OBAMA- "We have not created an entitlement state"

It never bothered me to work two jobs, be broke all the time, and go to school. It was a means to an end. It doesnt bother me now to work long hours. Thats the only way that I know how to move up.

Once again you offer an individual solution to a problem that impacts an entire class of people. We are talking about 30 million people. There are not 30 million additional jobs out there so that people can work two jobs. There are not enough overtime hours for 30 million people to work

You offer simplistic solutions for a complex problem

Get rid of the thirty million illegals.....Whoops to late for that,they've already taken over the blue collar jobs.
You libs are your own worst enemy when it comes to jobs.
You can climb it, it just requires hard work, or even working in a job you may think is "beneath you" for a while. And people expect to shoot up the ladder with no effort nowadays, it takes work, it takes some sacrifice, something people today just can't seem to muster.

Americans do work hard. As hard as they ever have and they have less to show for it. American workers are sacrificing. Working harder and receiving less for it. Lower pay, no pay increases, shoddy healthcare, no paid vacations, no retirement plan

Some can and do climb the ladder of success....but all can't
They used to be able to

All CAN.. they have the SAME freedom and access to do so.. their CHOICES and ACTIONS are all that prevents ANYONE from moving up

When you would rather settle and never advance yourself past the level that only affords minimum, or when you would rather have handouts than try to advance.. YOU are the problem

But it's too haaaaard...:(
What do you expect from an entry into the work force job. The only minimum wage jobs I ever had was as a teen. Do you think that you should be able to buy a house, raise children, and send them to college, drive new cars ( his, and hers ) ect. ? You know a starter job offers you skills, work history, experience wich makes you a better competerer!

Do you factor in the negative aspects of paying an unskilled person a " liviable " wage? For one it cost others jobs. It takes incentive out of starting a business; cost more jobs. There are millions of people willing to work at minimum wage, and the outstanding ones advance quickly. I don't get you :confused:

I started at minimum wage at 15, and by 18 was making $2 an hour over it per in a part time job the boss knew I was going to leave for college (I worked there over the summers). It was because I was good at my job and he didnt want to lose me, and he knew he could get someone cheaper who would cost him money, not make him money.
I dipped fish, and cleaned up rat shit after school - cut grass, raked leaves, shoveled snow. I worked on a trash truck from 4 - 4 for a $100.00 a week, and bussed tables, and washed dishes after that in the evenings for a few dollars more. I was a door man at a high - end condo as well for $2.10. Worked in a bowling ally for $2.35. Started as a private in the US Marine Corps for very little pay. I took the pay I was offered, and I was happy to get it. I just don't get this entitlement mentality :cuckoo:

What you were paid went alot farther than a minimum wage worker gets today
What about programs that benefit the wealthy? Shouldn't there be a cutoff date for those also?

Start a new thread on it, maggot brain

Is the Exxon subsidy an entitlement or not?

They have been getting it for decades and show no effort to get off of it

Exxon Whines About Push To Cut Its Subsidies On Same Day It Announces $11 Billion First-Quarter Profit | ThinkProgress

They get a tax deduction, not an entitlement, for expenses, same as any other business. and Exxon's work benefits everyone, as petroleum tends to be a needed commodity in our modern world.
I started at minimum wage at 15, and by 18 was making $2 an hour over it per in a part time job the boss knew I was going to leave for college (I worked there over the summers). It was because I was good at my job and he didnt want to lose me, and he knew he could get someone cheaper who would cost him money, not make him money.
I dipped fish, and cleaned up rat shit after school - cut grass, raked leaves, shoveled snow. I worked on a trash truck from 4 - 4 for a $100.00 a week, and bussed tables, and washed dishes after that in the evenings for a few dollars more. I was a door man at a high - end condo as well for $2.10. Worked in a bowling ally for $2.35. Started as a private in the US Marine Corps for very little pay. I took the pay I was offered, and I was happy to get it. I just don't get this entitlement mentality :cuckoo:

What you were paid went alot farther than a minimum wage worker gets today
Who has devalued the dollar?
Not true

The access is no longer there. There are fewer and fewer jobs that people can support themselves on. People can find jobs....what they cannot find is careers that will enable them to support themselvces and a family

Yes it is.. show 1 law, one piece of legislation, one government mandate, etc that does not afford the same freedom to pursue to ANYONE

You have no RIGHT to a job, health insurance, or whatever else... you have the very same opportunity to go make it yourself than you ever have

You have fewer opportunities than workers from a generation ago had

We can ignore the problem......I got my job, who cares about you?
In the mean time we have more, formerly productive workers requiring government assistance

You keep saying there are fewer opportunities then in the past. Why is that,and what would you do to change it?
Something bothered me the other night when Papa Doc did his glorious interview with Bill OReilly. Papa Doc claimed that they (his administration) has not "created an entitlement state" Paraphrased.

Funny….I thought. So I did my research and found some rather interesting statistics:

And lest we forget, this doesn't include the 1 TRILLION dollars for Obarrycare.

The Nanny State

Food Stamps - 2009 $54 Billion 2013 $80 Billion

Disability - 2009 $115 Billion 2013 $139 Billion

Welfare - 2009 $161 Billion 2013 $186 Billion

Sources: USDA, Social Security Administration & CBO

Let's see here….carry the one….divide by three…..that would mean that from 2009 until 2013….


$161 billion
$115 billion
$54 billion

$330 billion


$80 billion
$139 billion
$186 billion

$405 billion

Or an increase of 75 BILLION Dollars……… Yeah, Papa Doc is a liar. And the stats bear it out.

Welfare 186 billion?

Can you break that down for us?

What is an entitlement state?

It's a idea or belief that it is the governments job to provide for those who for whatever the reason have less than others with no seeming cut off date through social programs funded through ever increasing taxes on the rich.

What about programs that benefit the wealthy? Shouldn't there be a cutoff date for those also?

What benefits do I receive? Hell,what benefits do the middle class receive?
ZERO...We just pay for them.
I started at minimum wage at 15, and by 18 was making $2 an hour over it per in a part time job the boss knew I was going to leave for college (I worked there over the summers). It was because I was good at my job and he didnt want to lose me, and he knew he could get someone cheaper who would cost him money, not make him money.
I dipped fish, and cleaned up rat shit after school - cut grass, raked leaves, shoveled snow. I worked on a trash truck from 4 - 4 for a $100.00 a week, and bussed tables, and washed dishes after that in the evenings for a few dollars more. I was a door man at a high - end condo as well for $2.10. Worked in a bowling ally for $2.35. Started as a private in the US Marine Corps for very little pay. I took the pay I was offered, and I was happy to get it. I just don't get this entitlement mentality :cuckoo:

What you were paid went alot farther than a minimum wage worker gets today

Because he worked more than one job.
He's not technically lying. He didn't create it. He has just expanded it significantly.
Liberal's never get it, they always think the company will offset the Additional cost by taking it out of their profits. This is just to buy votes. The only thing that will raise wages is a low unemployment number
obamawroshipers and their constant lies.

only leftards can equate the handouts for doing nothing( welfare, foods stamps, etc) with the decrease in government robbery a.k.a. taxes.

and you are surprised why they support the liar in chief. Because they all are liars themselves :D
I guess Greeny finally caught a fucking clue.

Obamacare is a POS and will cost the taxpayers millions and the only winners will be those "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.
I'm starting to think Obama actually believes some of the stuff
Valerie Jarrett fills his puppet head with.
A Method LIBTARDS have adopted to reward supporters, transfer wealth from whitey, buy votes and retain power.

Since more whites are on welfare than minorities, I guess it's a white on white charity.

stop lying ( although you will die if you won't lie) - the rate minorities depend on welfare is exponentially higher than whites.

It always amazes me how dems lose the ability to understand percentages when it comes to things like welfare and and how many min wage workers are out there.
At this point, Obama has reached the Rhetorical Equivalent of George Costanza's Do The Opposite Strategy.

Anything Obama says should be interpreted as having The Opposite meaning.

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