OBAMA- "We have not created an entitlement state"

He hasn't CREATED the entitlement state, he just made it bigger.

"Read my lips, no new taxes" George H.W. didn't create any new taxes, he didn't even raise existing taxes, only Congress can do that, and H.W, was branded a liar and lost his job because the Democrats falsely accused him, and the 'unwashed peasants', (stupid voters) bought the lie!

Imagine George H.W. vetoing the bill, he would have been accused of shutting down the Government and the same unwashed peasants would have bought that lie too.

To the ignorant masses a lie is easier to believe than the truth, as long as it's delivered more articulately.


Reagan's tax cut and massive spending couldn't even be cleared up with him raising taxes on the middle class.

George HW Bush, knew this.

In fact, he coined the phrase "Voodoo economics".

He knew that taxes would have to be raised to pay for Reagan's massive spending.

So he really did lie.
Entitlement state feeds the myth that Republicans are selling that Americans are lazy, want free stuff, lack a work ethic

Americans are among the hardest workers in the world. What they want is a good job where they can support a family, maybe buy a home, send their kids to college, not worry about getting sick and losing everything

They used to be able to get that on a High School Education and a father working. Unions fought for worker rights. Good pay, vacation time, retirement benefits, healthcare. Republicans have fought for 30 years to erode that. Make workers fear for their jobs. Accept less and work harder

It is business who is entitled

I thought the reason we need imigrants, is to do what americans won't. Also all those so called benefits for life are bankrupting companys and states.

Does it really matter?

They will not be paid enough to support a family regardless of who they are
Entitlement state feeds the myth that Republicans are selling that Americans are lazy, want free stuff, lack a work ethic

Americans are among the hardest workers in the world. What they want is a good job where they can support a family, maybe buy a home, send their kids to college, not worry about getting sick and losing everything

They used to be able to get that on a High School Education and a father working. Unions fought for worker rights. Good pay, vacation time, retirement benefits, healthcare. Republicans have fought for 30 years to erode that. Make workers fear for their jobs. Accept less and work harder

It is business who is entitled

The trades are some of the fasting growing job sectors out there, and all they require is a high school education and an apprenticeship. Progressives have sold the "Everyone goes to College" mantra, resulting in tons of overqualified people for naturally very few niche jobs.

We have a vast underclass that has no reason to work, do you deny that?

Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees
Entitlement state feeds the myth that Republicans are selling that Americans are lazy, want free stuff, lack a work ethic

Americans are among the hardest workers in the world. What they want is a good job where they can support a family, maybe buy a home, send their kids to college, not worry about getting sick and losing everything

They used to be able to get that on a High School Education and a father working. Unions fought for worker rights. Good pay, vacation time, retirement benefits, healthcare. Republicans have fought for 30 years to erode that. Make workers fear for their jobs. Accept less and work harder

It is business who is entitled

The trades are some of the fasting growing job sectors out there, and all they require is a high school education and an apprenticeship. Progressives have sold the "Everyone goes to College" mantra, resulting in tons of overqualified people for naturally very few niche jobs.

We have a vast underclass that has no reason to work, do you deny that?

Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

Everyone going to college has been the progressive concept since the 60's and 70's. It helps progressive professors, and is seen as a great way to get more progressives.

We have a vast underclass with no reason to get to the ladder, because their basic needs are taken care of. Coupled with punisment via loss of benefits for working in most cases, and you create no reason for people to better themselves, and no coercsion for them to better themselves because progressives are afraid to hurt people feelwings.

If you are supporting a family on minimum wage, somewhere you fucked up, simple as that.
The trades are some of the fasting growing job sectors out there, and all they require is a high school education and an apprenticeship. Progressives have sold the "Everyone goes to College" mantra, resulting in tons of overqualified people for naturally very few niche jobs.

We have a vast underclass that has no reason to work, do you deny that?

Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

Everyone going to college has been the progressive concept since the 60's and 70's. It helps progressive professors, and is seen as a great way to get more progressives.

We have a vast underclass with no reason to get to the ladder, because their basic needs are taken care of. Coupled with punisment via loss of benefits for working in most cases, and you create no reason for people to better themselves, and no coercsion for them to better themselves because progressives are afraid to hurt people feelwings.

If you are supporting a family on minimum wage, somewhere you fucked up, simple as that.

I agree...there is no reason to get to a ladder in which you cannot climb

This is just not welfare minorities scamming the system but millions of young americans who followed the rules, worked hard, graduated college, served in the military......only to find that ladder does not provide jobs that they can support themselves on
Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

Everyone going to college has been the progressive concept since the 60's and 70's. It helps progressive professors, and is seen as a great way to get more progressives.

We have a vast underclass with no reason to get to the ladder, because their basic needs are taken care of. Coupled with punisment via loss of benefits for working in most cases, and you create no reason for people to better themselves, and no coercsion for them to better themselves because progressives are afraid to hurt people feelwings.

If you are supporting a family on minimum wage, somewhere you fucked up, simple as that.

I agree...there is no reason to get to a ladder in which you cannot climb

This is just not welfare minorities scamming the system but millions of young americans who followed the rules, worked hard, graduated college, served in the military......only to find that ladder does not provide jobs that they can support themselves on

You can climb it, it just requires hard work, or even working in a job you may think is "beneath you" for a while. And people expect to shoot up the ladder with no effort nowadays, it takes work, it takes some sacrifice, something people today just can't seem to muster.
Entitlement state feeds the myth that Republicans are selling that Americans are lazy, want free stuff, lack a work ethic

Americans are among the hardest workers in the world. What they want is a good job where they can support a family, maybe buy a home, send their kids to college, not worry about getting sick and losing everything

They used to be able to get that on a High School Education and a father working. Unions fought for worker rights. Good pay, vacation time, retirement benefits, healthcare. Republicans have fought for 30 years to erode that. Make workers fear for their jobs. Accept less and work harder

It is business who is entitled

The trades are some of the fasting growing job sectors out there, and all they require is a high school education and an apprenticeship. Progressives have sold the "Everyone goes to College" mantra, resulting in tons of overqualified people for naturally very few niche jobs.

We have a vast underclass that has no reason to work, do you deny that?

Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

What has been repeatedly pointed out...and repeatedly ignored by progressives like yourself, Winger...is that entry level minimum wage jobs are the means for people to ACCESS the ladder and begin an ascent to better paying jobs. Those jobs were NEVER supposed support a family of four. When you raise the minimum wage to the extent that liberals are now calling for you WILL cut the number of entry level jobs available to young people and people without job skills. What you naively think will help the poor will in fact hurt them even more.
The trades are some of the fasting growing job sectors out there, and all they require is a high school education and an apprenticeship. Progressives have sold the "Everyone goes to College" mantra, resulting in tons of overqualified people for naturally very few niche jobs.

We have a vast underclass that has no reason to work, do you deny that?

Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

What has been repeatedly pointed out...and repeatedly ignored by progressives like yourself, Winger...is that entry level minimum wage jobs are the means for people to ACCESS the ladder and begin an ascent to better paying jobs. Those jobs were NEVER supposed support a family of four. When you raise the minimum wage to the extent that liberals are now calling for you WILL cut the number of entry level jobs available to young people and people without job skills. What you naively think will help the poor will in fact hurt them even more.

When I worked for minimum wage ($2.10 an hour) I did not earn enough to support myself

But I did earn enough to pay for college just working summers. Others could earn enough to buy a new car or get started in an apartment

Minimum wage does not even get you started up that ladder of success because it will not even pay the basics to keep you on that ladder
Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

What has been repeatedly pointed out...and repeatedly ignored by progressives like yourself, Winger...is that entry level minimum wage jobs are the means for people to ACCESS the ladder and begin an ascent to better paying jobs. Those jobs were NEVER supposed support a family of four. When you raise the minimum wage to the extent that liberals are now calling for you WILL cut the number of entry level jobs available to young people and people without job skills. What you naively think will help the poor will in fact hurt them even more.

When I worked for minimum wage ($2.10 an hour) I did not earn enough to support myself

But I did earn enough to pay for college just working summers. Others could earn enough to buy a new car or get started in an apartment

Minimum wage does not even get you started up that ladder of success because it will not even pay the basics to keep you on that ladder

It can if you limit your expenses and work to better yourself. you dont need more education to get more than minimum at places like Mcdonalds, you need to work hard and move your way up.
Everyone going to college has been the progressive concept since the 60's and 70's. It helps progressive professors, and is seen as a great way to get more progressives.

We have a vast underclass with no reason to get to the ladder, because their basic needs are taken care of. Coupled with punisment via loss of benefits for working in most cases, and you create no reason for people to better themselves, and no coercsion for them to better themselves because progressives are afraid to hurt people feelwings.

If you are supporting a family on minimum wage, somewhere you fucked up, simple as that.

I agree...there is no reason to get to a ladder in which you cannot climb

This is just not welfare minorities scamming the system but millions of young americans who followed the rules, worked hard, graduated college, served in the military......only to find that ladder does not provide jobs that they can support themselves on

You can climb it, it just requires hard work, or even working in a job you may think is "beneath you" for a while. And people expect to shoot up the ladder with no effort nowadays, it takes work, it takes some sacrifice, something people today just can't seem to muster.

Americans do work hard. As hard as they ever have and they have less to show for it. American workers are sacrificing. Working harder and receiving less for it. Lower pay, no pay increases, shoddy healthcare, no paid vacations, no retirement plan

Some can and do climb the ladder of success....but all can't
They used to be able to
I agree...there is no reason to get to a ladder in which you cannot climb

This is just not welfare minorities scamming the system but millions of young americans who followed the rules, worked hard, graduated college, served in the military......only to find that ladder does not provide jobs that they can support themselves on

You can climb it, it just requires hard work, or even working in a job you may think is "beneath you" for a while. And people expect to shoot up the ladder with no effort nowadays, it takes work, it takes some sacrifice, something people today just can't seem to muster.

Americans do work hard. As hard as they ever have and they have less to show for it. American workers are sacrificing. Working harder and receiving less for it. Lower pay, no pay increases, shoddy healthcare, no paid vacations, no retirement plan

Some can and do climb the ladder of success....but all can't
They used to be able to

All sorts of generalizations in there, and not enough to continue to rob people to pay for your pet social projects.
It never bothered me to work two jobs, be broke all the time, and go to school. It was a means to an end. It doesnt bother me now to work long hours. Thats the only way that I know how to move up.
The trades are some of the fasting growing job sectors out there, and all they require is a high school education and an apprenticeship. Progressives have sold the "Everyone goes to College" mantra, resulting in tons of overqualified people for naturally very few niche jobs.

We have a vast underclass that has no reason to work, do you deny that?

Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

Everyone going to college has been the progressive concept since the 60's and 70's. It helps progressive professors, and is seen as a great way to get more progressives.

We have a vast underclass with no reason to get to the ladder, because their basic needs are taken care of. Coupled with punisment via loss of benefits for working in most cases, and you create no reason for people to better themselves, and no coercsion for them to better themselves because progressives are afraid to hurt people feelwings.

If you are supporting a family on minimum wage, somewhere you fucked up, simple as that.

This whole post is complete bullshit.

First off, there's never been a move to mandate everyone go to college. Again, the move was to make it available. There is no conspiracy to make more people "progressive".

Second off, we don't have a vast underclass with no reason to climb the ladder. What we have are people with no buy in because folks like yourself do their very best to shutdown opportunity to people they don't like.

And third? A minimum wage is needed. Without government intervention business would engage in massive wage theft.
It never bothered me to work two jobs, be broke all the time, and go to school. It was a means to an end. It doesnt bother me now to work long hours. Thats the only way that I know how to move up.

Once again you offer an individual solution to a problem that impacts an entire class of people. We are talking about 30 million people. There are not 30 million additional jobs out there so that people can work two jobs. There are not enough overtime hours for 30 million people to work

You offer simplistic solutions for a complex problem
Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

Everyone going to college has been the progressive concept since the 60's and 70's. It helps progressive professors, and is seen as a great way to get more progressives.

We have a vast underclass with no reason to get to the ladder, because their basic needs are taken care of. Coupled with punisment via loss of benefits for working in most cases, and you create no reason for people to better themselves, and no coercsion for them to better themselves because progressives are afraid to hurt people feelwings.

If you are supporting a family on minimum wage, somewhere you fucked up, simple as that.

This whole post is complete bullshit.

First off, there's never been a move to mandate everyone go to college. Again, the move was to make it available. There is no conspiracy to make more people "progressive".

Second off, we don't have a vast underclass with no reason to climb the ladder. What we have are people with no buy in because folks like yourself do their very best to shutdown opportunity to people they don't like.

And third? A minimum wage is needed. Without government intervention business would engage in massive wage theft.

Show me anywhere where I have personally tried to put people down, or shove them off the ladder. Oh wait, you can't.

Progressives have been pushing the higher education wave for decades, and now they see the results of it.

So instead people via the government engage in massive productivity theft?
You can climb it, it just requires hard work, or even working in a job you may think is "beneath you" for a while. And people expect to shoot up the ladder with no effort nowadays, it takes work, it takes some sacrifice, something people today just can't seem to muster.

Americans do work hard. As hard as they ever have and they have less to show for it. American workers are sacrificing. Working harder and receiving less for it. Lower pay, no pay increases, shoddy healthcare, no paid vacations, no retirement plan

Some can and do climb the ladder of success....but all can't
They used to be able to

All sorts of generalizations in there, and not enough to continue to rob people to pay for your pet social projects.

Yes or No...
Do you own or run the type of business where you would hire someone into a position for which they would be considered over-qualified?
It never bothered me to work two jobs, be broke all the time, and go to school. It was a means to an end. It doesnt bother me now to work long hours. Thats the only way that I know how to move up.

Once again you offer an individual solution to a problem that impacts an entire class of people. We are talking about 30 million people. There are not 30 million additional jobs out there so that people can work two jobs. There are not enough overtime hours for 30 million people to work

You offer simplistic solutions for a complex problem

Like your posts offer anything concrete. You just bitch about people being down, and then support programs that KEEP them down.

Must be nice to pretend to be the plantation owner.
I agree...there is no reason to get to a ladder in which you cannot climb

This is just not welfare minorities scamming the system but millions of young americans who followed the rules, worked hard, graduated college, served in the military......only to find that ladder does not provide jobs that they can support themselves on

You can climb it, it just requires hard work, or even working in a job you may think is "beneath you" for a while. And people expect to shoot up the ladder with no effort nowadays, it takes work, it takes some sacrifice, something people today just can't seem to muster.

Americans do work hard. As hard as they ever have and they have less to show for it. American workers are sacrificing. Working harder and receiving less for it. Lower pay, no pay increases, shoddy healthcare, no paid vacations, no retirement plan

Some can and do climb the ladder of success....but all can't
They used to be able to

All CAN.. they have the SAME freedom and access to do so.. their CHOICES and ACTIONS are all that prevents ANYONE from moving up

When you would rather settle and never advance yourself past the level that only affords minimum, or when you would rather have handouts than try to advance.. YOU are the problem
Americans do work hard. As hard as they ever have and they have less to show for it. American workers are sacrificing. Working harder and receiving less for it. Lower pay, no pay increases, shoddy healthcare, no paid vacations, no retirement plan

Some can and do climb the ladder of success....but all can't
They used to be able to

All sorts of generalizations in there, and not enough to continue to rob people to pay for your pet social projects.

Yes or No...
Do you own or run the type of business where you would hire someone into a position for which they would be considered over-qualified?

I don't run or own any business. what I do is pay too much taxes to support lazy bastards, and the useless assoles in the government who run the programs that support the lazy bastards.

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