Obama wants to turn our interstates into toll roads

The far right proves itself time and again unable to govern for the people, only for themseves and their friends.

I agree the toll idea is really bipartisan in that the gop should be able to support it. Whether Boehner could even get it up for a vote with his clown kauckus is another question.

But, really, the dem base wouldn't be for an increase in the gas tax. And really, it is a regressive tax.
The far right proves itself time and again unable to govern for the people, only for themseves and their friends.

This is EXACTLY what dems said about blacks during the 60s.....and it's what they said about women at the beginning of the 20th century....

It's never anything except an excuse to remove or hold the right of governship from a people.
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Has absolutely nothing to do with the OP. Want to try stay on topic which is tolling the interstate system?

Absolutely on topic, hypocrite. We are talking about toll roads and highways being administered by government.

Oh right, there is no difference, government is government, doesn't matter if it's city or federal. You're a fucking idiot.
The far right proves itself time and again unable to govern for the people, only for themseves and their friends.

I agree the toll idea is really bipartisan in that the gop should be able to support it. Whether Boehner could even get it up for a vote with his clown kauckus is another question.

But, really, the dem base wouldn't be for an increase in the gas tax. And really, it is a regressive tax.

True, gas tax is a regressive tax since the richer you are the less of your income you spend on gas. Toll roads wouldn't change that.

Proposals for toll roads and other methods of taxing based on miles and not gas consumption show again that for the left the environment is a canard, they care about government control. With gas taxes, efficient cars pay less tax. With mileage taxes, gas guzzlers pay no more tax. The left just love government controlling our lives, that's why they love these proposals. They also love taxing the same thing over and over. Gas tax is the most passive way to tax. Toll booths and other tax collection methods waste time and money.

and once again our resident self titled republican defends obama and bashes republicans. you can't even stay on the thread topic, yet you constantly whine about others not being on topic.

why do you approve obama's plan?

You can't think straight.

The GOP is for the same thing as well. I think it is a good idea. I think the far right proposals to demonize government is stupid and won't work.

no they are not. you obviously are confused as usual. they are for it at the STATE level for a NEW road. this is about reversing a law on CURRENT federal highways.

if you weren't such a dishonest tattle hack, i would feel sorry for you.
We should get rid of the federal gas tax and make all interstates toll roads.

That way the people who drive on them the most pay for their upkeep that is if the revenue will ever actually be spent on roads. We sure as hell aren't spending the billions collected every year in federal gas taxes on our roads are we?

And then every time you change highways you have to stop and pay? I'm not sure that's so desirable either. There needs to be a medium.
We should get rid of the federal gas tax and make all interstates toll roads.

That way the people who drive on them the most pay for their upkeep that is if the revenue will ever actually be spent on roads. We sure as hell aren't spending the billions collected every year in federal gas taxes on our roads are we?

And then every time you change highways you have to stop and pay? I'm not sure that's so desirable either. There needs to be a medium.
There's no need to stop. The charges will appear on your credit card.
The past money collected, that was supposed to be for fixing roads, didn't go where it should have. If they do this, the politicians will just take the money and spend it elsewhere.

A lot of people around here use Interstate 80 to get to work every day. It's the quickest way for some who live in small towns and have no choice but to commute long distances to keep a good job. It'll hurt the little guys if they do this.

The spendaholics are constantly looking for ways to get their filthy hands on our money. That is all this is about.

Libs don't think people are taxed enough.
The past money collected, that was supposed to be for fixing roads, didn't go where it should have. If they do this, the politicians will just take the money and spend it elsewhere.

A lot of people around here use Interstate 80 to get to work every day. It's the quickest way for some who live in small towns and have no choice but to commute long distances to keep a good job. It'll hurt the little guys if they do this.

The spendaholics are constantly looking for ways to get their filthy hands on our money. That is all this is about.

Libs don't think people are taxed enough.
Because they aren't. If they were we'd be paying our bills without borrowing right now.
Yeah, cuz everybody knows when you don't have enough to pay bills, you should spend more.
Treadmills for shrimp.
A harbor and airport for a town with 75 people and no roads.
Hawaii Chocolate Festival

On and on and on with the spending "circumstances".
The Obama Administration has already imposed new fuel-economy standards, and Americans have been driving more fuel-efficient cars not only to comply but also because they've had to learn to budget for it. So much for that plan. The regime will squeeze us again if they can.

The Democrats do say that they'd like us to get ahead, don't they?
The scumbags need more money to pay for their socialist system.

If you drive a car then you are assumed to be "rich" and must pay for living in this country so that shitbags in the ghetto without a car can get subsidized transportation.
The tax has not been raised since, I believe, 1993, and it has not been adjusted for inflation, and you use the roads and still BITCH like a little girl.
It's gone up by some four cents since then, has it not?

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