Obama wants to turn our interstates into toll roads

Nope, nothing of the kind. In this case it's Personal Responsibility.

Nope...only if and when Congress becomes 'responsible' with our money....

Again, SPECIFICALLY, how is the Highway Trust Fund NOT responsibly managed? And links, please.

first you link to what SPECIFICALLY happened to all the money from Obama's almost 1 fucking TRILLION Stimulus package which he said was for roads and bridges....
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Nope...only if and when Congress becomes 'responsible' with our money....

Again, SPECIFICALLY, how is the Highway Trust Fund NOT responsibly managed? And links, please.

first you link to what happened to all the money from Obama's almost 1 fucking TRILLION Stimulus package which he said was for roads and bridges....

Fail. That had nothing to do with the Trust Fund. Try again if you choose. A specific link would do nicely. And, I'm sure there's dissent over what's built. My state has highway commissioners fighting over whether to build a suburban interchange off an interstate right now. but that's a fight over allocating resources. Whehter the interchange is necessary is debateable. But if its built, it'll be built to well regulated spedifications, and at a competitive price.
You pay a tax on every gallon of gasoline and every kilowatt of power in electric vehicles. Then you will or will soon pay a per mile tax for every mile you drive. The only thing left is a toll on the roads. That is being taxed three times for every mile you drive. It still won't be enough, but it will give you an idea of how things are going.
The tax has not been raised since, I believe, 1993, and it has not been adjusted for inflation, and you use the roads and still BITCH like a little girl.
Again, SPECIFICALLY, how is the Highway Trust Fund NOT responsibly managed? And links, please.

first you link to what happened to all the money from Obama's almost 1 fucking TRILLION Stimulus package which he said was for roads and bridges....

Fail. That had nothing to do with the Trust Fund. Try again if you choose. A specific link would do nicely. And, I'm sure there's dissent over what's built. My state has highway commissioners fighting over whether to build a suburban interchange off an interstate right now. but that's a fight over allocating resources. Whehter the interchange is necessary is debateable. But if its built, it'll be built to well regulated spedifications, and at a competitive price.

so what you're saying is you don't care that American taxpayers already spent a TRILLION fucking bucks on Obama's plans for infrastructure but now we gotta pony up even MORE money because "that had nothing to do with the Trust Fund".....?

Why should we pay for Walmart or Krogers to bring us food to buy? (-:

You don't wish to help Job Creators?

Well, just how do all these semi-trailers benefit me? (-;

I assume that you eat? The people they employ spend the money they make. They buy gas and have to maintain the trucks, etc. The only downside is they tear up the roads, which is why we tax them, and everyone else who drives. You've got to spread that money around, and try to take in enough to pay the bills without killing the game in the process. It's all about balance.
Pay to play boys. We need to bring in the cash one way or another.

I think it is a good idea. It is small change for the average driver and will bring in millions and millions of dollars. Americans are so used to no restrictions on driving their cars, more so than any other nation on earth. Americans have been spoiled for so long; now the reality the rest of the world experiences is setting in. For one thing, you buy the biggest cars, the most gas guzzling cars in the world, and then complain about the price of gas. You have 2, 3, 4 or more cars to a family and then complain about the cost of gas. It is mind boggling. I think these tolls could be imposed as a temporary measure until the economy is back on its feet. Then they would be removed.
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SS needs to do a little research on the Interstate Hwhy Trust Fund, and congressional raids on it and underfunding and an inability to raise taxes.

In a sense, tolls might be equitable. With the cost of gas, a lot of us can't afford to drive out of our communities. Perhaps those who most utilize the interstates should bear more cost. Of course, if my kid didn't use Amtrack and planes to get to and from college, perhaps I'd sing a different tune.
Gas taxes were in theory the best way to prorate usage. You need gas to drive so those who drive the most have to buy the most gas and thereby pay the most tax for maintenance, etc. Tolls are just an added burden. Impeach is hack phony president creep, NOW!
I think it's ironic that the same faction that here is telling us we need more checkpoints...are saying we need to kill people in Nevada because they are ALLEGED to have set up checkpoints....
I think it's ironic that the same faction that here is telling us we need more checkpoints...are saying we need to kill people in Nevada because they are ALLEGED to have set up checkpoints....
Kill them? I would have thought they would have said keep them from turning it into the Wild West? That would make sense.
The man (and I use that term loosely) never met a fee or tax he didn't like. Prime example, the ACA. It wasn't about healthcare. It's about digging a little deeper into John Q Public's pocket.
God you people believe in some total nonsense, like that.

Well, for us realists, the truth is kind of hard to ignore. Low information ignorance must be bliss for you guys.
The man (and I use that term loosely) never met a fee or tax he didn't like. Prime example, the ACA. It wasn't about healthcare. It's about digging a little deeper into John Q Public's pocket.
God you people believe in some total nonsense, like that.

Well, for us realists, the truth is kind of hard to ignore. Low information ignorance must be bliss for you guys.
What you call truth in this case is a flat-out lie. No one can help you with that, not even me.
Yawn. Isn't today the first? Check your ebt card, your foodstamps are there. Time to go shopping, statist pig.

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