Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

back at ya. btw, I'm not the one insisting we change the existing paradigm to paying people based on what they need as opposed to the way we do now, HERE IN REALITY, based on supply and demand of their skills.

That is probably because you don't grasp that people making 9 bucks an hour spend every dime of it......on shit that other people who make 20 bucks an hour make as they are supervised by folks who make 40 bucks an hour in service to owners nd investors who make hundreds per hour.

Not your fault, though. You have not been conditioned to see past your own tax return.

Not your fault as apparently you have NO iDEA what the value of labor is. You can type away on your keyboard and feel like youre contributing to something. But in reality it's only your ego masquerading as something that has a clue.

I have no idea what the value of labor is? What gave you that idea?

It seems that you have run out of horseshit to spread and have raided your stash of bullshit.

The minimum wage does not influence your hiring decisions....nor those of America's small and medium sized businessmen. Your thread is an Obama whinefest and nothing more.

By the way, isn't your business a little better these days?
So what's fair price for assembling I-phones, or the related mfg jobs? The Chinese get less than a dollar an hour.

Is that what a job like that is worth? Shouldn't, therefore, any American doing comparable work also be paid $.50 an hour?

If you don't like what Apple pays their workers stop buying their products. If everyone would do that it put all those workers out of work, but you can feel good about the fact that you are not contributing to thee low wages.

To my knowledge Apple doesn't build any of their phones here. Apple sucks anyway.

Labor unions and regulations drove manufacturing jobs away.

So we can get the jobs back by letting Apple pay 50 cents an hour here. Is that really the kind of America you want?
back at ya. btw, I'm not the one insisting we change the existing paradigm to paying people based on what they need as opposed to the way we do now, HERE IN REALITY, based on supply and demand of their skills.

That is probably because you don't grasp that people making 9 bucks an hour spend every dime of it......on shit that other people who make 20 bucks an hour make as they are supervised by folks who make 40 bucks an hour in service to owners nd investors who make hundreds per hour.

Not your fault, though. You have not been conditioned to see past your own tax return.

Not your fault as apparently you have NO iDEA what the value of labor is. You can type away on your keyboard and feel like youre contributing to something. But in reality it's only your ego masquerading as something that has a clue.

You're the guy who makes money doing work for seniors, right? Some of it? How much work would there be if those seniors hadn't gotten pensions, and/or SS and Medicare?

How much business do you get from poor people?
If you don't like what Apple pays their workers stop buying their products. If everyone would do that it put all those workers out of work, but you can feel good about the fact that you are not contributing to thee low wages.

To my knowledge Apple doesn't build any of their phones here. Apple sucks anyway.

Labor unions and regulations drove manufacturing jobs away.

So we can get the jobs back by letting Apple pay 50 cents an hour here. Is that really the kind of America you want?

I want the kind of America that kicks your ass for being so fucking stupid.
The construction business has been hammered harder than just about any other industry since 08. I am still here and flourishing. My employees are paid well. Hence they've been with me since this mess began. Some of the grunts come and go but that is par for the course in construction. Ive also won the national super service award every year but one in the last 8 years from Angies List. Only 5% of the companies rated on Angies List are eligible for this award. The award is based on extensive customer feedback.

You sir are an internet tool who has NO IDEA what you're talking about.

And I'm sure you haven't shannked anyone lately, either...

Keeping employees in this economy isn't anything to brag about.
Of course President Obama wants to raise the minimum wage. The Democratic Agenda is furthered by a movement to both greater governmental control and President Obama has tied that to his belief that they can lift up the the poverty stricken and get them closer to the middle class. Still, what will be left will be the poverty stricken but maybe the new poverty stricken.

It could be.
the whole world's macro economics, because such things are the exceptions and not the norm. You are talking to someone who has been involved in investment and I know how to make money in a failing economy, just as I know how to make it in a prosperous one. If I want to make money, I don't need to know how good it will be, because I make my money knowing the direction of what an economy will be. I don't have a fortune to "invest" and it's put in quotations marks to point out that isn't investing in my country. Investing in your country means you don't take accumulated wealth and invest it in a sure win circumstance. It means you take your chances to find what tomorrow will bring and that's a great unknown. That's true investment and sometimes it fails and sometimes it doesn't. That's called capitalism and there are winners and losers when you put your capital up in primary investmens to make profit.

Then prove it. Why are they the exception? What is the factor in play there that shows the market is not behaving the way it 'should'. Further all of you've done is claim it's an exception. You have yet to point to any real world examples that prove your point. As far as your 'investment' strategy goes, if that's what it is, your the last person I would take advice from because your advice is idiotic. No actual investor would do that. In fact, arguably the most successful investor says exactly the opposite. Warren Buffett has said investing is like baseball and a batter waiting for the perfect pitch to knock out of the park. The only difference is in investing you never have to swing. You don't 'swing' until condition are perfect, until you know you're going to hit a home run. Keep following your own advice, investing in a bunch of stuff you hope makes it instead of researching whether it actually will and you'll be broke. If you want to learn about true investing watch some educational television like Shark Tank. Please, please, please stop dispensing investment advice or telling people how it works because you are clearly clueless.

Show me the person who gives a fuck in our society, if people in the past cared enough about society to give their fortunes away towards the last year of their lives.! Maybe they do try and try is just another name for fail, but I'd be damned if I had control of all that money and wasted it like they often do.

It's irrelevent. It's their money. You don't get a say in how the spend it. Wisely or unwisely.

You bring up North Dakota and want someone to prove what happened there is exceptional? You have to be kidding. Let's show the obvious that all of America doesn't experience a boom town environment to a mind not capable of looking at anything and actually seeing it!

The problem with you right-wingers is you've turned your greed into a religion. You actually believe a free market without any outside influence will work, in spite of the reality that it never has. You are hell bent on getting us back to the Robber Baron days of sweat shops and third world standards, locking women away to work in the garment industry by chaining the doors and then claiming no liability when a fire kills them or they fall to their death from many stories above to escape the flames. It's all about your right to make your money and fuck everybody else in the world, while you are doing it. You just can't understand why not allowing you to dig up gold ore from the earth and destroying a fishing industry worth hundreds of times your economic size doesn't make sense. You say: Fuck all those people making their living and their industry, because it isn't you, right! Fuck being sociable, because the word is too close to socialism in a dictionary! The world, the universe only has one trinity, me, myself and I.

It's a mystery to me how you worshipers of the BEAST managed to get Christians to support you or your kind. It's time you met a Christian, like Peter and like Samson, who took the jawbone of an ass and slaughtered thousands of you Philistines, and you are the jawbone of an ass.

I'll quote myself to put it right in front of your face.

There is a whole lot of fuck you on this side of the fence.
The construction business has been hammered harder than just about any other industry since 08. I am still here and flourishing. My employees are paid well. Hence they've been with me since this mess began. Some of the grunts come and go but that is par for the course in construction. Ive also won the national super service award every year but one in the last 8 years from Angies List. Only 5% of the companies rated on Angies List are eligible for this award. The award is based on extensive customer feedback.

You sir are an internet tool who has NO IDEA what you're talking about.

And I'm sure you haven't shannked anyone lately, either...

Keeping employees in this economy isn't anything to brag about.

I've kept my guy's because they are loyal to me. I bet you have no idea what that means huh?
A) The Constitution is in nodanger.

We need DEMAND which voodoo and Reaganism have ruined, as well as the country.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims?

The minimum wage in Aus. is $15, NZ $13, every other modern country at least $10.

$9 now is good, then up a bit every year till we catch up to '68's equivalent, now $11. Thanks GOP, for NOTHING. Stupid greedy a-holes and silly dupes...
The construction business has been hammered harder than just about any other industry since 08. I am still here and flourishing. My employees are paid well. Hence they've been with me since this mess began. Some of the grunts come and go but that is par for the course in construction. Ive also won the national super service award every year but one in the last 8 years from Angies List. Only 5% of the companies rated on Angies List are eligible for this award. The award is based on extensive customer feedback.

You sir are an internet tool who has NO IDEA what you're talking about.

And I'm sure you haven't shannked anyone lately, either...

Keeping employees in this economy isn't anything to brag about.

I've kept my guy's because they are loyal to me. I bet you have no idea what that means huh?

Yeah, I do.

I was very loyal to my last boss. He fucked me over anyway.

Fuck loyalty.
I've kept my guy's because they are loyal to me. I bet you have no idea what that means huh?

Yeah, I do.

I was very loyal to my last boss. He fucked me over anyway.

Fuck loyalty.

The wrong boss is not a reflection of the industry

No, but it is a reflection of the "I've got Mine- fuck you" economic philosophy of the GOP today.

Which is pretty much why I'll vote for Democrats until Republicans realize they work for the people and not the CEO's.
Yeah, I do.

I was very loyal to my last boss. He fucked me over anyway.

Fuck loyalty.

The wrong boss is not a reflection of the industry

No, but it is a reflection of the "I've got Mine- fuck you" economic philosophy of the GOP today.

Which is pretty much why I'll vote for Democrats until Republicans realize they work for the people and not the CEO's.

I got mine through hard work and long hours. Did the dude dunkin feies?
The wrong boss is not a reflection of the industry

No, but it is a reflection of the "I've got Mine- fuck you" economic philosophy of the GOP today.

Which is pretty much why I'll vote for Democrats until Republicans realize they work for the people and not the CEO's.

I got mine through hard work and long hours. Did the dude dunkin feies?

Funny, I know a lot of people who work hard and put in long hours.

I know I did, and I managed to do it without ever seeing the inside of a prison cell, unlike some people.

Instead, I served my country in the Army, went to college, worked shitty jobs during recessions, busted my ass on good jobs during good times.

And I still got fucked over by a manager who fired all of his long-term employees so he could cut payroll and the new people would work cheaper.

So really, bosses and managers are "guilty until proven innocent" in my book.

You are talking to someone who resides in reality. Someday, you may join me.

back at ya. btw, I'm not the one insisting we change the existing paradigm to paying people based on what they need as opposed to the way we do now, HERE IN REALITY, based on supply and demand of their skills.

That is probably because you don't grasp that people making 9 bucks an hour spend every dime of it......on shit that other people who make 20 bucks an hour make as they are supervised by folks who make 40 bucks an hour in service to owners nd investors who make hundreds per hour.

Not your fault, though. You have not been conditioned to see past your own tax return.

I understand the corporate ladder structure just fine. None of the above drivel supports the notion that everyone is entitled to at least a living wage. You have been conditioned to believe that you are entitled to things you simply aren't.
Then prove it. Why are they the exception? What is the factor in play there that shows the market is not behaving the way it 'should'. Further all of you've done is claim it's an exception. You have yet to point to any real world examples that prove your point. As far as your 'investment' strategy goes, if that's what it is, your the last person I would take advice from because your advice is idiotic. No actual investor would do that. In fact, arguably the most successful investor says exactly the opposite. Warren Buffett has said investing is like baseball and a batter waiting for the perfect pitch to knock out of the park. The only difference is in investing you never have to swing. You don't 'swing' until condition are perfect, until you know you're going to hit a home run. Keep following your own advice, investing in a bunch of stuff you hope makes it instead of researching whether it actually will and you'll be broke. If you want to learn about true investing watch some educational television like Shark Tank. Please, please, please stop dispensing investment advice or telling people how it works because you are clearly clueless.

It's irrelevent. It's their money. You don't get a say in how the spend it. Wisely or unwisely.

You bring up North Dakota and want someone to prove what happened there is exceptional? You have to be kidding. Let's show the obvious that all of America doesn't experience a boom town environment to a mind not capable of looking at anything and actually seeing it!

The problem with you right-wingers is you've turned your greed into a religion. You actually believe a free market without any outside influence will work, in spite of the reality that it never has. You are hell bent on getting us back to the Robber Baron days of sweat shops and third world standards, locking women away to work in the garment industry by chaining the doors and then claiming no liability when a fire kills them or they fall to their death from many stories above to escape the flames. It's all about your right to make your money and fuck everybody else in the world, while you are doing it. You just can't understand why not allowing you to dig up gold ore from the earth and destroying a fishing industry worth hundreds of times your economic size doesn't make sense. You say: Fuck all those people making their living and their industry, because it isn't you, right! Fuck being sociable, because the word is too close to socialism in a dictionary! The world, the universe only has one trinity, me, myself and I.

It's a mystery to me how you worshipers of the BEAST managed to get Christians to support you or your kind. It's time you met a Christian, like Peter and like Samson, who took the jawbone of an ass and slaughtered thousands of you Philistines, and you are the jawbone of an ass.

I'll quote myself to put it right in front of your face.

There is a whole lot of fuck you on this side of the fence.

Already read it and responded to this one. Notice you have no rebuttal.

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