OBAMA- "We have not created an entitlement state"

You are ducking

You keep posting the Julia video as an example of liberal excess. Which of those programs do Conservatives recommend eliminating?

Simple question. Should be easy if that video is as bad as you say

No one is calling for eliminating anything, but that is how you on left sell fearmongering to people in this country

Well, if you support all those programs that benefit Julia.

Why did you post the video?

omg, the thread was how Obama is PUSHING and creating an entitlement state
that's where the video Obama and his comrades made and pushed on the people come's in
Now I'm done with your nonsense
When I worked for minimum wage ($2.10 an hour) I did not earn enough to support myself

But I did earn enough to pay for college just working summers. Others could earn enough to buy a new car or get started in an apartment

Minimum wage does not even get you started up that ladder of success because it will not even pay the basics to keep you on that ladder

$15K a year is not enough to get one started?

That's false.

At $2.10 an hour....

I could buy seven gallons of gas. $7.25 will buy you two
I could buy a new economy car on six months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could pay a years college tuition on three months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could rent an apartment on less than two weeks pay. $7.25 will take you three weeks pay

How are you supposed to get started if the wage won't even pay for the basic things you need to get started? You can double the current minimum wage and not have the buying power I had at $2.10 an hour

Seems to me that thats the problem of the guy or gal earning that $2.10 an hour. Its up to them to better themselves. Its up to them to improve their lives. It certainly isn't duty of the taxpayers of America to shoulder their problems in life nor should it be.

However, if you think its YOUR DUTY to take care of these people then by God whip out YOUR checkbook and YOUR wallet and take care of them. After all. Its YOUR duty.

Wonder how long it would take them to clean you the fuck out??
'Entitlement' is a word elitist corporatists use to keep the masses of right wingers busy feeling a great loss that keeps them too from being elitist corporatists. That entitlement is for the rich only can never be said. If widespread entitlement existed the economy would be booming - do wingnuts ever think about the nonsense they write?

"The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer... Economist Dean Baker debunks the myth that conservatives favor the market over government intervention. In fact, conservatives rely on a range of “nanny state” policies that ensure the rich get richer while leaving most Americans worse off. It’s time for the rules to change. Sound economic policy should harness the market in ways that produce desirable social outcomes – decent wages, good jobs and affordable health care." The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer

"Many conservatives and libertarians defend the current levels of income inequality on the basis of merit. They claim the rich got rich because they worked harder, longer or smarter than the rest. However, researchers have conducted a vast number of empirical studies on what factors contribute to success, and in what proportion. A classic example of one of these studies is the 1972 book Inequality, by Christopher Jencks. (1) And these studies show that the meritocrat's position is not just arguably wrong, but clearly wrong." The rich get rich because of their merit.
At $2.10 an hour....

I could buy seven gallons of gas. $7.25 will buy you two
I could buy a new economy car on six months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could pay a years college tuition on three months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could rent an apartment on less than two weeks pay. $7.25 will take you three weeks pay

How are you supposed to get started if the wage won't even pay for the basic things you need to get started?
You obviously would need more than one job :eusa_whistle:

Which shows that the minimum wage is woefully inadequate
What do you expect from an entry into the work force job. The only minimum wage jobs I ever had was as a teen. Do you think that you should be able to buy a house, raise children, and send them to college, drive new cars ( his, and hers ) ect. ? You know a starter job offers you skills, work history, experience wich makes you a better competerer!

Do you factor in the negative aspects of paying an unskilled person a " liviable " wage? For one it cost others jobs. It takes incentive out of starting a business; cost more jobs. There are millions of people willing to work at minimum wage, and the outstanding ones advance quickly. I don't get you :confused:
What is an entitlement state?

A Method LIBTARDS have adopted to reward supporters, transfer wealth from whitey, buy votes and retain power.

That's a good start...

Is helping people who need help entitlement? Is providing food,shelter, medical care to those who cannot afford it otherwise a worse entitlement than providing subsidies to those with overwhelming wealth?

Is the oil subsidy an entitlement?
How about the trillion dollar farm bill we just passed?

Which of those two groups provide jobs and benefit America?
At $2.10 an hour....

I could buy seven gallons of gas. $7.25 will buy you two
I could buy a new economy car on six months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could pay a years college tuition on three months work. $7.25 will take you a year
I could rent an apartment on less than two weeks pay. $7.25 will take you three weeks pay

How are you supposed to get started if the wage won't even pay for the basic things you need to get started?
You obviously would need more than one job :eusa_whistle:

Yes let's take it further.
What if all people working as elected officials in govt
had to work to EARN their salaries and benefits on commission.

So they are lent the salary, but have to earn it back by saving or collecting
money back on behalf of taxpayers by correcting problems or abuses of govt.

In the meantime, yes, they'd likely have to work two jobs.
One to support their personal costs, and their govt job which would be based
on cutting costs or collecting RESTITUTION for crime/corruption and
using that to cover costs of their government work so it is like a business.

The services provided to the public, or the money saved/retrieved,
must EXCEED the cost it takes to do that work! or else it is not efficient
and THAT problem needs to be solved, also on a commission basis.

if you are costing taxpayers more money than you are saving or serving
then someone else should be hired who can do the work for less or collect more
in restitution or corrections owed to taxpayers for crimes or corruption.
Forfieture laws are already out of control - a license to steal!
But remember folks, Obama say's he and his comrades aren't CREATING an entitlement state

Obama is typical progressive... good at looking you straight in the face and lie out of both of his ass

links and video at site

Shocking: CBO Director Admits Obamacare ‘Creates a Disincentive for People to Work’ (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 11:04 AM

During questioning today before a Congressional committee, Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf said straight out that Obamacare’s incentives scheme discourages work.

“By providing heavily subsidized health insurance to people with very low incomes and withdrawing those subsidies as income rises, the act creates a disincentive for people to work relative to what would have been the case in the absence of that act.”

The CBO yesterday reported that around 2.3 million Americans will lose their jobs due to Obamacare.
Via Happening Now:

ALL of it here
Shocking: CBO Director Admits Obamacare ?Creates a Disincentive for People to Work? (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
You obviously would need more than one job :eusa_whistle:

Which shows that the minimum wage is woefully inadequate
What do you expect from an entry into the work force job. The only minimum wage jobs I ever had was as a teen. Do you think that you should be able to buy a house, raise children, and send them to college, drive new cars ( his, and hers ) ect. ? You know a starter job offers you skills, work history, experience wich makes you a better competerer!

Do you factor in the negative aspects of paying an unskilled person a " liviable " wage? For one it cost others jobs. It takes incentive out of starting a business; cost more jobs. There are millions of people willing to work at minimum wage, and the outstanding ones advance quickly. I don't get you :confused:

I started at minimum wage at 15, and by 18 was making $2 an hour over it per in a part time job the boss knew I was going to leave for college (I worked there over the summers). It was because I was good at my job and he didnt want to lose me, and he knew he could get someone cheaper who would cost him money, not make him money.
What is an entitlement state?

It's a idea or belief that it is the governments job to provide for those who for whatever the reason have less than others with no seeming cut off date through social programs funded through ever increasing taxes on the rich.

What about programs that benefit the wealthy? Shouldn't there be a cutoff date for those also?
Because the lying cocksucker in chief is just so honest and just so believable

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1LRcLMScEqo]Obama You can keep your doctor - YouTube[/ame]

And people, listen to me...... It wasn't just the lying cocksucker in chief lying to all of us.... It was the entire dimocrap apparatus.... the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM (in fact, Tingles STILL is.. Last night) all your elected dimocrap scum Representatives either said it or let it stand, newspapers, the AP, the Slimes, the WaPo....

The entire dimocrap apparatus lied to us. And will continue to lie until you/we make them stop.
What is an entitlement state?

It's a idea or belief that it is the governments job to provide for those who for whatever the reason have less than others with no seeming cut off date through social programs funded through ever increasing taxes on the rich.

What about programs that benefit the wealthy? Shouldn't there be a cutoff date for those also?

Start a new thread on it, maggot brain
It's a idea or belief that it is the governments job to provide for those who for whatever the reason have less than others with no seeming cut off date through social programs funded through ever increasing taxes on the rich.

What about programs that benefit the wealthy? Shouldn't there be a cutoff date for those also?

Start a new thread on it, maggot brain

No kidding, he take over every frikken thread with his deflections and lies, like how Republicans are calling for taking aid away from people who need it

He's like a paid Democrat/progressive/Obama goon who is on this board all THE TIME
Which shows that the minimum wage is woefully inadequate
What do you expect from an entry into the work force job. The only minimum wage jobs I ever had was as a teen. Do you think that you should be able to buy a house, raise children, and send them to college, drive new cars ( his, and hers ) ect. ? You know a starter job offers you skills, work history, experience wich makes you a better competerer!

Do you factor in the negative aspects of paying an unskilled person a " liviable " wage? For one it cost others jobs. It takes incentive out of starting a business; cost more jobs. There are millions of people willing to work at minimum wage, and the outstanding ones advance quickly. I don't get you :confused:

I started at minimum wage at 15, and by 18 was making $2 an hour over it per in a part time job the boss knew I was going to leave for college (I worked there over the summers). It was because I was good at my job and he didnt want to lose me, and he knew he could get someone cheaper who would cost him money, not make him money.
I dipped fish, and cleaned up rat shit after school - cut grass, raked leaves, shoveled snow. I worked on a trash truck from 4 - 4 for a $100.00 a week, and bussed tables, and washed dishes after that in the evenings for a few dollars more. I was a door man at a high - end condo as well for $2.10. Worked in a bowling ally for $2.35. Started as a private in the US Marine Corps for very little pay. I took the pay I was offered, and I was happy to get it. I just don't get this entitlement mentality :cuckoo:
Where has anyone ever said "Everyone must go to college"?
Another myth being pushed by Conservatives. Progressives have pushed post secondary education for those who desire it. That education has always included vocational education

What we have is a vast underclass without access to the ladder to success. Yes I know a few can make it through hard work and perserverence, but that ladder used to carry everyone who was willing to work hard.

Republicans fight tooth and nail against a minimum wage that will get you further up that ladder. But the problem is a lack of jobs that provide the ability to support a family.

The result is an entitlement system where the taxpayers subsidize employers who pay low wages by providing a safety net for their employees

What has been repeatedly pointed out...and repeatedly ignored by progressives like yourself, Winger...is that entry level minimum wage jobs are the means for people to ACCESS the ladder and begin an ascent to better paying jobs. Those jobs were NEVER supposed support a family of four. When you raise the minimum wage to the extent that liberals are now calling for you WILL cut the number of entry level jobs available to young people and people without job skills. What you naively think will help the poor will in fact hurt them even more.

When I worked for minimum wage ($2.10 an hour) I did not earn enough to support myself

But I did earn enough to pay for college just working summers. Others could earn enough to buy a new car or get started in an apartment

Minimum wage does not even get you started up that ladder of success because it will not even pay the basics to keep you on that ladder

Wait a minute...you libs always say that minimum wage use to be a living wage and it's just recently not kept up with inflation.
And you should have already gotten up the first few rungs before you leave home or college.
Didnt your parents warn you about these things? Hell,you shoud have been able to figure that out on your own using simple math.
Surely there was a "light bulb" moment.
I agree...there is no reason to get to a ladder in which you cannot climb

This is just not welfare minorities scamming the system but millions of young americans who followed the rules, worked hard, graduated college, served in the military......only to find that ladder does not provide jobs that they can support themselves on

You can climb it, it just requires hard work, or even working in a job you may think is "beneath you" for a while. And people expect to shoot up the ladder with no effort nowadays, it takes work, it takes some sacrifice, something people today just can't seem to muster.

Americans do work hard. As hard as they ever have and they have less to show for it. American workers are sacrificing. Working harder and receiving less for it. Lower pay, no pay increases, shoddy healthcare, no paid vacations, no retirement plan

Some can and do climb the ladder of success....but all can't
They used to be able to

Stop with the uncontrolled immigration and it would be a lot easier to take that next step to financial independence.
It's a idea or belief that it is the governments job to provide for those who for whatever the reason have less than others with no seeming cut off date through social programs funded through ever increasing taxes on the rich.

What about programs that benefit the wealthy? Shouldn't there be a cutoff date for those also?

Start a new thread on it, maggot brain

Is the Exxon subsidy an entitlement or not?

They have been getting it for decades and show no effort to get off of it

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