Obama Was Right, It's All About Education.



Shrinking The Skills Gap Why Manufacturing Day Matters

MFG Day provides opportunities for students, parents, educators, and the media to see today’s technologically advanced manufacturing facilities. And to observe firsthand the advanced skills and knowledge base of the modern manufacturing workforce. It gives manufacturers the chance to dispel misconceptions of manufacturing as dark and dirty environments where low wages are commonplace, which is far from reality. In fact, the average annual salary for a U.S. manufacturing worker is $77,505, greater than the U.S. median of $51,371.

U.S. Trade Deficit Drops To 40.1B In August

The U.S. trade deficit shrank for the fourth straight month in August, falling to the lowest level since January as exports rose to an all-time high.

In August, U.S. exports of petroleum were up 2.2 percent to $14.1 billion while petroleum imports fell 3.8 percent to $27.2 billion. So far this year, petroleum exports are running 16.9 percent above the level of a year ago, putting the country on track to set another record for petroleum exports.


Remember when Obama said no one will let a person operate a million dollar piece of equipment without some type of training? When he promoted Jr. College and Technical Schools?

Remember when Rick Santorum called Obama a snob and then later recanted?

Even Rick had to admit Obama was right. That musta really, really hurt.
God, what bullshit. I listened to Bammy's Indiana speech on C-Span today. If the economy is doing so great, then why is the first half of every speech that dipshit gives, a bunch of hallucinogenic twaddle about the economy? The DNC wouldn't be feeding their sock puppet all that crap unless the economy was an absolute train wreck...which it is. And touting an unemployment rate which is about 1/3 what it actually is in many parts of the country, is the most unconscionable propaganda ploy the marxists have pulled yet.
This is Obama's economy in action...

Oh come on people. Republicans handed Obama an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month. From 2001 to 2009 millions of jobs were moved to China and nearly 50,000 factories closed. Under Bush, Republicans held congress for 6 years and used reconciliation three times (remember for what?).

And yet it's all Obama's fault???? How can that be? Because he didn't clean up the mess fast enough?

And Republicans have fought against everything he wants to do. Even when he proposes a former GOP policy. I said "former" because once he adopts them, they are no longer a GOP policy. They hate him that much.

Admit it.
Oh come on people. Republicans handed Obama an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month. From 2001 to 2009 millions of jobs were moved to China and nearly 50,000 factories closed. Under Bush, Republicans held congress for 6 years and used reconciliation three times (remember for what?).

And yet it's all Obama's fault???? How can that be? Because he didn't clean up the mess fast enough?

And Republicans have fought against everything he wants to do. Even when he proposes a former GOP policy. I said "former" because once he adopts them, they are no longer a GOP policy. They hate him that much.

Admit it.
Admit this, Deanie...

Obama came into office assuring the American people that he had a "plan" to deal with the recession. He entered the Oval Office with large Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate.

So with the number one priority of the American people being jobs and the economy...what did Barack Obama choose to make HIS priority? The answer to that question is that he chose to pursue ObamaCare.

It's over six years later...and he STILL hasn't addressed jobs or the economy and STILL doesn't have a plan going forward to fix either. I don't say that because I "hate" Barack Obama...I say that because it's reality!

Barack Obama SUCKS as a President. He's divisive. He doesn't want to do the hard work of building political consensus. He is reactive rather than proactive. But worst of all he doesn't learn from his mistakes because he won't admit that he's made any!
It is "all about education", but not in the sense that Obama meant, probably.

If I were dictator of America, the first thing I'd do is implement national "critical thinking" educational requirements.
Blaming others is not leadership. I'm sorry but it's not. I was taught long ago as a manager that the goal was to fix problems...not blame! Barack Obama doesn't GET that concept...because Barack Obama doesn't understand how to BE an executive!
Oh come on people. Republicans handed Obama an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month. From 2001 to 2009 millions of jobs were moved to China and nearly 50,000 factories closed. Under Bush, Republicans held congress for 6 years and used reconciliation three times (remember for what?).

And yet it's all Obama's fault???? How can that be? Because he didn't clean up the mess fast enough?

And Republicans have fought against everything he wants to do. Even when he proposes a former GOP policy. I said "former" because once he adopts them, they are no longer a GOP policy. They hate him that much.

Admit it.
Admit this, Deanie...

Obama came into office assuring the American people that he had a "plan" to deal with the recession. He entered the Oval Office with large Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate.

So with the number one priority of the American people being jobs and the economy...what did Barack Obama choose to make HIS priority? The answer to that question is that he chose to pursue ObamaCare.

It's over six years later...and he STILL hasn't addressed jobs or the economy and STILL doesn't have a plan going forward to fix either. I don't say that because I "hate" Barack Obama...I say that because it's reality!

Barack Obama SUCKS as a President. He's divisive. He doesn't want to do the hard work of building political consensus. He is reactive rather than proactive. But worst of all he doesn't learn from his mistakes because he won't admit that he's made any!

First, no one divides like the GOP. Their party is 90% white. Kind of tells the whole story.

And in your very first paragraph, you lie. If the majority had been so big, the historic number of filibusters never would have happened. You have to admit you know that. And knowing that, you told a lie.
See how quickly Republicans want to turn away from the topic.

They truly believe education is for "snobs".
Oh come on people. Republicans handed Obama an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month. From 2001 to 2009 millions of jobs were moved to China and nearly 50,000 factories closed. Under Bush, Republicans held congress for 6 years and used reconciliation three times (remember for what?).

And yet it's all Obama's fault???? How can that be? Because he didn't clean up the mess fast enough?

And Republicans have fought against everything he wants to do. Even when he proposes a former GOP policy. I said "former" because once he adopts them, they are no longer a GOP policy. They hate him that much.

Admit it.
Admit this, Deanie...

Obama came into office assuring the American people that he had a "plan" to deal with the recession. He entered the Oval Office with large Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate.

So with the number one priority of the American people being jobs and the economy...what did Barack Obama choose to make HIS priority? The answer to that question is that he chose to pursue ObamaCare.

It's over six years later...and he STILL hasn't addressed jobs or the economy and STILL doesn't have a plan going forward to fix either. I don't say that because I "hate" Barack Obama...I say that because it's reality!

Barack Obama SUCKS as a President. He's divisive. He doesn't want to do the hard work of building political consensus. He is reactive rather than proactive. But worst of all he doesn't learn from his mistakes because he won't admit that he's made any!

First, no one divides like the GOP. Their party is 90% white. Kind of tells the whole story.

And in your very first paragraph, you lie. If the majority had been so big, the historic number of filibusters never would have happened. You have to admit you know that. And knowing that, you told a lie.
Obama, the uniter. Lol
See how quickly Republicans want to turn away from the topic.

They truly believe education is for "snobs".
Liberals has owned education for years. To bad you want to teach children it's not good to work hard, or being gay is okay. Teach the math and english, we were a great nation when we did that.

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