Obama was kept informed of the conversations by wire tap. No spin. No more BS libs

So if Obama had to be informed of what another part of government was doing, it shows he didn't order it, and clears him completely.

Obama-haters really are the stupidest humans to ever walk the planet.

Yes .

First off, who are they tapping ? Some shady stock firm on the 4th floor?

The Don is claiming HE was the target BECAUSE he's running for prez . There's no proof of that .

Funny. You libs screamed it was fake news and Trump was delusional and lying when he said he was being tapped.

Now you're saying "but, but. but, there's no proof he was the target!"

Um, if he wasn't the target, then he wasn't being tapped.

Sure, "he" wasn't the target, just a server he owned.
There's only two ways a citizen can be legally surveilled. Both require probable cause and a judicial order.
There had to be something compelling for it to be approved.
Key word, legally.

That's the way it's SUPPOSED to work, yes. There's no way anyone in power would EVER do ANYTHING to get around that restriction, right?
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
And that is why no wide ranging, substantive investigation into foreign entanglements in Congress will ever happen. If they can't keep everything narrowly focused on Trump, they won't start it. A truly independent prosecutor would find too much.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
It may well be that nothing has been found, but that was the process needed to determine if anything was there.

Unless Trump comes up with real evidence, his inference that this had something to do with the campaign is another lie. Only THIS lie is historic in context.

So far, all he has is Mark Levin, Breitbart, and his little tweet.
His supporters are all over these boards saying that he is right, offering proof, etc. I want him to just come out with the proof. If it has been in the NYT, this should be easy for him to do. Just show us the proof.
Each day that does by with no proof makes it less likely that any exists.
This is why so few are worried that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to fix the election.
He wasn't being tapped... how many fucking times do you have to be told this??? The people him and his people were talking to were being tapped. It's not the same thing... if Trump and his team wouldn't have been calling the people being tapped they wouldn't have had anything to worry about it. It's the same fucking excuse you all used on the DNC... if they hadn't been doing anything wrong, then WikiLeaks wouldn't have had anything to release and make them look bad.

You reap what you sow.
You're just proselytizing your faith. It has no meaning to a non believer. The fact is you don't know what went on behind the scenes. The bottom line is that democrat corruption was outed and libs are too intellectually dishonest and immature to accept why they lost the election so they need a simple answer that de-legitimizes your enemies.

In all this time libs needed no evidence Russians were involved or that it had any effect on the election outcome. Now we are supposed to dismiss out of hand any claims of illegal wiretapping for political expediency. You think everyone is on your level and will buy that? It's why you lose over and over.

Why *I*? Lose over and over? In this past election we all lost.
Well, except for the millions who voted for Trump.
So releasing the details of corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and the media was aimed at "doing us harm"? Can you explain?

Any foreign influence of an american election is doing our system of government harm.

The only harm was the release of the truth about how deplorable the RaTz are. The truth set America free from their clandestine socialist power grabbing.
The task of any prosecution is to present proof, not the other way around. Democrats never proved that Trump was in collusion with Russia. Instead they went on a fishing expedition looking for dirt. How did they know who Trump officials talked to and how did they know what was said during those conversations? They had to have been tapping his communications illegally and leaking it to the press even after he was sworn in.
What prosecution?

They looked, they found nothing, that was it.

Trump, on the other hand, has made a historic accusation with no proof. We was judge and jury.
Are you really this retarded?
Just asking for proof, after a sitting American President has declared that another American President has done something like this.

If that's retarded, okie dokie!
You already had the proof last month, dumbass. Where do you think all of those leaked stories came from in the first days of the Trump Administration? Do you think it came from somebody peering through keyholes?

So your position is that the only possible way a story from inside an administration could be leaked is via a tapped phone?

lol, that is mentally retarded beyond your usual level of affliction.
Kind of like the only way the DNC emails could have been leaked was from Russian hackers?
It may well be that nothing has been found, but that was the process needed to determine if anything was there.

Unless Trump comes up with real evidence, his inference that this had something to do with the campaign is another lie. Only THIS lie is historic in context.

So far, all he has is Mark Levin, Breitbart, and his little tweet.
His supporters are all over these boards saying that he is right, offering proof, etc. I want him to just come out with the proof. If it has been in the NYT, this should be easy for him to do. Just show us the proof.
Each day that does by with no proof makes it less likely that any exists.

As of last night, Spicer still confirmed that the WH had not reached out to Comey or anyone else to inquire about the validity of Trump's claim.
As if Comey can be trusted.
I think Comey has been given a long rope to hang himself. If he had any sense he's submit his resignation.

The FBI would have conducted the surveillance if it had been done. No one is in a better position to Know than Comey.
The fact that he has asked for the DOJ to refute Trump's claims is a pretty good tell of what their position is.

Besmirching his character doesn't address these facts at all.
I think you need to make up your mind. Are you gonna cop his joint or condemn him?
First you attacked him for opening an investigation into Hillary's server. Then you praised him when he decided not to press charges at the same instant he's laying out a case for espionage. Then you attacked him for reopening the case right before the election. If anyone besmirched his character it was you on the left.
Trump knows his phone was bugged because he knows the details of the conversations, and they have been released immediately to the press.
If anyone knew....it would be the person who had the conversations. It doesn't take an FBI report to know that.

Where are those details?

Are you aware that if the OTHER guy in a phone conversation is being bugged, that the buggers hear YOU too?
Sorry. That's a dodge. Why was Trump's conversations with the Australian PM leaked to the public? Isn't he supposed to have a secure line in the Oval Office for fuck sakes???
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.


What exactly does that say? It says that the FBI were investigating Page, Mannafort and Stone for possible connections to the Russian hacking and Wikileaks. That investigation is hardly a secret.

The only reference to wire taps comes in a paragraph about Sessions at the end:

The lingering investigations will pose a test for Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, who has been nominated for attorney general. If Mr. Sessions is confirmed, he will for a time be the only person in the government authorized to seek foreign intelligence wiretaps on American soil.

Coyote. Come on. You are one of the most intelligent posters I've met all these years. To believe that the NSA was only conducting surveillance on associates and not Trump himself is koo koo bye bye.

Bi partisan here. If the intelligence community has grown as horrid as it has been proven to be via the unreal NSA monitoring wildly it is a threat to the Republic.

I stick to the facts TD, if we don't then - someone could just as easily claim Trump is ordering them to conduct illegal surveillance on his opponents as truth and not be required to provide any actual evidence.

This article lays it out pretty clearly: Fact check: Examining Trump’s wiretap claim
EVERY FUCKING word put in the WAPO/NYT is from "unnamed sources"! EVERY FUCKING WORD!!!!!
Anyone who takes these radical Trump-hating 'news outlets' at their word is an idiot!
"This article"..................Any sentence that starts with these words should rightly be taken with a large grain of salt.
Now an "unnamed" source is claiming Comey said something. IF AND WHEN Comey stands in front of the cameras and says the words himself I'll believe it.
Loretta 'Lurch' HAD to be informed of ANY FISA warrant applications involving candidate Trump. No one in their right mind believes she would not have keep her good buddy BONOBO informed.
BONOBO to Lurch at their regular lunch/dinner: "Anything interesting happening at the office Loretta?" Loretta: "Not much. Only the FISA applications to wiretap Candidate Trump's campaign. As you know the first couple didn't work but the third time we altered the wording slightly and got 'Mr. Rubber Stamp' to OK it".
Whoever leaked to the WAPO committed a felony.
Whoever at the WAOP you signed off on publishing the leak/s committed a felony.
This is only the smallest tip of the iceberg folks.
Good old Trey Gowdy is going to have BONOBO and 'Lurch' et al sitting in front of him.
I bet a million bucks these fucking traitors will ALL take the Fifth. When they do the BONOBO 'legacy' will end in him being criminally charged. Bank on it!
True and we do it to many, Obama was involved in Israel's election and Brexit. No lefty gave a smidgen of a fuck about that though. But there's no evidence Russia was involved or that it affected the election. It's a scapegoat.l.

Au Contrare, There is a great deal of evidence of Ruissia trying to meddle in the american presidential election. So much that the intercepted communications triggered investigations by the FBI and intelligence agencies.

Remember, we were intercepting communications at the highest level of the Russian government, and listening to them celebrate a Trujmp victory.
We do it to other countries, why are we surprised and upset when they do it to us?

We topple foreign governments, support insurgent factions, and invade other countries too. And we're upset when they try to do it to us. But that's the name of the game. The big dog calls the shots.
So you take the position that if Trump was illegally wire tapped, it would be okay because it might reveal details of corruption by Trump?

That would have to be the position of somebody who says the Russians hacking into Clintons and the DNC's e-mails was O.K.
True and we do it to many, Obama was involved in Israel's election and Brexit. No lefty gave a smidgen of a fuck about that though. But there's no evidence Russia was involved or that it affected the election. It's a scapegoat.l.

Au Contrare, There is a great deal of evidence of Ruissia trying to meddle in the american presidential election. So much that the intercepted communications triggered investigations by the FBI and intelligence agencies.

Remember, we were intercepting communications at the highest level of the Russian government, and listening to them celebrate a Trujmp victory.
You au contraired it and changed the conversation. LOL@libtards.

Try again, Sport.
"But there's no evidence Russia was involved or that it affected the election."
That's the way it's SUPPOSED to work, yes. There's no way anyone in power would EVER do ANYTHING to get around that restriction, right?

Obama had a republican house and republican senate overseeing what the government was up to,. Between the commitees on government oversite, and the select commitees on intelligence, and the speaker of the house and majority leader of the senate, they pretty much got briefed on what Obama was briefed on, and got the same reports that Obama got.
So you take the position that if Trump was illegally wire tapped, it would be okay because it might reveal details of corruption by Trump?

That would have to be the position of somebody who says the Russians hacking into Clintons and the DNC's e-mails was O.K.

Exactly. The Trump supporters around here cheered the Russian hacking and rationalized it by claiming that it helped get us 'the truth' about Clinton and the Democrats.

Well? I'd like to know 'the truth' about Trump.
True and we do it to many, Obama was involved in Israel's election and Brexit. No lefty gave a smidgen of a fuck about that though. But there's no evidence Russia was involved or that it affected the election. It's a scapegoat.l.

Au Contrare, There is a great deal of evidence of Ruissia trying to meddle in the american presidential election. So much that the intercepted communications triggered investigations by the FBI and intelligence agencies.

Remember, we were intercepting communications at the highest level of the Russian government, and listening to them celebrate a Trujmp victory.
You au contraired it and changed the conversation. LOL@libtards.

Try again, Sport.
"But there's no evidence Russia was involved or that it affected the election."

That wasn't your previous position.
That's the way it's SUPPOSED to work, yes. There's no way anyone in power would EVER do ANYTHING to get around that restriction, right?

Obama had a republican house and republican senate overseeing what the government was up to,. Between the commitees on government oversite, and the select commitees on intelligence, and the speaker of the house and majority leader of the senate, they pretty much got briefed on what Obama was briefed on, and got the same reports that Obama got.
A lot of those Republicans didn't want to see Trump in the WH either. It would not surprise me at all if a handful decided to look the other way. That's only a suspicion.

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