Obama was kept informed of the conversations by wire tap. No spin. No more BS libs

Look up the national security chain. The presidents daily brief goes to not only the president, but to the VP, Nat sec advisor, Sec of State, Sec of Def, Homeland Sec, chief of staff, the leaders of the house and senate, and about a dozen others the president selects to receive it. The chairman of the house and senate intelligence committees are probably included too.
You totally forgot about politics.

How so? The national secuirty chain says the top republicans were briefed on the Russian hackings.
Australian’s prime minister denies President Trump hung up on him

Turnbull: “Well let me just go on. As far as the call is concerned, I’m very disappointed that there has been a leak of purported details of the call in Washington. But I want to make one observation about it. The report that the president hung up is not correct. The call ended courteously and as far as the nature of the discussion, it was very frank and forthright. I stand up for Australia’s interests. I make Australia’s case as powerfully and persuasively as I can, wherever I am.”

Australias case would be undermined by the PM saying "That bloody Trump hung up on me." He knows to get anything from Trump you can't say anything bad about him. Had the PM confirmed the hangup, you could have expected Trump to go on an anti-australian tweet storm,.
Link to the FBI and intel investigations please.

So far we've only had congressional investigations made public. The rest you just pulled out of your ass. The FISA court applications were made before any investigation was conducted. Months before any accusations of colluding was published. Now the libs, are backtracking by saying if any wiretaps happened it was all on the Russians, which we all know is a bold-faced lie because they tapped communications inside the Oval Office with other foreign leaders.

Ever wonder why Obama insisted on keeping his Blackberry when he first took office??

Let's address those one by one.

The investigation is started, which is what supports the application for a FISA warrant.

If any Oval office calls were intercepted, it was from the FOREIGN end.

And Obama didn't keep his blackberry, the NSA created a special presidential blackberry which Obama used.
Link please.

I stated that Obama insisted on keeping his Blackberry when he first took office. Learn how to read.
There is absolutely no proof of collusion as stated by James Clapper.
There is absolutely no proof that the non-existent wiretapping happened only on the Russians. So which part is Obama lying about? He said there was no wiretapping going on. Now they say they only wiretapped the Russians which already know is a lie.

So who's lying?

It seems you swallow lies from Obama and assume only the worst of Trump.

Let me set the record straight, asshole. Obama tried to get an order from the FISA court to tap Trump's phones and was rejected last Summer. They reapplied in October but the scope was not to include Trump. They tapped Trump’s phones anyway, illegally.....after he took office no less. Then they leaked it to the press. How many crimes do you think they committed? This makes Watergate look like shoplifting in comparison.
Australian’s prime minister denies President Trump hung up on him

Turnbull: “Well let me just go on. As far as the call is concerned, I’m very disappointed that there has been a leak of purported details of the call in Washington. But I want to make one observation about it. The report that the president hung up is not correct. The call ended courteously and as far as the nature of the discussion, it was very frank and forthright. I stand up for Australia’s interests. I make Australia’s case as powerfully and persuasively as I can, wherever I am.”

Australias case would be undermined by the PM saying "That bloody Trump hung up on me." He knows to get anything from Trump you can't say anything bad about him. Had the PM confirmed the hangup, you could have expected Trump to go on an anti-australian tweet storm,.
That's just more puke. His own words mean nothing, what matters is your opinion.

So if Obama had to be informed of what another part of government was doing, it shows he didn't order it, and clears him completely.

Obama-haters really are the stupidest humans to ever walk the planet.

Yes .

First off, who are they tapping ? Some shady stock firm on the 4th floor?

The Don is claiming HE was the target BECAUSE he's running for prez . There's no proof of that .
Getting a FISA on all the communications going in and out from the Trump team is not exactly wire-tapping but is the equivalent.

When the going gets tough lefties resort to semantics and word spin, 24/7.

Obama ordered the Russian investigation to be done BEFORE he left office. He has "preserved that intelligence" according to numerous sources. So of course he knows, (he was the President at the time.)
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

He didn't turn it over to FBI director James Comey, who is also under investigation for his interference into this election, he's certainly not going to turn it over to Republicans who would have immediately squashed it.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Obama waits patiently for one of them to lie under oath, and then out pops another leak proving their lying. First Flynn, now Sessions. His intent to to get them all. When Democrats take over in 2018, it's over for Trump & company and frankly the entire Republican party, because they're not doing squat. So the campaign theme will be Treason, Obstruction & Cover up's.

Trump & Company have been wholly outsmarted by Barack Obama. That's why Trump is so paranoid right now. Trump has finally figured it out, it's Obama and there's not a dam thing he can do about it.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

So if Obama leaked this he committed numerous felonies.

No Obama hasn't committed a felony--Lying under oath is a felony. Obama hasn't lied. He was the President--Commander & Chief of this country, at the time in charge of National Security of this nation, & if he sees Trump & Company colluding with a foreign adversary, he's going to do what he has to to insure the integrity of this country.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election is TREASON. We consider cyber attacks on this country the 21st century ACT of WAR.

Trump is DONE already. Less than 2 months of being in office. No one trusts him, the joints chiefs of staff won't, intelligence agencies won't. The only thing he's got left is his tweety account and the normal phyco-babble interpreters that have surrounded him through-out this campaign.


When people are continually lying it's usually because they're trying to hide something.
So if Obama leaked this he committed numerous felonies.

So if Trump leaked that Obama was wiretaping Trumps phones in Trump tower, he committed numerous felonies? Right?
Lol. No he didn't asshole. Claiming you've been wiretapped isn’t a felony. And being president means you can declassify anything you want. Obama isn't president anymore, so he isn't authorized to declassify anything. So if he leaked classified information to the press he commited numerous felonies.
I stated that Obama insisted on keeping his Blackberry when he first took office. Learn how to read..

And I said Obama wasn't allowed to keep his blackberry. So what Obama wanted has nothing to do with anything.
Actually it does. He had reasons for not wanting anyone monitoring his communications.
So if Obama leaked this he committed numerous felonies.

So if Trump leaked that Obama was wiretaping Trumps phones in Trump tower, he committed numerous felonies? Right?
Lol. No he didn't asshole. Claiming you've been wiretapped isn’t a felony. And being president means you can declassify anything you want. Obama isn't president anymore, so he isn't authorized to declassify anything. So if he leaked classified information to the press he commited numerous felonies.

There is a process to declassify information... Trump can't just blurt out classified info on Twitter.
There is absolutely no proof that the non-existent wiretapping happened only on the Russians. So which part is Obama lying about? He said there was no wiretapping going on. Now they say they only wiretapped the Russians which already know is a lie..

We know the NSA was tapping the communications of everybody from Vladimir Putin to Angela Merkel, and all foreigners in between. When that came out, Obama told the NSA to stop tapping the communications of allied heads of state.
So if Obama had to be informed of what another part of government was doing, it shows he didn't order it, and clears him completely.

Obama-haters really are the stupidest humans to ever walk the planet.

Yes .

First off, who are they tapping ? Some shady stock firm on the 4th floor?

The Don is claiming HE was the target BECAUSE he's running for prez . There's no proof of that .
Getting a FISA on all the communications going in and out from the Trump team is not exactly wire-tapping but is the equivalent.

When the going gets tough lefties resort to semantics and word spin, 24/7.

Obama ordered the Russian investigation to be done BEFORE he left office. He has "preserved that intelligence" according to numerous sources. So of course he knows, (he was the President at the time.)
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

He didn't turn it over to FBI director James Comey, who is also under investigation for his interference into this election, he's certainly not going to turn it over to Republicans who would have immediately squashed it.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Obama waits patiently for one of them to lie under oath, and then out pops another leak proving their lying. First Flynn, now Sessions. His intent to to get them all. When Democrats take over in 2018, it's over for Trump & company and frankly the entire Republican party, because they're not doing squat. So the campaign theme will be Treason, Obstruction & Cover up's.

Trump & Company have been wholly outsmarted by Barack Obama. That's why Trump is so paranoid right now. Trump has finally figured it out, it's Obama and there's not a dam thing he can do about it.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

So if Obama leaked this he committed numerous felonies.

No Obama hasn't committed a felony--Lying under oath is a felony. Obama hasn't lied. He was the President--Commander & Chief of this country, at the time in charge of National Security of this nation, & if he sees Trump & Company colluding with a foreign adversary, he's going to do what he has to to insure the integrity of this country.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election is TREASON. We consider cyber attacks on this country the 21st century ACT of WAR.

Trump is DONE already. Less than 2 months of being in office. No one trusts him, the joints chiefs of staff won't, intelligence agencies won't. The only thing he's got left is his tweety account and the normal phyco-babble interpreters that have surrounded him through-out this campaign.


When people are continually lying it's usually because they're trying to hide something.

All true except no evidence has been found, so you basically wasted time posting this crapola.
There is absolutely no proof that the non-existent wiretapping happened only on the Russians. So which part is Obama lying about? He said there was no wiretapping going on. Now they say they only wiretapped the Russians which already know is a lie..

We know the NSA was tapping the communications of everybody from Vladimir Putin to Angela Merkel, and all foreigners in between. When that came out, Obama told the NSA to stop tapping the communications of allied heads of state.
How does that explain leaks to the press after obama left office?

Fact is it doesn't.
So if Obama leaked this he committed numerous felonies.

So if Trump leaked that Obama was wiretaping Trumps phones in Trump tower, he committed numerous felonies? Right?
Lol. No he didn't asshole. Claiming you've been wiretapped isn’t a felony. And being president means you can declassify anything you want. Obama isn't president anymore, so he isn't authorized to declassify anything. So if he leaked classified information to the press he commited numerous felonies.

There is a process to declassify information... Trump can't just blurt out classified info on Twitter.
Saying you've been bugged isn’t classified, dumbass. Talking about details of conversations with foreign leaders is.

I WAS extremely butt hurt! :eek:


For just a little over a month!!

Those feelings were thrown out with the bath water about a week before Christmas!!!

Yet here you are promoting absurdly insane conspiracy theories while claiming the President "doesn't know what the government has on him."

What you threw out with the bath water was your rationality.
Let me set the record straight, asshole. Obama tried to get an order from the FISA court to tap Trump's phones and was rejected last Summer.

That's "fake news" And how do I know. Because no FISA judge would accept a request to tap an American primary. Nor does a FISA judge have the authority to issue such a warrant.

The republican leaders in congress have oversight of what the FISA court does, so they would have know what the court was up to. Along with the actions of the judge handling the request.
That's just more puke. His own words mean nothing, what matters is your opinion.


Trump said more people came to DC to watch his inauguration, than ever before. That his inauguration had the biggest attendence in history. His words mean nothing?
Actually it does. He had reasons for not wanting anyone monitoring his communications.
Bush wanted to drive himself around, but wasn't allowed to do that either.

What kind of a red herring is Obama wanting to keep his blackberry, and being told he couldn't keep his blackberry. Obama also wanted to keep his daughters out of the news. Obama wanted a lot of things. What do any of those wants have to do with the current situation?

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