Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

Yeah, I do.

I was very loyal to my last boss. He fucked me over anyway.

Fuck loyalty.

The wrong boss is not a reflection of the industry

No, but it is a reflection of the "I've got Mine- fuck you" economic philosophy of the GOP today.

Which is pretty much why I'll vote for Democrats until Republicans realize they work for the people and not the CEO's.

That isn't the mndset of the GOP. The mind set is you are not entitled to what I've earned so FUCK YOU.
A) The Constitution is in nodanger.

We need DEMAND which voodoo and Reaganism have ruined, as well as the country.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims?

The minimum wage in Aus. is $15, NZ $13, every other modern country at least $10.

$9 now is good, then up a bit every year till we catch up to '68's equivalent, now $11. Thanks GOP, for NOTHING. Stupid greedy a-holes and silly dupes...

And everything in those contries cost more in American dollars as a result. The real greed lies with you stupid libs. You are the ones insisting you're entitled to that which others had to earn with no effort on your own part.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np0solnL1XY]Lynyrd Skynyrd-Free bird - YouTube[/ame]
A) The Constitution is in nodanger.

We need DEMAND which voodoo and Reaganism have ruined, as well as the country.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims?

The minimum wage in Aus. is $15, NZ $13, every other modern country at least $10.

$9 now is good, then up a bit every year till we catch up to '68's equivalent, now $11. Thanks GOP, for NOTHING. Stupid greedy a-holes and silly dupes...

And everything in those contries cost more in American dollars as a result. The real greed lies with you stupid libs. You are the ones insisting you're entitled to that which others had to earn with no effort on your own part.

BULLSHYTTE, and Pubcrappe, dupe. AND they don't start DEPRESSIONS or ruin the nonrich and the country like your greedy idiot masters.
Yeah, I do.

I was very loyal to my last boss. He fucked me over anyway.

Fuck loyalty.

The wrong boss is not a reflection of the industry

No, but it is a reflection of the "I've got Mine- fuck you" economic philosophy of the GOP today.

Which is pretty much why I'll vote for Democrats until Republicans realize they work for the people and not the CEO's.

"I've got Mine-fuck you" has been the cry of the union worker for how long now?
And from those on social security "disability", a % of social security recipients and 47 year old government retirees with a life time pension.
Fuck you is the motto of the takers these days.
A) The Constitution is in nodanger.

We need DEMAND which voodoo and Reaganism have ruined, as well as the country.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims?

The minimum wage in Aus. is $15, NZ $13, every other modern country at least $10.

$9 now is good, then up a bit every year till we catch up to '68's equivalent, now $11. Thanks GOP, for NOTHING. Stupid greedy a-holes and silly dupes...

And everything in those contries cost more in American dollars as a result. The real greed lies with you stupid libs. You are the ones insisting you're entitled to that which others had to earn with no effort on your own part.

BULLSHYTTE, and Pubcrappe, dupe. AND they don't start DEPRESSIONS or ruin the nonrich and the country like your greedy idiot masters.

No bullshit. The product we manufacturer here in the U.S. costs more in U.S. dollars in pretty much every foreign country it's sold in. When are you idiots going to get a grasp on basic economics. Pay increases don't happen in a vacuum. The market responds to them. When it sees that people have more money to spend it's a signal to them that they can now afford to pay more for goods and services so the cost of those things goes up.
And everything in those contries cost more in American dollars as a result. The real greed lies with you stupid libs. You are the ones insisting you're entitled to that which others had to earn with no effort on your own part.

BULLSHYTTE, and Pubcrappe, dupe. AND they don't start DEPRESSIONS or ruin the nonrich and the country like your greedy idiot masters.

No bullshit. The product we manufacturer here in the U.S. costs more in U.S. dollars in pretty much every foreign country it's sold in. When are you idiots going to get a grasp on basic economics. Pay increases don't happen in a vacuum. The market responds to them. When it sees that people have more money to spend it's a signal to them that they can now afford to pay more for goods and services so the cost of those things goes up.

WTF? LOL! And their stuff costs more HERE....idiocy. But their poor and nonrich are doing a helluva lot better than ours. ie YOU. duh.
And everything in those contries cost more in American dollars as a result. The real greed lies with you stupid libs. You are the ones insisting you're entitled to that which others had to earn with no effort on your own part.

BULLSHYTTE, and Pubcrappe, dupe. AND they don't start DEPRESSIONS or ruin the nonrich and the country like your greedy idiot masters.

No bullshit. The product we manufacturer here in the U.S. costs more in U.S. dollars in pretty much every foreign country it's sold in. When are you idiots going to get a grasp on basic economics. Pay increases don't happen in a vacuum. The market responds to them. When it sees that people have more money to spend it's a signal to them that they can now afford to pay more for goods and services so the cost of those things goes up.

The wrong boss is not a reflection of the industry

No, but it is a reflection of the "I've got Mine- fuck you" economic philosophy of the GOP today.

Which is pretty much why I'll vote for Democrats until Republicans realize they work for the people and not the CEO's.

That isn't the mndset of the GOP. The mind set is you are not entitled to what I've earned so FUCK YOU.

If you are earning 7 or 8 figures, you are taking the wealth someone else earned. The need to pay their fair share.


As for the middle class folks who pay taxes- yup, I like paved roads and clean air and clean water and the fact the fire department will come to my house quickly if it's on fire.

Not sure why you don't like these things.
The wrong boss is not a reflection of the industry

No, but it is a reflection of the "I've got Mine- fuck you" economic philosophy of the GOP today.

Which is pretty much why I'll vote for Democrats until Republicans realize they work for the people and not the CEO's.

"I've got Mine-fuck you" has been the cry of the union worker for how long now?
And from those on social security "disability", a % of social security recipients and 47 year old government retirees with a life time pension.
Fuck you is the motto of the takers these days.

I'm not sure what the fuck you are talking about with Social Security. My sister's retina recently detached, rendering her effectively blind in one eye. Which means she can't work as a nurse anymore, what she's been doing for the last 30+ years.

However, because she earns a pittance teaching nursing school, Social Security has determined that's income enough to deny her disability claim, even though it barely covers the malpractice insurance she still has to carry to bring classes into hospital settings.

As for Union Workers- yeah, just not seeing how having good wages and decent benefits- which we all used to have when the workforce was mostly unionized- is really a bad thing.

A Koch Brother, a Tea Bagger and a Union guy walk into a resturant and find a plate of 12 cookies. The Koch Brother wolfs down 11 of them and says to the Teabagger- "That Union thug wants half your cookie!"

And you dumbfucks buy it. :rofl:
No, but it is a reflection of the "I've got Mine- fuck you" economic philosophy of the GOP today.

Which is pretty much why I'll vote for Democrats until Republicans realize they work for the people and not the CEO's.

That isn't the mndset of the GOP. The mind set is you are not entitled to what I've earned so FUCK YOU.

If you are earning 7 or 8 figures, you are taking the wealth someone else earned. The need to pay their fair share.


Not necessarily. It's possible to make lots of money honestly. It doesn't happen often these days, and that's something we should fix. But punishing everyone who makes a lot of money is wrong. Find the people who are actually doing wrong and punish them.
That isn't the mndset of the GOP. The mind set is you are not entitled to what I've earned so FUCK YOU.

If you are earning 7 or 8 figures, you are taking the wealth someone else earned. The need to pay their fair share.


Not necessarily. It's possible to make lots of money without relying on government favors. It doesn't happen often these days, and that's something we should fix. But punishing everyone who makes a lot of money is wrong. Find the people who are actually doing wrong and punish them.

Name someone who gets 8 figures who really deserves it.

If you are earning 7 or 8 figures, you are taking the wealth someone else earned. The need to pay their fair share.


Not necessarily. It's possible to make lots of money without relying on government favors. It doesn't happen often these days, and that's something we should fix. But punishing everyone who makes a lot of money is wrong. Find the people who are actually doing wrong and punish them.

Name someone who gets 8 figures who really deserves it.


Guilty until proven innocent?
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Not necessarily. It's possible to make lots of money without relying on government favors. It doesn't happen often these days, and that's something we should fix. But punishing everyone who makes a lot of money is wrong. Find the people who are actually doing wrong and punish them.

Name someone who gets 8 figures who really deserves it.


Guilty until proven innocent?

No one is personally producing 8 figures of wealth.

If an enterprise is producing enough to pay a CEO or an Athlete or a Movie Star 8 figures, it means someone else who was working just as hard in that organization wasn't getting his fair share.


Now to caveat that- life isn't fair. And frankly, there's a bit of a comfort to that. I would hate to think all the bad things that happen to us do so because we deserve it. So I take a bit of joy in the inherent unfairness of the universe.

But making the rich pay their fair share in taxes and making sure that the guy in the cubicle or cutting film or working in the Chicago Bears publicity office is getting a fair union wage while the top guys get their 8 figures mitigates that a bit.
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Name someone who gets 8 figures who really deserves it.


Guilty until proven innocent?

No one is personally producing 8 figures of wealth.

If an enterprise is producing enough to pay a CEO or an Athlete or a Movie Star 8 figures, it means someone else who was working just as hard in that organization wasn't getting his fair share.


Period. By your decree eh?

Fortunately, our government doesn't (not quite yet) work that way. Though, we are certainly headed in that direction. Group rights over individual rights. Rule by decree over rule of law. Corporatism uber alles.
Guilty until proven innocent?

No one is personally producing 8 figures of wealth.

If an enterprise is producing enough to pay a CEO or an Athlete or a Movie Star 8 figures, it means someone else who was working just as hard in that organization wasn't getting his fair share.


Period. By your decree eh?

Fortunately, our government doesn't (not quite yet) work that way. Though, we are certainly headed in that direction. Group rights over individual rights. Rule by decree over rule of law. Corporatism uber alles.

When the right Wing talks about "freedom", they usually mean, "you can't do this to me, I'm rich".

No one is personally producing 8 figures of wealth.

If an enterprise is producing enough to pay a CEO or an Athlete or a Movie Star 8 figures, it means someone else who was working just as hard in that organization wasn't getting his fair share.


Period. By your decree eh?

Fortunately, our government doesn't (not quite yet) work that way. Though, we are certainly headed in that direction. Group rights over individual rights. Rule by decree over rule of law. Corporatism uber alles.

When the right Wing talks about "freedom", they usually mean, "you can't do this to me, I'm rich".


Keep your 'wings'. Not interested.
In part this economy is fibrilating because the working class is broke.

So getting spending money into the hands of the people most likely to put it right back into the economy makes good sense.

Now as the NATIONAL minimum wage only effects businesses that are interstate (read major corporations) complaining that this law will negatively impact MOM & POP small businesses is either:1/ a great big fat lie, or 2) ignorant
In part this economy is fibrilating because the working class is broke.

So getting spending money into the hands of the people most likely to put it right back into the economy makes good sense.

Now as the NATIONAL minimum wage only effects businesses that are interstate (read major corporations) complaining that this law will negatively impact MOM & POP small businesses is either:1/ a great big fat lie, or 2) ignorant

I'll cop to ignorance on the details of national minimum wage laws. But it doesn't invalidate the argument. The point being that artificial overhead is more easily absorbed by larger companies and will favor their interests over smaller competitors. Whether they are 'interstate' or not is irrelevant. In any case, are you saying that only people working for national corporations deserve a 'living wage'?
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