OBAMA- "We have not created an entitlement state"


PROUD Tea Party Member
Dec 5, 2012
Something bothered me the other night when Papa Doc did his glorious interview with Bill OReilly. Papa Doc claimed that they (his administration) has not "created an entitlement state" Paraphrased.

Funny….I thought. So I did my research and found some rather interesting statistics:

And lest we forget, this doesn't include the 1 TRILLION dollars for Obarrycare.

The Nanny State

Food Stamps - 2009 $54 Billion 2013 $80 Billion

Disability - 2009 $115 Billion 2013 $139 Billion

Welfare - 2009 $161 Billion 2013 $186 Billion

Sources: USDA, Social Security Administration & CBO

Let's see here….carry the one….divide by three…..that would mean that from 2009 until 2013….


$161 billion
$115 billion
$54 billion

$330 billion


$80 billion
$139 billion
$186 billion

$405 billion

Or an increase of 75 BILLION Dollars……… Yeah, Papa Doc is a liar. And the stats bear it out.
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Pft. Obama still caves to corporate entitlements.
Far worse than helping A People.
Kudos on this though!
Food Stamps - 2009 $54 Billion 2013 $80 Billion
Disability - 2009 $115 Billion 2013 $139 Billion
Welfare - 2009 $161 Billion 2013 $186 Billion
What is an entitlement state?

It's what the ultra wealthy socialists have created for themselves at our expense and then they buy ad time telling us that the rabble need libertarianism (abandonment).
Pft. Obama still caves to corporate entitlements.
Far worse than helping A People.
Kudos on this though!
Food Stamps - 2009 $54 Billion 2013 $80 Billion
Disability - 2009 $115 Billion 2013 $139 Billion
Welfare - 2009 $161 Billion 2013 $186 Billion

That's why whitey doesn't bitch to loud when he puts his hand in their pocket...it's his form of compromise.
You betcha!

The legislation, which encompasses 12 different spending bills, appropriates $572 billion for defense, including $128.8 billion for military personnel funding. It funds a 1 percent pay raise and restores full raises for medical retirees and survivors whose annual cost-of-living adjustments would have been capped under the original Bipartisan Budget Act.
Senate passes fiscal 2014 budget bill, sends to Obama | Military Times | militarytimes.com

At the same time, multinational corporations are holding around $2 trillion overseas to avoid U.S. taxes, taking advantage of a loophole known as deferral, he says. Profits generated overseas are not taxed if corporations don't repatriate the money to the U.S., he explains.

"The taxes due on this money are somewhere upwards of $700 billion. The amount held outside the country grows every year, along with the number of jobs, factories and profit centers companies move to take advantage of this."

Corporate tax breaks will total $108 billion this fiscal year, he says, citing a report from the National Priorities Project. Revenue lost from U.S. corporations deferring taxes on income earned abroad increased from $14 billion to $42 billion.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Billions in Corporate Taxes Going Uncollected
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
He hasn't CREATED the entitlement state, he just made it bigger.

Indeed……I probably could have worded it better…but indeed. 1.75 TRILLION from 2009 to the present just on these few "programs".


As Margaret Thatcher said - "Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money".

It's coming.
As Margaret Thatcher said - "Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money".

Eventually welfare for the corporations will end, no doubt.

America will be a third world nation by then.
What is an entitlement state?

A Method LIBTARDS have adopted to reward supporters, transfer wealth from whitey, buy votes and retain power.

That's a good start...

Is helping people who need help entitlement? Is providing food,shelter, medical care to those who cannot afford it otherwise a worse entitlement than providing subsidies to those with overwhelming wealth?

Is the oil subsidy an entitlement?
How about the trillion dollar farm bill we just passed?
What is an entitlement state?

A Method LIBTARDS have adopted to reward supporters, transfer wealth from whitey, buy votes and retain power.

That's a good start...

Is helping people who need help entitlement? Is providing food,shelter, medical care to those who cannot afford it otherwise a worse entitlement than providing subsidies to those with overwhelming wealth?

Is the oil subsidy an entitlement?
How about the trillion dollar farm bill we just passed?

An entitlement is when the government pays you for doing nothing, for contributing nothing, and for having nothing as a future. Also, when you think its your RIGHT to get something for nothing, and the RESPONSIBILITY of someone else to pay for it, whether you get it, or support other people getting it.
Entitlement state feeds the myth that Republicans are selling that Americans are lazy, want free stuff, lack a work ethic

Americans are among the hardest workers in the world. What they want is a good job where they can support a family, maybe buy a home, send their kids to college, not worry about getting sick and losing everything

They used to be able to get that on a High School Education and a father working. Unions fought for worker rights. Good pay, vacation time, retirement benefits, healthcare. Republicans have fought for 30 years to erode that. Make workers fear for their jobs. Accept less and work harder

It is business who is entitled
Entitlement state feeds the myth that Republicans are selling that Americans are lazy, want free stuff, lack a work ethic

Americans are among the hardest workers in the world. What they want is a good job where they can support a family, maybe buy a home, send their kids to college, not worry about getting sick and losing everything

They used to be able to get that on a High School Education and a father working. Unions fought for worker rights. Good pay, vacation time, retirement benefits, healthcare. Republicans have fought for 30 years to erode that. Make workers fear for their jobs. Accept less and work harder

It is business who is entitled

The trades are some of the fasting growing job sectors out there, and all they require is a high school education and an apprenticeship. Progressives have sold the "Everyone goes to College" mantra, resulting in tons of overqualified people for naturally very few niche jobs.

We have a vast underclass that has no reason to work, do you deny that?
Entitlement state feeds the myth that Republicans are selling that Americans are lazy, want free stuff, lack a work ethic

Americans are among the hardest workers in the world. What they want is a good job where they can support a family, maybe buy a home, send their kids to college, not worry about getting sick and losing everything

They used to be able to get that on a High School Education and a father working. Unions fought for worker rights. Good pay, vacation time, retirement benefits, healthcare. Republicans have fought for 30 years to erode that. Make workers fear for their jobs. Accept less and work harder

It is business who is entitled

I thought the reason we need imigrants, is to do what americans won't. Also all those so called benefits for life are bankrupting companys and states.
He hasn't CREATED the entitlement state, he just made it bigger.

"Read my lips, no new taxes" George H.W. didn't create any new taxes, he didn't even raise existing taxes, only Congress can do that, and H.W, was branded a liar and lost his job because the Democrats falsely accused him, and the 'unwashed peasants', (stupid voters) bought the lie!

Imagine George H.W. vetoing the bill, he would have been accused of shutting down the Government and the same unwashed peasants would have bought that lie too.

To the ignorant masses a lie is easier to believe than the truth, as long as it's delivered more articulately.
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