Obama wants to turn our interstates into toll roads

Yeah, obie knows how to make shit happen.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O55aRrvXtio]Obama: Shovel-Ready Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected - YouTube[/ame]
In this case we're taxing the people who use what was built. Makes sense right?

No, it forcing people to pay over and over for what they already paid for. It's not our problem the feds can't manage money, well I guess they are trying to make it our problem aren't they?

Aside from your conventional wisdom, I don't see much proof that the Highway Trust Fund is mismanaged. It's underfunded, and there used to be bipartisan agreement. The Randians appear to prefer toll roads. Obama may simply be acknowledging he can't get more funding for needed interstate construction and maintenance without "bowing" to the tea party

The highway trust fund was set up to build and maintain the federal highway system, and it receives adequate revenue via fuel taxes and truck taxes to do that. However, those funds are now building subways, rail systems, and bicycle paths, while our highway bridges are falling down.
This is going nowhere. We all saw how this moron screwed up healthcare. He can't do anything right and everybody knows it.

Obama Proposes Tolls on Interstates Across Nation

30 Apr 2014 1012
As with many federal accounts, the Highway Trust Fund is running on empty. Refilled with the 18.4-cent per gallon gas tax and disbursed by politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, the federal highway fund faces a $63 billion shortfall through 2018.

A shortage of funds tends to concentrate the mind—which is why the White House just proposed lifting an old federal restriction against tolling on 46,000 miles of interstate roads. This would allow states to collect tolls on federal interstates for the purpose of funding repairs and expansion.

What commuters and taxpayers may think of adding tolls on top of taxes is another story however—one that takes a back seat to the powerful interests now speaking to our representatives in Washington.

Of course, we’ve seen this rodeo before: government gets bigger, borrows and spends more tax money, and then, when funds get squeezed, politicians seek ways to increase taxes, fees, or tolls for things large numbers of voters actually use or want, such as safe streets or free-flowing roads. Meanwhile, general revenue that once paid for critical items gets shifted to growing the welfare state and swelling bureaucratic power

Obama is from Chicago. Practically everywhere you drive in that city there is a toll booth. You can't fart there without a toll collector wanting $1.50.
We should get rid of the federal gas tax and make all interstates toll roads.

That way the people who drive on them the most pay for their upkeep that is if the revenue will ever actually be spent on roads. We sure as hell aren't spending the billions collected every year in federal gas taxes on our roads are we?

:lol: :lol: :lol::laugh2:
The guy spends more money on vacations and golfing trips and get out of town when things get rough than all the cars on all the interstates at a buck a pop in ten years but he has a need to control traffic, promote illegal surveillance on citizens and use federal agencies to make life miserable for the middle class.
This is going nowhere. We all saw how this moron screwed up healthcare. He can't do anything right and everybody knows it.

Obama Proposes Tolls on Interstates Across Nation

30 Apr 2014 1012
As with many federal accounts, the Highway Trust Fund is running on empty. Refilled with the 18.4-cent per gallon gas tax and disbursed by politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, the federal highway fund faces a $63 billion shortfall through 2018.

A shortage of funds tends to concentrate the mind—which is why the White House just proposed lifting an old federal restriction against tolling on 46,000 miles of interstate roads. This would allow states to collect tolls on federal interstates for the purpose of funding repairs and expansion.

What commuters and taxpayers may think of adding tolls on top of taxes is another story however—one that takes a back seat to the powerful interests now speaking to our representatives in Washington.

Of course, we’ve seen this rodeo before: government gets bigger, borrows and spends more tax money, and then, when funds get squeezed, politicians seek ways to increase taxes, fees, or tolls for things large numbers of voters actually use or want, such as safe streets or free-flowing roads. Meanwhile, general revenue that once paid for critical items gets shifted to growing the welfare state and swelling bureaucratic power

Nope, In NC it is the republicans who are controlled by both houses an the governorship to change roads into toll roads an put devices on cars to charge tax by the mile driven

NC drivers could be charged by the mile; NCDOT hears proposal | MyFOX8.com
The past money collected, that was supposed to be for fixing roads, didn't go where it should have. If they do this, the politicians will just take the money and spend it elsewhere.

A lot of people around here use Interstate 80 to get to work every day. It's the quickest way for some who live in small towns and have no choice but to commute long distances to keep a good job. It'll hurt the little guys if they do this.

The spendaholics are constantly looking for ways to get their filthy hands on our money. That is all this is about.

Libs don't think people are taxed enough.
Because they aren't. If they were we'd be paying our bills without borrowing right now.

Congrats, you won the "stoopid post of the day" award.

What is to stop Congress from spending more money and creating more entitlement programs? If they do, then we need to pay even more. What happens when they tax you 100% and still can't pay the bills? We are taxed more than enough......well the 53% of us who actually pay federal taxes. The government needs to do like we do and live within their budget.......if the Senate would actually pass one.
really? the old roads are paid for. so, no, not same principle, not even remotely close.

you really don't understand the issue here, at all.

You are wrong, and you don't understand.

such a well reasoned response. way to make your points and counter mine. i'm right, you're wrong because i say so argument....:lol:

That's how you argue, Yurt, and you don't understand.
Obama wants to turn our interstates into toll roads
This is how the cons do evil shit, and blame others. It's the GOP's refusal to fix roads and bridges that is making STATES want to turn highways into toll roads. Obama has nothing to do with it.

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