Obama went straight to gun control within hours of the sniper attack in Dallas

Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.
Why? The "gun control" that legislators have tried so far, has utterly failed to reduce gun violence. And in some cases they have INCREASED it (see "gun free zones").

And you want MORE of the same legislation?

There's a name for people who try to do the same thing over and over, and expect a different result.
What legislation has failed and why?

Local and state laws fail because local and state boarders are pores. We need national gun control

Do you have a problem with background checks that can help to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally unstable? If so why? No it wont keep all criminal and lunatics from acquiring guns but if it just prevents a few from getting them, it will save lives. All lives matter.

Do you have a problem with outlawing semi automatic, high capacity weapons? Why do civilians need them?

Please answer honestly without using NRA and GOP talking points

Please don't talk about gun control until you learn the difference in "borders" and "boarders", "pores" and "porous". It just makes you appear ignorant on so many levels.
And is better than them in others, in important things like birthrate. all those cultures you so long for are dying out.

US is #37 in WHO healthdcare outcome rankings. You should get out more.

yeah...the European countries rated themselves better than the U.S.....big surprise.......let's see how much money they can spend on healthcare if they actually have to field a real military....

Well yeah, the empire costs society at large. And actually shoog, ours is the most expensive healthcare sytem in the world - nope - waaaaaaaaaaaaay before Heritage Foundation Care passed under Obama.

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries
U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
The U.S. ranks worst among 11 wealthy nations in terms of “efficiency, equity and outcomes" despite having the world's most expensive health care system

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World

U.S. Healthcare: Most Expensive and Worst Performing
U.S. Healthcare: Most Expensive and Worst Performing

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System
MMS: Error

You're welcome, come back and we'll discuss it?

Again.....rated by people who favor government healthcare......keep trying.

The data is what the data is, stay stupid my friend.

Is that what you did? Why should we join you? Are you lonely?
Our right to keep and bare arms is not granted by government, it is an unalienable right so suck on it.

And that's the problem. You shitheads really believe that. You really think that Terrorists and crazy people have a right to have guns.

And then you act all surprised when they do something like this.

This morning, before we knew anything, when the authorities were still claiming there were multiple snipers, I said this was going to turn out to be one guy with a history of mental issues who was able to get a gun despite that. And once again, I was proven right.

Go ahead try to amend the constitution you fools will get nowhere.
Go ahead try to amend the constitution you fools will get nowhere.

We don't have to amend the constitution. All we need to do is replace the late and unlamented Tony the Big Tuna Scalia with someone who can read and they will discover "A Well-Regulated Militia" is already in that amendment!!!

Awesome> Well regulated. Let's do some fucking regulating, bitches.

Here's one. If you are a crazy person, you can't buy a gun.

if you slap around your old lady, you can't buy a gun.
"Obama went straight to gun control within hours of the sniper attack in Dallas"

And this illustrates the stupidity common to most on the partisan right.

‘Gun control’ is more than just the regulation of actual firearms.

I can involve expanding background checks and adding other prohibited person to the NICS database, which is perfectly consistent with the Second Amendment and in no way ‘violates’ the rights of gun owners.

I can mean making mental health detection and treatment more comprehensive and available – where had many who commit acts of gun violence receive more timely treatment at an early age, their illness would not have facilitated their violent crimes.

Such is the reprehensible right – to make partisan the tragic events in Dallas.
I do think that this puts an end to the "Good guy with a gun" argument. Dallas was not a "gun free zone". All these Open Carry types, and not a one of them engaged the shooter. It took a SWAT team and a Bomb carrying robot to take this guy out.

But "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a soulless robot armed with explosives" just doesn't have the same ring, does it?
Go ahead try to amend the constitution you fools will get nowhere.

We don't have to amend the constitution. All we need to do is replace the late and unlamented Tony the Big Tuna Scalia with someone who can read and they will discover "A Well-Regulated Militia" is already in that amendment!!!

Awesome> Well regulated. Let's do some fucking regulating, bitches.

Here's one. If you are a crazy person, you can't buy a gun.

if you slap around your old lady, you can't buy a gun.

That's some big talk since your side has repeatedly got bitch slapped by the court over the last 15 years. Newsflash we are not afraid of you prissy little punks.
Go ahead try to amend the constitution you fools will get nowhere.

We don't have to amend the constitution. All we need to do is replace the late and unlamented Tony the Big Tuna Scalia with someone who can read and they will discover "A Well-Regulated Militia" is already in that amendment!!!

Awesome> Well regulated. Let's do some fucking regulating, bitches.

Here's one. If you are a crazy person, you can't buy a gun.

if you slap around your old lady, you can't buy a gun.
You a militia?
Go ahead try to amend the constitution you fools will get nowhere.

We don't have to amend the constitution. All we need to do is replace the late and unlamented Tony the Big Tuna Scalia with someone who can read and they will discover "A Well-Regulated Militia" is already in that amendment!!!

Awesome> Well regulated. Let's do some fucking regulating, bitches.

Here's one. If you are a crazy person, you can't buy a gun.

if you slap around your old lady, you can't buy a gun.
You a militia?

You a retard?
Go ahead try to amend the constitution you fools will get nowhere.

We don't have to amend the constitution. All we need to do is replace the late and unlamented Tony the Big Tuna Scalia with someone who can read and they will discover "A Well-Regulated Militia" is already in that amendment!!!

Awesome> Well regulated. Let's do some fucking regulating, bitches.

Here's one. If you are a crazy person, you can't buy a gun.

if you slap around your old lady, you can't buy a gun.
You a militia?

You a retard?
Pardon me...
Go ahead try to amend the constitution you fools will get nowhere.

We don't have to amend the constitution. All we need to do is replace the late and unlamented Tony the Big Tuna Scalia with someone who can read and they will discover "A Well-Regulated Militia" is already in that amendment!!!

Awesome> Well regulated. Let's do some fucking regulating, bitches.

Here's one. If you are a crazy person, you can't buy a gun.

if you slap around your old lady, you can't buy a gun.
You a militia?

You a retard?
Pardon me...

Apologies on occasion there is collateral damage when I'm busy destroying prissy liberals. :eusa_whistle:
Go ahead try to amend the constitution you fools will get nowhere.

We don't have to amend the constitution. All we need to do is replace the late and unlamented Tony the Big Tuna Scalia with someone who can read and they will discover "A Well-Regulated Militia" is already in that amendment!!!

Awesome> Well regulated. Let's do some fucking regulating, bitches.

Here's one. If you are a crazy person, you can't buy a gun.

if you slap around your old lady, you can't buy a gun.
You a militia?

You a retard?
Pardon me...

Apologies on occasion there is collateral damage when I'm busy destroying prissy liberals. :eusa_whistle:
Amen brother....there are more of us in the front line trenches with each passing day....glad to have you at my six.....
We don't have to amend the constitution. All we need to do is replace the late and unlamented Tony the Big Tuna Scalia with someone who can read and they will discover "A Well-Regulated Militia" is already in that amendment!!!

Awesome> Well regulated. Let's do some fucking regulating, bitches.

Here's one. If you are a crazy person, you can't buy a gun.

if you slap around your old lady, you can't buy a gun.
You a militia?

You a retard?
Pardon me...

Apologies on occasion there is collateral damage when I'm busy destroying prissy liberals. :eusa_whistle:
Amen brother....there are more of us in the front line trenches with each passing day....glad to have you at my six.....

I got your back bro, carry on.
Obama always proves he is an asshole and a dumbshit. He can't help himself.

A racist shithead Black kills policemen and Obama blames it on the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

That is one confused Boy, isn't it?
That's some big talk since your side has repeatedly got bitch slapped by the court over the last 15 years. Newsflash we are not afraid of you prissy little punks.

Yeah, but now that Scalia is being sodomized by Satan, you guys can't count on the courts to keep holding up your crazy reading anymore.
Obama always proves he is an asshole and a dumbshit. He can't help himself.

A racist shithead Black kills policemen and Obama blames it on the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

That is one confused Boy, isn't it?

no confusion at all. Had this guy not been able to get an assault rifle, he couldn't have shot 11 cops. He'd be reduced to talking shit on Facebook.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
How silly of him. Everyone knows we as a nation don't care about people getting shot.
336 killed in Chicago this year and that's just the first 6 months...Obama remains silent.

You're aware, why does he need to tell you about it, you have outlets pointing you to it all day every day.

Blacks killing hundreds of blacks in a single city nothing to see, cops kill 2 blacks its a national crisis we fully understand that asshole.
We don't care if anyone gets shot in this country....we really don't. Even 10s of small children in elementary school...we just don't care.

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