Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

"I can't speak for everyone, I can only speak for me.

Paying pittance is lots of fun, even if its still slavery. "

A job pays what the market demands.
My neighbor's son is 21 and graduated with an IT degree. He started at 48K a year.
Something about not majoring in Greek mythology which is not in demand in the business place.
Friend of my oldest son went to HVAC vocational school for 18 months and got his certificate. His first year he made $12 a hour for the first 6 months and then $15 a hour.
After he was there for 18 months they put him as a trainee for service calls at $16 a hour. Within 6 months they had him making the service calls. His pay?
1/2, ONE HALF of what he billed out in labor. Most days he makes $200+
24 year old kid making 60K a year doing HVAC.
Ditto for plumbers, auto mechanics and the hundreds of thousands of other skilled jobs that are unfilled in America.
Because Americans are fucking lazy and want a "living wage" for saying "do you want fries with that" 8 hours a day.

Amen brother. I started out laying carpet for shit wages while I was in school. Within 3 years I was running my own commercial labor shop with 6 or 7 crews.

I didnt start out with a LIVING wage. I started out with ambition.
"I can't speak for everyone, I can only speak for me.

Paying pittance is lots of fun, even if its still slavery. "

A job pays what the market demands.
My neighbor's son is 21 and graduated with an IT degree. He started at 48K a year.
Something about not majoring in Greek mythology which is not in demand in the business place.
Friend of my oldest son went to HVAC vocational school for 18 months and got his certificate. His first year he made $12 a hour for the first 6 months and then $15 a hour.
After he was there for 18 months they put him as a trainee for service calls at $16 a hour. Within 6 months they had him making the service calls. His pay?
1/2, ONE HALF of what he billed out in labor. Most days he makes $200+
24 year old kid making 60K a year doing HVAC.
Ditto for plumbers, auto mechanics and the hundreds of thousands of other skilled jobs that are unfilled in America.
Because Americans are fucking lazy and want a "living wage" for saying "do you want fries with that" 8 hours a day.

So... What's your point?
"I can't speak for everyone, I can only speak for me.

Paying pittance is lots of fun, even if its still slavery. "

A job pays what the market demands.
My neighbor's son is 21 and graduated with an IT degree. He started at 48K a year.
Something about not majoring in Greek mythology which is not in demand in the business place.
Friend of my oldest son went to HVAC vocational school for 18 months and got his certificate. His first year he made $12 a hour for the first 6 months and then $15 a hour.
After he was there for 18 months they put him as a trainee for service calls at $16 a hour. Within 6 months they had him making the service calls. His pay?
1/2, ONE HALF of what he billed out in labor. Most days he makes $200+
24 year old kid making 60K a year doing HVAC.
Ditto for plumbers, auto mechanics and the hundreds of thousands of other skilled jobs that are unfilled in America.
Because Americans are fucking lazy and want a "living wage" for saying "do you want fries with that" 8 hours a day.

So... What's your point?

The point if all you can get is a cashier job at McDonald's you should not expect to have a living wage. Those types of jobs are for teens, college kids home for the summer, and ex-cons
"I can't speak for everyone, I can only speak for me.

Paying pittance is lots of fun, even if its still slavery. "

A job pays what the market demands.
My neighbor's son is 21 and graduated with an IT degree. He started at 48K a year.
Something about not majoring in Greek mythology which is not in demand in the business place.
Friend of my oldest son went to HVAC vocational school for 18 months and got his certificate. His first year he made $12 a hour for the first 6 months and then $15 a hour.
After he was there for 18 months they put him as a trainee for service calls at $16 a hour. Within 6 months they had him making the service calls. His pay?
1/2, ONE HALF of what he billed out in labor. Most days he makes $200+
24 year old kid making 60K a year doing HVAC.
Ditto for plumbers, auto mechanics and the hundreds of thousands of other skilled jobs that are unfilled in America.
Because Americans are fucking lazy and want a "living wage" for saying "do you want fries with that" 8 hours a day.

the key to both boys success is that they worked on their education and skills....and they got jobs that pay well because there is a DEMAND in the market for those skills....

today there are tons of people with the simple skills to ask "do you want fries with that?".....so employers need to pay less in order to keep their prices down to be competitive in that market....

stupid liberals would be smart to stop listening to BO and the Dimwits who are not helping them by allowing all those illegal unskilled workers to cross our borders......unskilled illegals flood the unskilled market jobs......closing the borders would mean there would be less competition and thus more DEMAND for unskilled jobs and so their wages would increase.....
Last edited:
You bring up North Dakota and want someone to prove what happened there is exceptional? You have to be kidding. Let's show the obvious that all of America doesn't experience a boom town environment to a mind not capable of looking at anything and actually seeing it!

The problem with you right-wingers is you've turned your greed into a religion. You actually believe a free market without any outside influence will work, in spite of the reality that it never has. You are hell bent on getting us back to the Robber Baron days of sweat shops and third world standards, locking women away to work in the garment industry by chaining the doors and then claiming no liability when a fire kills them or they fall to their death from many stories above to escape the flames. It's all about your right to make your money and fuck everybody else in the world, while you are doing it. You just can't understand why not allowing you to dig up gold ore from the earth and destroying a fishing industry worth hundreds of times your economic size doesn't make sense. You say: Fuck all those people making their living and their industry, because it isn't you, right! Fuck being sociable, because the word is too close to socialism in a dictionary! The world, the universe only has one trinity, me, myself and I.

You can't say something never has worked when it's never been really tried. You still need to prove your point. Your contention was that giving people more money gives them more purchasing power. Do you even know the definition of that term? Because it seems you don't. More purchasing power means that you have more money today to purchase something that cost x dollars than you had before. That is the cost of the thing you wish to purchase has to stay the same when your income goes up for you to actually have more purchasing power and in this particular anecdote of ND, that isn't happening. Despite everyone's incomes going up, their purchasing power has stayed about the same because the costs of good and services went up with it. I'm mot kidding, when I ask you to show me ND is the exception. Show me some other instance where avg income rises but costs of goods and services don't. Clearly you can't do that.

The reason you're such a shitty investor is because you don't know shit about makes business work. You think to make lots of money business owners have to screw people over, when the fact is the most successfull businesses in the country are the ones where people want to work and the ones that treat their employees the best. In your rant you're bring up all kinds of crap that isn't remotely accurate about business. It's all left wing talking point crap.

It's a mystery to me how you worshipers of the BEAST managed to get Christians to support you or your kind. It's time you met a Christian, like Peter and like Samson, who took the jawbone of an ass and slaughtered thousands of you Philistines, and you are the jawbone of an ass.

Christians don't demand from others what they can achieve for themselves. They don't tell they're fellow man that someone else owes them they're livlihood which that someone else would have to earn for themselves before it can be given to someone else. Stop with the Christian bullshit because there's nothing God like or christian about your position. Your position is someone else is responsible for providing for your neccessities even if your perfectly capable of obtaining them on your own. Your position is your entitled to demand that from someone else. There is NOTHING christian about that.
Thanks for proving my point. There is no correlation between minimum wage and UE.

I didn't say no correlation. I said it depends. Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn't.

It's immoral to pay people crap wages for their labor. That's the only truth that really matters.

That is simply, factually false. What is immoral is to hold someone else responsible for providing for your neccessities, which is essentially what you are saying. What is immoral is paying to people who do the same job different salaries, which is what would result from your position.
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A job pays what the market demands.
My neighbor's son is 21 and graduated with an IT degree. He started at 48K a year.
Something about not majoring in Greek mythology which is not in demand in the business place.
Friend of my oldest son went to HVAC vocational school for 18 months and got his certificate. His first year he made $12 a hour for the first 6 months and then $15 a hour.
After he was there for 18 months they put him as a trainee for service calls at $16 a hour. Within 6 months they had him making the service calls. His pay?
1/2, ONE HALF of what he billed out in labor. Most days he makes $200+
24 year old kid making 60K a year doing HVAC.
Ditto for plumbers, auto mechanics and the hundreds of thousands of other skilled jobs that are unfilled in America.
Because Americans are fucking lazy and want a "living wage" for saying "do you want fries with that" 8 hours a day.

So... What's your point?

The point if all you can get is a cashier job at McDonald's you should not expect to have a living wage. Those types of jobs are for teens, college kids home for the summer, and ex-cons

You, and others with the age old wisdom of "fuck them", attitudes are the very ones who allowed the onslaught of illegals into this country. The ayn rand philosophy of getting what you want for the cheapest price, is what the government did for their benefactors, to work in the fields of mega farms, and other slave jobs they needed to fill.
Now you're crying the blues about bring the minimum wage up to a level, which still falls below the 1970s minimum wage level.

If anyone thinks that the unions wanted unchecked illiterate Labor to flow into this country, they are out of their minds. Ask any Teamster if they wanted Mexican semi's plying the roads of America. Just wait until one of these "safety checked" rigs take out a bunch of autos.

Want to point fingers for stagnant pay for a fair days work? Start with the corporate farms, the Catholic Church, and the meat slaughter houses. Include any business, homeowners also, who are looking for illiterate, desperate poor souls who come from a a background of being a ... Slave

To keep the lip smackers on the right happy... Include the democrats.
You bring up North Dakota and want someone to prove what happened there is exceptional? You have to be kidding. Let's show the obvious that all of America doesn't experience a boom town environment to a mind not capable of looking at anything and actually seeing it!

The problem with you right-wingers is you've turned your greed into a religion. You actually believe a free market without any outside influence will work, in spite of the reality that it never has. You are hell bent on getting us back to the Robber Baron days of sweat shops and third world standards, locking women away to work in the garment industry by chaining the doors and then claiming no liability when a fire kills them or they fall to their death from many stories above to escape the flames. It's all about your right to make your money and fuck everybody else in the world, while you are doing it. You just can't understand why not allowing you to dig up gold ore from the earth and destroying a fishing industry worth hundreds of times your economic size doesn't make sense. You say: Fuck all those people making their living and their industry, because it isn't you, right! Fuck being sociable, because the word is too close to socialism in a dictionary! The world, the universe only has one trinity, me, myself and I.

You can't say something never has worked when it's never been really tried. You still need to prove your point. Your contention was that giving people more money gives them more purchasing power. Do you even know the definition of that term? Because it seems you don't. More purchasing power means that you have more money today to purchase something that cost x dollars than you had before. That is the cost of the thing you wish to purchase has to stay the same when your income goes up for you to actually have more purchasing power and in this particular anecdote of ND, that isn't happening. Despite everyone's incomes going up, their purchasing power has stayed about the same because the costs of good and services went up with it. I'm mot kidding, when I ask you to show me ND is the exception. Show me some other instance where avg income rises but costs of goods and services don't. Clearly you can't do that.

The reason you're such a shitty investor is because you don't know shit about makes business work. You think to make lots of money business owners have to screw people over, when the fact is the most successfull businesses in the country are the ones where people want to work and the ones that treat their employees the best. In your rant you're bring up all kinds of crap that isn't remotely accurate about business. It's all left wing talking point crap.

It's a mystery to me how you worshipers of the BEAST managed to get Christians to support you or your kind. It's time you met a Christian, like Peter and like Samson, who took the jawbone of an ass and slaughtered thousands of you Philistines, and you are the jawbone of an ass.

Christians don't demand from others what they can achieve for themselves. They don't tell they're fellow man that someone else owes them they're livlihood which that someone else would have to earn for themselves before it can be given to someone else. Stop with the Christian bullshit because there's nothing God like or christian about your position. Your position is someone else is responsible for providing for your neccessities even if your perfectly capable of obtaining them on your own. Your position is your entitled to demand that from someone else. There is NOTHING christian about that.

Dubya is right... It has everything to do with Christianity.

Why don't you guys tell the truth. What you're really afraid of is that all of the wealth you have spent all of your time "acquiring" will continue to geometrically fall in value, when the scythe of inflation knocks on your door... and thats the truth.
Well, that would be a little more the poor would have to spend to help stimulate the economy. Sounds good...
That was the principle applied by FDR and it lifted us out of the Great Depression. He once referred to it as, "Sharing the wealth to accelerate growth." He raised the upper range of the progressive income tax to 91% and he created the WPA and CCC programs, which enabled my own parents to survive those bitter years.

All of the reasoning to the contrary is corporatist propaganda put forth by Republican political lackeys and ignorant right-wing water-carriers. If this Nation is to survive we must somehow reverse the cancerous policies put in place beginning with the Reagan Administration.
"I can't speak for everyone, I can only speak for me.

Paying pittance is lots of fun, even if its still slavery. "

A job pays what the market demands.
My neighbor's son is 21 and graduated with an IT degree. He started at 48K a year.
Something about not majoring in Greek mythology which is not in demand in the business place.
Friend of my oldest son went to HVAC vocational school for 18 months and got his certificate. His first year he made $12 a hour for the first 6 months and then $15 a hour.
After he was there for 18 months they put him as a trainee for service calls at $16 a hour. Within 6 months they had him making the service calls. His pay?
1/2, ONE HALF of what he billed out in labor. Most days he makes $200+
24 year old kid making 60K a year doing HVAC.
Ditto for plumbers, auto mechanics and the hundreds of thousands of other skilled jobs that are unfilled in America.
Because Americans are fucking lazy and want a "living wage" for saying "do you want fries with that" 8 hours a day.
What you're saying is right. Incentive and ability should be appropriately rewarded. But the fact remains that everyone is not equally capable and someone must ask if "you want fries with that?" So it is nonetheless important to economic growth that every willing worker be paid a living wage -- even if it does negatively impact the bottom line of the upper income levels.

The bounty of this wealthy nation must be equitably distributed or its economy will continue to shrink.
Well I guess the fries at McDonald's will be $7.00 if the minimum wage increases
Not necessarily. The better alternative is McDonald's stock will fall a point or two.

There are too many super-rich in America and all of them are much too rich. And that is the problem with our economy.
"I can't speak for everyone, I can only speak for me.

Paying pittance is lots of fun, even if its still slavery. "

A job pays what the market demands.
My neighbor's son is 21 and graduated with an IT degree. He started at 48K a year.
Something about not majoring in Greek mythology which is not in demand in the business place.
Friend of my oldest son went to HVAC vocational school for 18 months and got his certificate. His first year he made $12 a hour for the first 6 months and then $15 a hour.
After he was there for 18 months they put him as a trainee for service calls at $16 a hour. Within 6 months they had him making the service calls. His pay?
1/2, ONE HALF of what he billed out in labor. Most days he makes $200+
24 year old kid making 60K a year doing HVAC.
Ditto for plumbers, auto mechanics and the hundreds of thousands of other skilled jobs that are unfilled in America.
Because Americans are fucking lazy and want a "living wage" for saying "do you want fries with that" 8 hours a day.

the key to both boys success is that they worked on their education and skills....and they got jobs that pay well because there is a DEMAND in the market for those skills....

today there are tons of people with the simple skills to ask "do you want fries with that?".....so employers need to pay less in order to keep their prices down to be competitive in that market....

stupid liberals would be smart to stop listening to BO and the Dimwits who are not helping them by allowing all those illegal unskilled workers to cross our borders......unskilled illegals flood the unskilled market jobs......closing the borders would mean there would be less competition and thus more DEMAND for unskilled jobs and so their wages would increase.....
This is true. Illegal immigration has contributed greatly to our economic problems and has significantly reduced the standard of living (and purchasing power) of the lower and lower-middle classes.

Obama's support of illegal immigrants serves the interests of the emerging corporatocracy by providing a slave labor class. Because illegal immigrants are exactly that -- de facto slaves who live on day-by-day plantations. They put lower class American citizens out of work and onto welfare.
McDonalds has indeed been FORCED to make several ridiculous menu changes through pressure and lawsuits from idiots on the left. It wasn't that long ago that toys in happy meals were banned because they put undo pressure on children to make poor food choices. Those toys in many states have now been replaced with apple slices and such. Then you have liberal policies in other states banning salt in food preparation. And still others that ban large drinks.

No pressure my ass
It seems that many people don't understand the value of hard work and having the ambition to want to make your life better.

Wanting it and striving for it through fortitude and determination are two different things. You are what you make of yourself.

Funny thing is most fast food chains around me ALREADY pay more than minimum wage. Not because some arbitrary value was set 9n flipping burgers but because thats what the FREE MARKET through competition determined.
"crap wages" are NOT "crap" to the guy who takes the job.....otherwise why would he take the job...?

Oh, so your position is that everyone in low paying jobs is there voluntarily because they prefer to be poor?

lol, you're retarded.

why would they be there "voluntarily" if they have the chops to get a better job....?

That's your position not mine.

Conservatives want a country filled with haves and have-nots and no one in between. We get it.

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