Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

If you don't like what Apple pays their workers stop buying their products. If everyone would do that it put all those workers out of work, but you can feel good about the fact that you are not contributing to thee low wages.

To my knowledge Apple doesn't build any of their phones here. Apple sucks anyway.

Labor unions and regulations drove manufacturing jobs away.

Apple stock is very high now.
They have a plant in California and are bringing more jobs back to the US.

"Labor unions, regulations, Apple stock is very high"...
Its always the labor unions.... Isn't it?

Its slave labor that puts those little things together... bottom line, its a hell of a huge profit margin for Apple, and the investors love a huge profit line.

In the meantime... Apple, and all of the high tech companies who outsourced to China... have not only given the Chinese government the technological where with all to create high tech weapons, its given the Chinese the capital to fund their military.

It will be ironic if the ones who gave the Chinese the ability to forge chains... are bound by them. Some how... pre WW2 Japan comes to mind.
Have you no desire to admit that you have never....not even once.....made a hiring decision that was influenced by the minimum wage rate in your state?

Not once. But I dont hire the type of people that work for those kinds of wages. I assume some of the temp help got shit wages but that is between them and their agency.

When I first started up most of my work was commercial and done for the government. All of those jobs had a prevailing wage for EVERY position. So in that sense yes, some decisions were made because of requirements. BUT those wages were FAR above minimum wage.

Paid by the government... ironic.
Econ 101 should be mandatory in middle school-high school.

Not trying to bust your balls, but have you ever tried to teach middle school students anything?
And if you think the majority of high school students are all giddy about learning how to make a fortune... you've been out of high school far too long. Most of the boys are trying to figure out how to get between the girls legs, and the girls are too busy worrying about their hair, and pimples, or how to make the boys love them forever.
Have you no desire to admit that you have never....not even once.....made a hiring decision that was influenced by the minimum wage rate in your state?

Not once. But I dont hire the type of people that work for those kinds of wages. I assume some of the temp help got shit wages but that is between them and their agency.

When I first started up most of my work was commercial and done for the government. All of those jobs had a prevailing wage for EVERY position. So in that sense yes, some decisions were made because of requirements. BUT those wages were FAR above minimum wage.

Then what the fuck are you trying to say with the OP?

Small and medium sized businesses DO NOT consider the minimum wage to be a major factor in hiring decisions.

Given the FACT that higher minimums don't adversly effect hiring in this nation...why would you start this thread? What major lobbying group grabbed you by the balls on FOX?

Have you no desire to admit that you have never....not even once.....made a hiring decision that was influenced by the minimum wage rate in your state?

Not once. But I dont hire the type of people that work for those kinds of wages. I assume some of the temp help got shit wages but that is between them and their agency.

When I first started up most of my work was commercial and done for the government. All of those jobs had a prevailing wage for EVERY position. So in that sense yes, some decisions were made because of requirements. BUT those wages were FAR above minimum wage.

Then what the fuck are you trying to say with the OP?

Small and medium sized businesses DO NOT consider the minimum wage to be a major factor in hiring decisions.

Given the FACT that higher minimums don't adversly effect hiring in this nation...why would you start this thread? What major lobbying group grabbed you by the balls on FOX?


I w I l l t y p e t h I s s l o w f o r y o u.

Companies that I conduct business with will raise their prices to compensate for the increase in their labor. The flunky working the register at all the places we shop will charge us more to compensate his own lack of ambition.

Read the fuckin thread.

Or did you think costs would remain the same and companies will just eat the loss?

Fucking idiot.

And by the way just because this wouldnt affect MY hiring practices doesntmean it wont for others.

I reiterate....FUCKING IDIOT
Have you no desire to admit that you have never....not even once.....made a hiring decision that was influenced by the minimum wage rate in your state?

Not once. But I dont hire the type of people that work for those kinds of wages. I assume some of the temp help got shit wages but that is between them and their agency.

When I first started up most of my work was commercial and done for the government. All of those jobs had a prevailing wage for EVERY position. So in that sense yes, some decisions were made because of requirements. BUT those wages were FAR above minimum wage.

Paid by the government... ironic.


Building housing for those that are too busy getting high to find a job.
Have you no desire to admit that you have never....not even once.....made a hiring decision that was influenced by the minimum wage rate in your state?

I have, many times but since my jobs are skilled the minimum wage does not apply.
Start them at $20 a hour.
Anyone that is making the minimum wage and over the age of 21 is:
1. in school and lives at home with Mom and Dad.
2. in school and Mom and Dad have enough $$ to send them to live at college.
3. Are happy with part time work that pays the market rate
4. Elderly to supplement their retirement income and social security
5. Low skilled uneducated workers that fucked off from age 17-21 and in most cases are NOT WORTH the minimum wage.
But I get many that apply all ages that want that $20 a hour and are mystified that I will not hire.
Have you no desire to admit that you have never....not even once.....made a hiring decision that was influenced by the minimum wage rate in your state?

I have, many times but since my jobs are skilled the minimum wage does not apply.
Start them at $20 a hour.
Anyone that is making the minimum wage and over the age of 21 is:
1. in school and lives at home with Mom and Dad.
2. in school and Mom and Dad have enough $$ to send them to live at college.
3. Are happy with part time work that pays the market rate
4. Elderly to supplement their retirement income and social security
5. Low skilled uneducated workers that fucked off from age 17-21 and in most cases are NOT WORTH the minimum wage.
But I get many that apply all ages that want that $20 a hour and are mystified that I will not hire.

Don't know what you do but I can tell my industry is in bad shape just based on the amount of calls I get from people looking for work. There are days I get more job inquiries than requests for bids.
Not once. But I dont hire the type of people that work for those kinds of wages. I assume some of the temp help got shit wages but that is between them and their agency.

When I first started up most of my work was commercial and done for the government. All of those jobs had a prevailing wage for EVERY position. So in that sense yes, some decisions were made because of requirements. BUT those wages were FAR above minimum wage.

Paid by the government... ironic.


Yeah... I seem to hear that from all of you Horatio Algers. You worked for it but anyone else, who you deem as a slug, did nothing for their minimum wage slug jobs.
Pulled your way up from boot straps, paid for by the tax payers.

The day of judgment comes for all of us... and none of "hard work" will... work.

Tell this to the authority who judges you...
"Building housing for those that are too busy getting high to find a job".
Not sure if it will help you though.
Have you no desire to admit that you have never....not even once.....made a hiring decision that was influenced by the minimum wage rate in your state?

I have, many times but since my jobs are skilled the minimum wage does not apply.
Start them at $20 a hour.
Anyone that is making the minimum wage and over the age of 21 is:
1. in school and lives at home with Mom and Dad.
2. in school and Mom and Dad have enough $$ to send them to live at college.
3. Are happy with part time work that pays the market rate
4. Elderly to supplement their retirement income and social security
5. Low skilled uneducated workers that fucked off from age 17-21 and in most cases are NOT WORTH the minimum wage.
But I get many that apply all ages that want that $20 a hour and are mystified that I will not hire.

Don't know what you do but I can tell my industry is in bad shape just based on the amount of calls I get from people looking for work. There are days I get more job inquiries than requests for bids.

And......that has zero to do with the minimum wage rate in your state.
I have, many times but since my jobs are skilled the minimum wage does not apply.
Start them at $20 a hour.
Anyone that is making the minimum wage and over the age of 21 is:
1. in school and lives at home with Mom and Dad.
2. in school and Mom and Dad have enough $$ to send them to live at college.
3. Are happy with part time work that pays the market rate
4. Elderly to supplement their retirement income and social security
5. Low skilled uneducated workers that fucked off from age 17-21 and in most cases are NOT WORTH the minimum wage.
But I get many that apply all ages that want that $20 a hour and are mystified that I will not hire.

Don't know what you do but I can tell my industry is in bad shape just based on the amount of calls I get from people looking for work. There are days I get more job inquiries than requests for bids.

And......that has zero to do with the minimum wage rate in your state.

I never claimed it did.

Like I said. All you assholes do is twist shit to suit your agenda
I have, many times but since my jobs are skilled the minimum wage does not apply.
Start them at $20 a hour.
Anyone that is making the minimum wage and over the age of 21 is:
1. in school and lives at home with Mom and Dad.
2. in school and Mom and Dad have enough $$ to send them to live at college.
3. Are happy with part time work that pays the market rate
4. Elderly to supplement their retirement income and social security
5. Low skilled uneducated workers that fucked off from age 17-21 and in most cases are NOT WORTH the minimum wage.
But I get many that apply all ages that want that $20 a hour and are mystified that I will not hire.

Don't know what you do but I can tell my industry is in bad shape just based on the amount of calls I get from people looking for work. There are days I get more job inquiries than requests for bids.

And......that has zero to do with the minimum wage rate in your state.

It has a lot to do with it. 1-4 don't require a living wage. You're claiming that the 5's, despite their life failures, should be further removed from any responsibility for providing for themselves.

You are talking to someone who resides in reality. Someday, you may join me.

back at ya. btw, I'm not the one insisting we change the existing paradigm to paying people based on what they need as opposed to the way we do now, HERE IN REALITY, based on supply and demand of their skills.
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It's time for another Ronny in the White House... Bern80

Ronny would too liberal to make it through todays republican primaries.

You are talking to someone who resides in reality. Someday, you may join me.

back at ya. btw, I'm not the one insisting we change the existing paradigm to paying people based on what they need as opposed to the way we do now, HERE IN REALITY, based on supply and demand of their skills.

That is probably because you don't grasp that people making 9 bucks an hour spend every dime of it......on shit that other people who make 20 bucks an hour make as they are supervised by folks who make 40 bucks an hour in service to owners nd investors who make hundreds per hour.

Not your fault, though. You have not been conditioned to see past your own tax return.

You are talking to someone who resides in reality. Someday, you may join me.

back at ya. btw, I'm not the one insisting we change the existing paradigm to paying people based on what they need as opposed to the way we do now, HERE IN REALITY, based on supply and demand of their skills.

That is probably because you don't grasp that people making 9 bucks an hour spend every dime of it......on shit that other people who make 20 bucks an hour make as they are supervised by folks who make 40 bucks an hour in service to owners nd investors who make hundreds per hour.

Not your fault, though. You have not been conditioned to see past your own tax return.

Not your fault as apparently you have NO iDEA what the value of labor is. You can type away on your keyboard and feel like youre contributing to something. But in reality it's only your ego masquerading as something that has a clue.

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