Obama wants to turn our interstates into toll roads

They want to restrict and monitor who is moving back and forth. This is what communism looks like. Get used to it.

yep, thats why they love easypass too. you're every move is recorded.

That's why I don't have one, but then I don't need one because I avoid toll roads even if they would take less time, I just allow the time I need. IN Houston they sold the people on bonds for a toll road saying once the road was paid for the tolls would end. Well the roads have been paid for four fold and the tolls keep going, their using the money to build more toll roads, where the tolls will also be permanent.
God you people believe in some total nonsense, like that.

Well, for us realists, the truth is kind of hard to ignore. Low information ignorance must be bliss for you guys.
What you call truth in this case is a flat-out lie. No one can help you with that, not even me.

Really? The SCOTUS says the ACA is a tax. It comes from your pocket to the government's pocket. Well, in your case, nothing may be coming from your pocket. For those of us that are productive tax paying citizens who support you, it does. You can't build utopia without digging into someone else's pocket.
In this case we're taxing the people who use what was built. Makes sense right?

No, it forcing people to pay over and over for what they already paid for. It's not our problem the feds can't manage money, well I guess they are trying to make it our problem aren't they?

Aside from your conventional wisdom, I don't see much proof that the Highway Trust Fund is mismanaged. It's underfunded, and there used to be bipartisan agreement. The Randians appear to prefer toll roads. Obama may simply be acknowledging he can't get more funding for needed interstate construction and maintenance without "bowing" to the tea party

It's the largest single source for pork barrel projects there is. How do we get bridges to no where if it's not being mismanaged?
They want to restrict and monitor who is moving back and forth. This is what communism looks like. Get used to it.

yep, thats why they love easypass too. you're every move is recorded.

That's why I don't have one, but then I don't need one because I avoid toll roads even if they would take less time, I just allow the time I need. IN Houston they sold the people on bonds for a toll road saying once the road was paid for the tolls would end. Well the roads have been paid for four fold and the tolls keep going, their using the money to build more toll roads, where the tolls will also be permanent.
I find that my time is worth more than dealing with traffic, and use them almost every time they are an option.
They want to restrict and monitor who is moving back and forth. This is what communism looks like. Get used to it.

yep, thats why they love easypass too. you're every move is recorded.

That's why I don't have one, but then I don't need one because I avoid toll roads even if they would take less time, I just allow the time I need. IN Houston they sold the people on bonds for a toll road saying once the road was paid for the tolls would end. Well the roads have been paid for four fold and the tolls keep going, their using the money to build more toll roads, where the tolls will also be permanent.

Finally, a rational reason to oppose this. And, I'd like to agree. But the tax hasn't even increased for inflation for something like 25 years; the roads are falling apart, not to mention keeping up with additional traffic, and the Trust Funds empty. And, it's impossible to get congress (either party) to raise it. So, I don't see the option.
Well, for us realists, the truth is kind of hard to ignore. Low information ignorance must be bliss for you guys.
What you call truth in this case is a flat-out lie. No one can help you with that, not even me.

Really? The SCOTUS says the ACA is a tax. It comes from your pocket to the government's pocket. Well, in your case, nothing may be coming from your pocket. For those of us that are productive tax paying citizens who support you, it does. You can't build utopia without digging into someone else's pocket.
The court said it was a tax, a stretch, and what it is is an expansion of health care for Americans, but it's not the right solution, which is what other Western nations have, Universal Single-Payer and whatever you can afford after that.

And you don't want my tax bills. Every year I have to write a check. That's pretty normal for business owners and Liberals do own businesses my little friend.
When they waste this money on top of the gas tax money they've wasted they'll concoct a mileage tax. After they waste that they'll apply a time on the road tax, etc.
It never stops unless it's stopped!
When they waste this money on top of the gas tax money they've wasted they'll concoct a mileage tax. After they waste that they'll apply a time on the road tax, etc.
It never stops unless it's stopped!
Death and taxes. Good luck stopping either of those.
When they waste this money on top of the gas tax money they've wasted they'll concoct a mileage tax. After they waste that they'll apply a time on the road tax, etc.
It never stops unless it's stopped!
Death and taxes. Good luck stopping either of those.

Well, the fear of pissing off voters with any hike it the gas tax to even keep pace with inflation in construction costs has pretty well emasculated pols in both parties to no maintain the tax.
It's not *responsible* to throw your money at every scam that comes along.

That's correct, but maintaining the infrastructure of the country is no scam, it's required and good for business.

Why should we pay for Walmart or Krogers to bring us food to buy? (-:

You have no clue what they pay to put those trucks on the roads and I'm not talking about the equipment cost. Just taxes and regulatory cost are huge, plus the taxes on diesel is three times that of gas.
That's correct, but maintaining the infrastructure of the country is no scam, it's required and good for business.

Why should we pay for Walmart or Krogers to bring us food to buy? (-:

You have no clue what they pay to put those trucks on the roads and I'm not talking about the equipment cost. Just taxes and regulatory cost are huge, plus the taxes on diesel is three times that of gas.

When a poster puts "(-:" at the end of a post it denotes sarcasm.
Pay to play boys. We need to bring in the cash one way or another.

I think it is a good idea. It is small change for the average driver and will bring in millions and millions of dollars. Americans are so used to no restrictions on driving their cars, more so than any other nation on earth. Americans have been spoiled for so long; now the reality the rest of the world experiences is setting in. For one thing, you buy the biggest cars, the most gas guzzling cars in the world, and then complain about the price of gas. You have 2, 3, 4 or more cars to a family and then complain about the cost of gas. It is mind boggling. I think these tolls could be imposed as a temporary measure until the economy is back on its feet. Then they would be removed.

I bet you believe in the easter bunny also, name one revenue source the feds have given up voluntarily.
yep, thats why they love easypass too. you're every move is recorded.

That's why I don't have one, but then I don't need one because I avoid toll roads even if they would take less time, I just allow the time I need. IN Houston they sold the people on bonds for a toll road saying once the road was paid for the tolls would end. Well the roads have been paid for four fold and the tolls keep going, their using the money to build more toll roads, where the tolls will also be permanent.
I find that my time is worth more than dealing with traffic, and use them almost every time they are an option.

For me it's a matter of principle, I won't reward lying, thieving politicians. They can get their money from other idiots.
Why should we pay for Walmart or Krogers to bring us food to buy? (-:

You have no clue what they pay to put those trucks on the roads and I'm not talking about the equipment cost. Just taxes and regulatory cost are huge, plus the taxes on diesel is three times that of gas.

When a poster puts "(-:" at the end of a post it denotes sarcasm.

I see. Good to know. I thought maybe he was just happy today...
yep, thats why they love easypass too. you're every move is recorded.

That's why I don't have one, but then I don't need one because I avoid toll roads even if they would take less time, I just allow the time I need. IN Houston they sold the people on bonds for a toll road saying once the road was paid for the tolls would end. Well the roads have been paid for four fold and the tolls keep going, their using the money to build more toll roads, where the tolls will also be permanent.

Finally, a rational reason to oppose this. And, I'd like to agree. But the tax hasn't even increased for inflation for something like 25 years; the roads are falling apart, not to mention keeping up with additional traffic, and the Trust Funds empty. And, it's impossible to get congress (either party) to raise it. So, I don't see the option.

The tax may not have risen, but the tolls damn sure have.

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