Obama went straight to gun control within hours of the sniper attack in Dallas

:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

There are far to many feral thug animals running around talk about gun control. Just one of these animals managed to shoot 11 officers last night and they are armed with the same rifles and pistols law abiding citizens choose to defend themselves with.

:lol: Excuse me .. you must think that counts for something. :0) It doesn't

Doesn't count, doesn't matter .. gun control WILL happen, and you morons have turned the Supreme Court over to Hillary Clinton. :0)

The Supreme Court is in recess for the summer, but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgtook some time to reflect on its future composition, which will chiefly depend on who is elected president in November.

Asked on Thursday about the prospect of Donald Trump being handed the job of selecting the next crop of justices, she seemed uneasy at the thought.

I don’t want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs,” she told The Associated Press ..."

Revealingly, Ginsburg seemed to signal that she’d rather have Hillary Clinton shape the makeup of the Supreme Court, where as many as four seats ― including her own ― could be in play.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says Supreme Court 'Up For Grabs' If Donald Trump Is President

.. good luck with that :0)

Don't mind him, he just misses the privilege he sees slipping away.

I already have all the rifles and pistols I need to defend myself but I could go purchase more today if I felt like it and there's jack shit you anti Americans can do about it.

Doesn't mean shit.

You seem filled with hate and rage, go get some help with that.
Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

There are far to many feral thug animals running around talk about gun control. Just one of these animals managed to shoot 11 officers last night and they are armed with the same rifles and pistols law abiding citizens choose to defend themselves with.

:lol: Excuse me .. you must think that counts for something. :0) It doesn't

Doesn't count, doesn't matter .. gun control WILL happen, and you morons have turned the Supreme Court over to Hillary Clinton. :0)

The Supreme Court is in recess for the summer, but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgtook some time to reflect on its future composition, which will chiefly depend on who is elected president in November.

Asked on Thursday about the prospect of Donald Trump being handed the job of selecting the next crop of justices, she seemed uneasy at the thought.

I don’t want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs,” she told The Associated Press ..."

Revealingly, Ginsburg seemed to signal that she’d rather have Hillary Clinton shape the makeup of the Supreme Court, where as many as four seats ― including her own ― could be in play.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says Supreme Court 'Up For Grabs' If Donald Trump Is President

.. good luck with that :0)

Don't mind him, he just misses the privilege he sees slipping away.

I already have all the rifles and pistols I need to defend myself but I could go purchase more today if I felt like it and there's jack shit you anti Americans can do about it.

Oh I think you should go get more.
There are far to many feral thug animals running around talk about gun control. Just one of these animals managed to shoot 11 officers last night and they are armed with the same rifles and pistols law abiding citizens choose to defend themselves with.

:lol: Excuse me .. you must think that counts for something. :0) It doesn't

Doesn't count, doesn't matter .. gun control WILL happen, and you morons have turned the Supreme Court over to Hillary Clinton. :0)

The Supreme Court is in recess for the summer, but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgtook some time to reflect on its future composition, which will chiefly depend on who is elected president in November.

Asked on Thursday about the prospect of Donald Trump being handed the job of selecting the next crop of justices, she seemed uneasy at the thought.

I don’t want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs,” she told The Associated Press ..."

Revealingly, Ginsburg seemed to signal that she’d rather have Hillary Clinton shape the makeup of the Supreme Court, where as many as four seats ― including her own ― could be in play.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says Supreme Court 'Up For Grabs' If Donald Trump Is President

.. good luck with that :0)

Don't mind him, he just misses the privilege he sees slipping away.

I already have all the rifles and pistols I need to defend myself but I could go purchase more today if I felt like it and there's jack shit you anti Americans can do about it.

Doesn't mean shit.

You seem filled with hate and rage, go get some help with that.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh man, you're funny!
There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

There are far to many feral thug animals running around talk about gun control. Just one of these animals managed to shoot 11 officers last night and they are armed with the same rifles and pistols law abiding citizens choose to defend themselves with.

There are far to many feral thug animals running around, and you're on of them. Too afraid to live in an open society ain'tcha shoog. Scared a evathang.

If you want to leave yourself open to slaughter like some lamb have at it, I won't loose any sleep over your passing.

Fear and hate as motivating principles? You're already dead.
There are far to many feral thug animals running around talk about gun control. Just one of these animals managed to shoot 11 officers last night and they are armed with the same rifles and pistols law abiding citizens choose to defend themselves with.

:lol: Excuse me .. you must think that counts for something. :0) It doesn't

Doesn't count, doesn't matter .. gun control WILL happen, and you morons have turned the Supreme Court over to Hillary Clinton. :0)

The Supreme Court is in recess for the summer, but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgtook some time to reflect on its future composition, which will chiefly depend on who is elected president in November.

Asked on Thursday about the prospect of Donald Trump being handed the job of selecting the next crop of justices, she seemed uneasy at the thought.

I don’t want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs,” she told The Associated Press ..."

Revealingly, Ginsburg seemed to signal that she’d rather have Hillary Clinton shape the makeup of the Supreme Court, where as many as four seats ― including her own ― could be in play.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says Supreme Court 'Up For Grabs' If Donald Trump Is President

.. good luck with that :0)

Don't mind him, he just misses the privilege he sees slipping away.

I already have all the rifles and pistols I need to defend myself but I could go purchase more today if I felt like it and there's jack shit you anti Americans can do about it.

Doesn't mean shit.

You seem filled with hate and rage, go get some help with that.

:0) How incredibly ignorant.

You post on a site filled with hate and rage .. but you think only people you disagree with need help. :lol:

How about fuck you? :lol:
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Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


Other democracies don't let their citizens own guns, and they are just as free as we are. Possibly freer, as they don't have to lock up millions of their countrymen like we do.

"because they do it" is not a valid reason, and they don't have the 2nd amendment.

And before you go into it, "screw 2nd amendment, militias militias militias, we get 1 more judge we don't need to overturn it, fuh fuh fuh fuh".

There, i covered your next 5 posts.

You’ve confirmed it. You really do have shit for brains. “Because they do it” isn’t a valid reason. That you can count the number of rampage shootings they have on one hand is. We would need all of the fingers, all of the toes, and several of your neighbors… to count ours.
:lol: Excuse me .. you must think that counts for something. :0) It doesn't

Doesn't count, doesn't matter .. gun control WILL happen, and you morons have turned the Supreme Court over to Hillary Clinton. :0)

The Supreme Court is in recess for the summer, but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgtook some time to reflect on its future composition, which will chiefly depend on who is elected president in November.

Asked on Thursday about the prospect of Donald Trump being handed the job of selecting the next crop of justices, she seemed uneasy at the thought.

I don’t want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs,” she told The Associated Press ..."

Revealingly, Ginsburg seemed to signal that she’d rather have Hillary Clinton shape the makeup of the Supreme Court, where as many as four seats ― including her own ― could be in play.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says Supreme Court 'Up For Grabs' If Donald Trump Is President

.. good luck with that :0)

Don't mind him, he just misses the privilege he sees slipping away.

I already have all the rifles and pistols I need to defend myself but I could go purchase more today if I felt like it and there's jack shit you anti Americans can do about it.

Doesn't mean shit.

You seem filled with hate and rage, go get some help with that.

:0) How incredibly ignorant.

You post on a site filled with hate and rage .. but you think only people you disagree with needs help. :lol:

How about fuck you? :lol:

Beyond help I believe. Look, here's the deal, really, these people are just fucked up and living in a very dark past.

The human genome's been sequenced. The three phenotypically expressed traits we societally define race by, skin tone, facial structure, and hair texture, are under the direction of six genes out of ~30,000 genes in the human genome. These six out of ~30,000 genes have never been shown by any geneticist or molecular biologist researcher to have any correlation whatsoever with behavior, criminality, intelligence, IQ, or any other biologically determined racial differences. There is no genetic basis for the concept of “race” other than those three totally appearance based disparities amongst hominids.

The matter of "race" is a totally fictitious social construct. It’s all bullshit, all hominid life arose in Africa, some of us have just been taught, indoctrinated, to trace our family trees back to a comfortable spot and sit down under a shade three with a comforting glass of racial lemonade and never pushed back on the imprinting.

Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle Cell Anemia one might rightly wonder? Not common to all black and/or African peoples. That genetic trait is found clustered in sub Saharan West African populations from whence the American slave trade was centered. Black folk from other parts of Africa don’t carry the gene. It arose as a genetic mutation and persisted because it was/is genetically linked to another gene which affords the individual afflicted with SCA a selectively favorable resistance to malaria – common in West Africa. And that is all there is to any of it, nothing racial about it, at all.
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Too many shitheads have guns and that's a fact.

and banning/making it harder for non-shitheads to get guns is like confiscating/putting a breathlyser on MY car because they guy down the block got into a DUI wreck.
It would make it harder for the shitheads, too. Think about this: If it weren't Dallas, and open carry of rifles was not allowed, the shooters last night would have stuck out like a sore thumb walking into that parking garage. But there were several guys with a rifle slung over their shoulder in the crowd. No big deal; no one noticed them.
I'm afraid the bad guys are going to unfairly affect the rights of law abiding citizens. There are always some who ruin it for everyone else, and then everyone pays. I think maybe you guys better start getting used to the idea of some gun control. What happened last night, coming on the heels of Orlando and the Democrats' little "demonstration" in Congress, is building momentum for some gun control.

How do you know they walked? They could have just as easily pulled it out of their car. Not thinking clearly, are we?
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I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Go ahead and repeal the 2nd amendment and stop pussy-footing around! Give it a shot and see how far you get before the 2nd American Revolution starts!
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

You may leave this nation at any time. Delta is ready when you are!
336 killed in Chicago this year and that's just the first 6 months...Obama remains silent.

You're aware, why does he need to tell you about it, you have outlets pointing you to it all day every day.

Blacks killing hundreds of blacks in a single city nothing to see, cops kill 2 blacks its a national crisis we fully understand that asshole.

Society expects a bit more from law enforcement professionals, and should.

"Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians."
White-on-white murder in America is out of control

Whu, looka thar Cletus!

You don't do well with numbers? Look at how many blacks were killed in your link. It is slightly lower than whites despite their making up 14% of the population.
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

You may leave this nation at any time. Delta is ready when you are!

Fuck you fake ass hero. :lol:

America is getting browner, republicans are down to white men only, republicans can no longer elect a president, and you've lost on nearly every social issue you champion. :0)

How about this Don Quixote .. why don't you get the fuck out now and avoid the rush. :0)
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Here's a clue grandpa. And personally, I don't see how an "assault weapon ban really helps," but you're wrong to single out Obama.

What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?

There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

You may leave this nation at any time. Delta is ready when you are!

Fuck you fake ass hero. :lol:

America is getting browner, republicans are down to white men only, republicans can no longer elect a president, and you've lost on nearly every social issue you champion. :0)

How about this Don Quixote .. why don't you get the fuck out now and avoid the rush. :0)

Fake? How do you know I am white? (Hint: I'm not!)
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Here's a clue grandpa. And personally, I don't see how an "assault weapon ban really helps," but you're wrong to single out Obama.

What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons

I love your link. The lies and exaggerations on that page should be in some kind of hall of fame!

Questions for you: Is an AR-15 an assault weapon? How about an AK-47?

If you answered yes to either question, you have no clue as to what you are talking about just like the people quoted on your link.
There is absolutely no question that gun control is in America's near future. No question whatsoever that the right will end up on the losing end of this no differently than any other societal issue they've championed.

Nothing like cheering the loss of a civil liberty.


:0) Fuck you and your 'civil' liberty dickhead.

You may leave this nation at any time. Delta is ready when you are!

Fuck you fake ass hero. :lol:

America is getting browner, republicans are down to white men only, republicans can no longer elect a president, and you've lost on nearly every social issue you champion. :0)

How about this Don Quixote .. why don't you get the fuck out now and avoid the rush. :0)

Fake? How do you know I am white? (Hint: I'm not!)

I don't give a rats ass what you are.

You've got a fake ass 'hero' in your avatar who never put on a uniform that didn't come from Central Casting .. and you presume to invite me out of this country .. that you don't own and are powerless to do anything about. :0)

Whatever the fuck you are is as meaningless as your idiotic thoughts.
Don't mind him, he just misses the privilege he sees slipping away.

I already have all the rifles and pistols I need to defend myself but I could go purchase more today if I felt like it and there's jack shit you anti Americans can do about it.

Doesn't mean shit.

You seem filled with hate and rage, go get some help with that.

:0) How incredibly ignorant.

You post on a site filled with hate and rage .. but you think only people you disagree with needs help. :lol:

How about fuck you? :lol:

Beyond help I believe. Look, here's the deal, really, these people are just fucked up and living in a very dark past.

The human genome's been sequenced. The three phenotypically expressed traits we societally define race by, skin tone, facial structure, and hair texture, are under the direction of six genes out of ~30,000 genes in the human genome. These six out of ~30,000 genes have never been shown by any geneticist or molecular biologist researcher to have any correlation whatsoever with behavior, criminality, intelligence, IQ, or any other biologically determined racial differences. There is no genetic basis for the concept of “race” other than those three totally appearance based disparities amongst hominids.

The matter of "race" is a totally fictitious social construct. It’s all bullshit, all hominid life arose in Africa, some of us have just been taught, indoctrinated, to trace our family trees back to a comfortable spot and sit down under a shade three with a comforting glass of racial lemonade and never pushed back on the imprinting.

Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle Cell Anemia one might rightly wonder? Not common to all black and/or African peoples. That genetic trait is found clustered in sub Saharan West African populations from whence the American slave trade was centered. Black folk from other parts of Africa don’t carry the gene. It arose as a genetic mutation and persisted because it was/is genetically linked to another gene which affords the individual afflicted with SCA a selectively favorable resistance to malaria – common in West Africa. And that is all there is to any of it, nothing racial about it, at all.
The irony that comes from the fact that you posted this to someone with a forum name of "Blackascoal" is just too much to bear.

Are you aware of your severe cogitive dissonance?
I can't wait till we get a president who puts America first and their personal agenda second.

Worst incident for first responders since 9/11 and he goes straight to gun control....

Anyone know if the flags in DC were ordered to half staff?
Here's a clue grandpa. And personally, I don't see how an "assault weapon ban really helps," but you're wrong to single out Obama.

What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons

I love your link. The lies and exaggerations on that page should be in some kind of hall of fame!

Questions for you: Is an AR-15 an assault weapon? How about an AK-47?

If you answered yes to either question, you have no clue as to what you are talking about just like the people quoted on your link.

Rock you lost your mind with your leg.

The link was to police organizations supporting weapons bans. Whether you or I like it, is immaterial.

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