Obama wants to turn our interstates into toll roads

That's why I don't have one, but then I don't need one because I avoid toll roads even if they would take less time, I just allow the time I need. IN Houston they sold the people on bonds for a toll road saying once the road was paid for the tolls would end. Well the roads have been paid for four fold and the tolls keep going, their using the money to build more toll roads, where the tolls will also be permanent.
I find that my time is worth more than dealing with traffic, and use them almost every time they are an option.

For me it's a matter of principle, I won't reward lying, thieving politicians. They can get their money from other idiots.
My principle in this case is capitalism. I get paid by the hour and sitting in traffic usually ends up on my bill, not the clients.
Pay to play boys. We need to bring in the cash one way or another.

I think it is a good idea. It is small change for the average driver and will bring in millions and millions of dollars. Americans are so used to no restrictions on driving their cars, more so than any other nation on earth. Americans have been spoiled for so long; now the reality the rest of the world experiences is setting in. For one thing, you buy the biggest cars, the most gas guzzling cars in the world, and then complain about the price of gas. You have 2, 3, 4 or more cars to a family and then complain about the cost of gas. It is mind boggling. I think these tolls could be imposed as a temporary measure until the economy is back on its feet. Then they would be removed.

I bet you believe in the easter bunny also, name one revenue source the feds have given up voluntarily.
Tariffs mostly, when we switched to income taxes.
Well, just how do all these semi-trailers benefit me? (-;

Everything you have has been in one of them, you're not really as stupid as you're acting, at least I hope not.

you couldn't read sarcasm if it was tattooed on your eyelid. and that ain't sarcasm, bud.

There are allot of low information people that actually believe that shit, they think shit just magically appears at the store.
Pay to play boys. We need to bring in the cash one way or another.

I think it is a good idea. It is small change for the average driver and will bring in millions and millions of dollars. Americans are so used to no restrictions on driving their cars, more so than any other nation on earth. Americans have been spoiled for so long; now the reality the rest of the world experiences is setting in. For one thing, you buy the biggest cars, the most gas guzzling cars in the world, and then complain about the price of gas. You have 2, 3, 4 or more cars to a family and then complain about the cost of gas. It is mind boggling. I think these tolls could be imposed as a temporary measure until the economy is back on its feet. Then they would be removed.

I bet you believe in the easter bunny also, name one revenue source the feds have given up voluntarily.

I remember when I was a kid. I lived in Portland, Oregon. They built a bridge between Portland and Vancouver, Washington. There was toll to go across the bridge, both ways I think, to pay for the bridge. Once the bridge was paid for, the toll ended. It never returned to this day. Was it the federal government, no, but that doesn't mean they never have or never would do the same kind of thing. Can you prove your claim that the federal government has never rescinded a tax on anything anywhere? I doubt it. It's just your hyperbole.
I think it is a good idea. It is small change for the average driver and will bring in millions and millions of dollars. Americans are so used to no restrictions on driving their cars, more so than any other nation on earth. Americans have been spoiled for so long; now the reality the rest of the world experiences is setting in. For one thing, you buy the biggest cars, the most gas guzzling cars in the world, and then complain about the price of gas. You have 2, 3, 4 or more cars to a family and then complain about the cost of gas. It is mind boggling. I think these tolls could be imposed as a temporary measure until the economy is back on its feet. Then they would be removed.

I bet you believe in the easter bunny also, name one revenue source the feds have given up voluntarily.

I remember when I was a kid. I lived in Portland, Oregon. They built a bridge between Portland and Vancouver, Washington. There was toll to go across the bridge, both ways I think, to pay for the bridge. Once the bridge was paid for, the toll ended. It never returned to this day. Was it the federal government, no, but that doesn't mean they never have or never would do the same kind of thing. Can you prove your claim that the federal government has never rescinded a tax on anything anywhere? I doubt it. It's just your hyperbole.

I doubt he can, but imo that's irrelevant. A brief history of the gas tax is illustrative. I put in links earlier on the thread, but essentially back under BushI and Slick, when gas was relatively cheap, the tax was hiked, but parts of the increases were tied to general deficit reduction as parts of the balanced budget laws. However, when deficits declined, instead of reducing the tax, the amount going to the trust fund just increased.

That wasn't "waste." Construction costs went up, and we needed more highway because we had more traffic. And, congress didn't want to face voter wrath.

The problem now is there's been no new revenue to even keep pace with construction costs for ten years or more. The tea party will remove any goper who votes for more gas tax, no matter whether it's a good deal or not. So, congress can never pass a tax to even keep pace with inflation.

Obama proposes letting individual states propose tolls to construct stuff within their state. It may be an easier sell when a person is in gridlock, and the tea party may have a tougher time removing pols when people support a program.
What does the Right, who is set against taxes, propose we do about our crumbling infrastructure?

Forget the right. Right-minded people say stop the waste. Stop the green scam, extract fuel resources and watch the economy boom. That will generate a greater tax base without having to increase or add any new taxes. But that, of course, is a math thing, something that flies over the heads of lefties.
I think it is a good idea. It is small change for the average driver and will bring in millions and millions of dollars. Americans are so used to no restrictions on driving their cars, more so than any other nation on earth. Americans have been spoiled for so long; now the reality the rest of the world experiences is setting in. For one thing, you buy the biggest cars, the most gas guzzling cars in the world, and then complain about the price of gas. You have 2, 3, 4 or more cars to a family and then complain about the cost of gas. It is mind boggling. I think these tolls could be imposed as a temporary measure until the economy is back on its feet. Then they would be removed.

I bet you believe in the easter bunny also, name one revenue source the feds have given up voluntarily.
Tariffs mostly, when we switched to income taxes.

So they didn't give up the revenue, they just renamed it and got more of it.
I think it is a good idea. It is small change for the average driver and will bring in millions and millions of dollars. Americans are so used to no restrictions on driving their cars, more so than any other nation on earth. Americans have been spoiled for so long; now the reality the rest of the world experiences is setting in. For one thing, you buy the biggest cars, the most gas guzzling cars in the world, and then complain about the price of gas. You have 2, 3, 4 or more cars to a family and then complain about the cost of gas. It is mind boggling. I think these tolls could be imposed as a temporary measure until the economy is back on its feet. Then they would be removed.

I bet you believe in the easter bunny also, name one revenue source the feds have given up voluntarily.

I remember when I was a kid. I lived in Portland, Oregon. They built a bridge between Portland and Vancouver, Washington. There was toll to go across the bridge, both ways I think, to pay for the bridge. Once the bridge was paid for, the toll ended. It never returned to this day. Was it the federal government, no, but that doesn't mean they never have or never would do the same kind of thing. Can you prove your claim that the federal government has never rescinded a tax on anything anywhere? I doubt it. It's just your hyperbole.

Only one I can remember is the communications tax to pay for the Spanish-American war, the only reason it was stopped was a case won before SCOTUS, it wasn't voluntary. The feds are good at revenue shifting but considering spending and revenues keep rising they're not giving up anything.
What you call truth in this case is a flat-out lie. No one can help you with that, not even me.

Really? The SCOTUS says the ACA is a tax. It comes from your pocket to the government's pocket. Well, in your case, nothing may be coming from your pocket. For those of us that are productive tax paying citizens who support you, it does. You can't build utopia without digging into someone else's pocket.
The court said it was a tax, a stretch, and what it is is an expansion of health care for Americans, but it's not the right solution, which is what other Western nations have, Universal Single-Payer and whatever you can afford after that.

And you don't want my tax bills. Every year I have to write a check. That's pretty normal for business owners and Liberals do own businesses my little friend.

How is your pot "pharmacy" venture going?
Really? The SCOTUS says the ACA is a tax. It comes from your pocket to the government's pocket. Well, in your case, nothing may be coming from your pocket. For those of us that are productive tax paying citizens who support you, it does. You can't build utopia without digging into someone else's pocket.
The court said it was a tax, a stretch, and what it is is an expansion of health care for Americans, but it's not the right solution, which is what other Western nations have, Universal Single-Payer and whatever you can afford after that.

And you don't want my tax bills. Every year I have to write a check. That's pretty normal for business owners and Liberals do own businesses my little friend.

How is your pot "pharmacy" venture going?
Boy would I love to have one of those but it's not legal here, yet. The right to print money that would be.

something has to pay for infrastructure and the rightwingnuts keep cutting discretionary spending.

Excuse me but how many billions of dollars are collected in federal and state gas, diesel, aviation fuel, excise mileage taxes and tolls annually?

Hint it's close to 100 billion.

If that money was actually spent on infrastructure every single year do you think we'd have an issue with our roads?


Hell no.

So tell me is it only republicans that are guilty of this malfeasance?


Hell No.

Why bother with the facts with Jillian. She has relegated herself as the drive by troll.
You would think with the education she has that she would understand where the federal gas taxes were to be spent.

Having said that, this is no more than the politicians wanting more fees/taxes/"tolls" from the everyday hardworking Americans that's giving more than their share to the bumbling keystone cops we have elected in DC.
If it wasn't so expensive this would be hilarious
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and once again our resident self titled republican defends obama and bashes republicans. you can't even stay on the thread topic, yet you constantly whine about others not being on topic.

why do you approve obama's plan?

You can't think straight.

The GOP is for the same thing as well. I think it is a good idea. I think the far right proposals to demonize government is stupid and won't work.
Bottom line, Jake is that if the federal taxes from gas sales were used where intended there would be no need to rape the Americans any further.
something has to pay for infrastructure and the rightwingnuts keep cutting discretionary spending.

Excuse me but how many billions of dollars are collected in federal and state gas, diesel, aviation fuel, excise mileage taxes and tolls annually?

Hint it's close to 100 billion.

If that money was actually spent on infrastructure every single year do you think we'd have an issue with our roads?


Hell no.

So tell me is it only republicans that are guilty of this malfeasance?


Hell No.

Why bother with the facts with Jillian. She has relegated herself as the drive by troll.
You would think with the education she has that she would understand where the federal gas taxes were to be spent.

Having said that, this is no more than the politicians wanting more fees/taxes/"tolls" from the everyday hardworking Americans that's giving more than their share to the bumbling keystone cops we have elected in DC.
If it wasn't so expensive this would be hilarious

and heaven help you if you refuse to pay....per the leftist goon crowd, that is terrorism and you will be droned!

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