Obama went straight to gun control within hours of the sniper attack in Dallas


I don't know what was in this guy's head and neither do you. He might have mentally ill (the go to excuse used when a white boy like Dylan Roof murders a bunch of people). Then under the law, he wouldn't be responsible.

The point is, a mentally ill person had the ability to do massive damage because he could get a gun like this. A gun no civilian should own

It is simply your stupid uneducated opinion that a civilian should not be allowed to own a firearm. Tens of millions of Americans disagree with you.

Just because you are afraid and a chickenshit don't mean the rest of us are.

If you don't like living in a country that has the right to keep and bear arms then there are plenty of alternatives. Why don't you move elsewhere?

There is no reasonable, intellectual or moral reason to take my Constitutional liberties away because somebody else abuses them. For you to suggest that Americans should lose their Constitutional freedoms because you are a little chickenshit who is afraid of those liberties kind of makes you an asshole, don't you agree?
No one is saying that civilians should not own firearms, Sparky. Where are you getting that retarded rhetoric from? Trump and the other morons who are claiming the Clinton wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment? Pull your head out and get it right.

When the founders said "keep and bear arms" they had no concept of the sort of arms that we have today. The issue of the type of arms is subject to debate. You boys who want semi auto weapons with high cap mags are out of your fucking minds. None of you have been able to explain why civilians should have them, except a few who are stupid enough to think that they can fight the police, the Army or Obama's jack booted Kenyan storm troopers who are coming to drag you off to a re-education camp.

If you want to live in a lawless, mad max place- try Somalia. You can own any type of weapon that you want to compensate for your inoperable little dick, but the other guys have them too.
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I don't know what was in this guy's head and neither do you. He might have mentally ill (the go to excuse used when a white boy like Dylan Roof murders a bunch of people). Then under the law, he wouldn't be responsible.

The point is, a mentally ill person had the ability to do massive damage because he could get a gun like this. A gun no civilian should own

It is simply your stupid uneducated opinion that a civilian should not be allowed to own a firearm. Tens of millions of Americans disagree with you.

Just because you are afraid and a chickenshit don't mean the rest of us are.

If you don't like living in a country that has the right to keep and bear arms then there are plenty of alternatives. Why don't you move elsewhere?

There is no reasonable, intellectual or moral reason to take my Constitutional liberties away because somebody else abuses them. For you to suggest that Americans should lose their Constitutional freedoms because you are a little chickenshit who is afraid of those liberties kind of makes you an asshole, don't you agree?
No one is saying that civilians should not own firearms, Sparky. Where are you getting that retarded rhetoric from? Trump and the other morons who are claiming the Clinton wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment? Pull your head out and get it right.

When the founders said "keep and bear arms" they had no concept of the sort of arms that we have today. The issue of the type of arms is subject to debate. You boys who want semi auto weapons with high cap mags are out of your fucking minds. Not of you have been able to explain why civilians should have them, except a few who are stupid enough to think that they can fight the police, the Army or Obama's jack booted Kenyan storm troopers who are coming to drag you off to a re-education camp.

If you want to live in a lawless, mad max place- try Somalia. You can own any type of weapon that you want to compensate for your inoperable little dick, but the other guys have them too.

Clinton will never be able to repeal the 2A.

Their modus operandi is to get SCOTUS 'justices" to rule that the weapons allowed under the 2A are:


I don't know what was in this guy's head and neither do you. He might have mentally ill (the go to excuse used when a white boy like Dylan Roof murders a bunch of people). Then under the law, he wouldn't be responsible.

The point is, a mentally ill person had the ability to do massive damage because he could get a gun like this. A gun no civilian should own

It is simply your stupid uneducated opinion that a civilian should not be allowed to own a firearm. Tens of millions of Americans disagree with you.

Just because you are afraid and a chickenshit don't mean the rest of us are.

If you don't like living in a country that has the right to keep and bear arms then there are plenty of alternatives. Why don't you move elsewhere?

There is no reasonable, intellectual or moral reason to take my Constitutional liberties away because somebody else abuses them. For you to suggest that Americans should lose their Constitutional freedoms because you are a little chickenshit who is afraid of those liberties kind of makes you an asshole, don't you agree?
No one is saying that civilians should not own firearms, Sparky. Where are you getting that retarded rhetoric from? Trump and the other morons who are claiming the Clinton wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment? Pull your head out and get it right.

When the founders said "keep and bear arms" they had no concept of the sort of arms that we have today. The issue of the type of arms is subject to debate. You boys who want semi auto weapons with high cap mags are out of your fucking minds. Not of you have been able to explain why civilians should have them, except a few who are stupid enough to think that they can fight the police, the Army or Obama's jack booted Kenyan storm troopers who are coming to drag you off to a re-education camp.

If you want to live in a lawless, mad max place- try Somalia. You can own any type of weapon that you want to compensate for your inoperable little dick, but the other guys have them too.

Clinton will never be able to repeal the 2A.

Their modus operandi is to get SCOTUS 'justices" to rule that the weapons allowed under the 2A are:

Oh fuck! NO ONE is trying to repeal the 2nd Amendment, or take away all your damned guns. Stupid propaganda !

And the 2nd does not specify the types of weapons allowed. Is it possible that you don't know that?
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No one is saying that civilians should not own firearms, Sparky. Where are you getting that retarded rhetoric from?

We can start out with that shithead Obama and that corrupt bitch Crooked Hillary. Every time those shitheads open their mouths they talk about taking away the right to keep and bear arms. Hillary even said that Second doesn't even apply to individuals even the Supreme Court said otherwise.

Then we can discuss the Supreme Court case where the filthy ass Libtards tried to deny handguns to people living in Chicago and DC. Then we can go to the draconian laws that were just enacted in Commie Kalifornia. The SAFE Act in New York sure as hell infringes upon the right to keep and bear arms.

Recently a decorated veteran had his fire arms confiscated under the stupid SAFE Act because he went to see a doctor about a mild case of insomnia. A couple of weeks ago a guy was thrown in jail in New Jersey simply for having possession of firearms. He committed no crime and had no intention of committing a crime but the oppressive government threw him in jail for having the same firearm that millions of other Americans have.

You need to go read the Bill of Rights. It says very clearly that because the arms are necessary to the security of a free state the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

When the filthy ass oppressive government starts telling me what firearms I can own what I can't then the bastards are sure as hell infringing upon my Constitutional rights. If I have to get permission form the government then I have no rights.

You need to get better educated if you are going to discuss this issue. First of all the Supreme Court has determined that technology does not take our rights. The Founding Fathers had no idea radio, TV and the Internet existed but that doesn't prevent the First Amendment from applying to them.

You should also read US v Miller where the supreme court said that the Second Amendment applies to firearms in general use by the military. Then you can go read Heller where the Supreme Court said that the right to keep and bear arms is just as much an individual right as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

You Moon Bats are very confused when it comes to understanding rights protected in the Bill of Rights. Of course you are confused about a great many other things also.

Clinton will never be able to repeal the 2A.

The stupid bitch will not try to get the Constitution amended because she knows that 2/3rds of the states will never go along with it. She couldn't even get 2/3rds of the Congress to support that stupid idea.

However, she will use the power of the Executive Branch to chip away at our rights and (heaven forbid) she ever was elected and pulled in a majority of asshole Democrats in the Congress she would pass bills that would drastically reduce the rights.

Alan Gura (the lawyer for Heller) said that we may be only one election away from losing our Constitutional rights.

That is why nobody should ever vote for a Democrat. It is simply a dumb thing to do.

You're correct, in a sorely misguided way, the issue is the pathology inherent in american society that no one wants to admit, so we all make it "about" something else.

It is about a murderous Black asshole that killed five policeman and wounded six more because of his racial hatred.

It is not rocket science.

Blaming it on the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is nothing more than typical Moon Bat denial of personal responsibility. Libtard Moon Bats always have a difficult time with the concept of personal responsibility and that is why they ignorantly blame tragic events like this on inanmate objects. It is easier for the dumbasses to say that it is the responsibility of the gun instead of the responsibility of the deranged racist hateful Negro that used the gun to kill White policemen.

You talk about personal responsibility like it's the be all and end all of everything.

However we are social beings who live in a society. As much as you'd love to have individual and no social responsibilities you can't avoid the fact that there are social responsibilities.

It's funny, when it's about something else the right are lamenting the fall of society, how bad it is, how people should be more patriotic, more in tune with their society, when it comes to guns they're changing tact 180 degrees and deciding that it's all personal responsibility.

You know a bad argument when you see these sorts of about turns. People don't have fundamental principles, they just make up arguments that suit their needs when they want to.

Your post is garbbled bullshit spoken like a true card carrying Moon Bat that doesn't know what he is talking about most of the time.

The social responsible that you don't seem to understand is that pissed off Black Lives Matter shitasses should not kill policemen. Why is that so hard to understand?

You probably don't know this Moon Bat but the right to keep and bear arms is a liberty that is guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States.

It is your social responsibility as an American to defend that Liberty instead of being a stupid Moon Bat that advocates abolishing liberties.

While you at at it you can counsel some of your filthy ass Black Lives Matters buddies to not kill policemen. Think you can do that?

Didn't get past the first paragraph....
Your post is garbbled bullshit spoken like a true card carrying Moon Bat that doesn't know what he is talking about most of the time.

The social responsible that you don't seem to understand is that pissed off Black Lives Matter shitasses should not kill policemen. Why is that so hard to understand?

I agree, they shouldn't kill policemen. But when any crazy person can get a gun, why are you surprised when this sort of thing happens?

WHy are these five cops worse than the 32,000 other people who will die of gun shots this year? Every last one is some kind of tragedy.

You probably don't know this Moon Bat but the right to keep and bear arms is a liberty that is guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States.

No, well-regulated militias are. Sorry you keep getting confused on this point.

It is your social responsibility as an American to defend that Liberty instead of being a stupid Moon Bat that advocates abolishing liberties.

Other countries ban or limit gun ownership, and they are more free than we are. Frankly, if you have to live behind guns and alarm systems and big angry dogs because you are so scared of crime, you aren't very free. Pretty much the oppossite of that.

While you at at it you can counsel some of your filthy ass Black Lives Matters buddies to not kill policemen. Think you can do that?

I'll get right on that right after cops stop shooting innocent black people in the street. Then I'll have a much stronger argument.
The stupid bitch will not try to get the Constitution amended because she knows that 2/3rds of the states will never go along with it. She couldn't even get 2/3rds of the Congress to support that stupid idea.

However, she will use the power of the Executive Branch to chip away at our rights and (heaven forbid) she ever was elected and pulled in a majority of asshole Democrats in the Congress she would pass bills that would drastically reduce the rights.

Alan Gura (the lawyer for Heller) said that we may be only one election away from losing our Constitutional rights.

That is why nobody should ever vote for a Democrat. It is simply a dumb thing to do.

It strikes me that if you supposedly clearly written "right" can vanish with a few executive actions and a few court rulings, it isn't much of a right.

No, she doesn't need to amend the constitution. She merely needs to get judges who are going to realize that the Second Amendment was about Militias, not private gun ownership.

I agree, they shouldn't kill policemen. But when any crazy person can get a gun, why are you surprised when this sort of thing happens?

WHy are these five cops worse than the 32,000 other people who will die of gun shots this year? Every last one is some kind of tragedy.


I am not surprised that there are idiots living in the United States that do bad things.

What I am surprised about is that there are Moon Bats like yourself that advocate doing away with Constitutional rights for the 99% of law abiding Americans that don't use firearms for illegal purposes in order to solve the problem of a few crazies and the crooks.

It has been explained to you many times whenever you stick your head up your ass with your gun control bullshit. Gun control will do nothing of substance to stop shitheads and crazies from doing bad things.

Gun control is a Libtard fantasy that has absolutely nothing to do with reality. Libtards live in a fantasy world most of the time.

If gun control worked Chicago would be the safest city in America instead of the murder capitol of the US.

If you are really concerned about the crazies getting access to firearms then you need to stop voting for dumbass Democrats. Recently the Senate came up with a bill to strengthen the laws on reporting mental illness and also to put more money into the NICS to keep track of the crazies. However, the Democrats voted down the bill.
I am not surprised that there are idiots living in the United States that do bad things.

What I am surprised about is that there are Moon Bats like yourself that advocate doing away with Constitutional rights for the 99% of law abiding Americans that don't use firearms for illegal purposes in order to solve the problem of a few crazies and the crooks.

It has been explained to you many times whenever you stick your head up your ass with your gun control bullshit. Gun control will do nothing of substance to stop shitheads and crazies from doing bad things.

Except all the countries that have gun control don't have mass shootings and don't have anywhere near our crime rates.

Gun control is a Libtard fantasy that has absolutely nothing to do with reality. Libtards live in a fantasy world most of the time.

If gun control worked Chicago would be the safest city in America instead of the murder capitol of the US.

Gun control was never put into practice in Chicago.

If you are really concerned about the crazies getting access to firearms then you need to stop voting for dumbass Democrats. Recently the Senate came up with a bill to strengthen the laws on reporting mental illness and also to put more money into the NICS to keep track of the crazies. However, the Democrats voted down the bill.

I'm sure there's more to the story than the way you are presenting it...

Except all the countries that have gun control don't have mass shootings and don't have anywhere near our crime rates.

Except all these other countries are not the US. They don't have tens of millions of ghetto Blacks that commit most of the crimes with firearms, tens of million of illegals and the drug infiltration that we do. That is where most of the gun crime comes from and no gun control law in the world is going to change that. You live in a Moon Bat fantasy world if you think for one second another stupid gun law is going to change anything.

In addition to that these other countries are not a Constitutional Republic with a Bill of Rights that guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.

You are simply on the wrong side of this issue. Typical for a Moon Bat that is usually on the wrong side of everything. You are on the side of the stupid people that think that passing a law will somehow prevent the crime we see in the inner cities like Chicago where it is already illegal to have a firearm but does nothing to prevent the crimes with guns.

You are also on the side of the assholes that want to do away with our Constitutional Liberties. That is despicable.

Except all these other countries are not the US. They don't have tens of millions of ghetto Blacks that commit most of the crimes with firearms, tens of million of illegals and the drug infiltration that we do. That is where most of the gun crime comes from and no gun control law in the world is going to change that. You live in a Moon Bat fantasy world if you think for one second another stupid gun law is going to change anything.

Actually, most gun crimes are white trailer trash shooting each other over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

In addition to that these other countries are not a Constitutional Republic with a Bill of Rights that guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.

So what? Frankly, I'm not sure why we are still working with a flawed, 200 year old constitution when most civilized countries update their every few decades.

You are simply on the wrong side of this issue. Typical for a Moon Bat that is usually on the wrong side of everything. You are on the side of the stupid people that think that passing a law will somehow prevent the crime we see in the inner cities like Chicago where it is already illegal to have a firearm but does nothing to prevent the crimes with guns.

First, it's not illegal to own a firearm in Chicago.

Secondly a gun law in a city is meaningless if the next town over, anything goes.

I'm on the side that looks at dead school kids and dead cops and says, "Enough".

Your on the side that doesn't care who dies as long as you can compensate for a tiny dick.
The Second Amendment was ratified to preserve slavery

The real reason the Second Amendment was ratified, and why it says “State” instead of “Country” (the Framers knew the difference – see the 10th Amendment), was to preserve the slave patrol militias in the southern states, which was necessary to get Virginia’s vote. Founders Patrick Henry, George Mason, and James Madison were totally clear on that . . . and we all should be too.

In the beginning, there were the militias. In the South, they were also called the “slave patrols,” and they were regulated by the states.

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