Obama went straight to gun control within hours of the sniper attack in Dallas

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

You may leave this nation at any time. Delta is ready when you are!

Fuck you fake ass hero. :lol:

America is getting browner, republicans are down to white men only, republicans can no longer elect a president, and you've lost on nearly every social issue you champion. :0)

How about this Don Quixote .. why don't you get the fuck out now and avoid the rush. :0)

Why are you so bitter? Did your wife cut you off or something?

I'm not bitter .. I'm arrogant. :0)

I stand on the side of truth and justice and I arrogantly slap republicans with that truth.

Knowledge is power brother .. it gives me the power to be arrogant among a board full of RW republicans. :0) Call it a gift.
Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

You may leave this nation at any time. Delta is ready when you are!

Fuck you fake ass hero. :lol:

America is getting browner, republicans are down to white men only, republicans can no longer elect a president, and you've lost on nearly every social issue you champion. :0)

How about this Don Quixote .. why don't you get the fuck out now and avoid the rush. :0)

Why are you so bitter? Did your wife cut you off or something?

I'm not bitter .. I'm arrogant. :0)

I stand on the side of truth and justice and I arrogantly slap republicans with that truth.

Knowledge is power brother .. it gives me the power to be arrogant among a board full of RW republicans. :0) Call it a gift.

They hate that "uppity" shit when ya don't know "your place".
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Go ahead and repeal the 2nd amendment and stop pussy-footing around! Give it a shot and see how far you get before the 2nd American Revolution starts!


Gun control is a process in a land filled with hate and guns. That process is already under way.

If you think this calls for civil war .. be my guest. :0) You fucking pussies are always talking about another civil war .. what the fuck are you waiting on?

This one will end just as the first one did.

No, it won't end the same way, because most of us that support the 2nd Amendment were in the military, we know how to fight, and all of you pussies will be standing there without any weapons and we could just mow your ass down from long range. You haven't got the balls to back up anything you post on this forum, much less in real life.

Didn't think that through, there Mr. Gun Control, did you?

You seem dumb enough to believe that we don't have guns and measures of protection. How many lives are you will to see die over your wet dream?

You presume the posture of honor .. which you quite obviously do not deserve. White men can't have their way and you're willing to blow the country up. For you. it's white men first, the country if it's convenient.

Take this with you, sir ..

Pentagon Admits Preparing For Mass Civil Unrest In The US
Pentagon Admits Preparing For Mass Civil Unrest In The US

All know the RW vile character. No one will be surprised .. least of all, the military.

Your call. :0)
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.
More gun-control equals more gun violence you fucking asshole… LOL
First of all Sparky, I was commenting on the fact that Obama's agenda is the agenda of the American people. Secondly, the fact that you have to call me an asshole tells me that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed and not that sure of yourself.
Its none of Barrys business, guns have nothing to do with what happened in Dallas. Dumbass
Criminal control not gun control… LOL
You are an awfully obnoxious fellow. Why don't you try to actually present an argument and some factual evidence instead of yelling and cursing at me? I might actually listen and we all might learn something and find common ground. Stop being such a jerk, Sparky.
Guns are not part of the "argument"...
:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

You may leave this nation at any time. Delta is ready when you are!

Fuck you fake ass hero. :lol:

America is getting browner, republicans are down to white men only, republicans can no longer elect a president, and you've lost on nearly every social issue you champion. :0)

How about this Don Quixote .. why don't you get the fuck out now and avoid the rush. :0)

Why are you so bitter? Did your wife cut you off or something?

I'm not bitter .. I'm arrogant. :0)

I stand on the side of truth and justice and I arrogantly slap republicans with that truth.

Knowledge is power brother .. it gives me the power to be arrogant among a board full of RW republicans. :0) Call it a gift.

They hate that "uppity" shit when ya don't know "your place".

:0) Absolutely they hate it.

Some here believe I must be white, pretending to be black .. as if one needs rocket science intelligence to make them look like fools. :lol: Yeah motherfuckers I'm black.

Gotta' admit .. this site can be a lot of fun.

All they have are insults, they do not have intelligence. :0)
Too many shitheads have guns and that's a fact.

and banning/making it harder for non-shitheads to get guns is like confiscating/putting a breathlyser on MY car because they guy down the block got into a DUI wreck.
It would make it harder for the shitheads, too. Think about this: If it weren't Dallas, and open carry of rifles was not allowed, the shooters last night would have stuck out like a sore thumb walking into that parking garage. But there were several guys with a rifle slung over their shoulder in the crowd. No big deal; no one noticed them.
I'm afraid the bad guys are going to unfairly affect the rights of law abiding citizens. There are always some who ruin it for everyone else, and then everyone pays. I think maybe you guys better start getting used to the idea of some gun control. What happened last night, coming on the heels of Orlando and the Democrats' little "demonstration" in Congress, is building momentum for some gun control.

You have a link for your above statement? And if your statement hand an inkling of truth, what would have prevented this guy from covering up his weapon?

We already have "some gun control". They only thing that would have "prevented" this would be a ban on private ownership of firearms.

Why should I support more gun control when my rights in NYC are already infringed?

I wouldn't worry your ittle selph about it, nothing's going to happen but more killing.

preventing me from getting a gun won't change that.

Gun control would not have made a difference in this case, and nobody wants to take away your gun away.

Turn of Fox and Rush ... And take your brain back.
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.
Why? The "gun control" that legislators have tried so far, has utterly failed to reduce gun violence. And in some cases they have INCREASED it (see "gun free zones").

And you want MORE of the same legislation?

There's a name for people who try to do the same thing over and over, and expect a different result.
Too many shitheads have guns and that's a fact.

and banning/making it harder for non-shitheads to get guns is like confiscating/putting a breathlyser on MY car because they guy down the block got into a DUI wreck.
It would make it harder for the shitheads, too. Think about this: If it weren't Dallas, and open carry of rifles was not allowed, the shooters last night would have stuck out like a sore thumb walking into that parking garage. But there were several guys with a rifle slung over their shoulder in the crowd. No big deal; no one noticed them.
I'm afraid the bad guys are going to unfairly affect the rights of law abiding citizens. There are always some who ruin it for everyone else, and then everyone pays. I think maybe you guys better start getting used to the idea of some gun control. What happened last night, coming on the heels of Orlando and the Democrats' little "demonstration" in Congress, is building momentum for some gun control.

No they wouldn't...he was in a parking garage.....did you think before you posted.....he would have parked his car, got his rifles out of the trunk...and started shooting.....

Notice...the myth that you guys in the anti gun world believe...that people who carry guns in a mass shooting will be shot by cops.....

And we see you have no clue what you are talking about.....

You had citizens..with rifles....on their slings on their bodies...in the middle of a sniper attack, and none of them were shot......why? Because they weren't shooting people......I heard a story that one guy gave his AR-15 to a cop who only had a pistol.....

And the second myth..that gun owners would turn into Rambo.....myth busted....

Since there were already cops with guns on the scene...normal gun owners didn't have to shoot anyone, so they simply retreated.....the problem is that these nuts usually target gun free zones, where the good guys are disarmed by people like you...and it takes the police 3 hours to enter the building....like in Orlando....and 5 minutes to get to Sandy Hook.....and it was all over....

yes...the 4 gun control laws...would not have stopped this shooting either.......do you realize this?
You may leave this nation at any time. Delta is ready when you are!

Fuck you fake ass hero. :lol:

America is getting browner, republicans are down to white men only, republicans can no longer elect a president, and you've lost on nearly every social issue you champion. :0)

How about this Don Quixote .. why don't you get the fuck out now and avoid the rush. :0)

Why are you so bitter? Did your wife cut you off or something?

I'm not bitter .. I'm arrogant. :0)

I stand on the side of truth and justice and I arrogantly slap republicans with that truth.

Knowledge is power brother .. it gives me the power to be arrogant among a board full of RW republicans. :0) Call it a gift.

They hate that "uppity" shit when ya don't know "your place".

:0) Absolutely they hate it.

Some here believe I must be white, pretending to be black .. as if one needs rocket science intelligence to make them look like fools. :lol: Yeah motherfuckers I'm black.

Gotta' admit .. this site can be a lot of fun.

All they have are insults, they do not have intelligence. :0)

Oh I wouldn't go that far, but it is most certainly a precursor primordial hindbrain type of intelligence. And an endless cacophony of pontifications sans thought or reflection.
Too many shitheads have guns and that's a fact.

and banning/making it harder for non-shitheads to get guns is like confiscating/putting a breathlyser on MY car because they guy down the block got into a DUI wreck.
It would make it harder for the shitheads, too. Think about this: If it weren't Dallas, and open carry of rifles was not allowed, the shooters last night would have stuck out like a sore thumb walking into that parking garage. But there were several guys with a rifle slung over their shoulder in the crowd. No big deal; no one noticed them.
I'm afraid the bad guys are going to unfairly affect the rights of law abiding citizens. There are always some who ruin it for everyone else, and then everyone pays. I think maybe you guys better start getting used to the idea of some gun control. What happened last night, coming on the heels of Orlando and the Democrats' little "demonstration" in Congress, is building momentum for some gun control.

You have a link for your above statement? And if your statement hand an inkling of truth, what would have prevented this guy from covering up his weapon?

We already have "some gun control". They only thing that would have "prevented" this would be a ban on private ownership of firearms.

Why should I support more gun control when my rights in NYC are already infringed?

I hate to disagree......

They only thing that would have "prevented" this would be a ban on private ownership of firearms.

France already did this.....and they still got fully automatic rifles........with respect...
We already have "some gun control". They only thing that would have "prevented" this would be a ban on private ownership of firearms.

Yes. Yes. it would. There's no good reason for private citizens to own guns of this type.

Sure is.....sport, hunting, self defense, collecting...target shooting......all kinds of reasons......

154 people killed with rifles in 34 years....1982-2016.

1,567 people killed with knives in 2014 alone.....and over 1,500 every single year....

rifles are not a problem.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
I believe they were and in case no one has posted it here yet this shooter according to poilce had no criminal record.
Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


Other democracies don't let their citizens own guns, and they are just as free as we are. Possibly freer, as they don't have to lock up millions of their countrymen like we do.

Nope......they are running out of money. then comes the real socialism....and the police states.....and without guns...you have Mexico..
Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


Other democracies don't let their citizens own guns, and they are just as free as we are. Possibly freer, as they don't have to lock up millions of their countrymen like we do.

Britain banned guns and conficated them..what happened? Their gun crime stayed the same...it went up 4% last year.......twit.
:lol: Excuse me .. you must think that counts for something. :0) It doesn't

Doesn't count, doesn't matter .. gun control WILL happen, and you morons have turned the Supreme Court over to Hillary Clinton. :0)

The Supreme Court is in recess for the summer, but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgtook some time to reflect on its future composition, which will chiefly depend on who is elected president in November.

Asked on Thursday about the prospect of Donald Trump being handed the job of selecting the next crop of justices, she seemed uneasy at the thought.

I don’t want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs,” she told The Associated Press ..."

Revealingly, Ginsburg seemed to signal that she’d rather have Hillary Clinton shape the makeup of the Supreme Court, where as many as four seats ― including her own ― could be in play.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says Supreme Court 'Up For Grabs' If Donald Trump Is President

.. good luck with that :0)

Don't mind him, he just misses the privilege he sees slipping away.

I already have all the rifles and pistols I need to defend myself but I could go purchase more today if I felt like it and there's jack shit you anti Americans can do about it.

Doesn't mean shit.

You seem filled with hate and rage, go get some help with that.

:0) How incredibly ignorant.

You post on a site filled with hate and rage .. but you think only people you disagree with need help. :lol:

How about fuck you? :lol:

Your white hate is noted.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
I believe they were and in case no one has posted it here yet this shooter according to poilce had no criminal record.

Most mass shooters don't, that is why universal background pushes after a mass shooting are stupid in general, and stupid in particular after a mass shooting.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


It's the same with allowing people like you to own human beings once upon a time. We had to stop ya.

No...the democrats owned black humans....the conservative, Christian republicans put a stop to it.
Don't mind him, he just misses the privilege he sees slipping away.

I already have all the rifles and pistols I need to defend myself but I could go purchase more today if I felt like it and there's jack shit you anti Americans can do about it.

Doesn't mean shit.

You seem filled with hate and rage, go get some help with that.

:0) How incredibly ignorant.

You post on a site filled with hate and rage .. but you think only people you disagree with need help. :lol:

How about fuck you? :lol:

Your white hate is noted.

Funny for a black hater, don'tcha thank?
Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


Other democracies don't let their citizens own guns, and they are just as free as we are. Possibly freer, as they don't have to lock up millions of their countrymen like we do.

"because they do it" is not a valid reason, and they don't have the 2nd amendment.

And before you go into it, "screw 2nd amendment, militias militias militias, we get 1 more judge we don't need to overturn it, fuh fuh fuh fuh".

There, i covered your next 5 posts.

America trails advanced post industrial nations in lots of areas.

And is better than them in others, in important things like birthrate. all those cultures you so long for are dying out.

US is #37 in WHO healthdcare outcome rankings. You should get out more.

yeah...the European countries rated themselves better than the U.S.....big surprise.......let's see how much money they can spend on healthcare if they actually have to field a real military....
I already have all the rifles and pistols I need to defend myself but I could go purchase more today if I felt like it and there's jack shit you anti Americans can do about it.

Doesn't mean shit.

You seem filled with hate and rage, go get some help with that.

:0) How incredibly ignorant.

You post on a site filled with hate and rage .. but you think only people you disagree with need help. :lol:

How about fuck you? :lol:

Your white hate is noted.

Funny for a black hater, don'tcha thank?

You suck at...well communication.

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