Obama Wants to Tax College Savings Accounts...


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
...revenue brought in from taxing gains in 529 plans would go toward expanding other higher education tax breaks, such as the [American Opportunity Tax Credit], which is available to families earning up to $180,000.
So it seems like the middle class makes out just fine in this deal.

Obama Wants to Tax College Savings Accounts (and It’s a Great Idea)

By Jordan Weissmann

President Obama's State of the Union tax plan is all about taking from the rich and giving to pretty much everybody else. But conservatives have stumbled on a piece of it they think the middle class will hate: The White House, you see, wants to increase taxes on 529 college-savings accounts. The anti-IRS fundamentalists at Americans for Tax Reform are crowing: "This middle class income tax increase is a clear violation of President Obama's 'firm pledge' against 'any form of tax increase' on any family making less than $250,000."

Strictly speaking, they are correct. Obama's proposal would hit some families that earn below the quarter-million-dollar mark. It's also still a great idea. Unless, that is, you're really determined to subsidize college tuition for families with six-figure incomes so they can send their kids to Amherst or Brown.

First a little background: 529 college savings plans are tax-deferred accounts in which parents can stow away up to $14,000 per year for their child's education (any more, and they have to worry about the gift tax). Unlike a 401(k) retirement plan, families can only save post-tax dollars in them. But once the money is in the account, it can be invested in stock or bond funds, and grow tax-free. Then, when Mom and Dad withdraw their cash to pay for Junior's school, the gains aren't taxed.

Obama wants to change that slightly. Under his proposal, investments could still grow tax-free. But when families retrieve their money, the gains will be taxed as ordinary income.

As the Wall Street Journal notes, this is how 529 plans worked in the 1990s,
until the Bush tax cuts made them even more generous.

So, yes, Obama wants to tax college savers. But, by and large, they're wealthy college savers. When the Government Accountability Office looked at 529 plans and their less popular cousins, Coverdell accounts, it found that 47 percent of families that had them earned more than $150,000 per year. (Depending on who's measuring, that puts them in at least the top 10 percent of U.S. households.) By comparison, it noted, the median income of families with a student in college is $47,747.


I don't know about you, but I generally don't think that our higher education policy should be geared toward helping families that earned $150,000 or more send their kid to the most expensive possible school. Meanwhile, the White House says that revenue brought in from taxing gains in 529 plans would go toward expanding other higher education tax breaks, such as the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which is available to families earning up to $180,000. So it seems like the middle class makes out just fine in this deal.


Let's tax people's efforts to pay for their kids' college, so that the government can pay for someone else to go to college. This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Let's tax people's efforts to pay for their kids' college, so that the government can pay for someone else to go to college. This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I can see why you would say that. With the logic you have put on display the past couple days, I can really see why you would say that. Lots of your posts make absolutely no sense what so ever.
This is no surprise. Of course you tax the RESPONSIBLE individuals to pay for the benefits of the lazy, worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen. Isn't that always the way with Obama and the Leftists?
Let's tax people's efforts to pay for their kids' college, so that the government can pay for someone else to go to college. This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I can see why you would say that. With the logic you have put on display the past couple days, I can really see why you would say that. Lots of your posts make absolutely no sense what so ever.
Makes more sense than a stupid libtards.
I can see why you would say that. With the logic you have put on display the past couple days, I can really see why you would say that. Lots of your posts make absolutely no sense what so ever.

Translation: You've got nothing.
You have to be kidding me OP, this is the same president that wants free community college? The same president who wants to help the middle class? The same democrat party who cares for the poor and then vise president Al Gore cast the tie breaker vote in the senate to tax social security and Billy Clinton signs it into law?

Democrats suck and such liers
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...revenue brought in from taxing gains in 529 plans would go toward expanding other higher education tax breaks, such as the [American Opportunity Tax Credit], which is available to families earning up to $180,000.
So it seems like the middle class makes out just fine in this deal.

Obama Wants to Tax College Savings Accounts (and It’s a Great Idea)

By Jordan Weissmann

President Obama's State of the Union tax plan is all about taking from the rich and giving to pretty much everybody else. But conservatives have stumbled on a piece of it they think the middle class will hate: The White House, you see, wants to increase taxes on 529 college-savings accounts. The anti-IRS fundamentalists at Americans for Tax Reform are crowing: "This middle class income tax increase is a clear violation of President Obama's 'firm pledge' against 'any form of tax increase' on any family making less than $250,000."

Strictly speaking, they are correct. Obama's proposal would hit some families that earn below the quarter-million-dollar mark. It's also still a great idea. Unless, that is, you're really determined to subsidize college tuition for families with six-figure incomes so they can send their kids to Amherst or Brown.

First a little background: 529 college savings plans are tax-deferred accounts in which parents can stow away up to $14,000 per year for their child's education (any more, and they have to worry about the gift tax). Unlike a 401(k) retirement plan, families can only save post-tax dollars in them. But once the money is in the account, it can be invested in stock or bond funds, and grow tax-free. Then, when Mom and Dad withdraw their cash to pay for Junior's school, the gains aren't taxed.

Obama wants to change that slightly. Under his proposal, investments could still grow tax-free. But when families retrieve their money, the gains will be taxed as ordinary income.

As the Wall Street Journal notes, this is how 529 plans worked in the 1990s,
until the Bush tax cuts made them even more generous.

So, yes, Obama wants to tax college savers. But, by and large, they're wealthy college savers. When the Government Accountability Office looked at 529 plans and their less popular cousins, Coverdell accounts, it found that 47 percent of families that had them earned more than $150,000 per year. (Depending on who's measuring, that puts them in at least the top 10 percent of U.S. households.) By comparison, it noted, the median income of families with a student in college is $47,747.


I don't know about you, but I generally don't think that our higher education policy should be geared toward helping families that earned $150,000 or more send their kid to the most expensive possible school. Meanwhile, the White House says that revenue brought in from taxing gains in 529 plans would go toward expanding other higher education tax breaks, such as the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which is available to families earning up to $180,000. So it seems like the middle class makes out just fine in this deal.


So basically the money becomes double taxed, and thus the accounts are pretty much meaningless for anyone with an income over $180,000.

What will happen is rich people will find other ways to save, and as usual, progressives will see a net loss of revenue instead of a gain, just because of their usual "fuck the well off"

And in places like NYC $180k in income for a family puts you in upper middle class, not lower upper class. Once we get married our combined income will be over that by a smidge, and I am in no way a member of the hoi poli.
Democrats suck and such liers

Are Your Social Security Benefits Taxable?
IRS Tax Tip 2011-26, February 07, 2011

The Social Security benefits you received in 2010 may be taxable. You should receive a Form SSA-1099 which will show the total amount of your benefits. The information provided on this statement along with the following seven facts from the IRS will help you determine whether or not your benefits are taxable.

  1. How much – if any – of your Social Security benefits are taxable depends on your total income and marital status.
  2. Generally, if Social Security benefits were your only income for 2010, your benefits are not taxable and you probably do not need to file a federal income tax return.
  3. If you received income from other sources, your benefits will not be taxed unless your modified adjusted gross income is more than the base amount for your filing status.
  4. Your taxable benefits and modified adjusted gross income are figured on a worksheet in the Form 1040A or Form 1040 Instruction booklet.
  5. You can do the following quick computation to determine whether some of your benefits may be taxable:
    • First, add one-half of the total Social Security benefits you received to all your other income, including any tax exempt interest and other exclusions from income.

    • Then, compare this total to the base amount for your filing status. If the total is more than your base amount, some of your benefits may be taxable.

You really have to work on becoming more educated bear. Maybe one of Obama's education programs could help YOU.
No shit it's boneheaded to tax anything people will invest in , they will just invest less, just like raising tobacco, people started rolling their own out of pipe tobacco , democrats didn't save lives and tax revenue went down

Democrats are idiots
Sure I have something. I have an opinion about your logic based on what I have seen you post. Is that pretty hard for you to understand?

Oh please, talk to me about my logic. Enumerate my fallacies. Identify them by name. This should be good. I assure you, I know more about logic than you, or most people on this board.
Once we get married our combined income will be over that by a smidge, and I am in no way a member of the hoi poli.

Nah dude. You a member of the selfish and greedy. Pulling down 15k a month gross. And worried about whether you can make it or not.

You don't have an income problem sounds like. You may have a spending problem if you are worried about the little bit of tax proposed.
I see The ignorant zeke can not refute my claim that Al Gore casted The deciding vote to tax social security and Billy signed it, what a moron
I think they should make it illegal for politicians for buy votes with taxpayer's money.

So? I think it should be illegal for lobbyists to buy politicians votes with anyone's money. What is your point?
I see The ignorant zeke can not refute my claim that Al Gore casted The deciding vote to tax social security and Billy signed it, what a moron

You stupid fuck. There is nothing to contest. It happened. I just gave you the guidelines as to what has to happen for SSI to be taxed.

Wouldn't your reading skills let you read and comprehend what was written? You might understand that it is the higher income people who MAY have to pay tax on a portion of that SS income.

But I know; OMG we can't tax the higher earners more. I might be one someday. LMAO.

Hey cast(ed) ain't a word. Dip shit.
Once we get married our combined income will be over that by a smidge, and I am in no way a member of the hoi poli.

Nah dude. You a member of the selfish and greedy. Pulling down 15k a month gross. And worried about whether you can make it or not.

You don't have an income problem sounds like. You may have a spending problem if you are worried about the little bit of tax proposed.
I don't see where he is saying he is concerned about being able to make it.
He simply stated the truth....earning 180K in the NYC area is by no means an upper class income.
I do not live far from NYC...

Before I paid off my house, I had a mortgage + Real estate tax + homeowners insurance of 3500 a month....I had 2 boys in school at a cost of about 20,000 a year...about 1800 a month; my car payments cost 800 between the two leases; My electricity is about 400 a month. my oil is about 300 a month (more in the winter and less in the summer, so 300 is the average); phone bill and cable is another 300 a month; commuting costs is another 300 a month; auto insurance is another 400 a month;
Last year, my total tax liability between state and federal was approximately 45% of my AGI.....about 35% of my household gross.....
So, assuming the 180K (the number you made a comment about)....take home was about 117K...or about 9750 a month
So...income 9750 less about 7800 in basic expenses.....leaves a household about 2000 a month for everyday expenses.....
That is about 467 a week (based on a 30 day month)
That 467 has to pay for food, cleaners, gas, and other daily incidentals....

I think you were out of line to say that he is greedy for being concerned about some of that 467 may be taken away from him to pay for someone else.
You get upset easy stupid fuck, again remind me again why I should learn how to spell and use proper grammar?

My back yard


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