Obama Websites INOPERATIVE...

so if someone can't afford healthcare and their plan is going to be subsidized, what plan will they be given? a high deductible bronz plan or a full coverage cadilac plan?
They pick which plan they want, regardless of whether subsidies will cover part/all of it.

i mean would it be fair to have a working american who can barely afford healthcare but makes just too much to be subsidized be stuck with a high deductable because that is all he can afford, while someone who does nothing and returns nothing to society gets the free ride
You bring an interesting point. I believe the bottom line is no, it wouldn't be fair someone who does nothing gets the free ride.

California has between 3 and 7 plans for you to choose from, Texas has over 70. California says their market is better because people have fewer choices, I say bunk.
There is little doubt our healtcare system Is broken. Nobody should get tossed to the curb because they're poor or out of insurance. But instead of letting the leftists grab us by the throat and control every aspect of our lives (and they can do it with Barry-Care), why not open up competiton between all insurance companies nation-wide instead of the proprietary zones we got now? Why not make health insurance 100% tax-deductible on your 1040? Why not set up STATE government run free clinics in rural, suburban, and urban areas staffed by interns coming out of medical school? Why not let Sam buy out for-profit hospitals and operated them as non-profits, charging what covers expenses like it was done for 100 years before the 1990'? I'm sure there are dozens of others ideas that could work along beside mine to serve the lousy FIFTEEN PERCENT of who Barry-Care is supposedly targeting at the expense of the EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT of us getting reamed by this bullshit.


Those are all very valid observations but the whole point of this is no one was lifting a finger to do anything about the situation with healthcare being out of control. Now that the ACA is passed it needs to be tweaked and reworked. The POTUS has said he wants to hear from people with better ideas. The POTUS put the ball in motion. That will be his legacy.

He's full of shit. He let that damn 2,500 page bill be written by Pelosi and Reid insulted Republicans every step of the way, crammed it down America's throat knowing full well no one had even read it. So you'll forgive me if I don't believe a damn word he says You doggone right it'll be his legacy.
404? As in, so many people showed up, the website crashed? Oh yeah - total failure, that one.

More people show up to Drudgereport every day than Obamacrap's URL will see in 10 years, shitstain. How come they don't have a problem?

Less than 1% of hits on the site are sign ups. What's happening is millions of people hitting up the site until it crashed. Surely even the dimmest bulb can see what's happening. The site is being hit over and over. It 's not like it never happened before. Probably even foriegners are hitting that site. The Chinese probably have five robos set for just that, over and over.
404? As in, so many people showed up, the website crashed? Oh yeah - total failure, that one.

More people show up to Drudgereport every day than Obamacrap's URL will see in 10 years, shitstain. How come they don't have a problem?

Less than 1% of hits on the site are sign ups. What's happening is millions of people hitting up the site until it crashed. Surely even the dimmest bulb can see what's happening. The site is being hit over and over. It 's not like it never happened before. Probably even foriegners are hitting that site. The Chinese probably have five robos set for just that, over and over.

Proof of the 1% allegation?
I've pointed out the kook strategic plan before.

1. Point to every little glitch as the complete failure of the ACA

2. When the whole nation doesn't sign up on day 1, declare it means everyone hates the ACA.

3. When large numbers do sign up, declare it means everyone is a moocher.

So, stage 1 is proceeding on schedule.

Are you signed up, asswipe, or did you get a 404 error too.

404? As in, so many people showed up, the website crashed? Oh yeah - total failure, that one.

Well, if people can't get in, just how will they sign up for it?

I went to a launch party to the triquel of a favorite game of mine last year, the launch of the servers were disastrous, the servers were not operable for almost a week; the game that was so highly touted by critics was severely damaged by the bad PR.

And if what I hear about the exchanges are true, I don't want any part of them. How am I, a person without a job currently, going to pay the $95 penalty for non compliance? Perhaps these people weren't thinking clearly when they drafted this law, there are poor people who will be unable to pay the penalty, much less the insurance premiums.
More people show up to Drudgereport every day than Obamacrap's URL will see in 10 years, shitstain. How come they don't have a problem?

Less than 1% of hits on the site are sign ups. What's happening is millions of people hitting up the site until it crashed. Surely even the dimmest bulb can see what's happening. The site is being hit over and over. It 's not like it never happened before. Probably even foriegners are hitting that site. The Chinese probably have five robos set for just that, over and over.

Proof of the 1% allegation?

EXCLUSIVE: Less than 1 per cent of Web visitors are signing up for Obamacare on some state health exchange websites | Mail Online

There you go.

It should be obvious what's happening. This is done to businesses all the time. A couple of years ago it was done to several banks and brought down their websites. This is a spam attack. Are democrats really this stupid?
Are you signed up, asswipe, or did you get a 404 error too.

404? As in, so many people showed up, the website crashed? Oh yeah - total failure, that one.

Well, if people can't get in, just how will they sign up for it?

I went to a launch party to the triquel of a favorite game of mine last year, the launch of the servers were disastrous, the servers were not operable for almost a week; the game that was so highly touted by critics was severely damaged by the bad PR.

And if what I hear about the exchanges are true, I don't want any part of them. How am I, a person without a job currently, going to pay the $95 penalty for non compliance? Perhaps these people weren't thinking clearly when they drafted this law, there are poor people who will be unable to pay the penalty, much less the insurance premiums.
You can not get Insurance subsidies on the exchange for your health Insurance if you are BELOW the poverty level....I am uncertain if you are married or not, or if you have other income from a spouse....but if you are not making any income or less than the poverty level as an individual, then you have to apply for Medicaid.....is my understanding....

also, the ACA law has hardship exemptions so you would not have to pay the $95 penalty tax, if you lost your job...as example.
I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that Obama-crap. TriCare thank God.
It should be obvious what's happening. This is done to businesses all the time. A couple of years ago it was done to several banks and brought down their websites. This is a spam attack. Are democrats really this stupid?
A DDS attack is not spam. Spam is a message/request sent to as many entities as possible, a denial-of-service attack is the opposite: sent from as many entities as possible to one source.

Irony you reflecting on the stupidity of others.
Whatever it is kiddo, the end result is to keep hitting the site until it crashes. As many people as there are who don't want obamacare this can go on for a very long time.
Whatever it is kiddo, the end result is to keep hitting the site until it crashes. As many people as there are who don't want obamacare this can go on for a very long time.
It was probably just overloaded servers from opening demand that will soon abate, not some nefarious plot to purposely bring it down. People are looking to what their options are, or are just curious. I know I went to the site, and I'm not even shopping for health insurance.
I've pointed out the kook strategic plan before.

1. Point to every little glitch as the complete failure of the ACA

2. When the whole nation doesn't sign up on day 1, declare it means everyone hates the ACA.

3. When large numbers do sign up, declare it means everyone is a moocher.

So, stage 1 is proceeding on schedule.

If it's so darn good why did the lawyer in the wh put it off until after the election?? he that damn afraid? huh?

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