They come because WE ALL DEMAND THEM.
To be clear sliding a product across a pricing scanner or dunking fries in grease are not really labor in my eyes as much as they are menial tasks that even a mildly retarded person could do.

The jobs pay what they are worth. Most minimum wage jobs do. If you're in your mid 20's and flipping burgers you got much bivger problems than minimum wage.

So what's fair price for assembling I-phones, or the related mfg jobs? The Chinese get less than a dollar an hour.

Is that what a job like that is worth? Shouldn't, therefore, any American doing comparable work also be paid $.50 an hour?

If you don't like what Apple pays their workers stop buying their products. If everyone would do that it put all those workers out of work, but you can feel good about the fact that you are not contributing to thee low wages.

To my knowledge Apple doesn't build any of their phones here. Apple sucks anyway.

Labor unions and regulations drove manufacturing jobs away.
So an American working an assembly line here should make the same as a Chinese worker in a comparable job?

A doctor in the US should make the same as doctor in India?

A sergeant in the US military should make the same as a sergeant in the Russian military?

No you idiot. I'm talking about within a single company. You contend that everyone should get paid at least enough to live on. Do you really think that's the same amount for everyone? Your the owner of a manufacturing facility. You have 20 production workers who all have the same duties and responsibilities. Do you really think what each one needs to live on is going to be the same for all of them. How will you morally justify paying one person less than another for the same work?
So what's fair price for assembling I-phones, or the related mfg jobs? The Chinese get less than a dollar an hour.

Is that what a job like that is worth? Shouldn't, therefore, any American doing comparable work also be paid $.50 an hour?

If you don't like what Apple pays their workers stop buying their products. If everyone would do that it put all those workers out of work, but you can feel good about the fact that you are not contributing to thee low wages.

To my knowledge Apple doesn't build any of their phones here. Apple sucks anyway.

Labor unions and regulations drove manufacturing jobs away.

Apple stock is very high now.
They have a plant in California and are bringing more jobs back to the US.
If you don't like what Apple pays their workers stop buying their products. If everyone would do that it put all those workers out of work, but you can feel good about the fact that you are not contributing to thee low wages.

To my knowledge Apple doesn't build any of their phones here. Apple sucks anyway.

Labor unions and regulations drove manufacturing jobs away.

Apple stock is very high now.
They have a plant in California and are bringing more jobs back to the US.

I switched from Apple to andriod. Had HTC and now the Samsung Tab II

Apple is overated imo
Have you no desire to admit that you have never....not even once.....made a hiring decision that was influenced by the minimum wage rate in your state?
Have you no desire to admit that you have never....not even once.....made a hiring decision that was influenced by the minimum wage rate in your state?

Not once. But I dont hire the type of people that work for those kinds of wages. I assume some of the temp help got shit wages but that is between them and their agency.

When I first started up most of my work was commercial and done for the government. All of those jobs had a prevailing wage for EVERY position. So in that sense yes, some decisions were made because of requirements. BUT those wages were FAR above minimum wage.

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