OBAMA- "We have not created an entitlement state"

Pft. Obama still caves to corporate entitlements.
Far worse than helping A People.
Kudos on this though!
Food Stamps - 2009 $54 Billion 2013 $80 Billion
Disability - 2009 $115 Billion 2013 $139 Billion
Welfare - 2009 $161 Billion 2013 $186 Billion

Corporate entitlements are not equal to capitalism- Crony capitalism is merely the vehicle of the political class- of which both parties partake- That said, there remain some honest conservatives- even a few democrats who uphold the intentions of the Constitution.

But Obama's political class are distributors of middle class wealth for one purpose- to retain power and wealth for themselves. So, yeah, he grows the crony capitalists-
All CAN.. they have the SAME freedom and access to do so.. their CHOICES and ACTIONS are all that prevents ANYONE from moving up

When you would rather settle and never advance yourself past the level that only affords minimum, or when you would rather have handouts than try to advance.. YOU are the problem

Can you provide a concrete example of how you have been a success in the private business world?

What.. you want my resume, my w2's etc after growing up in a household of just me and a grandmother who went around picking up cans for meat money??

I can tell you how I dragged myself up by my own bootlaces, but you and your ilk either do not believe or simply do not care as it does not fit your preconceived agenda

Plus most of them deep down think Blacks simply can't do it on thier own, the type of noblese oblige racism that permeates people of progressive leanings.
all you had to do was admit all you have is sound bites.
Are you retired?
Were you working before clinton/gw/obama sold us out?

i have opinions, not sound bites. I am not retired.

I started working full time in 1999, right after getting my masters degree in cheme. I started working part time during school and full time during summers when i was 15.

ok; at least you admit your statements are opinions.
In which region of the us do you reside?

Progressive intervention helped America under FDR. Some of the great great grandchildren of those he helped are now posting here and shilling for the ultra rich and poor overtaxed corporations.

It would have NOT been necessary for FDR to intervene if the "progressives" had not created the Federal Reserve Board.

Their desire to create an "elastic currency" and to flood the market with paper money caused the worse generalized depression in America. Then progressives used that depression to further intervene in the economy.

Progressive intervention helped America under FDR. Some of the great great grandchildren of those he helped are now posting here and shilling for the ultra rich and poor overtaxed corporations.

It would have NOT been necessary for FDR to intervene if the "progressives" had not created the Federal Reserve Board.

Their desire to create an "elastic currency" and to flood the market with paper money caused the worse generalized depression in America. Then progressives used that depression to further intervene in the economy.


Talking about economics is cool when you get to make up your own rules isn't it?
tell me Obama and his comrades in arms aren't selling and have a hand in creating an entitlement state...In this economy and unemployment at 8%...what was his first priority, to put another government ENTITLEMENT on our backs called, OscamCare...

He didn't make this video FOR NOTHING
The Life of Julia! - YouTube

Obama lies so much you wonder how he can sleep or stand himself...but nobody love's his entitlement and pampered life as being this (brilliant human being) more than he does

Interesting video

Which of those programs that Julia benefits from do you propose eliminating?
Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

What has been repeatedly pointed out...and repeatedly ignored by progressives like yourself, Winger...is that entry level minimum wage jobs are the means for people to ACCESS the ladder and begin an ascent to better paying jobs. Those jobs were NEVER supposed support a family of four. When you raise the minimum wage to the extent that liberals are now calling for you WILL cut the number of entry level jobs available to young people and people without job skills. What you naively think will help the poor will in fact hurt them even more.

When I worked for minimum wage ($2.10 an hour) I did not earn enough to support myself

But I did earn enough to pay for college just working summers. Others could earn enough to buy a new car or get started in an apartment

Minimum wage does not even get you started up that ladder of success because it will not even pay the basics to keep you on that ladder

$15K a year is not enough to get one started?

That's false.
tell me Obama and his comrades in arms aren't selling and have a hand in creating an entitlement state...In this economy and unemployment at 8%...what was his first priority, to put another government ENTITLEMENT on our backs called, OscamCare...

He didn't make this video FOR NOTHING
The Life of Julia! - YouTube

Obama lies so much you wonder how he can sleep or stand himself...but nobody love's his entitlement and pampered life as being this (brilliant human being) more than he does

Interesting video

Which of those programs that Julia benefits from do you propose eliminating?

That's your on the lefts famous line...you get them hooked on welfare and then push this line we the people can't ask anything EVER BE CUT like we should expect rioting, death and destruction if we do cut entitlements

It's Democrats/liberals like you who have helped in making this Free country with Free people into a dependent one of entitlement, lazy, people
Just like the Julia video and what it's selling, hey why work look what the Nanny Government can do for you...come on come all
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tell me Obama and his comrades in arms aren't selling and have a hand in creating an entitlement state...In this economy and unemployment at 8%...what was his first priority, to put another government ENTITLEMENT on our backs called, OscamCare...

He didn't make this video FOR NOTHING
The Life of Julia! - YouTube

Obama lies so much you wonder how he can sleep or stand himself...but nobody love's his entitlement and pampered life as being this (brilliant human being) more than he does

Interesting video

Which of those programs that Julia benefits from do you propose eliminating?

That's your on the lefts famous line...you get them hooked on welfare and then push this line we the people can't ask anything EVER BE CUT like we should expect rioting, death and destruction if we do cut entitlements

It's Democrats/liberals like you who have helped in making this Free country with Free people into a dependent one of entitlement, lazy, people
Just like the Julia video and what it's selling, hey why work look what the Nanny Government can do for you...come on come all

You are ducking

You keep posting the Julia video as an example of liberal excess. Which of those programs do Conservatives recommend eliminating?

Simple question. Should be easy if that video is as bad as you say
Progressive intervention helped America under FDR. Some of the great great grandchildren of those he helped are now posting here and shilling for the ultra rich and poor overtaxed corporations.

It would have NOT been necessary for FDR to intervene if the "progressives" had not created the Federal Reserve Board.

Their desire to create an "elastic currency" and to flood the market with paper money caused the worse generalized depression in America. Then progressives used that depression to further intervene in the economy.


Talking about economics is cool when you get to make up your own rules isn't it?

Thrash Talking is cool when you don't know the rules , isn't it?

We have created an entitlement state! The democrats buy votes with tax payer money. They know that the more people who get taxpayer assistance, the more they will support big government; vote democratic.

The assertion that a minimum wage job should pay enough to support a family is ludicrous; liberal propaganda to further the entitlement mentality - a further ploy for redistribution. We live in a capitalist society. A family is expensive - no one deserves one if they can't afford one! No one would be allowed to adopt children without the financial means to provide for them. :eusa_hand:

The republicans, and more culpably the democrats have created a huge debt that drags on are economy insidiously, and perpetually. The bigger the debt, the greater the drag, the more desire for entitlements, the greater the debt ...

Then you factor in the illegal invaders which again both the republicans, and more culpably the democrats enable - republicans for the labor, democrats for the labor, and the precious votes. They take many jobs that unemployed americans would love to have - the constuction trades are replete with them. These are far above minimum wage! Much of their income is under the table, and they additionaly get tax payer assistance in a multitude of ways - a direct shameful assault on the citezentry!

Now we are in a quandary, and no one wants to indulge in the pain it will take to turn things around! The liberals will continue to promulgate their faux compassion to gain or remain in power, and the republicans will offer whatever gambits, and stratagems their stratigic, and tactical minds can deploy to the same end while we try to live our habitual, increasingly more perplexing lives :eusa_pray:
What has been repeatedly pointed out...and repeatedly ignored by progressives like yourself, Winger...is that entry level minimum wage jobs are the means for people to ACCESS the ladder and begin an ascent to better paying jobs. Those jobs were NEVER supposed support a family of four. When you raise the minimum wage to the extent that liberals are now calling for you WILL cut the number of entry level jobs available to young people and people without job skills. What you naively think will help the poor will in fact hurt them even more.

When I worked for minimum wage ($2.10 an hour) I did not earn enough to support myself

But I did earn enough to pay for college just working summers. Others could earn enough to buy a new car or get started in an apartment

Minimum wage does not even get you started up that ladder of success because it will not even pay the basics to keep you on that ladder

$15K a year is not enough to get one started?

That's false.

At $2.10 an hour....

I could buy seven gallons of gas. $7.25 will buy you two
I could buy a new economy car on six months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could pay a years college tuition on three months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could rent an apartment on less than two weeks pay. $7.25 will take you three weeks pay

How are you supposed to get started if the wage won't even pay for the basic things you need to get started? You can double the current minimum wage and not have the buying power I had at $2.10 an hour
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You don't even have to cite the numbers. (in fact, for the Republicans you can cite the war spending or corporate welfare, and argue that more money is spent on that than on any social programs for the poor, and go back and forth arguing who really got that money)

All you have to do is interview members or voters of the Democrat Party and Obama,
and compare who they depend on to represent their interests. Most depend on their PARTY and candidates, and don't depend on the Constitution. That is why they make little distinction between policies passed on city, state or federal levels that are all the same.
To them, it's not a matter of citing and enforcing the Constitution for checks and balances on govt, but voting the other party out of office by putting in their party members instead.
It's all done by party.
Thus a nanny state, governed by their party.

The same as establishing a national religion by filling the voting positions with members of the same political beliefs to vote the others out by majority rule.

The Republicans do the same, but at least they check their own candidates and members just as Judge Roberts USING THE CONSTITUTION.

[I would also compare this process with why Luther rebelled against Catholic Church authority and taught the Bible directly to empower people to follow the laws themselves.
INSTEAD of relying on third party authorities to interpret the laws for them. if you run the govt by political party interests instead of following natural laws in the Constitution that include and protect ALL people REGARDLESS of party, that is like the Catholic Church enforcing its own in-house theology and rituals, instead of universal laws in the Bible.

in our case, the parties are competing to establish a national religion by majority rule.]

Something bothered me the other night when Papa Doc did his glorious interview with Bill OReilly. Papa Doc claimed that they (his administration) has not "created an entitlement state" Paraphrased.

Funny….I thought. So I did my research and found some rather interesting statistics:

And lest we forget, this doesn't include the 1 TRILLION dollars for Obarrycare.

The Nanny State

Food Stamps - 2009 $54 Billion 2013 $80 Billion

Disability - 2009 $115 Billion 2013 $139 Billion

Welfare - 2009 $161 Billion 2013 $186 Billion

Sources: USDA, Social Security Administration & CBO

Let's see here….carry the one….divide by three…..that would mean that from 2009 until 2013….


$161 billion
$115 billion
$54 billion

$330 billion


$80 billion
$139 billion
$186 billion

$405 billion

Or an increase of 75 BILLION Dollars……… Yeah, Papa Doc is a liar. And the stats bear it out.
When I worked for minimum wage ($2.10 an hour) I did not earn enough to support myself

But I did earn enough to pay for college just working summers. Others could earn enough to buy a new car or get started in an apartment

Minimum wage does not even get you started up that ladder of success because it will not even pay the basics to keep you on that ladder

$15K a year is not enough to get one started?

That's false.

At $2.10 an hour....

I could buy seven gallons of gas. $7.25 will buy you two
I could buy a new economy car on six months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could pay a years college tuition on three months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could rent an apartment on less than two weeks pay. $7.25 will take you three weeks pay

How are you supposed to get started if the wage won't even pay for the basic things you need to get started?
You obviously would need more than one job :eusa_whistle:
When I worked for minimum wage ($2.10 an hour) I did not earn enough to support myself

But I did earn enough to pay for college just working summers. Others could earn enough to buy a new car or get started in an apartment

Minimum wage does not even get you started up that ladder of success because it will not even pay the basics to keep you on that ladder

$15K a year is not enough to get one started?

That's false.

At $2.10 an hour....

I could buy seven gallons of gas. $7.25 will buy you two
I could buy a new economy car on six months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could pay a years college tuition on three months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could rent an apartment on less than two weeks pay. $7.25 will take you three weeks pay

How are you supposed to get started if the wage won't even pay for the basic things you need to get started? You can double the current minimum wage and not have the buying power I had at $2.10 an hour

You set up business and school communities to provide student housing and work-study programs, where people can exchange for services while supervisors train interns in each field. So you lower the cost of education and services by saving time and losses on the learning curve by having educational supervision. And students receiving on the job training can live in lower cost housing while completing their internships.

By converting prisons and sweatshops into campus programs that are sustainable, the money currently wasted on crime and incarceration can easily pay for health care and housing while more people receive education than what we currently spend per inmate.
$15K a year is not enough to get one started?

That's false.

At $2.10 an hour....

I could buy seven gallons of gas. $7.25 will buy you two
I could buy a new economy car on six months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could pay a years college tuition on three months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could rent an apartment on less than two weeks pay. $7.25 will take you three weeks pay

How are you supposed to get started if the wage won't even pay for the basic things you need to get started?
You obviously would need more than one job :eusa_whistle:

Which shows that the minimum wage is woefully inadequate
Interesting video

Which of those programs that Julia benefits from do you propose eliminating?

That's your on the lefts famous line...you get them hooked on welfare and then push this line we the people can't ask anything EVER BE CUT like we should expect rioting, death and destruction if we do cut entitlements

It's Democrats/liberals like you who have helped in making this Free country with Free people into a dependent one of entitlement, lazy, people
Just like the Julia video and what it's selling, hey why work look what the Nanny Government can do for you...come on come all

You are ducking

You keep posting the Julia video as an example of liberal excess. Which of those programs do Conservatives recommend eliminating?

Simple question. Should be easy if that video is as bad as you say

No one is calling for eliminating anything, but that is how you on left sell fearmongering to people in this country

we want this overbearing, bloated, wasteful, government agencies on top of agencies, etc...cut down to size..

but you government lovers sheep for the Democrat party will push the lies that Republicans want's to cut off aid for those who (actually and not receiving aid through lies and fraud) need it
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That's your on the lefts famous line...you get them hooked on welfare and then push this line we the people can't ask anything EVER BE CUT like we should expect rioting, death and destruction if we do cut entitlements

It's Democrats/liberals like you who have helped in making this Free country with Free people into a dependent one of entitlement, lazy, people
Just like the Julia video and what it's selling, hey why work look what the Nanny Government can do for you...come on come all

You are ducking

You keep posting the Julia video as an example of liberal excess. Which of those programs do Conservatives recommend eliminating?

Simple question. Should be easy if that video is as bad as you say

No one is calling for eliminating anything, but that is how you on left sell fearmongering to people in this country

Well, if you support all those programs that benefit Julia.

Why did you post the video?
$15K a year is not enough to get one started?

That's false.

At $2.10 an hour....

I could buy seven gallons of gas. $7.25 will buy you two
I could buy a new economy car on six months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could pay a years college tuition on three months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could rent an apartment on less than two weeks pay. $7.25 will take you three weeks pay

How are you supposed to get started if the wage won't even pay for the basic things you need to get started?
You obviously would need more than one job :eusa_whistle:

Yes let's take it further.
What if all people working as elected officials in govt
had to work to EARN their salaries and benefits on commission.

So they are lent the salary, but have to earn it back by saving or collecting
money back on behalf of taxpayers by correcting problems or abuses of govt.

In the meantime, yes, they'd likely have to work two jobs.
One to support their personal costs, and their govt job which would be based
on cutting costs or collecting RESTITUTION for crime/corruption and
using that to cover costs of their government work so it is like a business.

The services provided to the public, or the money saved/retrieved,
must EXCEED the cost it takes to do that work! or else it is not efficient
and THAT problem needs to be solved, also on a commission basis.

if you are costing taxpayers more money than you are saving or serving
then someone else should be hired who can do the work for less or collect more
in restitution or corrections owed to taxpayers for crimes or corruption.
You can climb it, it just requires hard work, or even working in a job you may think is "beneath you" for a while. And people expect to shoot up the ladder with no effort nowadays, it takes work, it takes some sacrifice, something people today just can't seem to muster.

Americans do work hard. As hard as they ever have and they have less to show for it. American workers are sacrificing. Working harder and receiving less for it. Lower pay, no pay increases, shoddy healthcare, no paid vacations, no retirement plan

Some can and do climb the ladder of success....but all can't
They used to be able to

All sorts of generalizations in there, and not enough to continue to rob people to pay for your pet social projects.

Yup. I love busting my ass at work so my hardearned money can support some freeloader.

Social programs are nothing but the Govts idea of having those who pay taxes and work being forced to support those who can't or won't support themselves.

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