Obama went straight to gun control within hours of the sniper attack in Dallas

and banning/making it harder for non-shitheads to get guns is like confiscating/putting a breathlyser on MY car because they guy down the block got into a DUI wreck.
It would make it harder for the shitheads, too.
Oh, well, in that case it's OK to make laws restricting or banning ME and the rest of my law-abiding friends' guns.

Because we might get one bad one among the many good ones!

Sorry Old Lady, people like you are the reason the Framers wrote the 2nd amendment, and carefully left out ANY "exceptions" that might let government have some authority to decide who can and can't have a gun.

And they were VERY wise to write it that way.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
It's none of barrys business on guns, the fucking asshole knows nothing about any firearms… LOL
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.
More gun-control equals more gun violence you fucking asshole… LOL
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.
Why? The "gun control" that legislators have tried so far, has utterly failed to reduce gun violence. And in some cases they have INCREASED it (see "gun free zones").

And you want MORE of the same legislation?

There's a name for people who try to do the same thing over and over, and expect a different result.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Go ahead and repeal the 2nd amendment and stop pussy-footing around! Give it a shot and see how far you get before the 2nd American Revolution starts!


Gun control is a process in a land filled with hate and guns. That process is already under way.

If you think this calls for civil war .. be my guest. :0) You fucking pussies are always talking about another civil war .. what the fuck are you waiting on?

This one will end just as the first one did.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

You may leave this nation at any time. Delta is ready when you are!

Fuck you fake ass hero. :lol:

America is getting browner, republicans are down to white men only, republicans can no longer elect a president, and you've lost on nearly every social issue you champion. :0)

How about this Don Quixote .. why don't you get the fuck out now and avoid the rush. :0)

Why are you so bitter? Did your wife cut you off or something?
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Go ahead and repeal the 2nd amendment and stop pussy-footing around! Give it a shot and see how far you get before the 2nd American Revolution starts!


Gun control is a process in a land filled with hate and guns. That process is already under way.

If you think this calls for civil war .. be my guest. :0) You fucking pussies are always talking about another civil war .. what the fuck are you waiting on?

This one will end just as the first one did.

No, it won't end the same way, because most of us that support the 2nd Amendment were in the military, we know how to fight, and all of you pussies will be standing there without any weapons and we could just mow your ass down from long range. You haven't got the balls to back up anything you post on this forum, much less in real life.

Didn't think that through, there Mr. Gun Control, did you?
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Here's a clue grandpa. And personally, I don't see how an "assault weapon ban really helps," but you're wrong to single out Obama.

What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons

I love your link. The lies and exaggerations on that page should be in some kind of hall of fame!

Questions for you: Is an AR-15 an assault weapon? How about an AK-47?

If you answered yes to either question, you have no clue as to what you are talking about just like the people quoted on your link.

Rock you lost your mind with your leg.

The link was to police organizations supporting weapons bans. Whether you or I like it, is immaterial.

Right! Like the dipshit who talked about AK-47 rounds going through a telephone pole? Talking about automatic weapons which are already tightly controlled? I'm sorry, you tried to pick up turd by the clean end.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.

OK. What law would have prevented this or any other mass shooting?

Why do you liberal gun-grabbers always wimp out when questioned?

People like you made me join the NRA last week!
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.
More gun-control equals more gun violence you fucking asshole… LOL
First of all Sparky, I was commenting on the fact that Obama's agenda is the agenda of the American people. Secondly, the fact that you have to call me an asshole tells me that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed and not that sure of yourself.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.
More gun-control equals more gun violence you fucking asshole… LOL
First of all Sparky, I was commenting on the fact that Obama's agenda is the agenda of the American people. Secondly, the fact that you have to call me an asshole tells me that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed and not that sure of yourself.
Its none of Barrys business, guns have nothing to do with what happened in Dallas. Dumbass
Criminal control not gun control… LOL
Of course he did. Lives don't matter to him. He is fixated on his agenda.

3 DOZEN people were shot in Chicago last weekend and the son of a bitch didn't say a word.

He fans the flames of racism so hot and so high that we have a black domestic terrorist organization / racist vigilantes shoot q2 cops, killing 5, and Obama acts like he has done nothing, blames Americans, and says we have to disarm citizens.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.

OK. What law would have prevented this or any other mass shooting?

Why do you liberal gun-grabbers always wimp out when questioned?

People like you made me join the NRA last week!

Rock, you lost your hearing with your leg. I responded to the OP. Which is apparently of no interest to you. Law enforcement organizations have generally supported assault weapon bans. My opinion is irrelevant to that AND SO IS YOUR'S FOR FOCK'S SAKE


Grampa Murked UDiamond Member

Jun 13, 2011
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Kansas City

I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Horseshit! It's the agenda of the vast majority of sane Americans that want this to stop and who understand that more gun control is needed.
More gun-control equals more gun violence you fucking asshole… LOL
First of all Sparky, I was commenting on the fact that Obama's agenda is the agenda of the American people. Secondly, the fact that you have to call me an asshole tells me that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed and not that sure of yourself.
Its none of Barrys business, guns have nothing to do with what happened in Dallas. Dumbass
Criminal control not gun control… LOL
You are an awfully obnoxious fellow. Why don't you try to actually present an argument and some factual evidence instead of yelling and cursing at me? I might actually listen and we all might learn something and find common ground. Stop being such a jerk, Sparky.
Last edited:
Dallas is just more evidence that gun free zones are magnets for mass shooters. If that protest had been protected by hundreds of armed police instead, those five people would be alive today.


ok, after this jerk is out of office, we will see if the next jerk, trump, reverses anything oh blah ma put to law.
336 killed in Chicago this year and that's just the first 6 months...Obama remains silent.

You're aware, why does he need to tell you about it, you have outlets pointing you to it all day every day.

Blacks killing hundreds of blacks in a single city nothing to see, cops kill 2 blacks its a national crisis we fully understand that asshole.

Society expects a bit more from law enforcement professionals, and should.

"Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians."
White-on-white murder in America is out of control

Whu, looka thar Cletus!

You don't do well with numbers? Look at how many blacks were killed in your link. It is slightly lower than whites despite their making up 14% of the population.

You can read the article again and argue with the FBI babe.

White-on-white murder in America is out of control in red is the link.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Go ahead and repeal the 2nd amendment and stop pussy-footing around! Give it a shot and see how far you get before the 2nd American Revolution starts!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, oh for fucks sake, this bunch who sat on their asses and watched corporate power take their political and economic systems over and trash them? Gimme a fuggin' break. You twits fondle, shine, and masturbate with your guns, that's it.

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